Deramaxx Killed My Best Friend

This is a hard post to write. And it’s going to be a hard post to read. But please read it. And tell your friends to read it. And help spread the word so this doesn’t happen to anyone else.

On November 10, 2010 I took Holly, my McNab (border collie mix), to see the vet for a limp she’d developed a couple of days earlier. We’d been playing fetch, as we did every night while the kids brushed their teeth. Part of the bedtime routine. She landed funny on one leg while catching the ball and after that began limping. We were heading to California for a quick vacation and decided she needed to be seen to be sure it was going to be okay to board her while we were gone.

The vet — someone we’ve trusted for years and who has literally saved two of our pets’ lives in the last two years — checked her out and prescribed a medication called Deramaxx. He said it was an anti-inflammatory which would help her limp. Because we trusted him, we gave Holly the medicine, no questions asked. He also put her on a diet dog food to help shed some extra pounds so she wouldn’t be carrying around extra weight. Made sense.

The following week, Holly continued to limp and become wobbly. We also noticed she had very bad breath. Still she was eating and wanting to play. However, she was less reluctant to run after the ball when we were playing, or she’d let our other dog, Hannah, get the ball for her. We continued to give her the Deramaxx, hoping it was going to help with this limping and wobbling problem.

Around midnight on November 23 — the Tuesday before Thanksgiving — our cat, Henry, developed a block in his urinary tract, and I took him to the emergency clinic. This was the second time Henry had blocked up — he has FLUTD — so I knew the signs to look for. The doctor at the emergency clinic was unable to unblock him, so on Wednesday, we transferred him to our regular vet, who performed emergency surgery, called perineal urethrostomy. It saved Henry’s life. On Thanksgiving night, the vet called me to say Henry could come home to recover, and gave us instructions for his aftercare. This event was unexpected and had me very anxious, taking care of a sick cat. He had most of my attention during this time.

On Friday, when the vet called to see how Henry was recovering, I mentioned to him that Holly, our dog on Deramaxx, wasn’t eating. The vet suggested she might not like her diet dog food (which she’d been scarfing up like crazy until this point), and that we should mix in some of her regular food. We did and she ate some, but not much.

Over the weekend, she grew wobblier and weaker. She slept a lot. She didn’t want to eat. She had diarrhea. We’d entice her with roast beef and other temptations and she’d eat them reluctantly.

It was over this weekend, I googled “Dermaxx side effects” and found this list of symptoms:

  • kidney damage or failure – change in water intake, increased urination, changes in urine odor
  • gastrointestinal ulcers/GI disorders – loss of appetite, vomiting, dark of bloody stool, diarrhea, constipation
  • liver damage or failure – jaundice-yellowing eyes, skin or gums
  • high blood pressure
  • lack of coordination
  • behavioral changes – restlessness, lethargy
  • allergic reaction – scratching, facial swelling, seizures, sudden vomiting or diarrhea, shock

At this point, she had lack of coordination, diarrhea, lethargy and loss of appetite.

On Monday, November 29, I called my vet and made an appointment to see Holly. She could barely get in and out of the car. She couldn’t hold her legs up strong enough to stand on tile. Whenever she wasn’t moving, she’d just lay down because it was easier.

The vet took a blood sample to run tests. I asked him if it was possible the Deramaxx was causing these problems. I told him I’d read some of her symptoms as side effects on the internet. He said no, it wasn’t the Deramaxx. He’d given it to lots of dogs over the years and never had any problems with it or seen symptoms like this in his patients.

I trusted him. We continued to give her the Deramaxx.

I wish I had listened to my gut instinct instead. But by then it was probably already too late.

My last good memory of Holly was Monday night. Even though she was weak and didn’t want to eat, she still brought me a toy to play. I didn’t want to hurt her, so we’d just pass it back and forth to each other. Her sweet face still had that, “Come on, Mom, throw it” look. And when I wouldn’t throw the toy, she’d make a little yip noise at me, as she always did when she wanted to play. We played as best we could that night until bedtime.

Tuesday morning, I let her out to do her business. She was unable to walk back inside. I had to help her walk back into the house. She got inside and immediately lay down and slept with her legs stretched way out straight, which was something I’d never seen her do before. She threw up the previous night’s dinner. I was crying over her when the phone rang. It was the vet with the blood test results.

He said she had kidney failure and hypothyroid. He said her cholesterol was very high, and said sometimes cholesterol could act like clots in the bloodstream. I asked him if he thought she’d suffered something like a stroke, and he said perhaps. He said we had to start giving her fluids and the same kidney supplements we’d been giving our cat (with much success). I told him I wanted to bring her down for him to see her. He agreed he’d keep her for the day and get her on fluids to help her kidneys.

I could barely get her into the car.

I could barely get her out of the car.

She couldn’t walk on the vet’s tile floor. The assistant and I had to carry her back to the kennel, where I scratched her ears and told her I loved her. She couldn’t get comfortable in the kennel. She wanted to stretch her legs out.

The vet was in surgery when I’d arrived, so I didn’t get to talk to him, only with the nurse. Crying, I told her I to tell the vet that I thought the Deramaxx had poisoned Holly. She said she would tell him.

I went home and googled hypothyroidism. I read the list of symptoms:

  • lethargy, mental dullness
  • hair loss
  • weight gain
  • dry hair coat, excessive shedding
  • hyperpigmentation of the skin
  • cold intolerance
  • slow heart rate
  • high blood cholesterol
  • anemia

OK, I thought, she has hypothyroidism. The vet will get her going on thyroxine and we’ll get her kidneys back up to par like we did with the cat and all will be good again.

The vet called that afternoon and said Holly wasn’t responding like he’d hoped. He said she’d been unable to get comfortable all day. He said she’d been nauseous, so they gave her an intravenous anti-nausea medicine to settle her stomach. He’d done a chest cavity x-ray and saw nothing unusual. He did an ultrasound and found that fluid was collecting in her abdomen. He suspected she had some kind of tumor activity going on that he wasn’t able to see with his x-rays and ultrasound. He made an appointment with an ultrasound specialist for the next morning, and he asked us to take her home and gave us some pain medication to help keep her comfortable. He made a point of showing us her liver numbers on the blood work and insisted this had nothing to do with the Deramaxx. He said she wasn’t showing the symptoms of his regular kidney and thyroid patients. That this was “something else”.

Holly didn’t make it through the night.

We brought home a very, very sick dog. She was bloated and breathing hard unable to get any comfort. We laid her down on a blanket in the living room, told the kids to kiss her goodnight and sent them to bed. My husband and I stayed with Holly all night, listening as her whimpers turned to cries of pain and watching her stretch her legs out and her head back trying to get comfort.

We made a couple of calls to the emergency clinic. We explained the situation, that we had an appointment with a specialist in the morning, but that she was gravely ill. The staff at the emergency clinic said they wouldn’t be able to do much more than the kind of ultrasound our vet had performed. We asked if they thought it sounded like tumor activity, and they said without seeing her they couldn’t know for sure, but that it was a possibility.

We didn’t know what to do, because we didn’t know what we were dealing with. Looking back now, it makes perfect sense, but in the moment, we just wanted her to be well, and we wanted to hold out hope for this specialist in the morning. But it was SO GOD AWFUL listening to her cry out in pain. I can’t even put it into word. The worst sound IN THE WORLD.

Around 3am, Wednesday morning, Holly began vomiting blood. And that was when we knew what had to be done.

My husband took her to the emergency clinic. They immediately administered pain meds and put Holly to sleep. They said we’d made the right decision, that there was no saving her.

Our sweet girl — who up to this point had been a vigorous, beautiful, healthy dog — died of internal bleeding.

When my husband returned home, we sat together and cried and told each other our favorite stories about our Holly.

When the kids woke up an hour or so later, we had to tell them the devastating news.

Later the next morning, our vet called to tell us he was sorry that we’d had to have Holly put down, and that if he’d known how grave she was that he would never have sent her home. He said he suspected an undiagnosed tumor had ruptured or “something put pressure on something until it gave” and caused the bleeding.

I still believed him. Until I googled “Deramaxx deaths”.

And that’s when I read these stories:

I also found a letter from Novartis — the makers of Deramaxx — to veterinarians, explaining their take on potential adverse reactions to Deramaxx. In their eyes, this drug is safe.

And finally I found this story about Abby and explained the dangers of Deramaxx.

I am 100% convinced our Holly developed gastric ulcers from taking Deramaxx, and like Abby in the link above, developed a perforation in her abdomen which caused her internal bleeding and her death.

I am compiling this information to give to the vet in hopes he’ll see the truth and not let this happen to any of his other patients or their families.

We are devastated. We are in shock. We miss Holly. We don’t know how to grieve her untimely and UNNECESSARY death.

On November 10, she had a limp. On December 1, she was dead. Because of a medication she didn’t even need to be on.

Here is the last picture I took of Holly, the Saturday before she died. She and her sister Hannah were laying in the shade outside. It was her last “good” day.

We didn’t realize it was ours, too.

If you are a dog owner or know any dog owners, please pass this information along to them. Please trust your instincts. Please research any medications you give to your pets.

I wish we had. I wish we’d known. I wish Holly was still alive. She didn’t deserve this. No animal does.

UPDATE December 2010: Saturday, December 4, we talked with the vet. We presented him all of the information we’d found on the internet regarding the dangers of Deramaxx and all of the memorial stories we’d found of dogs who’d died from Deramaxx complications. We told him we were 100% convinced this drug killed Holly. He said the very words we’d wanted to say to him: that while he may have never seen these adverse reactions before in his patients, Holly could be the first case and “one case is too many”. He told us he would read through the information we provided, would contact the drug rep and the manufacturer and would be in contact with us. He showed humility in our exchange. The encounter went much better than I thought it would. I feel like I’ve done what I can, and hopefully this won’t happen to any of his other patients. Maybe I can start moving forward now, and focus on the joy and love Holly brought to our lives.

UPDATE June 2015: Here is an article that explains the science behind the adverse reaction dogs experience with Deramaxx. This is exactly what happened to Holly.

705 Comments Add yours

    1. Kim says:

      Hi Amy I wish I had read your article before we put our labrador on Deramaxx. She is now in renal failure because of Deramaxx. My gut told me NOT to put her on Deramaxx and within two weeks she went into kidney failure. She has been in the hospital twice since her first on-set September 6, 2013 and she only has a few weeks to a couple of months left. I am cooking her food and she is receiving acupuncture to increase her appetite. I cry everyday to think that I didn’t listen to my gut and not give her Deramaxx and now her life is coming to an end.

      1. K. Hamilton says:

        My 4 year old Bearded Collie, Rascal, was given Deramaxx for pain in his hind leg. He took just four doses and then showed additional pain in his hind quarters, severe vomiting and diarrhea. We immediately stopped the Deramaxx and consulted with his vet. The vet treated it as gastroenteritis, stating it must be coincidental to his previous injury. Rascal kept getting worse and he was referred to emergency care. I kept telling the vets that he was healthy before the injured leg and the treatment for that. It never occurred to me that he would be prescribed something unsafe. He was hospitalized and further subjected to many blood tests, x-rays, ultrasounds, some of which required sedation, as we tried to find out the cause of his illness. The vomiting gave way to regurgitation and severe inflammation of his esophagus. He then started showing severe pain in his spine and neck and the specialist he was seeing wanted to sedate him and perform an MRI and spinal tap for meningitis. I put a stop to it. I did not think he would make it through the test. It was heart-breaking to see how he was suffering and we were too. I asked the vet how he would be treated for meningitis and was told with antibiotics and steroids. I am not a fan of steroids but they really helped another dog I had without issues. We requested he be treated with steroids and continue on antibiotics. I am happy to say he is back to his old self. On another note: I just received a letter of from a Novartis Vet (Novartis manufactures Deramaxx) offering us some reimbursement for some of the tests. This whole ordeal was extremely costly and put us in debt. Their “offer” was less than 1/3 of what we paid. I’m furious on so many levels about this. I’m not sure how to respond to them. But I’m mostly thankful to have my Rascal back.

      2. I’m so glad you still have Rascal, too! What an amazing recovery. As I was reading your comment I thought it was going to have a very sad (and all too familiar) ending. Wow, I’m really surprised — and happy — to hear how his situation turned out. Thank you for posting and sharing Rascal’s experience here. As awful and heartbreaking as it is, others will find it helpful, both as a warning and also the useful information about steroids to help with the inflammation caused by the deramaxx. I hadn’t heard of that treatment option before. I’ve also never heard of Novartis reimbursing expenses. That’s very interesting. I am so sorry you and your dog went through this. I’m not sure that anger ever goes away. But I’m so relieved and thankful you still have Rascal, and I wish you both long, healthy and happy lives.

      3. Laura says:

        Wow, what an ordeal for Rascal. I, too, thought it wasn’t going to end well. So happy after all he went through that he is back to his old self. Rascal is lucky to have such caring owners. So sorry it has put you in debt all because all that horrible Deramaxx medication. But, at least, Rascal was one of the fortunate ones who didn’t die from it. All the best to Rascal.

      4. I am sorry to hear of your loss of your companion and the expense you went through to wind up in arrears.
        as a person that has personally lost 3 dogs to that damned drug, I believe we all need to ask the question “Who is really responsible”. President ”Tricky Dick Nixon” signed into law in 1972 The Drug Control Act of 1972″ In a claimed attempt to save people from themselves! As you should well know, no one can save a person bent on self-destruction from destroying themselves! in reality, the law was really another power grab to make the people slaves to an ever more powerful Central Government in a once free Country. Just look at today. We borrow money from a consortium of bankers called The Federal Reserve which isn’t any more a part of our Central Government than White Cloud Toilet Paper is. This unconstitutional idea was cooked up in a meeting on Jekyl Island, Georgia. We have let our leaders convince us to trade liberty for safety which is impossible! I bet you are wondering what the above has to do with Duramaxx, so let me explain.

        The drug industry was made to produce non narcotic drugs which are called N.S.A.I.D.s. Aleve is a classic example of an N.S.A.I.D.. Aspirin is often called the King of the N.I.S.A.I.D.s due to it being the first of the family that was discovered many centuries ago. N.S.A.I.D.s ARE NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME! If your vet did not set your dog up for blood tests when the Duramaxx was prescribed there may be some question of malpractice as N.S.A.I.D.s usually cause damage to the stomach, intestines, kidneys, and liver. This requires a constant monitoring of the system to check for damage to these vital organs through blood tests. All Vets are knowledgeable about this unless they printed their own diplomas!

        The bottom line is that both humans and animals manufacturer their own pain relieving drugs. Usually that is morphine. When the body is injured the brain releases morphine and other pain relieving chemicals to take care of the injury. Runners and other atheletes get a release of these chemicals when they are undergoing a heavy activity. Most people know of it as “second wind”. It is used in animals and people when they think they are in danger. As we can only manufacturer so much a prolonged injury requires more natural chemicals than the body can manufacturer. It is simple commom sense to supplement the body with the very chemicals that are natural but the drug laws prevent this. If doctors and people had risen up to stop these power hungry politicians from passing laws that take our rights and just provide our country with a National Defense as prescribed in the U.S. Constitution, and not created totally Unconstitutional Cabinent posts our dogs might well be alive, today! Sadly, it sure doesn’t seem like the Citizens have the backbone nor taken the time to read their State and the U.S. Constitution. If we acted like our forefathers these weasels would never have been allowed to take our Rights as they have. As you can see they have screwed up the Federal and State systems to a point that we may perish as the Greatest Country in the World. I can only hope that it isn’t too late and our back cartilage turns into bone, once again.

        If you or a loved one are prescribed a drug, research it before ingesting. Don’t trust anyone!

      5. Darrell, I’m sorry you’ve been through such terrible ordeals with medications, and that you lost dogs to Deramaxx, too. I don’t know what to say about the political aspects of this issue. I know there’s big money in big pharma. Hopefully the stories and advice shared here are helping make people aware of the possible dangers in these medications we trust so quickly. Thank you for sharing yours.

      6. Thank you Amy,

        As a man of 65 years of age I believe that you can understand that a piece of your heart is taken when you lose your best friend. When a vet does not disclose all of the facts and warning signs that must be given with every prescription, that unnecessarily premature death is much worse. Sadly it happens every day to hundreds of people..

        When I got totally conflicting reasons for the same outcome on my dogs I became very angry and began to study the excuses, not really reasons, that the vets gave. Having a background in human pain medicine, I had access to studies and articles that were not meant for the general public. After reading just a few, they made me sick! One article would promote the terrible side effects of N.S.A.I.D.s, while another would promote the profit opportunities that came with the dispensing of N.S.A.I.D.s. I confronted the vets in question and showed them the articles and tests. The results were simple. After some of the lame answers I never went back to that vet again and told every canine owner about the damage that Deramaxx had done to my companions. I found that this really did no good as people in general wanted to believe their vet and were too busy (lazy) to research the drugs that were given to the people they loved,, much less, their pets!

        I think that the only way to to even put a dent in the over prescribing of deadly drugs is NOT to have prescriptions, period. Both doctors and vets are fully aware that prescriptions are the main reason that people come to see them. People are are programmed from birth that only doctors or medical techs can stitch up a slight tear or cut, draw blood for testing, usually outside the office or dispense drugs. I once ask a Medical teacher why it should be necessary for doctors to prevent civilians from dispensing drugs of any kind and instead just go to the doctor for expert advice. I was harshly told that doctors would go broke if anyone could buy what they wanted and with the Drug Law, we were saving people from themselves. I found it humorous that anyone could possibly think that it was possible to save anyone from them self.The real truth was found in the first answer of profit! Sadly, our laws have us learning disinformation to justify many beliefs. People that abuse drugs, alcohol, or any other mind altering drug is in a class called .a person with an Addictive Personality. They are in a small minority that wanted to escape reality and only a small percentage of these people can be saved in today’s medical world. It certainly shouldn’t be used as an excuse to punish the vast majority.

        Those of us who are fortunate to own computers can look up everything about drugs and their interactions with other drugs as any doctor or vet and it is my strongest advise that we do so. Living in a world of misinformation and disinformation, it becomes a necessity.

        Amy, your keeping this web up has probably saved a very large number of animals. You should be very proud of yourself as you have contributed to the education of those people who are willing to learn and care enough about their companions to research the drugs they are giving them..

        Thank you again,Amy!

      7. Thank you, Darrell. I hope so. And thanks for your help as well.

      8. Pat says:

        Kim, I am really sorry for what you and your best friend are going through. At the beginning of March 2014 my lab – coonhound mix was prescribed Deramaxx due to a limp in his hind leg. After just 3 doses, he was vomiting uncontrollably even after trying to drink water. My husband and I spent the night at an emergency vet clinic where he was given a shot to settle his stomach and I was sent home with 3 tablets to give him over the next 3 days to ensure his stomach would stay settled. I immediately discontinued the Deramaxx but the damage was done. He continued to go downhill and within 3 weeks was dead. Luckily I was with him when he died in my arms, but I know Deramaxx started his downward curve. He was only
        6 1/2 years old and had been healthy till then.

        I know time heals the heart, but his personality was huge and there is an emptiness in our home that is every bit as huge as his personality. I wish you peace of mind and heart as you mourn the fate of your sweet girl.


      9. Pat, I’m so sorry. His story sounds much like Holly’s. Same age and everything. 😦 Time does help, but I’ve come to accept there’s a wound there that won’t ever fully heal. I’m so sorry you and your husband are going through this, too. Wishing you peace.

      10. Hi Kim. I apologize for an extremely overdue response to your comment. 😦 And I’m sorry your lab had a bad reaction to Deramaxx. I wonder how she is, if she was able to recover, and if the acupuncture helped. I know how you feel, wishing you’d listened to your gut. I feel that way, too. I”m sure many people who have dealt with this drug do, too. It’s a terrible feeling. I’m so sorry. 😦

      11. Amy says:

        K. Hamilton. I am going to request that for my dog. She only took this horrific drug for 3-4 days before I stopped giving it to her. She is so lethargic and will not eat. I am feeding her with a syringe full of baby rice cereal. She hasn’t vomited in a week and doesn’t have diarrhea, but she is so thin and has no energy. She is a 7 year old lab who still acted like a puppy before this. I am so devastated by finding out that this drug did this to her. The vet has given her two rounds of sub q fluids and antibiotics and told me it causes gastro upset and I should give her an antacid. BULL!! None of that is helping. I will try as a last resort to save her to put her on antibiotics and steroids. I am so sad that she may die at the hands of the people that are supposed to heal her.

      12. I’m sorry! Have they checked her abdominal cavity for bleeds? And her liver and kidney levels? You can get milk thistle at health food stores. I’m not sure the dosage, so be sure to check that. I hope your dog can be saved!

      13. Larry birch says:

        What dosage were these dogs on daily? Did anyone discontinue using dermaxx then. In a couple weeks try it again in smaller doses?

      14. Larry, we didn’t do that with Holly. It’s been so long now I’m not sure I remember the dosage we gave her. It was 25mg once daily.

      15. Jan says:

        Does anyone know what can be given for knee pain. My Terrior mix Zoe (10y) has been on Deramaxx for 2 months now. I was just trying to save up for her second knee surgery and thought this would buy me some time. Also, can you just stop giving it or do you have to wein them off. I don’t know what to do now. Is there anything out there that’s safe to give for pain? Any suggestions would be much appreciated….

      16. Hi Jan. You shouldnt need to wean her off Deramaxx. It’s my understanding you can just stop. I’m curious if your vet has monitored her while she’s been on it, or if she’s also taking a pepcid-type medication to protect her stomach. Two months is a long time. If she hasn’t bern monitored, you might want to have her liver and kidney function checked. Also, some dogs do benefit from the medication, which may be the case with Zoe. If her numbers are good, her stomach is protected, and she is helped by the med, maybe it’s wirthwhile keeping her on it. Despite ehat happened to Holly, it’s something to consider. Every dog is different. As for alternatives, the only medication I know of is Rimadyl, which also carries risk. Supplement-wise, there’s glucosamine and condroitin. And therapies include acupuncture and hydrotherapy. I don’t know if any of those would be beneficial to Zoe, but worth checking out. Defibitely get her liver enzymes checked, though, to make she’s not reacting to the Deramaxx. Wishing her the best!

      17. Vstarguy says:

        I’m an animal lover too and your post was most moving to experience and my sympathy goes out to you, your husband and your kids. I have 3 dogs, two Belgian Shepherds, one Bichon and a cat. Currently the Bichon is on Deramaxx prescribed by my long standing veterinarian whom I trust completely for arthritic or trauma in her lower back. I’m going to continue using the Deramaxx because I believe in your case Holly succumbed to something other than Deramaxx. I believe that because I’ve given my dogs Deramaxx in the past and suffered no negative results. That, in no way means your feelings about Deramaxx are unfounded.
        It means Deramaxx had a negative effect on your beloved Holly. If you like I can keep you posted as to how
        LollyPup, my Bichon improves.

      18. Vstarguy wrote:
        “I’m an animal lover too and your post was most moving to experience and my sympathy goes out to you, your husband and your kids. I have 3 dogs, two Belgian Shepherds, one Bichon and a cat. Currently the Bichon is on Deramaxx prescribed by my long standing veterinarian whom I trust completely for arthritic or trauma in her lower back. I’m going to continue using the Deramaxx because I believe in your case Holly succumbed to something other than Deramaxx. I believe that because I’ve given my dogs Deramaxx in the past and suffered no negative results. That, in no way means your feelings about Deramaxx are unfounded.
        It means Deramaxx had a negative effect on your beloved Holly. If you like I can keep you posted as to how
        LollyPup, my Bichon improves.”

        Oh, well, thank you so much for telling me what you BELIEVE.

        Here’s what I KNOW: you are wrong.

        Holly was perfectly healthy. She pulled a muscle (I was playing fetch with her when it happened), she was prescribed Deramaxx, and in a matter of days, she bled out on my living room floor. SHE BLED OUT ON MY LIVING ROOM FLOOR. Have you ever experienced that? Have you watched your dog suffer while you wait for a morning appointment with a specialist to do an ultrasound to find out why her thorax is suddenly so full of fluid, only to realize at 3am the fluid is blood and she can’t keep any more inside so it’s coming out on your floor and there’s no saving her? And then, in the quiet, after you’ve had to put her out of her misery, have you searched the web only to find out that Deramaxx causes duodenal ulcers that cause internal bleeding, and realize that’s what killed her, and that your vet would have known this if he’d read the literature and followed protocol or at least listened to your concerns? But it’s too late now, because you’ve given your dog poison in the form of medication she didn’t even need and now she’s dead? Have you experienced that kind of grief and guilt? No? Then maybe you should THINK before submitting such a smug and self-satisfied comment in response to my post and my pain.

        You’re lucky Deramaxx is working for your dog. It does for some. For others, it’s poison, particularly working breeds, such as Holly. Read up on it. Did you know there was a class action lawsuit against Novartis because of the number of dogs dying from Deramaxx? Do you remember people dying from Vioxx? This is essentially the same medication. Google it. Better yet, here’s the link: You probably won’t read it, though, since you already have everything figured out, and since it hasn’t happened to you then clearly it can’t happen to anyone else.

        Did I mention the vet I go to now doesn’t prescribe Deramaxx? Do you know why? Because he lost a dog to it, too. I suppose you believe he’s wrong, too?

        Despite your niceties, you obviously lack sympathy for me and the others here who have had dogs die untimely and needless deaths due to this medication. I decided to approve your comment as an example of the kinds of responses we face when we take our dogs in for help and are told it can’t possibly be Deramaxx making them sick, wobbly, and dead.

        I wish your dog good health and a long life. That said, I won’t be approving any more of your comments.

        “A prerequisite to empathy is simply paying attention to the person in pain.”
        Daniel Goleman

      19. Janet Lovett says:

        Amy, Thank you for responding to vstarguys comments. You are so much better expressing your thoughts and feelings than I am. I was totally floored by his comments. I hope he never has to experience the pain that all of the people here have felt. It is something that you never get over. Many people here know what you have gone through and we are very sorry for your loss.

      20. Thank you, Janet. I hope he doesn’t experience what we have either. I wouldn’t wish that kind of pain on anyone.

      21. J.Webster says:

        I had a mountain cur named Dan I raised like my own kid he slept with me aye what I ate and when we moved I had to put him in a pin untill we moved in and he got kennel cough the vet prescribed doxycycline and he got better then got worse but would still eat and I thought he would get better but I woke up and his breathing was short and I walked into my room and saw him laying on the floor he just lost control of his bladder and mouth was cold and I hoped in the car and rushed him to the vet he was put on oxygen and his heart stopped they gave him cpr and he came back threw up blood and die and the lady at the front desk wouldn’t let me be with him in his last moment

      22. That is awful. I’m so sorry. 😦

    2. Laura says:

      I am so sorry about Holly. You can add our dog Allie to the list who died from Deramaxx. It happened in 2011. I am still very much bothered by it. She had trouble going upstairs, so the vet prescribed Deramaxx. Just 3 days later, she was bleeding from her intestines. All the internal bleeding must’ve triggered a stroke and she died. It was so needless. I think of how much she suffered and it makes me so angry. I told my vet that I believed it was the Deramaxx. He thinks it was just a coincidence. No way! Our dogs never should’ve died that way.

      1. Hi Laura. I’m so sorry this happened to your dog, too. I know how you feel, especially about still being bothered by it. I think that’s the nature of injustice. Our dogs shouldn’t have died this way. Thank you for posting your story here for others to read. There’s something about knowing you’re helping others, warning them to be cautious, that makes the pain hurt a little less.

      2. Sharon says:

        I just picked my furbaby up from a surgical procedure and the vet sent me home with 3 ( broken in half) 25 mg of Duramaxx for Chloe’s pain, and I decided to Google it to see what he is giving her.I am now totally petrified to give her any of this medicine. The vet already pulled 3 of her teeth without consent from me or my boyfriend after being told not to.I don’t think the vet cares what happens to her just the almighty dollar! What else can a small jack Russell be given for pain from being spade and unplanned teeth extractions. She is 6 years old and weighs 14.2 pounds. So glad I checked this first, she will absolutely not be taking this medication!

      3. Hi Sharon. My apologies. Travel prevented me from approving your comment sooner. It sounds like Chloe’s been through a lot! How is she doing? For pain, I’ve given my dogs Tramadol, and haven’t had problems, but I’ve only given it for a limited time. I hope by now Chloe’s pain has eased. Are you able to see another vet? I don’t think I could return to a vet after an experience like that. I’m so sorry. I hope Chloe is recovering well!

      4. robbie tucker says:

        I dont like this medicine i had to put my dog down to day he started taking it saturday and gone wensday i wish i had known better i sure dont wont any one to ever use deramaxx on there pet please nust dont use it!!!! 6-22-16

      5. I’m so sorry this happened to you, too. I wish it had met happened to any of us. Thank you for adding your voice here. It doesn’t take the pain away, but it does help warn others. Wishing you peace.

      6. PAMELA MARCUS says:

        I am so very sorry. Words will not make you feel any better. Just know you did what you thought was good and helping your baby. I made the same mistake. I found this information too late. I hope you find peace,

      7. Thank you, Pamela. I’m sorry it happened to you, too. Wishing you peace as well.

      8. Christina says:

        I believe my 1 1/2 yr old, perfectly healthy australian shepherd died bc of Deramaxx just a couple of days ago. I took her to the vet bc she had a cut on her paw that needed to be sewn up, she had also been stung a few times by bees but wasn’t having any serious reaction. The vet told me she needed to stay overnight so she could sew her up (it was already 4pm), so I left her there. I had NO idea she was even going to give Dixie Deramaxx!! I got a call the next morning telling me that my dog had died! I was shocked!!!! I left her overnight in their care just to get her paw sewn up, she was fine when I left her and the next morning the vet tells me that she was dead in her kennel with bloody vomit and bloody diarrhea everywhere! The vet didn’t even tell me she gave her Deramaxx at first, she said they only gave her Benadryl. Later when I went to pick up her body she said she had forgotten to tell me they gave her Deramaxx too. I went home and looked Deramaxx up online and found many stories of dogs dying and found that some dogs had serious reactions to Deramaxx and had bloody vomit and diarrhea. I called the vet to ask her about the Deramaxx and share what I had learned and all she said was that she’s used it for 15 yrs and never had a problem. She told me not to believe everything you read online. She thinks Dixie died from a delayed reaction to the bee stings!!! How does that explain the bloody vomit and diarrhea!??? Dixie never had any bloody diarrhea or vomit before I took her to the vet and she acted fine, not in pain or anything. I can’t believe the vet gave Deramaxx to my dog without even asking me!!!! I wish I had never taken her there, I feel responsible for her death, she was the sweetest dog ever, she deserved so much better!

      9. Wow. I am floored that the vet didn’t even inform you or get permission before giving the medication! I would report her to whatever certification board licenses vets in your state. That is reprehensible. My guess based on what you wrote is that it was the Deramaxx. It eats a hole in the duodenum. Shepherd breeds have a higher likelihood of lacking the gene that allows them to metabolize the medication correctly. That vet said the same things my bet said. “Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet.” Makes me so angry! Christina, I am so sorry this happened to your dog. I would pursue getting that vet’s license revoked or something based on negligent and unapproved care. Unbelievable.

      10. PAMELA MARCUS says:

        I am so sorry for everyones loss. It has been 8 months since my Ella died. I am having a horrible time managing and moving on. I urge everyone to take the time to report what happened to your pet to the company. The more people who report it, hopefully Deramaxx will get pulled from the market. Have your vets send in the reports and all the medical information. I did it hoping to help save another pet for not going through what Ella suffered for. Hugs to everyone.

      11. That’s a good reminder, Pamela. Thank you. And I’m sorry for your loss. 😞

    3. Kevin says:

      Thanks for the info, I can feel your pain. I’m taking Chester off them now…. He is a 12 year old Golden Retriever, and I have Madison and Ginger both 6 they will NEVER be on these pills…. Holly is a sweet dog so sorry for the loss, thank you for this info…Kevin James West Constance Bay Ontario

      1. Penny says:

        On Friday December 7 2014, my dog went to the vet as she had sore ears and she hurt her paw so the vet put Shelby our sheltie on dermaxx one half for five days I gave her the one half on Friday night and not to long after she was not herself on Saturday morning I gave her another one and again after the pill she was not herself she started panting more than she does and would not eat so I sad to my husband im not going to give her those pills any more all sunday she had the poos all night and the smell would make you sick so I gave her machine that I had hear from Doctor Goodpet for the poos and in the morning gave her a little food as she wanted to eat here hoping that she comes back if I had not read the reviews on line I may not of had my Shelby this morning

    4. Joan says:

      My 11 1/2 y/o golden has been crippled since birth, and has developed severe arthritis which has decreased his mobility. My vet, whom I have trusted implicitly over the years, put him on Deramaxx. After months of being on it, and me stupidly not putting two and two together with gradual loss of appetite and increased drinking and urination, I finally took him in and his renal and liver functions are elevated. So the damage is done…whether or not he will level out now that he is off of it remains to be seen. I am furious, both that this drug is used so indiscriminately (can’t imagine it doesn’t do the same thing to humans) and that he wasn’t getting serial blood checks. I’m so sorry for your loss, and for all unnecessary deaths and illness due to the poisons produced by these medications.

      1. I’m sorry, Joan. 😦 What did your vet say about the levels? Did he offer any suggestions for trying to reverse the damage? A previous commenter here (Chet) used milk thistle to help her dog who had liver problems from Deramaxx. Here is a link with info: . I hope and pray your dog makes a full recovery! Thank you for sharing his story here. It helps. And thank you for your kind words.

      2. I am not a lawyer (nor would I like to be one of them) but it would seem that you have a very clear case of malpractice against that “trusted vet” if that vet did not tell you to have follow up blood tests! I have done some Pro Se litigating and have won. It is not all that hard to be a lawyer. Like doctors, lawyers try to hide information and computer filings from the public. Both doctors and lawyers use a dead language called Latin to try and confuse you and make you think you need them. I have lost three dogs to that deadly N.S.A.I.D., Deramaxx but it wasn’t until the third dog that learned how much harm N.S.A.I.D.s can do to mammals!

        You definitely need to get other opinions from other vets. You don’t have to spend any money, just call several vets and tell the person that answers if they prescribe Deramaxx. I am betting in every case the answer is yes. Ask them if there is blood work involved and how often. The answers you will receive should make up your mind on your next move. Always look up any drug any one you love takes to find out the side effects and only trust yourself and close family.and ALWAYS read any information that comes with a drug!

        Please remember, if you let people get away with hurting your best friend, they will continue to hurt others. Please write Amy to thank her for financing this site as she is doing a great deed by exposing the poisons that are given to people and pets I am very sorry that you had to join this club. We must all try to spread the word and maybe save others from this heartache.. .

    5. Carol Slaten says:

      Rimadyl killed my sheltie which is in the same class as Dermaxx. He vomited blood for days before his death. Vet would not believe that Rimadyl was the cause. This vet did nothing to help him. Said he was “scared.” This vet also let another one of my dogs die. Long story that I don’t want to tell. In any event people need to know what these anti-inflammatories do to our dogs. They took the shit off of the market for humans due to serious side effects and then gave it to the vets for our animals. All comes down to Big Pharma continuing to poison us and making money at doing it. Did you know that Coumadin, a blood thinner is actually arsenic. Did you know that you can safely take vitamin E and have the same blood thinning effects that you are trying to get with taking Coumadin? But taking vitamin E is not a part of the doctor’s protocol. Don’t think you have to do exactly what the doctor is telling you. Ask questions about your health care and you pet’s health care treatments. Ask for safer alternatives.

      1. Carol, thank you for your bold statements and for sharing your story and experience. I’m sorry you had that experience with Rimadyl. I’ve heard of other dogs being affected by it, but we only ever had experience with Deramaxx. You’re so right about them taking it off the market for humans but not caring about animals. I’ve been trying to get someone to look into the matter, but no one wants to touch it. I’m glad the information is here, at least. Thank you for adding your voice. My sympathies for the loss of your dog. 😦

      2. Lisa Nowak says:

        Amy, I just read your reply to Carol, stating that you’re trying to get someone to look into this matter. Have you thought of using one of the petition generating websites to gain public support in this matter? I frequently get notifications from several, and I’ve seen many issues resolved due to the power of these petitions.

        Here are the websites:
        Credo Action:
        Care 2 Petition Site:

        You can look around a bit on these sites to see how other people have approached it. I’ve seen big companies cave due to the awareness generated by these petitions. If you decide to start one, please post a link here so all those who have commented can sign it.

      3. Lisa, thank you for this. I hadn’t even considered a petition. I’m definitely think it’s worth a try. I’ll post links and information when I get it set up. ❤

    6. Adrienne says:

      Amy, I just came across your post when I was researching hypothyroidism in dogs. My heart goes out to you on the loss of your beloved Holly! I have tears for you and know how much our dogs mean to us! They are our family,our babies, and we will do everything to help them when they are not acting just right! Tara, our 12 year old Bearded Collie was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I am concerned with the dosage that she is on…I have thypothyroidism and she is on a much stronger dose than I am on. I know that she is a dog and there is a difference in drugs but I am trying to learn as much as I can to make sure that she is getting the right treatment,etc. We go back to her vet in a month to recheck her blood count,T4 to make sure that her cholesterol has gone down and she is on the right dosage. She is on Thyro Vet, 0.5 mg twice a day. I hope that the love that you had for Holly has doubled for Hannah. Again,I am so sorry that you had to lose Holly in such a tragic way and that everyone who sees your post will follow their gut and question the drugs that their animals are given the same way that they question their own Doctors!

      1. Thank you, Adrienne! I really appreciate your kind comments. It’s true, our dogs are part of our family and we love them as such. Unfortunately, we recently lost Hannah to what appears to have been a pancreatic tumor. We miss her. 😦 I’m sorry to hear your Tara has hypothyroidism. Hopefully the dosage of her medication is correct and helping. You’re such a good companion to her, researching the medications you give her and the treatments she receives. I’m wishing you both all the best. Thank you for reaching out.

      2. Amy,
        I am so pleased that you have posted warnings about Deramaxx, unfortunately we read them too late. Our beloved 9 yr old yellow lab, Bert, went in for routine knee surgery, was very healthy, and his blood work was perfect. He even came home healthy and was doing extremely well… Then he stopped eating…Bertie never turned down food. After numerous calls to the vet we even tried sweet potatoes and baby food. Long story short ( it’s still too painful to tell), he lost control of his bladder and the vet said bring him in first thing in morning… He died in my arms at ten o’clock that night.
        Like you my husband and I are kicking ourselves for continuing to give him that poison…Deramaxx. I swear he was trying to tell us with his eyes that it was killing him. He refused to take it that last day. There had been a class action lawsuit against Norvartis but that can’t bring our beloved pets. Btw my vet claimed no way it was the Deramaxx, well then tell me ,what the hell made a healthy dog die in my arms????

      3. Brenda, I’m so sorry! Bertie’s story sounds so much like Holly’s. 😦 Even down to the part about being told to bring him in the next morning only to have him pass away that night. It breaks my heart that you are going through this. My vet said the same thing, too, when I told him I thought it was the Deramaxx making Holly sick. From what I understand, the result of the class action lawsuit against Novartis was language being added to the drug literature telling vets to do proper monitoring while the dog is on the med, and to provide a stomach-coating med with it to avoid the ulcerating effects of the drug. If my vet had done that–or if I’d been given a copy of the literature and read the warnings–Holly would probably be alive today. I hate that I didn’t listen to my gut. I’m sure you feel the same way. I’m so sorry. It’s a terrible feeling, and I feel helpless in the face of it. Thank you for sharing your story here, though. It does help others. This post gets hundreds of hits every day. So people are reading and learning about the dangers of this medication. Wishing you healing and peace.

    7. Lynn strange says:

      My cat of just a year has been on deramex he had a 5 day cause of it as he had a limp in his back leg but the last couple of days he been off his food and has been hiding under my bed still limps and I rang vets tonight to say I was concerned and I have to take him back in morning but I am telling him strait that he is not having any more deramex and I want him sorted . I am working myself silly now I am going to loose him he is only a baby still

    8. John S says:

      I have a severly ill Cavalier who just got out of the hospital after 5 days because the vet gave him 6 days of this poison. The Dr is still not sure if he will survive & neither am I. Devastated me to no ends & don’t understand why there is no class action against the manufacturer & the vets for prescribing death for a minor limp.

    9. Laura says:

      We started our dog on Deramaxx on Friday July 3. We said goodbye to him yesterday (only 6 days after starting Deramaxx). Granted, he was 12 and had his share of health problems over the years (previously had two types of cancer, cushings disease, blindness from SARDS), but I do believe the Deramaxx led to his accelerated death. He was stable with his other ailments (no signs of cancer for a couple of years) and regularly had checkups and vet visits (as recently as the last couple of weeks). On Monday I noticed he was bleeding from his face. I figured he probably ran into something because he was blind so I didn’t think too much of it. On Tuesday, we went for our nightly walk and he was moving much slower than normal. When we got home he was circling and restless. I realized his leg was bleeding pretty badly but I know he didn’t hurt it. He then opened his mouth and it was bleeding. We brought him to the ER and they said it was likely low platelets causing ITP and they admitted him, saying he likely would recover. He was stable on Wednesday morning. They did chest X-rays and an ultrasound and they were clear. By Wednesday evening we were told he significantly declined. His mouth was bleeding profusely and his stomach was all bruised, and he was showing signs of bleeding in the brain that was causing neurological issues. We put him down on Thursday. The doctor said Deramaxx likely didn’t contribute to this but I don’t know how it can be that we went from being ok to basically bleeding to death in 24 hours. Is there any way to fight back against Novartis? He was our whole life and our home and hearts are completely empty now.

      1. Oh Laura. I’m so sorry. This is awful. I’m so sorry he (and you) had to go through this. I don’t know if Deramaxx caused that, but it might be worthwhile to report his death to Novartis. I guess there’s nothing to lose, and maybe it will help? I hope so. Again, I’m so sorry. 😦

    10. Sheri says:

      Tuesday morning, July 28th, our beautiful Rottweiler, Kasey, became another Deramaxx death statistic! As Forrest Gump would say… “and that is all I have to say about that”. (For now). 😥 😦 😦 =(

      1. I’m so sorry, Sheri. 😦 I understand what you’re going through. If/when you feel ready, you’re always welcome to share your story and heartache here. Hugs.

      2. Kate says:

        Sheri: I’m sad to hear you lost Kasey to this terrible drug. I feel your pain…like October was yesterday. Maybe this will help ease the pain: “To make Heaven the perfect resting place for loved pups we adore, God made sure those pearly gates contain a doggy door”. Be well and cry often.

    11. Jenny says:

      My loving friend also died on Deramaxx, just last Friday. The one thing I do not understand is the vet does blood work every 6 mons. Why did they NOT see the liver damage. Not sure who to blame. My heart is broken. Do I still go to that vet? I have 2 new puppies. PLEASE if anyone has comments to share. I so need help 😦

      1. Hi Jenny. I’m so sorry this happened to you, even with the blood work monitoring. It seems like 6 months may have been too long to go between checks for liver function. After Holly died, there was no way I could go back to that vet. I still struggle the times I have to drive past the clinic. We found a new vet, and met with him first to explain where we were coming from. When he told me he didn’t prescribe Deramaxx because too many dogs have side effects, I knew he was someone knowledgeable, that I could trust. With two puppies, I’d probably find a new vet, but you have to do what you decide is best. Again, I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s awful. I hate that it continues to happen. 😦

    12. Amanda says:

      Derrmaxx killed my Big Boy tonight. I wrote the summary below last night to post on Facebook because Zeus has been buddies with many of my friends and I wanted to keep them updated. Today’s update is that the hole in Zeus’ intestine reopened because the tissue was too weak to hold. Another surgery wasn’t much of an option since his tissue was so weak. So we told him good bye and buried him on the back of our property. Last night’s post:
      Ive had a lot of people asking about our Zeus but have been too busy to write it all down but here is the long but summarized story.
      Zeus got neutered 2 weeks ago (9/30). The incision came open and we took him in and they closed it back up (10/5) but it reopened and was sewn shut again this time the vet kept him over night because he was also very weak and not eating (10/7-10/8)
      We brought him home and his incision had opened before we arrived. I took him to the ER vet that night but he perked back up and after speaking to one of the techs I brought him home. He didn’t stay perked up long and after staying up all night watching him breathe at 4 am on 10/12 I was back at the ER vet. He was very weak and still hadn’t eaten at this point in 10 days except for at his vet when he was there overnight. The ER vet looked him over and gave him food which of course he had to prove momma wrong and eat. He said the best course is to let his vet keep working with him since she had the history and could do the follow up. So I took him home, he had eaten and that made me feel a little better.
      At this point he had hardly moved from whatever spot he found when we brought him through the door from the trips back and forth. He would not get up to go outside unless he was lifted up and forced and on multiple occasions would lay there and pee himself. He continued to go down hill and we were at his vet before they even opened on 10/13. She decided to keep him overnight for possibly a couple nights and see if she could get his health up. She called mid day. The test came back good but he was severely dehydrated, IV fluids and keep watching was the plan. She called back a couple hours later. She had noticed him having trouble breathing so she redid the test and took an Xray. His stomach was full of fluid. She asked if she could die test to check his bladder. She called back and said it wasn’t the bladder and he needed exploratory surgery, he wasn’t doing well and might not survive the surgery but wouldn’t survive the night without it. She had us come get him and transfer him to the ER vet so he would have a full staff to watch over him after the surgery. The emergency exploratory surgery was done about 2 am today 10/14. They found a hole where his stomach and intestine attach which caused him to get the fluid in his stomach thus causing peritonitis (inflammation and infection of the inside of the entire abdominal cavity). The vet said the infection has weakened his entire intestine as well as the other organs within the stomach. They were able to repair the section where the hole was located however because of how weak his internal tissue is there is no guarantee the repair will last. We got him from the ER vet at 7:30 this morning to transport him back to his Vet and when we met with her we realized the pain meds he had been on had caused the hole in his stomach and almost cost him his life. I say almost but the truth is we aren’t even 24 hours post-op and have been told to not breathe easy until the 72 hour mark and only then if everything goes well between now and that time. He has to be continually watched by doctors ready to reopen him at anytime and if he is reopened his chances of survival go down even more. So when his vet closed at 6 we took him back to the ER vet for the night and at 7:30 in the morning we will transport him back to his vet with the hopes that he will be coming home tomorrow evening. His incision now is close to 2 feet as it is the entire length of his stomach. This all started as a standard neuter and Deramaxx for post op pain medication but instead Deramaxx almost killed our big boy.

      Tonight Deramaxx killed our Newfy and broke our hearts!

      1. Amanda, I am so, so sorry! What a horrific ordeal for Zeus and your family to go through. I know there isn’t anything I can say to diminish your pain or anger. But you and the other grieving owners on this thread are in my prayers. I hate that this continues to happen. Thank you for sharing your story here. Maybe it will help keep it from happening to someone else. 😞

      2. Keller says:

        My very healthy and wonderful dog had ruptured a disc two years ago and had permanent damage to some of the nerves of her rear end. She was able to walk but was wobbly, as her back legs were weak. She responded well to acupuncture for a long time, but eventually the acupuncture had done as much as it could. I chose to have her engage in physical and hydro therapy. The vet at the clinic where she received this treatment put her on Deramaxx to control any inflammation due to arthritis in her hips. 10 days later she was dead.

        It was a horrible experience to go through and my heart is broken. At bedtime, she was fine and 2:00 AM, she was experiencing symptoms that days later I read about in the information sheet that came with the Deramaxx sample. I called the emergency vet and described her symptoms and was told that she couldn’t say what was going on unless we took her to the vet. Not understanding the seriousness of what was happening with my dog, I decided to keep her home until the prescribing vet could see her in the morning. She was dead 10 hours later.

        I won’t go into all the details, as many have already shared similar stories. The vet who saw her that day said that absolutely nothing could have been done to change the course of what happened. I am absolutely, firmly convinced that the Deramaxx killed her. It should never have been prescribed for her anyway, given the meds she was already taking.

        I phoned the company and provided all the info I had concerning what happened. The company is obligated by law to report this to the FDA, and the company vet I talked with said he would be doing that.

        Nothing can fill the incredible void that her unnecessary death has left me with. We’ve had dogs for 32 years and have never experienced this kind of thing. I’m wiser for this experience, but this wisdom came at a terrible price. I didn’t want to give her this med to begin with,as she was already on so many, but I was talked into the necessity of her having it. I’ll never again not listen to my gut feeling.

      3. Keller, your story is so similar to ours with Holly. I’m so sorry. Words are little help in the face of such heartache, I know. Please know you’re not alone. Thank you for sharing your story here and for reporting it to the company. Here’s hoping and praying both make a difference. My heart goes out to you. 😦

      4. Keller says:

        I’m not sure where to post this. I would like to know if you think we might have had a chance to save her if we had taken her to the emergency vet clinic when her first symptoms began. The vet who saw her in the morning said that she had something that happened to her brain stem and that was what killed her. I wish I had found this blog before all this had happened as, if nothing else, I would have requested a necropsy. I have so many unanswered questions.

        Thank you so much for sharing your heartache and for creating this blog to help others.

      5. I’m certainly no expert, but from our experience and from reading all the stories here and elsewhere online, it seems you have to catch this very early to try to do stop its progress, and even then it’s very difficult. One commenter here by the name of Chet saved her dog, but it was a very slow process. Some dogs are affected very quickly, some dying after a single dose. Because the vet who saw her in the morning said it involved her brain stem, my guess is there wouldn’t have been any saving her. The drug does affect neural function (Holly was very wobbly, as if drunk). It sounds your dog was severely impacted this way if the vet noticed. For most dogs it’s a longer process involving erosion of the stomach, liver, kidneys and intestines. Because that’s a longer process, sometimes it can be stopped. But not usually. 😦

        I’m so sorry. I hate that this still happens. Monday is the anniversary of losing Holly. Five years later it still tears me apart. I wish we’d known.

    13. julia gorden says:

      Amy, I currently have my Grt Dane on Duramaxx. I’m taking him off it! Before I read your and other stories I noticed a change in his behavior. He seemed depressed. He’s been on it for a month and one day and still has “yelps” and problems. I’m going to try just Tramadol to see if that helps. He has arthritis, so perhaps the Tramadol will help. I’ve had luck in the past, with Prevacox, with my other Danes. He gets pepcid before his meals. I’m calling the Vet tomorrow and discussing the situation. Thank you and all the others who posted the stories. My heart goes out to all of you for your loss. Julia Gorden

      1. Hi Julia! Thanks for your comment. It’s great that you’ve been giving him Pepcid. You should ask your vet to check his liver and kidney numbers to see if heMs showing any toxicity. I hope he isn’t! And I hope your vet listens to your concerns. Some dogs to well on the medicine, but others done. It’s great you took matters into your own hands and researched the med. Wishing your dog good health and no ill effects from this drug. If you need any other advice or support, I’m here.

      2. Keller says:

        Julia, you might want to ask your vet for gabapentin (Neurontin), which my dog was on and so am I. My physician said that it is the only pain killer that doesn’t affect the stomach/GI tract. It also has no negative interactions with any of the other drugs I take to make my quality of life better.

        The more I learn, the more I am firmly, totally convinced that Deramaxx killed my beautiful dog and no one will ever make me change my mind. I haven’t gone into all the details on this site, but now I should be able to do it soon, as it may help convince others to refuse to give their dogs this dreadful Rx. I’m in the process of filling out a report to the FDA to be one more voice screaming out in the wilderness that Deramaxx is a killer. Once I complete the report, I’ll spill all on here, as in “Deramaxx killed my dog – I am woman, hear me weep.”

      3. Thank you for sharing that info about gabapentin, Keller. I’ve never heard of it before. That’s really good to know!

        Also, I’m glad you’re filling out an FDA report. I regret that we didn’t do that.

      4. Keller says:

        I wish everyone whose dog was very ill or died would make it a practice to report it to the company that makes Deramaxx and also to the FDA.

        ELANCO Animal Health at 1-888-545-5973

        FDA at 1-888-332-8387 (1-888-FDA-VETS) or the FDA online at
        The company vet that I reported my dog’s death to gave me an incident number and said that he would make a report to the FDA. I want to make sure that the report is accurate, so I’m reporting it to the FDA myself, as well.

      5. Thanks for this info and links! Such a great help.

    14. Sadly, most drugs given humans and “best friends” carry a very serious risk. I don’t care how much you trust your doc/vet, it totally falls upon YOU to look up the drug before you ingest it it or give it to your best friend. I have lived in this world for a long time (67 years) and I am seeing more potent drugs hit the market. The worst seem to be Non-steriodial, anti inflamatory drugs, or N.S.A.I.D.S, of which Derramaxx is one of them. They are very profitable to the vet and keep the Gov. D. E. A. off their backs. It is up to you to read up on the safety and in certain breeds Derramaxx can be good or a poison. It is the age we now live in. Sorry for the spelling but my computer has been hacked and I need to notify a lot of people.

    15. David Todd says:

      I’m sorry for your loss: It’s heartbreaking to lose a pet, but particularly when you’ve been trying so hard to provide good care.

      However, lest your post convince people to avoid it all together, I thought I’d post that we had a positive result with deramaxx. Lily, our 13-year-old, 13-lb bichon, started limping 6 weeks ago. In retrospect, we think she pulled something trying to jump onto the couch. But the symptoms were similar to the luxating patella our previous bichon had 19 years ago, which required surgery to fix. In this case the vet — same vet, whom we consider to be outstanding — thought it might just be a pulled muscle or ligament and didn’t want to perform surgery if he could avoid it. He prescribed 12.5mg of deramaxx daily and gave us a 28-day supply. I administered daily, and we kept her from exercising vigorously. Within a week she was no longer limping; we administered for 3 weeks and stopped when we went away for 10 days; now, 5 weeks later she’s back to normal and taking her longest walks of the summer.

      I have no doubt that deramaxx has caused adverse effects. And I’d be concerned about administering in high dosages or for long periods of time. But it does have beneficial effects when used cautiously, and in this case, it spared Lily from surgery — from which she might not have recovered.

      1. David, I’m glad Deramaxx helped your dog. If you’ve read my comments on this thread you’ll know that many times I’ve noted that it does help some dogs. Unfortunately, though, for many of us we found out the hard way and too late that it can also be poison. Wishing your dog continued health.

    16. elaine doke says:

      Our 11 year old lab, Mae, was in pretty good health when she began to develop some minor arthritis. She was prescribed Deramaxx (which seemed like a miracle drug at first- energy!) and developed bladder cysts within 6 months. We had them removed, but within a week, she suddenly became gravely ill, in a matter of hours. She was rushed to emergency,and when our vet said she had no fever, etc., reluctantly said he’d keep her overnight. She died suddenly the next morning from internal bleeding, possibly from a ruptured gallbladder. When he called me, he sounded despondent and mentioned the Deramaxx. Mae was always a happy, energetic dog and I’m sure she would’ve had many years left.

      1. Elaine, I’m so sorry. Thank you for sharing Mae’s story here. It seems like a small thing, but it will help others. I just wish this hadn’t happened to you or to any of us who’ve lost dogs to Deramaxx. Hugs.

    17. Anthony says:

      I am saddened by each of the unfortunate experiences shared as a result of the negative reaction to Deramaxx.

      A common element of the responses leads to a breed specific reaction in many of the postings. Collie breeds are clearly represented.

      Each drug has its down side. Unfortunately some patients don’t respond well.

      I offer this, my Boxer/Shepherd mix had osteosarcoma in her foreleg, and amputation was the answer to save her life. Demarex was prescribed to assist her post operative pain and inflamation reduction.

      The dosage was commensurate with her weight, and limited to a mere 4 days.

      There was no adverse reaction.

      Joie was 11 at the time of the amputation, and she remains vital, vigorous for her age now close to 14 years.

      I appreciate that there are adverse events due to medication. But there are many successes as well.

      I suggest a tempered reaction, even to this unfortunate event.

      We’re all medications rejected due to the outlying negative reactions, many patients might suffer from lack of the benefit.

      Had I not decided, with the adice of my veterinarian surgeon, to go forward with Joie’s leg amputation, she and I would not have enjoyed these additional years.

      I am sorry for your loss, painful and distressing. Hanging onto the negativity will not benefit you or her memory.

      Each animal we take into our lives enriches us. They have their lifespan, it does not match ours. We cannot expect “medicine” to be perfect or correct every ailment.

      I have learned to take each animal I take on as a gift, enjoy their life, do the best I can to keep them healthy, mourn their passing, and celebrate the gift given.

      1. How many dead dogs is too many? Does it not matter that my dog (and numerous others) have died because yours didn’t? The drug helped your dog, so all others be damned? I think that’s really selfish. I don’t believe you’re truly “saddened” by the stories posted here. I think you’re just glad it didn’t happen to your dog and you feel the need to defend this drug. Do you realize this exact same thing happened with people? The drug was called Vioxx and it killed many. The FDA took the drug off the market when it was made clear it was dangerous. It caused the exact same damage as Deramaxx. It is the same drug. But dogs don’t matter. Well, except for yours. Given your logic, was it ok for people to die from Vioxx because it saved one? How many people dying is too many? Do you see how your argument falls apart? Try empathy for a change.
        I am tired of having to justify my anger over my dog being killed by this drug. I am tired of being told to move on, when my intention here is to help others. And I am tired of the profit-driven FDA that puts their greed ahead of patient safety.

      2. Janet says:

        Anthony, be thankful that your dog didn’t have an adverse reaction to this drug. To watch your dog die a horrible death because of something you did is something I wish on no one. Yes NSAIDS do have a place but were you warned of the possible side effect.? I can almost bet that not one person here was told that this drug could possibly kill their dog. I was just handed this medicine and sent on my way. When you lose a dog in this way it is something you never get over.

      3. Exactly, Janet. Thank you.

      4. Jude Gagner says:

        I know that Anthony and others who have said similar things means well, but I have to agree with you, Janet and Amy. To lose a vigorous and healthy dog in such a horrific manner is not something that we will ever forget. I had a terrible time this fall when the first anniversary of my dog’s death grew nearer. I felt lost and relived that terrible trauma for a month. I’m better now, but I still get misty-eyed whenever I think of her. I, too was told nothing about this drug other than that she needed it to help with inflammation from her arthritis. 10 days later, she was dead. Not right and and not acceptable.

    18. Gary Honey says:

      Sorry for the loss of all the canines here.
      All of my Dogs have had Deramax, none have died from it. I have had 4 Labs and a Pyrenees. Of those. One was killed by the complications of being hit by an unkown careless driver after she escaped her fence. A truck driver found her and she survived to live 6 more years with the help of Deramax for pain and then Morphine. One was killed by a snake and one by a blood disorder. I would say it has to do more with the dogs genetic predisposition than the medicine. However, I will be quite right in saying the drug companies don’t care. Sorry, if y’all have trouble reading this . My fingers don’t work well due to neural problems and I am on more medicine in one week than most dogs see in their entire life.

    19. Maurine Chivers says:

      I trully thank this family that lost Their pretty female baby Holly. To the horrible medicine Deramaxx. My God I cant tell you how much it hurt me as I was reading your message to us dog owners I have a little girl 2 year old terrier and tge same thing happened to my baby hurt her left back Leigh playing. I toik her to the emergency vet he did x rays blood eork and wanted to perform surgery within the next 10 days it was December 23 rd He said I can give you pain medicine for 10 days but she has to have surgery as soon as possible send me home with medicine fir ten days but after I paid him almost $ 400 dollars I didn’t have $ 1,700 for the surgery so I desided to wait untill December 26 -2016 call the vet were I had been before and wanted to do x rays I told him I coukd get the CD from the emergency vet were I had taken her on the 23 3rd and adter checking the CD he show me what was wrong and again he sent me home with the same type if medicine the other doctor had sent me home with to give my little girl Bubbles. But I have been worrying about this medicine’s side ecfects. Right now as I’m writing these I have desided that I am not going to give my poir puppy anymire if this poisson to my baby that brings me so much happiness. Her last doctor told me tgat if she didnt get better that we could do some therapy better. And my deepest condolence. About your little girl Holly.
      And I thank you very very much for opening my eyes.
      Maurine Chivers

      1. Hi Maurine. Thank you for your kind words. I’m glad to hear Holly’s story helped inform you of the possible dangers of Deramaxx, and that your Bubbles can be helped with therapy. Wishing her a full recovery and a long, happy life. 😊

    20. Amanda Fritter says:

      I cried too! Heartbreaking I feel for your family, although it’s been years it never really leaves us. We loose someone like your Holly.
      You may not be aware but Deramax is discontinued now and for reasons simular to causing complications to other pet patients like Holly.

      1. Linda says:

        It’s been discontinued? Since when? Where?

      2. From what I understand there was a delay in production a couple of years ago, but it appears to still be on the market and available, at least in the US. If someone has current information showing otherwise, please share. Thanks.

      3. Robyn Newberry says:

        Deramaxx was just prescribed to our Dog McGee two weeks ago. (We have moved and had to take him to a new vet) I was very hesitant to start him on it as he is a fairly healthy 13 year old lab, just has slowed down. Two days into taking it he’s panting like crazy, walking in circles unable to settle down, and walking into walls. I wish I would have read about the drug before I gave it to him, I would have never given it to him.

      4. Robyn, it sounds like he’s reacting to it. I would get him to an emergency clinic right away. It’s important to protect his digestive system and liver. Pepcid and milk thistle can help. The vet may not believe you. It may be helpful to take along this blog or other stories as evidence. I’m so sorry this is happening to you!! I will pray for McGee. Hugs.

      5. Robyn, please take McGee to an emergency vet right away. Take this blog along and other stories as evidence if needed. The vet may not believe you. Pepcid and milk thistle can help protect his digestive system and liver. If possible please let me know what happens. I’ll be praying for him. I’m so sorry.

    21. Kasey says:

      Thank you for your information you probably saved my dog’s life. I have been given deramaxx for my 10 year old Rottweiler for her hips. And she started throwing up and being lazy and some of the other symptoms so I’m taking her off this poison. I hope it’s not too late. Thank you for your article. You just saved my dog’s life her name is kami. Thank you and I am sorry for your loss..

    22. Big L says:

      Listen anyone that reads this I am a nurse my own dog had symptoms of stomach to the floor week legs and whimpering if your dog has these symptoms immediately ask for a pancreatic work up of amylase and Lypase my own vet didn’t think to do this and many people do not know giving your dog any table food like roast turkey etc is full of fat and the table scraps probably made holly much worse but don’t feel bad no one realizes this is bad but dogs have evolved on our dog foods and no longer eat in the wild so they have changed with fluids a very very low fat dog food of like 9% crude fat will help but in the first days little food and water and a antibiotic is in order you can try tramadol but don’t give the vets dose give half first see if they are panting a lot if not can go up but panting is a sign they aren’t handling it and heart rate is up my dog weighs 105 lbs the vet rec two 50 mg pills I give her 1/2 to 3/4 a pill it helps but keeps her healthy u know your dog best don’t just take it up the you know and do what the vet says call another vet talk to them on the phone or get online for symptoms the leg stretch getting on her back and weak legs all signs of pancreatitis usually the vet wants them drinking and taking antibiotics and no food first day or two to rest the system love all SN

      1. Big L says:

        Also if you don’t have 70 bucks for low fat high protein dog kibble Walmart caries pure balance it is not very expensive try the lamb and rice while they are getting well and gradually mix in the cheaper chicken into the other later after your baby gets healthy. Lots of love ps never ever buy Walmart meats boycot them their chicken wings were making me ill for a year till I figured out it was the wing meat was bad even if cooked well also a guy online has a video on YouTube of worms in the pork ribs if your reading this refer to my above info if your dog has had any symptoms like holly also anyonefeeding table scraps MUST read my above post SN with love

    23. Kathleen says:

      I am so sorry about Holly thank you Amy for telling me Holly’s story . I know the pain of losing your best friend not only are my dogs my best friend but they’re my kids . Thank you I am now aware of that drug .

    24. scherryvalentine says:

      I cannot thank you enough for this post!!! My heart aches for you and your beloved.

    25. Danielle says:

      Deramaxx killed our beloved Rottweiler, Marley, in just 3 out of 14 doses. His intestines were ulcerated beyond repair causing him to become septic. It was 6 years ago today actually. We trusted our vet. Upon speaking with other veterinarians they had all said no that they’d not prescribed that medication in years because it was too strong and did more harm than good. I wish I had done more research before giving him the medication but never did I think our vet would do such a wreckless thing. I’m so sorry about your sweet dog and for the pain this terrible medication caused your family.

    26. Kelly says:

      Yesterday afternoon September 19, 2018 I took my 1 year old German Shepherd to the vet, because he was limping and the vet prescribed Deramaxx. I have been taking my pets to this Veterinarian for 15 years, so I really thought nothing about giving my dog this medication, so when we got home I gave him his first dose. Later on that evening when I had a chance to sit and relax I typed Deramaxx into Google to research it’s effectiveness, and I saw your story very near the top of my search and other disturbing articles. I decided I wasn’t even going to chance a second dose and I threw the medicine away. Thank You for sharing your story, because I’m sure you have probably saved my baby boy who I have an extremely strong bond with, like no other dog I’ve ever owned and countless other animals. I’m very sorry this happened to you!

      1. Charles says:

        The vet threw one on the floor for my Bear and he ate it when we got home next day I put one in his food bowl but he did not eat all day that evening I google dermaxx and ran across this site and went got the pill out of the dog bowl, my dog weighs 130 pounds, he at 1 pound of dog food in 4 days, I finally scramble some eggs on the fourth day and mixed it up he started eating again the next day same thing by the 7 day he was back to eating. So yeap pretty sure it is a bad drug, it cost $155 and the vet would not take it back, I had drove two hours to the big city to see a specialist, needless to say I called and rip ass and said how could you just give my dog a pill that was taken off the market for humans because it was killing humans by bleeding them out just like plenty of dogs. She told me I have lots of dogs take it with no problem, I said think about it, how many has died and you thought it was something else. I then sent her this site and we parted ways.

      2. Keller says:

        Smart move. All NSAIDS need to be regarded as potential killers. Taking them with famotidine is a must.

    27. Sheila Pangallo says:

      Thanks for the article. I’ve just started my 2 year old shih tzu on this medicine for a limp. It’s only for a short time, hopefully, I’ll know more tomorrow after his Xray. I do need to input that so far, 10 days, this has seemed to be a Godsend as it totally clears up his limp, relieves his pain, and makes him his same sweet self again.
      I will be asking for blood tests tomorrow thanks to you.
      I do have to ask, though, what do you for your dog to relieve his pain etc. if not this medication? I can’t stand seeing my sweet baby boy in distress.
      So sorry for your loss and again, thanks for sharing.

      1. Some dogs do fine on it, which is great. It sounds like yours might be one of them. I hope his numbers come back perfect.

        As for pain, we recently gave a turmeric/black pepper/coconut oil mixture to our border collie with his meals for a few weeks to help with a limp and it seemed to help with inflammation. I know it might not be the choice for everyone but it worked for us. Here’s the link where I found the info and recipe:

    28. Joseph Sturm says:

      I feel duramaxx gave our 15 year old border collie a new lease on life she couldn’t go up and down stairs with duramaxx she runs around like puppy when it helped we cut her back to a 1/4pill when she started to be in obviously in pain this drug has helped a lot of dogd

      1. It helps some dogs, including yours. And that’s great. It kills and injures other dogs, like mine. And that is devastating.

    29. Vinnie says:

      I’m never one to trust what you can read online but for just once in my life, I wish I trusted this post.

      My 7 year old Labrador-Basset mix was diagnosed with a UTI 5 days ago on a Saturday and was prescribed Deramaxx (25mg per day). By Tuesday, we had to bring her back to the vet because she could barely stand, was getting these 15 minute seizures, had trouble breathing and was moaning a lot from pain. We had found a few articles on Deramaxx so I asked the vet if it was the side effects. Vet said no, thought she had some stiffness in her neck which could’ve been an undiagnosed hernia and gave two new meds and upped the Deramaxx dosage to 100mg every 8 hours. Less than 24 hours after that visit, my sweetheart died.

      I’m at a loss for words so pardon me for the lack of detail. We’re all mourning our angel. Five days ago, she ran to greet me at the door. Five days later she died, and I’m left with this huge guilt.

      My comment is #690. I haven’t had the strength to read past the first ten. I truly deeply hope this is the last story this post gets… and somehow I doubt it will be.

      1. I am so sorry, Vinnie. 😞 Many of us here know exactly what you’re going through.

      2. Vinnie says:

        Thank you Amy for taking the time to write this post. Whether it was part of your grieving process or not, it took courage and dedication. While I do share your pain through my horrible experience with this drug too. spreading awareness can only save innocent canine lives in the end. Keep it up! You’re doing good work here.

      3. Thank you, Vinnie.

      4. Gaby says:

        Hi Vinnie,

        I’m so sorry about your loss! Unfortunately it is not the last post to a story like this. I lost my dog Otis (Westie 10.5 yrs old) two weeks ago. I took him to the Vet on a Monday because he was limping, the vet prescribed Deramaxx (25 mg) and on Friday he started heavily vomiting and also had bloody diarrhea. We took him to the vet and they put him on IV for the day, they couldn’t figure out what it was and they send him home with special food requirements. Saturday he was very lethargic and didn’t want to walk, took him back to the vet and they put him on IV again, same procedure on Sunday with the difference that they did an X-ray and found out he had a perforation. We had to take him to the emergency hospital where he had surgery, was very delicate and the next day he died. Writing this is so painful because I’m reliving all the pain and sadness we went through and still going through. The doctor at the emergency hospital did say that the medication have had that problem in some dogs before, some of them were able to survived.

        And don’t get me started on the ridiculous amount of money spent on this, and of course, you do everything you can to safe your dog but paying all that money and not bringing your dog back home is extremely upsetting, all because of one medication. My dog went from happy, playfull and loving to lethargic, sick and then dead, all in one week.

  1. Ellen says:

    Oh how horrible. I’m so angry and sad reading this.

  2. Lisa Nowak says:

    Oh, Amy, I’m so sorry for your loss. I just don’t have the words to tell you how much I feel for you and your family.

  3. Lori Ann says:

    Amy, I’m so sorry for your loss. I will definitely share this will all my friends who have pets.

  4. Laurie L Young says:

    I am so sorry for you and your family. It was hard to read this without crying, so I can just imagine what you are feeling.

  5. Sara W.E. says:

    Amy, I deeply empathize with your story and I am so very sorry. A year and a half ago, we lost our Corgi, Roane suddenly. We’d taken her into the vet about 6 months before because she was acting lethargic and not eating well. The vet said she’d probably just hurt her back and would get better on her own. And she did… mostly. But over the next few months, she still had a little less of an appetite, a tad less energy, and would sometimes go off into the other room and curl up in the corner. Because she was happy and still pretty energetic, I put it down to her getting older (she was 11, which is still young for a corgi).

    Then we boarded her during comic-con. The night after we picked her up, Tony was rubbing her tummy and felt something strange. I felt it too and knew immediately that it was very very wrong. The next day we took her in and found out she had a large tumor and would most likely pass away within days.

    The next two weeks were horrible, watching her go from a cheerful, happy dog to a sad pup who couldn’t move well and couldn’t keep her food down. Finally, during the SCBWI conference, it was clear that she was suffering too greatly and we had to take her in to the emergency clinic and put her to sleep. It was the hardest thing I have ever done.

    Roane was the center of our household and Tony and I and our blind dog, Whistler slumped into depression. Like you I wished so many things. Wished I’d pushed our vet harder to figure out what was really wrong. Wish I hadn’t left her during Comic-con. Wish we’d trusted our feelings that something was wrong and found the tumor when it was still treatable. But at the end of it all, I can only trust that Roane knew how much we loved her. Knew that we tried our best to keep her safe and healthy. It still weighs on me, but I have to know, as you need to as well, that you did your best for your friend, and that Holly knows that.

    And you are still doing your best for her by writing about it and warning others. So thank you and I am so sorry for your loss. So much love to you and your family.

    1. Sandra Utterback says:

      My gorgeous, sweet greyhound (six yrs old) has been on Deramaxx since middle of
      June. What began as a slight limp turned out to be osteosarcoma (bone cancer). Dorrie was given an IV infusion and started on Deramaxx. Her tumor has grown now and she limps constantly. I am treating her pain with Tramadol 50 mg. every 12 hours. She pants heavily when in pain. Her infusions are every 2-3 weeks but are palliative and not a cure. She is still eating well and goes on her four block walk two times a day. Today when I went to get her Deramaxx refilled I was given another nsaid as they were out of Deramaxx. She was given a drug called Rimadyl. Before giving it to her I looked it up and was appalled at the side effects
      which are worse than Deramaxx. Since this cancer is a painful and fatal condition
      I chose to try the Deramaxx and my vet even said that she has done better than most big dogs with this condition. Initially she told me Dorrie only had 3-5 months
      at the most. This ordeal is killing my husband and me. After 5 months we still are
      not able to think about the end. We have had a few dogs during our 50 year marriage that have lived to be 16 and 17 years old and don’t know how we are going to be able to end her life. We take each day as a blessing. However, this said, these drugs are as dangerous as some anti-inflammatory drugs taken off of the market for people. That is why they should be given with caution and instructions of what side effects to look for and good vs bad effects. My heart goes out to everyone who has had the love of a dog in their lives and have lost their
      best friend. Sandra

      1. Jen says:

        Sandra my 6 yr old saint has osteosarcoma. She has been on deramaxx since May 7th 2013. She has been doing well on it. Our oncology team checks her blood work weekly and x rays every month and a 1/2. She has had no side effects. Only from chemo treatment. She’s very sleepy for 2 days after. Have you found anything better for osteosarcoma besides deramaxx?

      2. Hi Jen. I’m sorry your dog has ostersarcoma. 😦 I hope the treatments are working. It sounds like your oncology team is doing the right thing, monitoring her the way they are. Because they’re being so cautious, and you’re aware of the potential side effects, it’s likely if there is a problem, you’d catch it right away. I’m not a vet or a pharmacist, just a dog owner who learned a hard lesson. I’m not aware of other medications that can help with osteosarcoma, but it might not hurt to ask around other clinics or even veterinary research hospitals. There’s one at UCLA you might call and ask. Here’s a link: . My best wishes to you and your Sandra!

      3. Maritza says:

        I am stuck now. My dog a 7year old rotti has hip dysp. Arthritis and a torn crutiat right knee he had been on rymadol for a year now and he just had blood test and everything seems to be fine. Last week he started limping and the vet said he may have hurt his knee more and we should give him deramaxx. They said he stopped responding to rymadol and this might help better. He won’t even stand up now. We just filled the prescription as we have been afraid to give it to him. Scared not sure what to do after hearing these stories.

      4. Hi Maritza. Wow, that is a dilemma. I’m sorry he’s hurting and you’re having to make these difficult decisions. Did your vet mention what kind of monitoring he would do while your rotti is on Deramaxx? Did he explain the complications, that it should be given with food, etc.? If not, I would consider getting a second opinion. I’m not very familiar with Rimadyl, but I wonder why he would “stop responding” to it. I guess if I were in your position, I would flat out ask my vet about the risks of these medications, and see if the doc is aware of the possible side effects. For example, our previous vet (Holly’s vet) dismissed my concerns outright. That should have been a red flag, but I didn’t know any better at that point. Our new vet is very cautious when it comes to NSAIDs and similar meds. I know because I grilled him about medications before agreeing to take my dogs to his clinic. Anyway, that’s where I would start. I would also consider talking to a holistic vet about possible alternative options that could help with muscle and joint issues, including acupuncture. If you decide Deramaxx is the best option (and it does help some dogs), I would insist your vet check your dog’s liver enzymes after you start the medication, and that he also prescribe something to protect your dog’s stomach lining. Be sure to give the pill with food, and watch him carefully for any adverse reaction (not wanting to eat, loss of energy, vomiting, etc.). I am sending your dog wishes for healing and a full recovery. And peace of mind for you! I know this is difficult. 😦

      5. Maritza,

        I understand your prediicament as I have been there several times. I have quite a bit of knowledge about how N.S.A.I.D.s (Deramaxx) affects humans and some knowledge of how it affects Canines. If you have time please read some of my postings on this subject in Amy K. Nichols column to see from where this questionable family of drugs was derived. It all really starts with President Nixon’s infamous Drug Act of 1972.

        N.S.A.I.D.s were meant to be taken for only a short period of time (7-10 days) in humans. From talking to some Vets they feel that it is okay for the canine to do the same but if it runs longer, you MUST get follow up blood tests to check for damage in the internal organs! Certain breeds of dogs seem to handle Deramaxx better than others, but it is like any form of gambling, some canines are lucky while others are not.

        You have a dilemma on your hands, as does the Vet. Your canine is in desperate need of relief and the Vet could lose his license if he prescribed a natural pain killer. Due to the laws, N.S.A.I.D.s let the vet off the hook while putting your companion at a greater risk. Your dog is older and you did not state if the problem was genetic or injury related. If you give him the Deramaxx with a lot of food he just might do fine as long as you stop if he shows signs of lethargy or an upset stomach and you get regular blood test. The problem is that all of this runs into quite a bit of money and there is no skimping on giving a lot of food with each dose and not skimping on the blood tests. The canine MUST have relief or he is being tortured. We are operating on some very screwed up drug laws and probably the most important thing to remember is we all have to die someday. We just want to put it off without causing too much pain to somebody we love.

        If it helps I would check the condition of the canine’s parents and try to locate the other members of the litter to see if this is a hereditary problem. If it is the breeder should be turned into the A.K.C. for passing on a known genetic defect. In the meantime I would cautiously give the Deramaxx under the above conditions. One last thing. Please try to avoid steroids as they have a solid history of negative effects on canines.

        The best of outcomes for you and your companion. He might be of the physical makeup to handle Deramaxx quite well!

    1. Patricia Richardson says:

      Maritza, Have you considered PTLO surgery for your Rotti’s ACL tear? Our five year old Rotti had this surgery last year and it was a great success. Sorry for your dilemma 😦

  6. Suzanne says:

    Amy, I’ve put a link to this story from my blog ( When professionals do not listen to people’s concerns, they fail their patients. Whether Deramaxx was responsible or not for this dreadful illness that struck Holly, your vet’s lack of serious regard for the information you brought was both unacceptable and, sadly, all too common. I am so sad for your loss of your girl.

    1. Harley says:

      For those interested seeking help for canine arthritis,I found Gelatine. Buy the unflavored and unsugared box. To be found at Walmart in jello isle. Sprinkle one tspoon on food once daily.Look up gelatin for canines on internet.

      1. Thank you, Harley!

  7. Celeste Orr says:

    ***WARNING TO ALL PET OWNERS*****. I have been researching all week what could have made Ringo so sick. Well this is one of hundreds of stories I have found about a drug called Deramaxx. Ringo had a surgery on Nov.22. a biopsy of a lump on his leg and routine dental( btw the biopsy was normal). He was sent home with me that evening with the drug Deramaxx. I gave one Monday night, Tuesday night. Wed night after eating and giving him his Deramaxx he vomited the first time even the entire pill. He vomited several times during the night. Well Thursday the 25th was Tgvg. he was lethargic and sick all day. Friday a.m. I took him to the Vet. She gave nausea shot sent home (this was 10a.m.). By 2 p.m. I called the vet because I could hardly get him to move. She kept him this time. She decided to keep him through the weekend and watch him. He wouldn’t eat all weekend and the 2 X-rays showed what appeared to be an obstruction. At 10 a.m. Monday she went in for exploratory surgery and found holes in his stomach that could not be repaired. We had no choice but to put him down. Ringo was a 115 pound Golden Retriever, never sick always happy. Deramaxx killed him. Please share with everyone you know so that no more sweet Angels have to die. In my searches this week I have found thousands of dogs that have died from this, yet it is still on the market. Thanks Amy for helping share this with everyone.

    1. Celeste, I am so sorry this happened to you, too. I know how you’re feeling, and it’s awful. My heart and tears are with you. I’m so sorry you lost Ringo in this horrible and untimely way. 😦

      1. Shawn P. Economides says:

        I’m in shock, not well. this is my recent post below from last week. They are now back peddling and lying about things. I am going to do everything about this. I cant stop crying a week now, I cant work, I lost 15 pounds in a week and I’m not a big person, am the worst I’ve been and my son and daughter grew up with him, are now will always have this memory of horror ending a priceless chapter of their lives. Next week for my birthday we were going camping me Grizzly and my son Elliot and now for know reason I have a box of ashes. VCA big operation, at fault and you can already see the corporate push back. The dog was in pristine health for his age, my prior vet who quit this place and even the one there said Grizzly’s age was not a disease and factor and he looked better than some 6 year olds. it was our time to enjoy, relax we raised my kids now its our time. They robbed me. A natural death is one thing but to see something killed/murdered is a whole different thing.

        CAVES in concord, of the finest vet hospital. Nothing but the best for my man. To be sure I had tests done to show Grizzlys Bears 13 year old insides and condition were strong and they said they were that of a six year old with many years to come. So a simple throat procedure to tie back a little lazy annoying cartilage that we were okay with anyway would be nothing. It went perfect it didn’t even phase him, as always back home, happy and strong doing amazing like nothing ever happened.
        But then soon both my calls for concern were ignored, I was told they know what they are doing and do it, what i see is normal. Now they admit their guilty, wrong made a mistake, deeply sorry, are responsible full investigation and are making changes. Sorry doesnt fix shit.
        They gave me an anti inflammatory for him. Ice was sufficient he heals so quick but I did what they said, by my own hand I did what they said. The pill was over kill, an overdose. In four days it bore a whole through his stomach, he was suddenly so sad, in so much pain it was a horror show, I never dreamed of it or would allow it for my beautiful Grizzly Bear. My only true best friend I spend every and all day and night with so many more to come is dead. They killed my beautiful sweet puppy. I have had more than my share of grief in life, but today I feel a sadness I never dreamed. For thirteen years he helped me raise my family and was my best friend, always together and helped me through all. I dont know what to do without you Grizz. We get up together everyday, I cook for you, I love you , all I want to do is see you again. There are no words to thank you for making this crazy life happy and tell you how sorry I am Grizzly Bear.

      2. Keller says:

        Whoever lost Grizzly Bear, (I’m not sure it’s Shawn – it’s hard to find the name on this long list) I am crying as I read this, this senseless loss of your beloved Grizzly Bear. NSAIDS can and do kill – animals and people. It’s so hard to live with this kind of death of our beloved dogs. I have to hang on to the belief that we’ll be with them again when our own time is up on this earth. Without that, there’s endless grief, not that there isn’t a huge hole in our lives anyway that never goes away. I’m so sorry that you have to join the ranks of those of us who share your trauma and loss.

        Hold his memory close to your heart and may you sense him still walking beside you always.

    2. Carl T Iacona says:

      I am so glad I read your blog – my vet just recommended Deramaxx for my 12 year old Weimeraner for a growth. I will not go along with the recommendation and go a more natural approach – thank you

  8. Thank you, friends, for reading and spreading the word and for sharing your hearts and stories. I’m so grateful for each of you.

    “Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero

    1. Mary says:

      Amy, I am so sorry for your loss. I just saw this today. I put a link on my Facebook page in hopes of getting your story out to more people.

      1. Thank you so much, Mary. The more who know, the better. I hope no one else ever has to go through this.

    2. Joy says:

      This is such a sad, tragic story, however I thank you for having the couage to post it. I was browsing the ‘net looking for a better pain reliever for my Bouvier, Molly, who has bad arthritis. Her current medication, Rimydal, is no longer effective. When she goes to the vet this week we certainly will not consider Deramaxx if it is suggested. I’m just sorry it took the death of Holly to educate others. My condolences and, again, I thank you.

  9. Michael says:

    To Amy, Jim, & Family,

    I am so so so so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how horrible that must have been for you guys. My sister and I both started crying while reading this post.

    RIP Holly.

    1. Thanks, Michael. 😦 Promise me you’ll remember this medication in case your vet ever wants to put Roger on it.

  10. Danielle says:

    Thank you for sharing your story, Amy. I cried quite a lot, mostly for your loss, and some for my own.

    We put down our fifteen year old Poodle this fall, after she suffered renal failure. The thing is, she went through very similar symptoms as Holly, but on a scale of months and years, not days. It’s a horrible death, in either case, and I am so very sorry for your and your family’s loss.

    Again, I am grateful to be armed with this information. Thank you.

  11. Tammy says:


    Alison forwarded me your e-mail about Holly, and I am SO sorry for your loss. I have a Jessy/Boomer dog from the last litter (probably Hannah’s litter) named Scooter who is an amazing dog. During years of agility and herding, he has had multiple injuries that have been treated with an NSAID. We used Metacam instead of Deramaxx, but I know they all can have the same aweful side effects. I am forwarding the link to your blog to all my dog friends so that they will be aware.

    Thanks so much for this post, and again – I am so so sorry about Holly. Scooter sends his love…


  12. Oh Amy,
    Your poor sweet Holy. I am a blubber of tears and sobbing. My heart hurts for your family. Just this summer we lost our dog of 18 years to old age and it does take time but life will continue again whether you want it to or not.

    just thinking of you and hope your heart heals a little each day.

  13. Colleen says:

    Amy, I am so sorry to read about Holly. I found your site after googling Deramaxx and dog death, because my own wonderful pet died last week after taking Deramaxx for just three days. He was 13, but he had a hearty appetite and was happy and playful until I took him to the vet because he seemed a little stiff. They gave him Deramaxx to treat the stiffness. He was vomiting blood on day 3 and could not walk or eat by the end of the day. The vets all say that this drug did not cause his death – that it was gallbladder disease. All I know is he was fine and now he is gone.

    1. Colleen, I am so sorry that you lost your dog to Deramaxx, too. I am continually amazed by how many stories there are out there like ours. Please know that you’re not alone, and that other owners will be wiser because you shared your story. My heart goes out to you. It’s devastating to see your dearest friend go that way. I’m so, so sorry.

      Since I posted Holly’s story, a day hasn’t gone by that someone didn’t reach this post by googling “Deramaxx made dog sick” or similar keywords. It breaks my heart. It just shouldn’t be this way.

    2. Laura says:

      Colleen, I am so sorry. Our dog, too, was bleeding on day 3 of taking Deramaxx. But, it was coming form her intestines. Makes me so angry the drug did that. It ended up causing a stroke and killing her. Our vet said it was just a coincidence. We know better.

  14. Tom Portelli says:

    My 9 year old lab Norton was in excellent health but had a partilly torn ACL on his back leg. Our Vet prescribed Deramaxx and he too was dead in less than 2 weeks. Our Vet was shocked and shaken by this tragedy and asked us if he could do a complimentary Necropsy report to confirm exactly what had happened. The report confirmed that it was caused by the Deramaxx. Novartis claims that this is a rare occurrence but we all know the truth. It is killing more dogs than they will admit to. Part of the problem is that the Necropsy reports are not usually done because you have topay for it. You have lost your baby,have spent $$$ in vain to save the pet so who is focusing on reports and statistics. Novartis needs to change the warning label and do a better job of informing Vets on how to deal with bad side effects. They do not seem to know that there is no time to lose when dealing with these side effects. We need to group together to force change and help others from suffereing this awful fate. It appears animals have no rights and there is no legal recourse for us at this time. I spoke to many lawyers who wouldn’t deal with this and even the ones that do practice animal law say you cannot get anywhere. Somehow we have to put a stop to this unnecessary and senseless killing!!!!! I miss Norton so much and I know I cannot bring him back, but if I can save other dogs from this it would make me feel better about this tragedy.

    1. Tom, I’m so sorry you went through this, too. Thank you for sharing what happened to Norton here. I know a lot of people are reading this post, having found it by searching for information on Deramaxx. I can only pray that the more we tell the truth about this dangerous drug, the more dogs will be saved. It doesn’t help our hurt, but it helps spare others the heartache we feel. I’ve looked into the lawsuit avenue, too, and came to the same conclusion. Novartis has already faced one class action suit because of this medication, but that did little to help. They changed the wording on the drug packaging, but I don’t know about you, but I didn’t receive any literature with the medication since it was repackaged into a brown bottle by the vet. There’s so much negligence. But no action will bring our sweet friends back. Like I said, we can only hope speaking out about it will help others.

      Again, I’m so sorry that you lost Norton. 😦 Please know you’re not alone.

    2. Don Finnety says:

      I am so sorry for your loss, today I gave my lab daisy her 39rd dose of dermamaxx a half pill with food but after reading all of this about this meds not going to give her anymore but not sure what I need to do next,i will keep my I on her over night and call the vet in the am, she was giving this drug because she was not using her front paw she may have spraind something the vet said,so now I say my prayer that she will be ok. So sorry for all the pets that fell ill on this med I am saying my prays that my lab daisy stay strong God I don’t no what I would do with out her😯

      1. Hi Don. Thank you for your kind words. If Daisy has tolerated that much Deramaxx, she may be metabolizing it ok. You could have your vet check her liver enzyme levels to see if they’re still in the normal range. You c an also give her Pepcid with the pills to help protect her stomach. There are options, and some dogs do well and benefit from Deramaxx. Daisy may well be one. I would talk to you vet and go from there. Feel free to share Holly’s story if it helps communicate your concerns. Wishing you and Daisy all the best.

  15. Andrea says:

    So sorry to hear of your loss. I started giving Deramaxx to my dog a week ago, which was for a tear in her ligament on her right and left knee. Since then she has been vomitting, has had a distinct odor from her urine, has been drinking a lot of water, and will only eat about once a day. Which isn’t like her. After reading this I will taking her to the vet immediately and will not give her any more of the Deramaxx. I pray because of this article, my dog can be saved. God Bless


    1. I’m so glad you found Holly’s story, Andrea. It does sound like a Deramaxx reaction. I pray you’ve caught it in time and your dog rebounds from it. If your vet dismisses your concerns, please be persistent. Ask for blood/liver/kidney monitoring. Ask him to read the Deramaxx literature that states some dogs need pepcid-like meds to protect their stomach linings. Ask him if meds are absolutely necessary, and if so, tell him you’d like something other than an NSAID. If he doesn’t listen, I hope you’ll find a vet who will. Please come back and let me know how your dog is doing! God bless you and her. Hugs.

      1. Andrea says:

        The vet has her on shots for the next 4 weeks and has her on other medication. She seems to be feeling tons better and back to her normal self, but I’m still watching her close. The new vet I took her to said he does not give Deramaxx and tries to stay away from NSAIDS all together. I’m hoping she will have a full recovery and am thankful again for this story. It is just so sad that Holly’s story had to end so tragically.

        God Bless,

      2. That is wonderful news, Andrea! I’m so relieved she’s doing well and that you found a vet who’s informed. Thank you for your kind words about Holly. It’s bittersweet, knowing our tragedy is helping others. At least there’s some good from our pain. We miss her every day, and keep her close in our hearts. God bless you and your dog, and continued prayers for her full recovery.

  16. Marjorie Kaufman says:

    Sadly the same exact thing just happened to our 4 1/2 yr old Portuguese Water Dog Obi just this week. We were never warned by the vet that cessation of eating and lethargy could be fatal warning signs. He died after being on Deramaxx for ten days. Three days after we stopped the drug he crashed. Something needs to be done. The FDA should be notified that fatalities are occurring and vets need to warn clients about potential dangers.

    1. Marjorie, I am so sorry. 😦 Just last night another person contacted me with a similar story. Even one death is too many. There was a class action suit a few years ago which resulted in Novartis (the manufacturer) being ordered to change the language in the packaging that accompanies the medication. Unfortunately, most vets didn’t take note. My (former) vet appears to be about ten years behind in his research. That leaves it up to us to share our stories and knowledge. You are not alone, Marjorie. There are many of us who know all too well the heartache and anger you’re feeling right now. My heart and tears are with you. I am so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story here. Others are being saved this anguish because of it. God bless you.

  17. Donna says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am so sorry for your loss. I have a bottle of Deramaxx on the table beside me. Our vet prescribed it yesterday for my 14 year old Australian Shepherd who has a minor eye injury. They did provide a paper listing minimal side affects. This alarmed me, so I decided to look it up and read more about it before I gave it to him. I am so glad I did. I will definetly not be giving it to him. Thanks again for sharing your story. My heart breaks for you and your family and your precious Holly.

    1. Donna, thank you for your kind worlds. Hearing other people’s experiences and especially hearing that Holly’s story helped others make the pain a little easier to bear. I’m so glad Holly’s story helped you and I pray your Aussie heals well from his eye injury without the need of Deramaxx. I know there are stories of it helping dogs, but I guess there are some dogs who lack an enzyme that protects themselves against the medication. I agree with you that the risks far outweigh the benefits. It’s encouraging that your vet gave you a list of side effects. That rarely happens. All the best to you and your Aussie!

  18. Kim says:

    The very same thing happened to our dog, Mac. A 12 yr old chocolate lab. He had been on Deramaxx for a while for arthritis in his spine. This medication cost 400.00 every third month- Mac developed an inflamed liver and ulcers that led to internal bleeding. He had to be sent to heaven Sept 8, 2010. My 6 yr old Lab has torn both of her ACL’s I told the vet- until surgery, any medication besides deramaxx. Hope that Holly and Mac are playing in heaven.

    1. Kim, I’m so sorry. This shouldn’t have happened to Mac. It shouldn’t happen to any dog. 😦 It wasn’t long after you lost Mac that Holly died (Dec. 1, 2010). Thank you for commenting here and telling your story. This post gets hits every day from people looking for information on Deramaxx. I know it’s making a difference and dogs are being saved. Maybe someday no one will ever have to go through this heartache.

  19. Janet says:

    I found your story after losing my dog on 4/13/2012. Lucy had patella surgery on both of her knees on 3/13/2012. The vet prescribed 50mg of Deramaxx daily as needed. He gave me a 30 day supply. She did not seem to be doing well after the surgery and didn’t want to walk on one leg. I took her in for her two week post op and she was given another 30 day supply of Deramaxx and I was told to keep working with her to get her to walk. She was suppose to return to the vet on Monday 4/16/2012. She never made it. On the morning of 4/12 I noticed that she had vomited in her kennel. I didn’t think much about it just thought that she had just gotten sick. Later that day she threw up again. I was keeping and eye on her and she was drinking water so I didn’t think too much about it. Told myself if she wasn’t feeling better by morning that I would take her to the vet. At about 3:30 am she threw up again and went stiff and fell over At that time I called the vets office and they told me to take her to the emergency vets. She died before I could get her there. I don’t have proof that the deramaxx killed her but in my heart I feel that it did. I’ve been reading everything I can find to try to explain why my baby is dead. She was only 2 years old. I haven’t talk to the vet yet (He was on vacation) but I also feel that he over prescribed the Deramaxx. Higher doses can be given after surgery but for only 7days. Normal dose for a dog her size is 25mg. I feel so guilty, I feel like I killed my dog. I was trying to help her but didn’t see the warning signs because I thought she wasn’t feeling well due to the surgery.

    1. Janet, thank you for writing and sharing your story. I’m so sorry this happened to Lucy. I know exactly what you mean when you say, “I feel like I killed my dog”. That’s how I felt, and I still feel that way at times. We both did what we thought was the right thing for our dogs. We thought we were helping them, based on the information our vets gave us. That information was wrong, and those vets were ill-informed. After Holly died, I printed out a slew of research and stories and gave it all to my former vet. I don’t know if he ever read it or not (he said he would). The onus is on him. You’ve helped spread the word on the dangers of Deramaxx by sharing your story here, and I hope if you feel compelled, you’ll share information with your vet as well. The more we talk about what happened, the more people will be aware and the more dogs will be saved. It doesn’t bring our loved ones back, but it helps a little knowing you’re saving someone else the heartache. My heart and prayers go out to you, Janet.

  20. Janet says:

    One more thing. Why is most of the information about deramaxx dated 2006 and earlier? I tried looking at the adverse reaction data on the FDA site and the links won’t work. Everything I find is old information.

    1. I wonder if it’s because of the lawsuit against the makers of Deramaxx around that time? Here’s a link: .

      What I find incredible is that Deramaxx is essentially the same medication as Vioxx. When Vioxx killed people, they took it off the market. When the same drug kills dogs, they add a few lines of adverse side effects to the drug literature and keep selling it. How many vets have read the changes to the literature, or were informed of the dangers? Mine sure wasn’t. “I give this to lots of dogs and have never had a problem.”

      1. Janet says:

        My Vet had sent me to an orthopedic surgeon. I tried talking to him after Lucy died. He also said that he gives Deramaxx to most of his patients. He just said that sometimes these things happen. I was never warned, never told the possible side effects of this drug. I knew something was wrong but I thought it was because of the surgery. I tried to tell him that according to the literature he had over prescribed her but he really didn’t want to listen. I asked him to please be more careful with other peoples dogs. At least I tried. We can’t bring our dogs back but I will warn other people about the dangers of this and other NSAIDS

      2. It’s maddening that they don’t listen. 😦

        You’ve done a lot of good sharing your story here (and elsewhere I hope!). This post gets between 25-50 hits a day from people searching for information. People are reading stories like Lucy’s and they’re getting the information they’re not getting from their vets. Thank you so much for adding your voice to this conversation, Janet. My heart goes out to you.

  21. Dyan says:

    I am not sure what to do. My dog was diagnosed with bladder and prostate cancer in September. He had been on Piroxicam and was doing fine, his tumors had shrunk. But then it was discovered that his kidneys started to shrink a little. We took him off the Piroxicam and onto another drug. He just was reevaluated today and the other drug did not work at all. The tumors got bigger and there are a couple new ones. He seems to be alittle sensitive in his hind area so they think it may have spread to his bones or could just be a slip disc. But the docttor is suggesting Deramaxx for it’s anti inflammatory for the cancer and the pain. It seems to be the only option right now so I don’t know what to do.

    1. Hi Dyan, thank you for writing. I’m sorry your dog is not well. 😦 The truth is some dogs are helped by Deramaxx. And your dog may benefit from the medication. I would ask your vet if Deramaxx is the only option, and explain your concerns. Print out the stories here and elsewhere on the web if you need evidence for support. Ask your vet to read the precautionary verbiage in the literature that came with their supply of Deramaxx. It should instruct the vet to monitor the dog with blood tests while they’re on the medication. Another preventative measure I’ve heard of is prescribing an antacid like Previced along with the Deramaxx to protect their stomach lining as they take the medication. In Holly’s case, it appears she lacked the enzyme needed to protect her stomach from the drug and it ate through her duodenum, causing internal bleeding. If her stomach had been protected, this likely wouldn’t have happened. There’s a warning, though, that the antacid not be a sulfa-class med. Here’s a link to more info: . Also ask your vet about monitoring your dog’s liver and kidney functions while on the Deramaxx to watch for adverse reactions.

      You could also get a second opinion, or third, from other vets. Just to see if there are other options available.

      I hope this is helpful, Dyan. I am sorry you and your dog are going through this, and I’m wishing and praying for the best. ❤

      1. Dyan says:

        Thank you for the quick response! And the informative information. I talked to the vet and they did suggest not giving the medication on an empty stomach and using it with Previced or Priolsac. I guess this is the best option right now so I am going to go for it. It’s a very stressful and sad thing to go through because I want to be making the right choice for my baby. It just hurts my heart.
        Thank you for your prayers and wishful thoughts.

      2. It sounds like your vet is aware of the dangers, and is willing to work with you toward the best care for your dog. That is great! Most of the danger, I think, comes from not understanding the potential side effects until it’s too late. You and your vets are informed and know what to look for. I am so sorry your dog is ill. It’s just not fair that our companions who love us so unconditionally should get sick. My heart goes out to you. Please, if you feel inclined, let me know how he’s doing. I’m wishing you both all the best.

  22. Harrison says:

    My dog a Shepherd/Lab mix was on Deramaxx for 8 months 1 a day for arthritis. He died of a stroke. He had to be euthanized. I know it was the Deramaxx!!!

    1. I’m sorry that happened to you and your dog, Harrison. 😦

    2. Keller says:

      My dog was on Deramaxx for 10 days and died of a stroke right in the vet’s office. The stroke was in the cervical region and affected her brain stem. She died in November 2015 and I’m still beating myself up for not listening to my gut instinct that told me not to give her Deramaxx.

  23. Nichole Wilson says:

    I found this site when I searched for dog deaths related to deramaxx. Our beloved black lab, Pippin, turned 8 years old on Thursday April, 26th. She had been limping so we dropped her off at the vet Thursday morning for an x-ray. We picked her up late Thursday afternoon and they told us that she had a torn ACL and would need an orthopedic eval. They gave us deramaxx and said that they had already given her half a tablet and we were to give her a half tablet every 24 hours for pain. Pippin was a little out of it that night, but we thought it was due to the anesthesia she had for the x-ray. Friday morning she was fine and later my husband gave her the 1/2 tablet for the day. By 1:00 she was lethargic, by 2:00 she was unsteady and disoriented, at 3:00 she vomited blood and my husband rushed her to the vet. They put her on fluids, gave her a catheter and told us that they would call us before they closed at 6 to let us know how she was doing. They called at 5:00 and said that her blood count was low and she needed to be taken to the emergency vet clinic 20 minutes away for a blood transfusion. My husband picked her up and by the time he got her to the clinic, she had vomited and lost half of her blood. After 2 hours of blood transfusions and testing, our Pippin arrested and died on their table around 9:30 that night. They told us she had internal bleeding due to a reaction from the deramaxx and by the time she died, her lungs were filled with blood. From 5:30 until she died, we could hear her whimpering and howling.

    Thursday we had a healthy baby dog with a limp. Friday night, our Pippin was dead. Saturday morning we had to explain to our 5 ½ year old son, why Pippy was no longer with us.

    The vet called us yesterday and asked permission for an autopsy so they could send the results to the pharmaceutical company for research. The side effects of this medication were never explained to us or that there was even a remote possibility of death. Please, please, please do NOT give your dog this medication. It killed the best dog in the world. Pippin, we will love, miss, and remember you every day for the rest of our lives.

    1. I’m in tears, Nichole, reading about Pippin. This shouldn’t have happened. Not to your dog or to any of our dogs. I’m so, so sorry. Your story is so similar to Holly’s, except it happened so much quicker. It’s absolutely devastating. Thank you for posting your story here so others can read it and be warned about this dangerous drug. My heart breaks for you. I wish there was some way to bring our beloved companions back. I’m just so sorry. 😦

  24. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we took all of our stories to the media outlets.

    1. Nichole Wilson says:

      We received the final autopsy and tox reports on Pippin yesterday. She officially died from a gastric hemorrhage caused by Deramaxx. The vet stated that Novartis paid for all of the testing and they sent them the reports. We are getting Pippin’s ashes today. Telling Pippin’s story with the proof that Deramaxx killed her, in hopes that noone else will suffer the loss of their family member, will be my lifelong pledge.

      1. Wow, Nichole. There you have it. It’s gutting to see that in black and white. It blows my mind that despite this kind of information, they still distribute the medication so freely. When Vioxx killed people, they took it off the market. When it kills dogs, they just continue to gather research. I’m so sorry about Pippin and it’s awful that your family has had to go through this. Thank you again for sharing your story here, and your pledge to share it with others. You’re making a difference. Hugs and prayers to you. ❤

    2. Sarah says:

      Im shocked and sorry to hear all these stories.My 16 year old border collie has been on Deramaxx constantly for 4 years to treat his arthritis with no side effects. He even stole the bottle once, chewed it open and took 10x the normal dose with no adverse health reactions. I guess what im trying to say is that drugs have side effects and they can be random and unexpected. Deramaxx has helped my dog and for every sad story there are probably many happy ones where this drug has helped animals. I know that doesn’t help anyone who has lost their dog to a drug reaction, but I only felt it fair that both sides of the story were heard.For my old dog, Deramaxx has given him many extra years of pain free quality of life. I do agree that manufacturers need to be held accountable for their products, but I also feel that many dogs benefit from this drug and it is safe in the majority of pets.

      1. Sarah, thanks for writing. I’m glad Deramaxx has helped your border collie have a better quality of life. That is wonderful. From what I understand, the ability to tolerate the medication comes down to genetics. Some dogs lack the ability to protect their digestive systems from the medication or the acids it produces. A friend of mine had a golden who also was able to tolerate the medication. Some of us aren’t so lucky, though, and that should be of concern to the manufacturers, as well as vets and owners. That said, I wish you and your border collie well and hope he continues in good health. 🙂

      2. Lyn says:

        Sarah I’m glad I read this. Our 14 yr old lab/Akita has been taking half of a 50mg Deramaxx daily with her food for the past 6 months for arthritis. The change in her has been positive and amazing…within a day of taking it she was like a pup again…running back and forth throwing sticks in the air. she is always alert now, when we take her up the road we can’t keep up with her…she often seems to have more energy then our 6 yr old standard poodle who has Addison’s (who has responded wonderfully to her own medication). For the two or so yrs prior to taking the deramaxx, our dog would just lie under the desk all day…not interested in people, walks, and definitely not playing. People cannot believe she is the same dog…and we had her on the glucosamine for several yrs prior. We did have her bloodwork checked a month after trying, however i am going to ensure that she is checked again just to be sure. I agree that there can be good and bad reactions..and my heart goes out to all of those lost. As I was reading all of these posts I was starting to feel panicky however your post has also calmed me as I do believe that Deramaxx has helped to give her a much better quality of life. Incidentally, our 12 yr old shepherd had been on Rimadyl for the last year and half of her life…she had no side effects and it also helped her greatly with her hind legs/arthritis.

      3. Lyn,

        I am very happy that you are having such great success with Deramaxx. Do to the make up of the drug overdoses are rare, particularly since your Companion has been on it so long with out side effects. Many owners have dogs that can tolerate this drug but many have gastrointestinal side effects with organ overload, thus a shorter life. One of my Border Collies took Deramaxx for 6 months with the dosage based on his weight. Of course, it should be taken on a full stomach to act as a buffer.
        At first he showed some improvement but then he began to vomit and look miserable. He died about five weeks after discontinuing the drug. I should also point out that the vomiting began about a week after a normal result on a blood test. When he was tested again his blood count was only a little out of whack and I was advised to continue with Deramaxx. There was no autopsy but the vet said he probably had Pancreatic Cancer. As he was only 9 and was in good health before giving him Deramaxx. I have to blame some relationship between the action of the drug on his organs and the time of his death. Please remember, this is my opinion but what other factor would have taken him like this. My other Border Collies have lived for 12-17 years of age. When giving N.S.A.I.D.S., it must be realized that you are playing with fire.
        The point I am trying to make is there are other class !!! and Class !! drugs that are far safer and, when given as prescribed, are much safer on both people and pets. Sadly, the majority of vets will not prescribe them due to the drug laws. I will say that Steroids are far more dangerous to dogs but not cats! You seem to be having great luck with Deramaxx and you should probably continue but please have blood work routinely preformed as you will never be able to replace that great Companion you have. I just feel it is so wrong that Politicians force nearly every living thing to have to take an extremely expensive, dangerous drug because they think they know what is best for us. Please read all you can on N.S.A.I.D.S. and only trust yourself when making any decisions on giving drugs to your Companion or taking them for your self or those you love.
        Best of luck to you,.

  25. Janet says:

    Nichole my heart goes out to you. It is so sad that we have to find out this information after our dogs have died. Like you I will also try to warn people of the dangers of this drug. You are in my thoughts.


  26. Brandi Lane says:

    Sadly, I must add my story to this growing list. We have a two year old lab named Capt. Jack Sparrow. He’s my mom’s dog and as you can tell she is a fan of the movies. Jack is only two…and unless something changes in the next twenty-four hours he will never see three. The vet has stated that his decline and possible demise is a result of Deramaxx. I am sick to my stomach. Jack is the sweetest, most innocent, loving Labrador and doesn’t deserve this. He was a happy healthy dog who stepped on a thorn and was given this abomination of a drug to combat the inflammation. Then he has all the same symptoms you mention…lethargy, won’t eat, vomiting and bloating and it turns out his stomach had ulcerated and that the ulcer has perforated spilling into his stomach lining. He had a massive infection. He got a little better, then took another step backwards and now has had five surgeries, lost part of his intestines, and now barring a miracle we will lose him tomorrow. We need to stop this…we need to do something to prevent this from happening to more people and more pets. We were never given a sheet on this drug, we had no clue what we were doing. I hope we don’t lose Jack but either way…this drug company needs to be stopped.

    1. Brandi, I apologize for taking a few days to post your comment. (I was offline, out of town.) What happened with Jack? I hope you’ll write and let me know. I’m so sorry Jack has gone through this. It’s awful, especially for such a young dog! I am praying he was able to pull through. I agree this drug should never be given without the proper warnings ahead of time. I feel helpless in the face of that problem, but I do know that posting about it here and elsewhere (sharing our stories) is helping others. It doesn’t change what our dogs have gone through or the pain we’ve endured (and continue to endure), but it does save lives.

      Please let me know how Jack is. And please know you have my most heartfelt sympathies for what you and your mom and Jack have gone through.

      1. Brandi Lane says:

        As I emailed you yesterday little Jack lost his battle yesterday. We are heartbroken. Though it’s never easy to lose a pet, I think it’s easier to say goodbye when they’ve lived a full life. Jack was only two years old so we are devastated. My entire family was with him when he left us and he looked my mom, his love, in the eyes until the end. If there was a class action suit against the drug manufacturer then maybe it’s the vets we need to educate or legislate. Had we been informed on what we were giving Jack or what the consequences could be…he may still be here. And yes, I know we should do our own research but when you’ve used a vet for over ten years and one is a family friend you expect they have your pets best interests at heart…and perhaps we do need to go back to the drug manufacturers because I find it hard to believe that they can’t make these drugs safer.

      2. Brandi, I sent you an email but I’ll say it here, too. I am so sorry about Jack. He was so young. 😦 I know exactly what you mean about trusting your vet because you’ve been with him so long. That’s our story, too. I don’t know what the answer is. I’ve heard others talk about class action suits. I’ve thought about going to the news and media. If we could at least get vets to agree to share the risks before giving the medications, that would help. Now I ask my new vet about every medication he prescribes. He probably thinks I’m crazy, but I don’t care. If it keeps my dogs safe, then it’s worth looking crazy. I, too, believe they can make these drugs safer. My original vet didn’t (probably still doesn’t) think there’s anything wrong with Deramaxx. And it does help some dogs. Just like Vioxx helped some humans (same drug, essentially as Deramaxx). When Vioxx killed people, they took it off the market. When it kills dogs, they don’t. I don’t get it. I do know the stories shared here are making a difference, though. I wonder if there’s a way to guest blog around the web at animal forums and blogs and help spread the word. (I’ll look into that.) Brandi, my heart goes out to you and your family. And Jack. From what you shared in your email, he fought very hard to stay with you. What a strong spirit he had. I pray you can come to a place of healing and peace with what’s happened. Thank you again for being a part of this thread, these stories. You’re making a difference already. Hugs and tears to you.

  27. Liana says:

    This is so sad, I am sorry about you’re dog. My dog Snowy, a sweet yellow lab, who was more white like snow then yellow died of taking a certain medicine. She started off with a limp, like you’re dog, it became till she never wanted to play and she had no energy. She always looked sad.. She came down to pancreatis. She had other things wrong with her but I forget what it was. The vet gave us a certain medication to “help” our little 3 year old girl. He said the medicine would help her get better. We trusted our vet. Snowy went out to do her business but when my dad called her back in she didn’t come. He knew something was wrong and when he got her in she collapsed dead infront of my dad.. My dad researched the medicine and it stated “DO NOT GIVE TO LABS!” Our vet killed our dog! I miss her do much and I cry as I type this.

    1. Awful. Just awful. I’m sorry, Liana. Reading your comment reminded me of trying to get Holly to come back inside when she was so weak. I had to help her stand and help her walk back inside. It’s horrible. I’m sorry this happened to Snowy. To all of the dogs remembered in these comments. Thank you for adding your story. It does help. It might not seem like it, but it does. I wish vets would explain the risks. I wish they’d come up with a safer alternative to Deramaxx. I wish we could have our companions back. I wish our heartache would go away. I’m so sorry, Liana.

  28. Lee Foxwell says:

    Hello Amy, I saw this was still an active blog and wanted to let you know you can our GSD, Sassie Queen to the Deramaxx statistics. First I will let you know she is still alive and hopefully will stay that way. She had been on Deramaxx for a few months for her hip and back arthritis. We were warned of the possibility of GI Bleed, so were educated on it. We checked her stools, but later became comfortable and lax with checking. Yesterday, early AM she was throwing up, walking with arched back, stumbling and vomiting. Her Vet asked me to take her to the Pet ER instead of him seeing her. Luckily for us, the wonderful vet at the ER quickly put 2 and 2 together with her hx of Deramaxx use and focused on abdominal issues and started therapy very quickly. We are praying she will not still suffer a perforation and resultant abdominal surgery, which has poor results. She is doing better this AM, when I called over there, and has retained some meds by mouth. So hopefully, even though she is now a another number to add to the Deramaxx casualties, hopefully she will make a recovery.
    I am wondering without calling Novartis if there is a way to send them an email. No address was found for them yet.
    I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved BC, and wish no one ever had to go through that. Thanks for hearing my story!

    1. Hi Lee. I’m sorry to hear this is happening to Sassie Queen. 😦 How is she doing with the treatment? I’m praying it’s good news!

      I found contact information on Novartis’ Animal Health site. Here’s the link: I don’t know if those phone numbers will get you anywhere worthwhile, though. If you do call and make contact and would like to share what happens, I’m sure there are a few of us here who’d like to know.

      EDITED TO ADD: Here is the form on their site to report adverse drug effects: They have it under the Veterinarians link, so I’m not sure if they’ll listen to a non-vet consumer. I also don’t know, since it’s a form, if they’ll respond at all.

      I hope you’ll also write and let me know how Sassie Queen is doing. It’s reassuring to read there are vets who administer this medication responsibly, and also vets who are aware of the possible complications. Again, I’m praying for a full recover for your girl.

      Thank you for writing.

  29. Tracy says:

    I just was curious on the drug Deramaxx and what it was doing for my 8 year old dog. She has been on Deramaxx for a year and a little over a month. It seems to make her more comfortable at night and seems to have a better sleep. My dog has a bone disease and her front legs are slowly giving out. Sorry to hear of all the problems with Deramaxx.

    1. Hi Tracey. Thank you for writing. I’m sorry to hear your dog has a bone disease and is in pain. It’s good to know the Deramaxx is helping her. It definitely helps some dogs lead longer, more comfortable lives. For some of us, though, it had the opposite effect. I hope your dog continues to do well on the medication. I would suggest you continue to monitor how she’s doing, and if at any point she stops eating or starts acting lethargic you stop the med and get her checked out. Thank you for reminding us that the medication does do good as well.

  30. Stacy says:

    This is so sad I am so sorry for your loss

  31. Nichole Wilson says:

    I’m glad that this is still an open blog and checked it often as it does provide some comfort to know that others feel the same pain, sense of loss, and frustration. I shared previously that my black lab, Pippin, died April 27th due to a severe gastic hemorrhage caused by Deramaxx. She took 2 doses and died. Since her death, I have been busy. I requested and obtained copies of all of Pippin’s medical records from both our vet and the emergency vet where she was treated. After consulting with an attorney, I sent letters of deman to both Novartis and my vet stating the facts of the necropsy report and asked to be reimbursed for all of the expenses that we incurred in an effort to keep Pippin alive (blood transfusions, x-rays, etc.). Novartis replied with a letter stating that they only reimburse for diagnostic testing and that if we signed a waiver (waiving our rights to pursue any formal restitution in the future), then they would give us $300 and then would pay the vet $400 money (that we didn’t even owe as we had paid all our bills at the date of death). Novartis gave us 90 days to respond or the offer would be null and void. The vet responded in a letter disputing that they were negligent in any way, but since we had mentioned possible pursuing legal avenues, then they would notify their malpractice carrier. My facts for pursuing a negligence claim were as follows: The Deramaxx information sheet, provided by Novartis, recommends that baseline blood testing be completed prior to administering this NSAID. Baseline blood testing would establish if your dog has any existing kidney/renal problems, which would in turn, enable you to make an informed decision as to whether Deramaxx would be safe for your dog. My vet did not complete any blood testing.
    Zurich responded via letter that they found that the vet had not breached the standard of care and therefore, no malpractice was committed. They stated that since we had signed a pre-anesthesia waiver for blood work at the time of her x-ray, then that would mean we would have waived blood work for any medications as well.
    After further consultation with an attorney, in 8/12 I sent another letter to the vet and their malpractice carrier stating that per animal law, the definition of veterinarian “standard of care” states, “The professional duty of the veterinarian usually begins with obtaining a history of the animal, followed by a physical examination. The veterinarian is required to use professional learning, skill, and care beginning with the initial contact with the animal, through the diagnosis of the problem, the decision and execution of treatment and the necessary follow-up care. Having the history, it is expected that the veterinarian will act accordingly…throughout this process, there is a duty to keep the owner informed and obtain the necessary consent for the suggested treatment. In obtaining permission for treatment, there should be disclosure of the risk of the treatment or drugs.” After reviewing Pippin’s records, I remembered that Pippin had taken Deramaxx in 9/11 for hip pain and no blood tests were completed. On 1/25/11, Pippin was seen for symptoms of blood in her urine and vomiting. A urinalysis was completed and the 1/31/11 medical note documents that the culture results revealed E. Coli, and that Pippin has a “history of hyposenuria also – with lab r/o psychogenic water drinking.”

    Pippin’s next office visit was on 9/1/11 for her annual exam with symptoms of pain when walking. She was given a 7-day supply of 100 mg Deramaxx. Prior to the administration of the Dermaxx, baseline blood testing was not discussed or completed.

    The Deramaxx information sheet states in relevant part, “Carefully, consider the potential benefits and risk of Deramaxx and other treatment options before deciding to use Deramaxx. All dogs should undergo a thorough history and physical examination before the initiation of NSAID therapy. Appropriate laboratory tests to establish hematological and serum biochemical baseline data prior to, and periodically during, administration of any NSAID is recommended.” It also states, “Patients at greatest risk for adverse events are those that are dehydrated, on concomitant diuretic therapy, or those with existing renal, cardiovascular, and/or hepatic dysfunction.”

    At Pippin’s visit prior to the administration of Deramaxx, she had urine in her blood, was vomiting, and a history of drinking large amounts of water. Yet, Dermaxx was administered with no baseline testing. It was not discussed. We did not waive testing. A pet owner would expect their vet to be aware of their dog’s medical history. We expect that a vet provide the appropriate “standard of care” by utilizing their professional learning and skill to recognize when administration of a medicine without proper testing may be hazardous to the animal’s health. As a result of this negligence, we are lucky Pippin did not die in September 2011.
    We received a response from the malpractice carrier stating that even if Pippin had blood testing, she had a “rare complication” that could not have been found in a blood test. This was their only response. When I contacted them and inquired as to what information they reviewed for them to come to that conclusion, they stated, “we reviewed all the information you gave us”.
    So here we are, no Pippin, and no justice for her loss of life. I am currently in the works of submitting formal written complains to the Maine state veterinary licensing board and the veterinary medical association in Cumberland County.
    If anyone, ANYONE, wishes to pursue any legal action regarding this drug and it’s “rare complications, then please contact me. I’ve done 5 months of avid research on administering this drug. Please contact me if anyone has any questions. I’m looking into the legality of posting copies of all the letters we’ve received from both Novartis and the malpractice carrier so that everyone can see their lack of sensitivity and urgency.

    I apologize for the ranting/rambling; however, Pippin was our first “baby” and she deserves someone to stand up for her life.

    1. Wow. I don’t even know how to respond to this, Nichole. How disheartening and disappointing. Thank you for sharing your update/news here. I’ve often wondered what would have come from pursuing legal action against Novartis or our previous vet. I guess now I know. If you post the letters online, will you please share the link? This post gets a lot of daily traffic, and I think people would appreciate that resource.

      I’m sorry about Pippin. I’m sorry you got doors shut in your face trying to stand up for her. She deserved better, as all our pets do. 😦

    2. Callin Fortis says:

      Hi Nichole, I believe Deramaxx killed my Pug last Sunday. He was being treated for a minor slipped disk in his neck and was prescribed Deramaxx without any pre testing, IE blood work. We had him at the vet on Friday when he prescribed the drug. He looked worse to me on Saturday and i scheduled an MRI for him on Sunday. It did NOT even occur to me that they would put a senior Pug under a general and into a human MRI tube without blood work. Two days later he was listless and exhibited a general manner of malaise. Friday he could not stand up on his own nor eat. I took him to the emergency vet where they convoked me he just looked “sedated.” Again, NO BLOOD work. Friday night he had projectile vomiting which i knew was a very very bad sign. Sunday Am i took him this time back to the neurologist who had performed the MRI just 6 days prior. Finally, after 4 vet visits in 8 days he did a CBC. PUGDOE’s blood work was off the charts. Kidneys, Liver, anemic, low blood sugar etc……..They kept him in an effort to stabilize which they did to a minor degree. I was for the first time in a week encouraged. I went to bed dreaming of taking him back to his regular vet for proper diagnosis. We received the call at 5AM Sunday morning that PUGDOE had expired. In a stupor i began to replay every minute from the past week. I googled Deramaxx. The rest, shall we say is history. Monday AM i immediately called the vet and told him i was going to have a full necropsy done. He actually was negative about it. Told me all the reasons why i shouldn’t do it. I did it anyway. I expect the results Monday. I will hold my breath until then praying that he had something else underlying take him from me. His symptoms are exactly as described by the countless others who have had to watch there little ones suffer for NO reason. I would love to follow through if indeed the necropsy shows what i’m almost positive it will. I have been researching all week as well and have gathered hundreds of documents including a class action lawsuit deposition. Very very alarming. i can be reached at

      1. Callin, I’m very sorry to hear about your Pug. 😦 Thank you for writing in and telling us his story. By the time I realized what happened to Holly, it was too late for a necropsy. I wish I’d had one done. Would you be willing to share the findings of your pug’s procedure? If you’re not comfortable doing so on this site, I will email you so you can contact me directly. I also wonder if you’ll keep me and readers here apprised on your class action research. I’ve looked into it, too, even contacting a law firm, only to be turned down. Again, I’m sorry you’re going through this. I think you (and all who have shared experiences here) are brave.

      2. Junk says:

        Hi I have posted to your blog before but I wanted to try and recommend something you may be able to share with your followers. My dog was a lucky one and I was able to stop the Deramaxx before it was too late. When dogs take these type of drugs the side effects of bleeding can be stopped by combining it with a drug called sucralfate- it is given every eight hours and basically coats and protects from the tongue to the other end to prevent any damage to the system. I couldn’t remember if your story had anything to do with internal bleeding or if it was another type of reaction. The generic for of the drug is called carafate- it is a tablet that you would break in half and put into a syringe mixed with 5ml of warm water. You shake it vigorously until it becomes what they call a slurry anthem give to the dog orally. It i a chalk like substance that is not absorbed by the body so it is relatively safe to take for a length of time. It bonds to the proteins created by ulcers and blocks the Deramaxx from eating away at them and allows themto heal. It will also prevent any type of damage even if there is no pre existing ulceration. It was NOT prescribed for me to to give him with the Deramaxx which led to our problem but was given after I realized what happened and stopped the Deramaxx. Please look into this to possibly help others. It is not fun to give- very time consuming and involves waking up at odd hours to give one of the doses do to the every eight hours- if you miss a dose it will leave your dog unprotected for that time period and only works as well as you are administering it. I hope this will help other people bc unfortunately some dogs will need this drug or at least a type of NSAID for whatever reason. I still agree with very thing you said about Deramaxx being unsafe and would not personally choose to use it ever again with or without the carafate but I wanted to mention it anyhow. I think it’s great what your doing to raise awareness and it’s very kind of you to take the time and respond to everyone’s comments


      3. Thank you so much for sharing this info. I wish our vet had prescribed this for Holly. Maybe she’d have not died if he had. She was bleeding out by the end and it was awful. I’m so grateful to you for writing in. I’m sure this is going to help other owners out there. Thank you! And so happy your dog recovered!

      4. Callin Fortis says:

        Hi Amy, I have the gross Necropsy findings. Very interesting. One is that he had absolutely NO negative pathology in his spine, specifically between C3 and C4 which is what they diagnosed him with following his MRI. The painful part of this is now i know, he did not need to be on Deramaxx at all. I would be happy to share the rest of the report with you under separate email You can email me directly. I am waiting for the final report which is the advanced analysis of some of the tissue etc……I expect the final results within the next week or two. I have resisted advancing my case to the vets who blew it, the FDA, state licensure board etc….until i have the final results. I think i have one swing at the plate here. I have not forgotten what they put PUGDOE through, nor me.

      5. Wow, Callin. Thank you for sharing the findings here. That is devastating, the fact he didn’t need the Deramaxx. Just awful. I’m sorry. I’m certain if we’d done a necropsy on Holly we’d have found the same with Holly–that the Deramaxx wasn’t necessary after all. Gutting. I will email you regarding the rest of the report. Please know I’m applauding and supporting your efforts to take a swing at the higher ups. If there’s anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you for your courage. Please keep us posted on what happens.

      6. Susan says:

        Hi Callin sorry for your loss of your beloved pet – I have yet to write to the State veterinary board and others and it has been almost 8 months since I lost my Porter – I promised him earlier today that I will put pen to paper. I planted a tree in his honor a few weeks ago. I also have a marble plaque which I will place next to his tree. Please email me at and give me some ideas of who I should write to other than the state board – I would appreciate any help you can provide. I am committed to doing something about these tragedies.


    3. Ralph Law says:

      We had a vet screw up and kill one of our dogs many years ago. I believe “revenge” is in the dictionary for a reason. We got even and I have to admit I felt good about it because the Vet could no longer do that to any animal. I cannot go into details but these people are like bad doctors that prescribe rather than take the time to treat. Adios and good riddance…and everyone agreed.

  32. Nichole Wilson says:

    Thanks Amy. I realized that I failed to mention that we did NOT sign the Novartis waiver.

    1. I figured you hadn’t. I wouldn’t have either.

  33. I just got back from taking Holly’s sister, Hannah, to the vet (our new vet, not the previous one) for her yearly well check. She’s entering the senior years now, and I mentioned to our vet that she’s had some stiffness in her shoulders at night after lying down. He mentioned supplements and then said if arthritis sets in and is painful we can consider anti-inflammatories. I reminded him about Holly and Deramaxx. He said he doesn’t prescribe Deramaxx, and always runs blood panels before and during use of any anti-inflammatories.

    I cannot underscore enough how important it is to find a knowledgeable, understanding vet. I’m so glad we found this one.

  34. Christina D says:

    Wow- I am so saddened to read all of this. My dog has been on this drug for probably 6 or 7 years. I stumbled across this site actually looking to see if anyone still was carrying it (Novartis shut the plant that manufactures it and its not available). While it has been a wonderful drug for my dog (a mutt who looks mostly retriever), this site has been an eye opener. I was so nervous about seeking a new drug for him b/c we have tried others that he had allergic reactions to and b/c he is 12. After reading all of this, I will be looking for a new med to put him on. Thank you all for sharing your stories.

    1. Hi Christina. Thank you for writing. I’m glad Deramaxx has been helpful for your dog. There are others who have written as well to tell how it has helped their dogs lead a pain-free life, and that is great. It’s unfortunate that’s not the case for all dogs, though. I hope you’re able to find a way to help your dog. Regardless of what you find, I hope your vet monitors your dog closely for adverse reactions. It’s good to see you’re doing research and making the best choices for your dog. Wishing you both the best!

  35. Michelle says:

    Amy- thank you so much for sharing this. Please know it is helping others even 2 years later. Holly’s horrible and terrible ordeal is saving our pets. I just had a cat pass away 6 weeks ago from kidney failure. I was disappointed in my vet in his initial diagnosis- which was to basically send him home to die! Like you, I had been going to the same vet for years-12 to be exact. But by finding an alternate therapy vet, my kitty got 4 extra great weeks.

    I have a 15 yr old chow/Shepard mix named Benny, who is the light of my life. He gets his blood work run every other month, and it has always been perfect! Until 2 weeks ago and Deramaxx! Benny had been waiting to get stem cell treatment for arthritis, but because of my cat, it got delayed. I noticed he was liig on his back paw, so the vet suggested we try Deramaxx just to get him over the hump (this is the original vet). I did, and the first day he was great. But day 2- he refused to eat. Them he started to not be able to walk. he had accidents in the house. He wouldn’t eat even home made chicken and rice. After day 4, I took him to the vet. They ran bloodwork- kidney failure! I was shocked. We had just had bloodwork 4 weeks ago and everything was perfect!

    They told me it was simply because of his age. I point- blank asked, as you did, if it could be the Deramaxx. He said ‘No- it doesn’t affect kidneys, mostly the liver.’ And one week later, today, they sent him home to me, still hobbled and telling me it’s ok to give Deramaxx! Thank God and your Holly and you that I found your site and article. He will NOT be taking this.

    I am very blessed that he responded wonderfully to the treatment and his values are still a title high, but within range now. But what damage did this do? And now I worry he won’t be able to have his stem-cell treatment, which I saved money for for the past 2 yrs.

    I’m sorry to write a book, but I wanted you to know how greatly I thank you, and how UHC this means to me that you shared this. I have lupus, and I have taken Celebrex for years, but I also know the side effects that many NSAIDs can have all too well.

    Thank you so much, and I know that Holly is watching over all of you and will see you again some day.


  36. Hi Michelle. Thank you so much for writing and for sharing Benny’s story! I can’t tell you how good it feels to hear that Holly’s awful situation has helped others. And how wonderful it is to hear that Benny is recovering from the Deramaxx. I pray he’s able to do the stem-cell treatment for his arthritis. What an amazing mom you are, taking such lengths to help him! I am wishing you both good health and many more joy-filled day together!

  37. Sue says:

    I read your story and want to say I’m so very sorry. My wonderful, playful 3 year old Boxer Jack, died early this morning from deramaxx. Jack was given deramaxx Jan. 2nd and died from internal bleeding, Jan. 14th, he became gravely ill Jan. 13th early morning. Jack vomiting and became very weak, we took Jack to the animal ER where they began treatment, Jacks body temp dropped to 96 degrees, a dogs normal temp is 101 to 102. Dogs temps run higher then humans. I’m writing this to also tell everyone to please not give your pups deramaxx and to stop if they already are. My Jack was only 3 and a very healthy dog, he too just pulled his hind leg from playing. The so called medicine that was to stop his pain, caused him more pain and took his life. Deramaxx killed my dog, the ER doctor, the vet who did an autopsy also concluded that our wonderful pup Jack died from complications from deramaxx. I called the drug company to file a complaint and of course didn’t want to take responsibility for a drug they promised would he safe. I also left a message with the FDA to inform them that they approved a drug that is killing healthy young dogs, so far haven’t heard back, hmmm what surprise. To all who have lost your best friend to an untimely death my heart goes out to you, my family and I are devastated, our sadness for our wonderful, funny, and very loved Jack is so great that I’m determined to go on to as many blog’s as I can to let people know that deramaxx needs to be pulled from the market. I will continue my efforts to ensure people want answers as to why they would approve a drug that was barely tested, and to continue to allow our loved ones to die from this so called medicine they deemed APPROVED. How dare they. God bless to all and thanks so much for reading this blog.

    1. Oh no!! Sue, I am so sorry! I know the nightmare you’re going through right now, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I am so sorry this happened to your Jack. So young, too. Thank you for sharing what happened, though, so others can learn. This thread — all these comments — are testimony of what this drug is and what it can do to dogs. People are helped by it every single day. Dogs are saved. I know that is little consolation in light of Jack’s passing, but any little light helps. My heart goes out to you and your family and I pray God gives you peace and strength to get through this time. God bless you.

  38. Deborah says:

    I am so glad I found these posts. I have been giving my 12-year-old Rott mix Ecotrin for a long time. Our old vet said it was okay to do so. The new vet said it likely isnt doing her any good because the coating probably doesnt break down fast enough. She said breaking it in half would allow it to work but would cause gastric ulcers. I already know she cant tolerate Rimadyl. She throws up violently after only a couple of doses. So the vet suggested Derramax and said though its no longer available they had some that was donated that she would give me to try. Well, the red flag went up as I wondered why it wasn’t available, so I began doing my research. She will not be taking it! Thank you all for posting your stories. Losing our beloved animals is painful. Giving them meds that we think is going to help, which ultimately hurt them is unbearable.

    1. Hi Deborah! Thank you for writing. I’m so glad this post and the comments helped you and your dog. I commend you, doing research ahead of time. I wish I had done so. BTW, from what I understand, Deramaxx will be back on the market one of these days. It was a manufacturing error that led to a shut down of the factory.

      I wish you and your dog well!

  39. Eddie Brown says:

    Thank you for your story on the effects of Deramax. My dog Maggie was given it in August of 2010. I gave her a few doses but stopped for some reason, not sure why. I went to the vet today (January 29, 2013) for what a believe to be the same problem with Maggie, osteoarthritis in the knees. The vet did an x-ray, blood work and urine and gave me some Metacam oral suspension. It is similar to Deramax and I’m not sure what to do. Any ideas please let me know. Thank you. Eddie

    1. Hi Eddie. I don’t know anything about Metacam, but there might be some following this thread who do. I saw on a search that it is a NSAID, like Deramaxx. To be on the safe side, I would ask your vet about any side effects to watch for. Then I would ask if he can also prescribe something to guard Maggie’s digestive tract while she’s taking it (like Pepcid), and also if he can monitor her liver and kidney levels while she’s on the medicine. That way, if there are unseen side effects, you will know about them right away. I should add that I am not a vet. The advice I’ve posted here is partially what the Deramaxx drug literature recommends, and also what I’ve found in the research I did after Holly’s death.

      Mostly, I recommend that you trust your gut. If you have a bad feeling about this medication or you think your dog is having an adverse reaction to it, by all means stop giving it and talk to your vet.

      Wishing you and Maggie all the best, and hoping her knees feel better.


      1. Eddie says:

        Thank you for your quick response. I will work closely with my new vet at Limehouse Clinic in Toluca Lake, CA. She works with eastern and western medicine. Kinda new for me. Take care. 😉

      2. She sounds like a cool vet. Does she do any work with acupuncture? A friend of mine had a dachshund who developed spinal issues to the point he was paralyzed from the middle of his back down. He couldn’t move his back legs or his tail. She tried acupuncture, and during the first treatment, her dog wagged his tail! I’ve wondered about acupuncture, if it’s legitimate or not, and this story really opened my eyes. Clearly it couldn’t have been a placebo effect or the power of suggestion. Now, after several more treatments, her dog is back to walking and living a normal life. I don’t know if acupuncture will help with painful dog knees, but it might be worth looking into!

      3. Eddie says:

        yes she, Dr. Gray, does acupuncture as well as some type of laser treatment that simulates hot / cold treatment. Her office is one of the few eastern medicine vets in the Los Angeles area. My neighbor recommended her because she helped his dog with cancer treatments. My neighbors dog is doing much better now..

      4. Very cool, Eddie. She sounds like someone who will listen to your concerns. I hope the treatments help Maggie feel better!

  40. Chet says:

    Hi Amy,
    Thankyou for your posting. Unfortunately, as you can imagine we have been brought here by our own concerns. My dog has just recently started acting ill and we decided to look into if it could be the Deramaxx. I believe after reading this and other posts, my dog is indeed suffering from Deramaxx side effects. Im only hoping that the damage isnt permanent or irrepairable although judging from his state Im not so optimistic. 😦 Im wondering if there are any class action suits out there right now? It seems there was one awhile ago and the company changed some wording as a result. If my dog pulls through this we are definitely going to try acupuncture. Im a huge fan of it and cant believe I didnt consider it for my best friend. INstead I poisoned him with Dermaxx; Im heartsick…

    1. Chet, I’m sorry. I pray there’s still time to save your dog. 😦

      I don’t know of any active class action lawsuits. There has been talk about starting one, but I don’t know that it’s gone beyond talk. I contacted my local news stations, hoping they might see a story in this, but never heard from them. In the meantime, I’m just doing what I can with this post and trying to tell as many people as I can.

      I really hope your dog pulls through this! Other dogs have had successful recoveries. I strongly urge you to seek immediate, emergency help. I’ve read that it’s recommended you give pepcid along with the deramaxx to protect their stomachs from the drug. (I wish I’d know that with Holly.) You might want to give that a try in the meantime. But it’s also the kidneys and liver you have to watch out for. If I were you, I would take your dog to an emergency animal clinic. That might seem extreme, but better safe than sorry. 😦

      I wish this wasn’t happening to you! My heart and prayers go out to you and your dog. 😦 Send me an update if you can, OK?

      1. Chet says:

        We stopped the Detamaxx two days ago and Bud ( my loyal golden mix of 12 years) has been given sucralfate and Prilosec to coat his stomach snd possibly repair any dxmage that may have been caused. In the meantime his breathing continues to be quite labored, he continues to be lethargic, and we bring him back to the vet today for another blood work up bc his platelets are extremely low. Has anyone had low platelet levels due to Deramaxx? I found many low platelet posts but none mention Deramaxx although some mentioned a correlation with vaccines ( not our case). Will post later after our visit – THANKS for listening!

      2. I’m glad he’s getting help! Have they done any scans to see if he has internal bleeding? I have limited medical knowledge, but if there’s fluid in his chest cavity, that could account for the labored breathing, and maybe the low platelet counts? If the Deramaxx has eaten a hole through his stomach or duodenum (which is what we believe happened to Holly), it would cause bleeding.

      3. Chet says:

        Ok, so after an ultrasound they found an enlarged liver and spleen which is common along with all of his other symptoms to that of an auto-immune disease. Typically they treat this disease with steroids but since we think he may have some stomach upset/damage from the Deramaxx they are continuing to use meds to coat/repair the stomach and we start a somewhat strong drug to begin in the aid of making blood cells. If this goes well and blood counts rise we will then add in the steroids. From what I read this all sounds like a conservative and accurate way to combat this serious condition. With that said. I found many articles citing dog owners who blame Deramaxx for an onset of a usually deadly auto immune disease. Wish us luck and we’ll keep you posted… Thanks…

      4. It’s great to hear he’s getting treatment and that your vet is working with you, Chet! I am wishing you all the luck in the world, and praying your dog pulls through this! (This post gets a lot of readers, and I bet they’re doing so as well.)

        You’re right that Deramaxx causes liver damage. It may not be an autoimmune disease; it might be his liver is trying to metabolize the drug and can’t. I just found a really informative link about how Deramaxx affects dogs, which you might want to show to your vet:

        I read about some people who give their dogs milk thistle to help and prevent liver problems. I don’t have any personal experience with this, but I found a link at webmd that said suggests it might be helpful:

        Looking forward to your next update and wishing you a healthy dog!

      5. chet says:

        Update- feeling less than optimistic… Bud is very weak and we
        have resorted to carrying him. We are not sure if its bc if his blood count is continuing to drop or if his meds are wiping him out. We visit the vet tomorrow for a blood check but if he is still in this condition I think we will need to make the most humane choice given his age. We are still in shock since less than a week ago I had a happy healthy dog. I have posted this blog on facebook to warn others. I am convinced deramaxx caused this; when I look back I think I missed some signs by thinking he was just “getting old”. I hope to find some peace in knowing that we enhanced each others lives for 13 awesome years.

      6. Chet, I am so sorry! I had hoped so much for good news about Bud. 😦 It’s little consolation, but please know you’re not alone, and that by sharing your experience here and elsewhere, you’re helping save other dogs’ lives and sparing other owners this heartache. I pray you’re able to find peace in this tragedy. Right now that probably seems impossible. It took me a long, long time. Hang onto the memories of all those wonderful years together and know that you did the best, and all, you could for him. Please scruff Bud’s ears for me and tell him I think he’s very brave.

        My heart and tears go out to you, Chet.

      7. Chet says:

        The great news is that Bud is still with us – the bad news is that we are not out of the woods yet. We are adding milkweed thistle to his cocktail of many meds and giving him some more time. More blood results to come tomorrow. Also added a high nutrition food. Possibly going to try a steroid. He is extremely weak but does not seem in pain. To be continued…

      8. What?! I wasn’t prepared for this news! What a wonderful surprise this morning. 🙂 My thoughts and prayers are with Bud. Let us know what happens, please!

      9. Chet says:

        Bud is still hanging in there. He is on a variety of meds including predniosone. Back again today to check the blood levels… will update… thnx… ❤

      10. Thanks for the update, Chet. I am so inspired by Bud! What an amazing dog. I’m thinking about him and praying for good blood counts today.

      11. Chet says:

        Blood counts are on the rise but he is now experiencing loose stools… to be continued! Back again to vet tomorrow… I’ve researched a number of supplemental remedies but since the bout of diarreah we need to stabilize his gut. Im thinking probiotics may help though…

      12. That was my thought, too. Probiotics. I’ve heard adding pumpkin purée and rice to their food can help slow down digestion. Also kefir can help act like a probiotic. What a fighter! Keep it up, Bud!

      13. Lori Ann says:

        I’m rooting for Bud, too! Love to him from Texas.

      14. You are awesome, Lori.

      15. Tammy says:

        Chet, so sorry that you and Bud are going through all of this. I wanted to let you know about a natural supplement I use for my border collie’s low/normal thyroid. It’s called Canine Thyroid Support and is made by Standard Process – I get it on Amazon. I just had bloodwork done and his levels have come up after using this supplement. Good thoughts and prayers to you both!

  41. Nichole Wilson says:

    Keep us updated on how Bud is doing Chet. We have him in our thoughts in Maine!

    1. Hi Nichole (and every following this thread). Just wanted to let you know that Chet emailed to let me know Bud is hanging in there, trying to recover. Please continue to keep him in your prayers!

      1. Chet says:

        Hi All – Thanks so much for the support! Bud got good news today. His blood levels are normal and we have started to reduce some of his meds. He still has terrible diarreah but we are hoping that the reduction in meds will resolve that – if not he’ll need an antibiotic. The real test will be to see how his blood maintains itself when not any meds at all. With that said, Bud is barking, walking, eating, and practically back to his ol’ self although a bit weary from the whole ordeal. We learned that if you can even remotely make a correlation between Deramaxx and an onset of illness, particlarly loss of appetitie and lethargy you need to act immediately and find a vet who will treat your pet under the assumption that Deramaxx may have indeed caused the symptoms. Some of the suggestions on this blog such as sulcrafate, prilosec, milkweed thistle etc. we employed with good results – so far. Ill keep the updates coming as we are not out of the woods yet. Keep us in your thoughts! Best…

      2. Oh my goodness!!! Chet, that is amazing news! Thank you for letting us know. Wow, I can’t stop crying. I’m SO happy the information here has helped Bud.


        Continued prayers for him, for a full recovery. What a fighter that boy is!

  42. Jim says:

    I have to give my dog Rimadyl every day so he can walk, I tried every thing else, without Rimadyl he can’t walk on his back leg he has a bad case of arthritis in his knee, he is 9 yrs old. I pray every day Rimadyl doesn’t kill him, but with out it his quality of life wouldn’t be to good, he wouldn’t be able to go on walks or run around like he does. He’s a Puggle, he’s my best friend, so I understand how you feel Amy. So sorry to hear about Holly, even though it was 3 yrs ago I’m sure it’s still hard ):

    1. Hi Jim. Thanks for writing, and for your kind words. I’m sorry your puggle needs to take Rimadyl for arthritis, but that’s great that it helps him. It’s good to hear success stories about these medications, too. So I thank you for that. I think it makes all the difference knowing the possible adverse effects of the meds going in rather than being shocked by them after. The fact you’re aware and monitor how he’s doing is so good. I mean, that’s how it’s supposed to happen. You’re doing the right thing for your best friend and that is wonderful. I hope the med continues to help him, and that he enjoys a long and joyful life! 🙂

  43. ann a says:

    Hi, Amy

    I wanted to comment and say how sorry I am you lost Holly. It is obvious you loved her deeply and she was treasured by your family. I hope that you have been able to give that kind of love to another creature. In doing that, I think the legacy of Holly’s life and love lives on.. ❤

    Also, I wanted to say a huge thank you for writing this post. My dog recently was prescribed Deramaxx, and because of you and others who wrote about this drug, I was more aware of what to watch for as far as warning signs. My dog did react badly, after the second dose. She vomited and had diarrhea, and I called the surgeon immediately. That was the last dose she received. When the vomiting and diarrhea continued the second day, I asked for more intervention. At first, the vet's response was just to give it time, but I insisted that she needed more preventative medicine. Eventually, they agreed to pepcid to reduce acid and help protect her stomach from further (possible) damage, metronidazole because it has a protective benefit to the gut, as well as Cerenia for vomiting. So far, she seems to be doing okay. I am following up with my regular vet.

    I am taking a stool sample to them today and asking them to look for blood in it. I wish I had insisted that the earlier samples of vomit and stool that I had collected had been tested. Finding blood there would have been a tell-tale sign, to me. I have also asked that they file a report with the makers of Deramaxx.

    Thank you for this informative post. It may have saved my dog's life.
    I hope another wonderful dog is in your life and hearts.


    1. Hi Anna! Thank you for writing and for your kind words. I can’t tell you how much it means to hear that Holly’s story has helped your dog! Kudos to you for pressing the issue with your vet and getting your dog the help she needed. I’m so glad your vet listened and your dog is getting better. That is wonderful news! I pray she continues to heal and makes a full recovery. Thank you for sharing your story here. You’re helping make a difference!

      Also, as I type this, one of my dogs — Holly’s sister, Hannah — is woofing in her sleep; and my other dog, Hobbes, is laying on his back with his feet up in the air. It took us a couple of years to get up the courage to get another dog after Holly’s death. Hobbes is a little over a year old now, and fills our lives with so much joy! 🙂

      1. Chet says:

        Update on Bud… His meds have slowly been lowered. He had quite a lenghty bout of loose stools but on a daily white rice mixed in with his food diet that too seems to be improving. He is walking, barking, and almost is ol’ self again. The real test will be when he is off all meds. Thanks for the prayers and thoughts… we’re not out of the woods yet.

  44. Brette says:

    I think Deramaxx hastened the death of our 16-year-old Shih Tzu. He lost weight, became extremely lethargic, quit eating and was in more pain than before he started the drug. To make things worse, the incompetent receptionist in the vet’ s office wouldn’ t put us at the front of the line when we had to put him to sleep. When another client saw what was going on, she applied pressure on the receptionist in our behalf and she backed down. The dog was in pain and she didn’ t care. I demanded an apology from the vet but my letter was ignored. I sent another by registered mail and finally got the vet’ s attention. The receptionist claimed the first letter got ” misplaced.” We’ ll never use that clinic again.

    1. I’m so sorry for your loss, Brette, and the experience you had with that clinic. No one should be treated like that, especially under those circumstances. 😦 Thank you for sharing your story here.

  45. Jean Sachs - Molly's Mom says:

    Amy, you have done a wonderful thing by creating this website. I may not have found it soon enough to save my dear Molly but I am still holding out hope.

    My wonderful Great Dane Molly was 12 years old on December 17th of 2012 so she is appproaching 12-1/2 years old. That’s a ripe old age for a Dane and I am thankful I have had her in my life for this long. I had and still am hoping for longer. She started having difficulty getting around on my all tile floors about the time of her birthday early last winter. I have two of her daughters from two different litters who are now 6 and going on 7 years old. She has always been the picture of perfect health…she has only ever had 23 puppies (2 litters) and a pimple :-). The two youngsters although no longer young are very much puppies still and at times their rough-housing has caused Molly to go down. Once down she could not get back up on the tile so I have a patchwork of carpet remnants stuck down on the tile all over the house so she can get around safely.

    On New Years eve she apparently got off the carpet trying to get into her “thunderstorm closet” when the neighborhood fireworks went off at midnight. Since it wasn’t thunderstorm season I had not carpeted the path behind my desk chair leading to the closet…not thinking she would need that space until the summer storms started. I was asleep but have a vague memory of the fireworks going off at midnight. I did not find her until I was awakened by her whimpering at 3:30 am. I am sure she was probably lying spread eagle on the tile for at least three hours by then.

    She had a bit of a setback at that time and I had noticed her losing some weight so I started cooking her “chicken and sweet potato pie” (With other veggies and eggs) for a daily meal. She loved it and waited with undisguised excitement for “cookie time” and dinner every day. Additionally she has always had turkey and sweet potato kibble available free choice but once I started the “home cooked” food she didn’t eat a lot of the kibble…maybe a snack here or there. She also developed a hard bump on her side right over the last rib. I believe she had fractured or broken the last rib in her fall. She got back on her feet pretty well within a couple of weeks of that fall and had been holding her own. I don’t think she was in any pain…just not as strong as she was a year ago so not as steady.

    Things changed maybe 2 ½ weeks ago. She started having a lot of difficulty getting up and her feet going out from under her when going pee or poo. One night about that time she had awakened me in the night and I found she had slipped off of her mattress onto a tile area behind part of it and couldn’t get back on. About that time the bump on her side got much larger and I think she re-injured the rib. When she did not improve after a few days I took her to the vet. Not my regular but friends have raved about him and most importantly he is close and I could get her to him in the golf cart. I didn’t think I could get her into the back of my Explorer.

    She had a low grade fever and the vet prescribed Relixine and Deramaxx. Now I am normally a person who will read about everything that goes into my dogs mouth but I was so stressed over her being down and out plus overwhelmed at work so I trusted this was the right thing to do.

    She had her first does on Thursday, May 16 in the AM. That afternoon she ate most of her “home cooked” meal but left just a little. She had the Relixine 2 x per day but Deramaxx only in the mornings. Friday she did not eat her meal but she did eat the cookie treats. Saturday, turned her nose up at dinner but still ate a cookie. Sunday about the same. She was getting up and moving around better but going poo seemed to be painful for her. Monday morning the first doses of both were done. I called the vet and reported to him that she was not eating anything but a cookie treat. I knew that antibiotics could upset her stomach so I figured it was the Relixine. He prescribed more of both. Relixine would end on Friday. He thought we would have to keep her on the Deramaxx to keep her walking. I went ahead and gave her the Deramax until Thursday when she shut down completely and wouldn’t even nibble on a “cookie”.

    That’s when I googled Deramax and found your website. So she had eight days of Deramax. I went ahead and gave her the last day of Relixine on Friday and hoped her appetite would improve but it did not. I did get her to eat a little yogurt on Friday. Saturday (now off the Relixine too) she would not take the yogurt. I got her to drink some canned goat milk. So since she stopped eating even cookies mid week, now she has had only goat milk and a little yogurt. Understandably she is very weak. She is a 12 ½ year old Great Dane who had a slight fever probably from dislocating or breaking a rib and now she hasn’t eaten a real meal in about 10 days.

    She has been so weak that she didn’t even want to keep her head up to drink the goat milk so I have been giving it to her with a syringe. I had tried to spoon feed her some yogurt but that’s not easy. Using the syringe for the goat milk made me think I could squeeze yogurt into her mouth too so I put some in a Ziploc plastic bag with the corner cut off….much like a pastry squeeze. She has eaten probably a cup and had half of yogurt today and a can of goat milk so far. She seems to be more “hungry” for it than she had been.

    So anyway I am completely convinced that the Deramaxx tore up her gut. Her poo is very orange in color so not sure if there is blood in it (that is usually very dark or black). She is weak and tired but does not seem to be in pain so I am in hopes her insides are not damaged beyond repair. Both goat milk and yogurt contain are good natural remedies for ulcers so I am trying the natural approach here. If I can’t get her to eat then she will die but if I can get her stomach feeling better and she starts to eat I am in hopes she will stay with me for a while.

    In retrospect had I read about Deramaxx I would have declined to use it but would have gone ahead with the Relixine to try to reduce the fever which was the cause of her extreme weakness in the first place. We all know how uncomfortable it can be to have a fever. I don’t think she needed a painkiller. We just needed to get rid of the fever.

    So hopefully my story will have a happier ending than yours did. I know I am not out of the woods here. Yesterday I thought for sure she would not be with me yet today but she is still here so there is still hope.

    Thanks again for sharing your story so others can learn the dangers of Deramaxx

    Jean – Molly’s Mom

    1. Hi Jean. Molly’s story (and Jade’s, who arrived the same day) broke my heart so much I had to get myself together before I could respond. I apologize for that!!! Thank you for sharing what’s happening with Molly.

      How is she? What has your vet said? If he/she doesn’t think Molly is reacting to the Deramaxx, I would call around to other vets and see if there are vets in your area who have dealt with this stuff.

      I don’t know if you read Chet’s story in the comments. Her dog Bud has recovered from Deramaxx. I highly recommend you give Molly Milk Thistle for her liver and Prevacid for her stomach lining.

      I’m so sorry! I hate that this happens to dogs. They don’t deserve it. They just love and love and love. And we try to do our best to care for them and then a drug that should help actually poisons them and there’s no recourse for it.

      Sharing your story here, though, helps. Thank you.

      I’m going to email you as well, to see how Molly is. Please post an update if you can. Thanks.


      1. Chet says:

        I am so so sorry to continue reading about dogs becoming ill from these meds. Finally, after Bud’s 5 month battle he has just been given a clean bill of health. We are going to try accupuncture for his hip/joint pain and will never give a medication for pain again. We immediately started giving him milkweed thistle and lacto.. (an ulcer coater). He was also put on steroids for 5 months. It was a long and trying journey. We will continue to pray for those that continue to be affected and to advocate so others can be informed. Best, Chet and Bud

      2. Hi Chet. How is Bud responding to the acupuncture? We may end up trying that for Hannah, Holly’s sister, when she gets older. I hope Bud is doing well. 🙂

      3. Chet says:

        Bud is stil with us which is wonderful. INstead of meds we are now using supplements including dasauin (sp?) and accupuncture. He seems to be responding fairly well. We are terrified of using meds again. However, possibly as a result of the stress he endured while sick, he has been diagnosed with a partial paralyzed larnyx. We mainly just try to keep him cool and prevent him from over-exerting himself. His skin has also gotten strangley flakey but he seems fine in all other ways. His thyroid (perhaps causing the flakey skin) test came out on the very low range but again we are terrified of using meds so we are just monitoring the situation. Bud is almost 14 so it’s hard to determine what has been brought on by old age. We are certain however, that his sickness from the Deramaxx most definitely took a toll on him. I’m glad to have read a few posts in which owners found your blog before it was too late.

      4. What a relief to hear he’s doing well after all he’s been through! 🙂 That made my day. I hope the larynx problem doesn’t make him uncomfortable.

        Our cat was recently diagnosed with hyperthryroid (which I guess is the opposite of what Bud has), and our vet prescribed an ointment that gets rubbed in his ear twice a day. It’s easy and has helped him get just about back to normal. I don’t know if there’s something similar for dogs for Bud’s situation, but it’s non-invasive and doesn’t seem to have adverse side effects. Might be worth looking into.

        Oh, and we give Hannah Dasuquin, too, and it really helps her joints.

        So good to hear from you, Chet. Wishing Bud continued health and happiness. 🙂

      5. Jean Sachs says:

        I never replied again because my baby died the next morning after i posted my story and I was too devastated to even come back here and say…she died:-( It’s been over three years now and I am still broken hearted over her loss. I am sobbing now even after all this time.

        I’m here now because I just met someone who is giving their dog Deramaxx…prescribed by the same vet who prescribed it for my Molly and it brought back the pain and hearbreak I went through when I lost my sweet girl…my heart dog.

        I never went back to the vet who prescribed the Deramaxx and would never go back there again. As I mentioned in my original post this was not my regular vet but circumstances forced me to go there that one time. I spoke to my regular vet after who could only shake her head that anyone would have prescribed Deramaxx without at least following the manufacturers protocol of doing the proper testing. He did NO TESTING before prescribing this drug and did not inform me of any potential side effects. Even after a few days on the drug when I told him she had completely quit eating he told me to continue to give it. So…it’s not just that the drug is deadly but vets are prescribing without doing the proper testing and without informing their patients of potential side effects. It’s all about the money…..

        I spread the word whenever I can but your forum will reach so many more people than I ever can. Please keep telling people what a BAD DRUG this is.


      6. I’m so sorry, Jean. I’d hoped for a better outcome for Molly. You’re right about the money, the drug, the vets. Your story here helps. But I wish none of this had happened to us. 😦

  46. Liliana says:

    Hi, Amy.

    We lost our furry daughter Jade one month ago, and I believe it was because of Deramaxx. She had been on it for about 6 months at 50mg as she was a big dog. He was 13 and she had arthritis. We originally gave it to her every two days or so and she tolerated it. That was because I knew it was dangerous and I didn’t want to give her the full dose. A month or two before her death we started to give it to her every day as it was originally prescribed (every day) because she was having trouble gettin gup the many stairs in our townhouse.

    On the Saturday she died I noticed in the late morning that she did not come back from outside for a long time. I went in the yard and found her on shaky legs , weak and unable to move well. Her back seemed to be arched also, which I now know is a sign of pain. I also noticed that she had thrown up. She refused water and food all day and we let her rest on her bed after my husband carried her in.

    Finally at dinner I told her that if she doesn’t drink water we have to go the vet. She drank lots of water which gave us hope. She threw up the water an hour later. We then realize this is very serious and not wanting to move or disturb her we tried to find a vet to come to the house. Sadly, the vets that make house callls in our area do not work weekends.

    Another hour passed by and by then she couldn’t get up anymore when she struggled to. She could only lift her head. She threw up liquid again. I started to use a cookie sheet under her head so she wouldn’t throw up on a pillow. I thought at that point she might die that night. She had a scared look on her face and I think she was in some pain.

    My husband and I pulled off our futon mattress on the floor so we could be half a metre away from her. As we were getting ready to go to bed beside her she continued to retch and while lying down with her legs stretched straight. Every half an hour she retched and I ran to her to hold her head on the cookie sheet so she wouldn’t soil her bed.
    At around two she started to retch again and when I ran to her side she let out her last breath in a little retch/howl. Luckily it was in our arms so hopefully that helped her passing.

    In retrospective I noticed that day that her poops looked dark, which I now know could be digested blood. I know she was old at 13 for a large do, but I kind of feel like we killed her with the Deramaxx. I believe she may have had an ulcer that perforated and she bled internally, and or she had kidney or liver failure. She was a lab crossed with german shepherd and or rhodesian ridgeback. We should not have given her the maximum daily dose allowed for her size.We should have also given her an antacid or something to coat her stomach before the pill. She always had it with food though. We should have taken her to the vet in the afternoon.

    I realize she was old, but I feel like we failed in her care. Especially me, since I knew from internet research that Deramaxx is dangerous. I let my guard down because she did not get sick right away. She might not have gotten sick from the Deramaxx if we didn’t give it to every day and we gave it to her with something to coat her stomach. Maybe we might have had another few months or year with her.

    It’s one month since her passing and I’m still grieving, sad and angry. I saw other people have gone through the same thing. I belive certain dogs can tolerate Deramaxx and it did help our doggie, but it has to be given properly. You never know if your dog can tolerate it until it gets sick or dies!. Jade was also on Tramadol, which helped and it not an NSAID, and does not have such deadly side effects.

    It will take my husband and I a while to get better. Jade was our beloved furry daughter. (We don’t have kids). Thank you for sharing your story.


    1. Liliana, I’m so sorry. 😦 Reading Jade’s story reminded me so much of what Holly went through. So much so, I had to step back and get myself together before I could respond here. (I apologize.)

      I’m so sorry you’ve had to experience this tragedy, too. I know exactly what you mean about the should haves and the guilt. Struggled with that for a long, long time myself. It does get better, though, in time. And adding Jade’s story here will help others — really. That makes it better somehow, too. Thank you for sharing.

      My heart and tears and prayers go out to you.

      1. Victoria in Virginia Beach, Lily's Mom says:

        I took my 4 year old border collie Lily to our vet yesterday for front paw lameness from her air spins, and possible leg sprain – hoping nothing more serious, Confirmed nothing more than a sprain, and she was given 1/2 tablet of Deramaxx. Then today she vomited -4 times – something she never does. After a quick research for side effects, I found this blog post – so I sure won’t be giving her any more and have contacted my vet. Thank you for sharing your stories – Victoria in Virginia Beach, Lily’s Mom

      2. Liliana says:

        Hi, Amy.
        Sorry I didn’t respond for a while. I didn’t get an email notice that you replied. Sorry I made you sad. Thank you for the good wishes and for mentioningyour struggle with guilt. I see your blog and Holly and Jade’s and the other doggies’ stories are already helping. It’s good to see That people are thinking twice about Deramaxx from the comments. I wish I could give you a hug. Thanks for putting your time and energy in this blog.

      3. Thank you, Liliana. 🙂 Hugs to you, too.

  47. Barbara Jaramillo says:

    I have a German Shepherd who starting limping and had a loss of appetite a few days ago. I took him to a vet recommended to me by a friend and turns out he has problems with his knee from possibly landing on it in an awkward way.
    I googled Deramaxx to see if it was an anti-inflammatory or pain killer and came across this blog as well as many other sad stories. I will NOT be giving my 10 month old this medicine.
    What are alternative medicines that have worked in your experience or from what you have read?
    I can’t believe this medicine is still being held by some vets and has been thrown away long ago!!!
    I am so sorry for your loss and hopefully your blog will continue to save other dogs lives!

    1. Hi Barbara. This is a very overdue response. I apologize. Despite the great work this post does getting word out, sometimes I get sad and have a difficult time responding to comments. It just breaks my heart. I’m sorry your German Shepherd is having knee pain. I’m glad you found the information about Deramaxx. From what I have researched, shepherds in particular have a higher likelihood of adverse reactions because many of the shepherd breed lack the gene to properly metabolize the medication. As far as alternative medicines go, you might want to check out Dasuquin. It’s a supplement for joint health. It might help with your dog’s knees. Our 9 year-old border collie has started having getting creaky joints, and it has helped her. Here’s a link: . It isn’t an anti-inflammatory, though, so if your dog has a soft tissue injury, you may need to seek out a different medication. You might also check out acupuncture. My friend’s dachshund injured its back to the point it was paralyzed, and regained mobility after acupuncture therapy. I apologize again for taking so long to reply. I hope your dog is feeling better!

  48. Chuck says:

    I have a question. Our 8yr old corgi was limping due to a shoulder injury and/or arthritis. Vet gave us 10 days of 25mg deramaxx. It seemed to work wonders for him, and zero side effects. Now I read this blog and I’m freaking out a little because I didn’t want to do anything to harm my dog. If he had no side effects should I worry? Could his liver or kidneys be damaged now and I don’t even know it? Or in some cases do you just get lucky and this drug is safe?

    1. Michelle says:

      Hi Chuck- just wanted to assure that your pup is probably perfectly fine. I wrote to Amy earlier about how badly this drug affected my one dog. But I literally had another before him who was on it for 2 yrs with ZERO side effects. The longer they are on it, however, the more likely the damage, so the fact that yours was a short course and nothing acute occurred, means you are one of the lucky ones.

      BTW- I now see a holistic vet who uses chinese herbal remedies, acupuncture, water therapy and Presrciption meds- but not Deramaxx. She flat out told me she’s seen too many complications, such as Amy’s dear Holly, and all of the other beloved pets you’ve read about on these pages. So I think your pet is fine- but watch for abnormal amounts of drinking water, thirst, refusal to eat, listlessness, confusion and obviously vomiting with blood. If any of those occur, take your pup to the vet ASAP. These are all signs of the acute side effects.

      Wishing you and your pet the best! Michelle

    2. Chuck, according to the literature Novartis provides with the medication, dogs taking Deramaxx should have regular bloodwork done while they’re taking the medication to watch for rising liver levels or other signs of damage. If I were you, I would ask the doctor to do this. I would also ask for him to prescribe Prevacid or another medication to protect your dog’s stomach lining while he’s on the medication. Other owners swear by milk thistle to help the liver.

      If your dog has finished the med and didn’t have any side effects, and won’t be taking any more Deramaxx, it sounds like you might be one of the lucky ones. If your dog needs to continue to take the meds, I would use precaution. Holly was on her third week of the medication, I believe, when she took the sudden downward turn.

      I really hope your dog is well, and continues to be well!

    3. Chuck says:

      Thank you ladies for your kind and thorough responses. Looking back at this I don’t know why I didn’t research this BEFORE my little guy went on this med. I’m usually on top of this stuff, but I trust my vet and just wanted to get him some relief. If he needs any future treatment I will definitely look into natural remedies.

      Amy I teared up when I read about Holly. You are honoring her memory by getting this message out. I really hope more vets come to this understanding; we cannot be playing roulette with the lives of these precious animals.

      1. Thank you, Chuck. 🙂 I hope your corgi is feeling better!

  49. Theresa Alsup says:

    My basset hound Cara also died from Deramaxx. She took it for two weeks, and at the end of the two weeks, she had stroke and died right in front of us. She was only nine, and perfectly healthy. She had minor surgery to remove a cyst, that’s why she was taking it. Now I won’t allow any of my dogs to take COX II inhibitors of any kind. Novartis took Vioxx off the human market, and repackaged it for dogs. And one out of about 10,000 dies from it. Including the sunniest, sweetest little basset girl ever.

    1. Theresa, I’m so sorry. 😦 It’s so unfair this keeps happening. I know what you’re going through and my heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing your story here. It’s a small act that makes a big difference. God bless you and your sweet Cara.

  50. Jill says:

    I started my dog on it but stopped because I thought he was starting to have diarrhea which wasn’t good because he was already loosing his bowel movements. I trusted my vet but I was worried of more problems because he was a senior dog. Then I saw your post and it scared me. My Duke already had some issues with his stomach and was on antibiotic. I wanted no more problems. We eventually had to say goodbye to him this week after 17 yrs of loving him. He could no longer get up on his own and I couldn’t take seeing him fall again. There were other changes happening too. His quality of life was not what it was or should have been. It was soooo hard because part of me was selfish and wanted more time with him but something told me that he needed to be at peace. I thank you you for your post because that may have saved him from more discomfort and pain and may have given me more time with him. I am sorry for you loss. ❤🐶

    1. Hi Jill. I’m so sorry you lost Duke. It’s so horrible saying goodbye. He sounds like he was a great companion who had a happy, long life. I’m glad you found Holly’s story and it helped. Thank you for your kind words as well. My heart and hugs go out to you.

  51. Shawn says:

    Wow. Am I glad I found this site. My dog got an rx for deramaxx 2 days ago. Morning after the first dose he had terrible diarrhea. The vet said it wasn’t from the deramaxx. Today he is also very nauseaus. And uncomfortable. I found this site while waiting to heat back from my vet. I absolutely won’t give any more of the deramaxx! I just hope he hasn’t had any permanent damage. Very scary.

    1. Hi Shawn. I’m glad you found this site, too! Our vet said the same thing when I raised concerns over Holly’s reaction. Personally, I think you’re doing the right thing stopping the medication. You might want to ask your vet to run blood work to check his liver and kidney function just to make sure. You should also ask your vet to give him a medication like Prevacid to protect his stomach lining. If your vet protests, ask him to read the literature from Novartis that accompanies the Deramaxx. It says to follow this protocol. If he still protests, I would seek out another vet — one who understands the dangers of Deramaxx. I’ve also read (and people who have commented on this blog have used) milk thistle can help keep the liver healthy. So I would check that out as well. I’m wishing your dog a full recovery! If you feel comfortable doing so, please post another comment to let me know how he’s doing.

      1. shawn says:

        Thanks for the reply Amy. Harvey seems fine after stopping the Deramaxx, and I have not doubt that was what caused him to be sick. Unfortunately, the reason he needed it is for prostate cancer. The only treatment for that is an anti-inflammatory. So tomorrow I have to try rimadyl. He acually took that in the past and was ok so hopefully he tolerates it ok. He also has lymphoma. So he has had a long battle recently, and definitley didn’t need the deramaxx probs on top of it-going through a very difficult time right now. 😦
        I am still thankful that I was able to read this and stop the deramaxx immediatley, because they initially told me to keep it going through the weekend. I think if I had done that this email would have been quite different!
        Thank again,

      2. Shawn, I’m so sorry Harvey’s having these health issues. (BTW, I had a wonderful cat named Harvey. great name.) I don’t know much about the differences between Deramaxx and Rimadyl, but I hope he doesn’t react to the Rimadyl. I would probably use the same precautions of Prevacid and blood work if possible just to make it’s not causing more problems. Maybe the milk thistle, too? I’m glad Holly’s story helped you. That’s the bittersweet blessing of losing her. Wishing you and Harvey many happy years together.

  52. Linda Smith says:

    Dear Amy, you seem like a wonderful mother to ALL your children and furbies. I am heartbroken to hear about your sweet Holly. I just had my little one on Deramaxx for 4 days and it did seem to take a toll on her health very quickly. She has TCC bladder cancer, the oncologist wanted her on it for the anti-inflammatory effect. When I told the doc she was vomiting, she said to get Trudy off it immediately. It’s been two days and Trudy seems to be feeling better. I hope you have tons of photos both printed and ingrained into your brain of Holly. Thank you for your strength sharing your story with the rest of us. You are an angel ❤

    1. Hi Linda. Thank you for your kind comments. I’m sorry to hear Trudy had a bad reaction to Deramaxx, but so relieved your vet advised you to stop the medication. It’s encouraging to hear stories where vets make the right decisions, or at least listen to their clients’ concerns. Maybe (hopefully) that means word is getting around about the potential dangers of Deramaxx. Thank you for including Trudy’s story here. I’m sorry to hear about her cancer. My heart and prayers go out to her (and you). As for my Holly, I treasure my memories of her. Sometimes I close my eyes and can imagine her right here next to me. I miss her so much.

  53. Karen says:


    I cried when I read your story. I found it because my dog is recovering from emergency surgery. It was the same thing, he wouldn’t eat, had diarrhea and was uncomfortable. I took him to my vet who found that his heart was beating too fast. He took x-rays and told me that my dog had a mass in his stomach. I took him to the ER for a sonogram and they diagnosed him with pancreatitis. But after Frozen Plasma and other treatments overnight, his stomach was again filled with fluid so they did emergency surgery, where they found a tear in his intestines – caused by Deramaxx. Days later, he does look better but is bloated from fluids and having trouble walking. On my visit with him today he ate a little bit of chicken – the first time he ate since last Wednesday. I am hoping for a full recovery but know his life will be forever changed now as he will have to be on foods and such that will not cause him to have another attack of the pancreas. I don’t sleep, I can’t concentrate at work. I have maxed out every credit card paying to keep him alive. I await a call from the manufacturer of Deramaxx.

    Vets prescribe this medication and do not inform owners of side effects. My surgeon actually told me that this was from Deramaxx. Why is it still on the market??? I am making it my mission to have it pulled from the market so other dogs and dog parents do not have to suffer as so many have.

    I am so terribly sorry for you loss and appreciate you sharing your story. Thank you.


    1. Karen, I’m so sorry. I hope and pray your dog makes it through this recovery. As I was reading what you wrote, I couldn’t help but wonder if we would have been able to save Holly had we known. I’m sure she had the same issue, the tear in her stomach or intestines. Her abdomen filled up like that, too. 😦

      The fact Deramaxx is still available makes me so angry. And the guilt I still feel for having listened to my former vet is sometimes overwhelming. I know how you feel, dealing with all of this. It’s awful. 😦

      Whatever steps you decide to take fighting to get the drug off the market, I 100% support you. Let me know what I can do to help.

      Keep me posted, please.

      1. Karen says:

        Thanks for your response. I think the fact that we caught it early made the difference. From what I have read from others who have posted, surgery wasn’t an option. That breaks my heart.

        Bentley is home, laying beside me at the computer. I will not leave his side.

        I think vets are now aware of the damage Deramaxx does, which may make them re-think prescribing it. I do not think the manufacturer truly cares or they would stop making it. I never heard from them. I will give it a day or two then I will contact my attorney. In previous lawsuits, Deramaxx changed their label. That’s not enough. I will be relentless. I will be the thorn in their side. I attend every dog event and a rep from Deramaxx is always there. I will be there beside them to tell everyone the truth about it.

        I am in a HIT program and at class tonight I intend to find out the steps I need to take to get the FDA involved.

        I will post to you and your readers as anything arises.

        Thanks for creating this site. It helps to share and connect with those who have gone through this and hopefully educate others so they won’t have to go through this.

  54. kathleen Garlington says:

    I wrote you a response re Holly, your McNab border collie mix because of experiences with my best friend Louie.
    please contact me

    1. Katheleen, I sent you an email. Let me know if you didn’t get it.

      1. kathleen Garlington says:

        ill look again Amy

  55. Linda says:

    Amy, you are amazing. Your Holly reminds me of my Jesse Boy (7yr Aust. Shep.), who just started Deramaxx yesterday. I can only hope he can tolerate it but because of you (not my vet) I know I must give him an antacid and get blood work done. You are an angel to reply with kind words to all the folks who contact you. I wish you peace and happiness.

    1. Linda Smith says:

      Hi Linda — just to let you know, Jesse doesn’t have to tolerate it! Deramaxx is only one of many anti-inflammatories and the vet can easily put him on something else. I switched to RImadyl after only 4 days on that poison because my Trudy was vomiting and lethargic. My oncologist took us off it immediately – that isn’t a good sign. Be watching for any changes and if you notice any, call the vet and definitely stop giving it to him. I think the vet community is trying to make it work and the more I read, the more I believe it is a poison. Best wishes & xx to Jesse.

      1. Thank you for stepping in and responding to Linda’s comment, Linda. How is Trudy doing? I hope she is well.

      2. Linda says:

        Jesse was misdiagnosed with Masticatory Myositis when he really had a retro bulbar abcess. Evident after it burst! Never took anymore Deramaxx and is doing okay. Thank you.

      3. I’m so glad to hear that, Linda! 🙂

    2. Karen says:


      My Bentley took Pepcid every day and had blood work done as well. There were not any warnings, symptoms or signs. He threw up one night, refused breakfast and to the ER he went where a dime size hole was discovered in his stomach that required emergency surgery. Bentley has recovered from surgery but the OA is BAD. Look for a holistic antiinflammatory drug and try that.

      My prayers are with you and your Jesse Boy

      1. Karen, thank you for your comments and for stepping in and responding. How is Bentley doing? I hope he’s okay.

    3. Thank you, Linda. I apologize for taking so long to respond to your comment. How is Jesse Boy? I agree with Linda Smith, who suggested alternative medications. I’m not sure what the health issue Jesse is experiencing, but if it’s joint related, I highly recommend Dasuquin. My heart goes out to you, and my prayers for Jesse Boy. I hope he’s ok. 😦

  56. Kyle says:

    Hello Amy, thank you so much for sharing your story and I know it’s been several years now but I am sad to hear of the loss of your Holly. My beloved Jasper (Anatolian Shepherd mix) was just rx’d Deramaxx by my vet & I always look up drugs I have never heard of before giving them – and found your story. It broke my heart! & would devastate me if the same happened to my Jasper. I haven’t given him any yet & since they were simply rx’d as a post-operative pain killer I can give him Tramadol instead and throw the Deramaxx out! After reading your story & the others no way am I giving it to my Jasper. He has never had a bad reaction to mild doses of Tramadol so that seems much safer & my vet approves.

    Note on something I have discovered – since some replies mentioned anti-inflammatory drugs – anyone who is in need of just an anti-inflammatory for their dog (or person for that matter) can use Evening Primrose Oil (500mg once per day for a dog 75 to 90 lbs, adjust as needed but it’s hard to give too much within reason) – it worked so well when Jasper needed an anti-inflammatory for a joint injury that I started taking it myself (1000mg for my 175 lbs 2x per day) and almost no more arthritis for me now…it’s natural, holistic, usually non-GMO & organic – hope that helps anyone in need of an anti-inflammatory!

    1. Kyle, thank you so much for your post! It’s encouraging to hear good news. I’m so relieved you didn’t give Jasper the Deramaxx. How is he? I hope he’s recovering well. Thank you for the info on Evening Primrose Oil. I didn’t know you could give it to dogs! I’m going to look into giving it to Hannah (Holly’s sister). She takes Dasuquin for stiff joints. I wonder if the EPO could help her as well. Best wishes to you and Jasper!

  57. Bob says:

    I just Googled Deramaxx and saw this conversation. My old airedale has been on Deramaxx for a week now and late tonight (friday) I find that he is bleeding slightly from his nose. Worst possible time. Hope to get him in somewhere in the morning.

    1. Bob, I’m so sorry to hear this. How is your dog doing? I hope you were able to find him help. 😦

  58. Nikki says:

    Our Chow Chow was diagnosed with prostate cancer 30 days ago- we had taken him to the vet because he wouldn’t stop vomitting and we thought he had been poisoned. We were given Deramaxx and Pepcid AC to keep him comfortable while we decided what to do – apparently, 30 days is the average survival time from diagnosis. Our boy took the pills the first 2 -3 days, then absolutely refused after that – and refused to eat (since we had hidden it in food, I would imagine). We called our vet and asked for something in a patch. Since he was still doing his ‘business’, chasing bunnies and cats, wanting to go for rides, etc., we wanted his last days to be pain free while we spoiled him in every way imaginable 🙂 The Fentanyl patch worked great and we don’t have to traumatize him trying to get him to take pills. The downside is that it can cause constipation. So we give him some fiber/stool softener in his PediaSure (which we feed him with a dosing syringe when he doesn’t feel like eating on his own), and if we see him straining to ‘go’, we give him an enema and he’s a happy boy again 🙂 Since using the patch, we can’t tell anything is wrong with him with the exception of the weight loss and when he strains to go.

    1. Hi Nikki, I’m sorry to hear about your Chow. 😦 But I am glad you were able to stop the Deramaxx and switch to Fentanyl. Sounds like it was the right thing to do. I really hope he’s comfortable and his days are pain-free. My heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing your story here.

  59. Brandi says:

    Hi Amy, I am so sad to hear about the loss of your loved one. It is hard. We lost one our doxie’s right after Thanksgiving 2012, the vet without doing any blood work or xrays claimed he had disc disease. Put him on several medications at once. Our poor Symba went completely paralyized in the back in, couldn’t walk and didn’t last a week, we had to have him put to sleep because we couldn’t watch him suffer.

    We relunctly had to take one our other babies in last week because he was limping and favoring his right leg. The first thing the vet did was hand us Deramaxx and a hand ful other drugs and said take him home, crate him and don’t let him move.

    My husband and I looked at each and we both knew what each other was thinking…..’Um, NO! We aren’t doing that again.’

    So we came home and started searching the internet. We found a new vet and our Prince is on an natural thyroid supplement, he is taking a antibiotic for an unrelated ear infection, changed his diet and he is receiving hydrotheraoy and acupunture.

    It has been a week and one day now and he still isn’t walking but but he doing good. The new vet said it will take a few weeks, which we fully understand. Even though it pains us to read your story and your loss, I am thankful you put the word out there for others.

    Your helping others save their fur babies and saving lives. God Bless you for that.

    Thank you.

    1. Brandi, I’m so sorry to hear about Symba. 😦 A friend of mine has a doxie who suffered paralysis from a back injury. It’s so scary. I’m sorry Symba didn’t make it. 😦 My friend used acupuncture for her doxie, and he made a full recovery! It was really amazing. How is Prince doing? What a relief to hear you didn’t give him Deramaxx. Thank you for your kind words. It’s still such a painful reality, but knowing Holly’s story is helping others makes it a little better. Hugs and prayers for Prince.

      1. Brandi says:

        Hi Amy,

        Thank you. Yes loosing a loved one (even a furbaby) is a hard thing to except.

        Prince is doing really good. We are on Day 17 of recovery since he lost use back legs. He is making good improvements according to the vet (who just spoke with today over the phone), he is moving his legs a little bit, he does push up a little bit on back legs when going to the bathroom. We aren’t fully standing or walking yet but we really feel we are the road to full recovery.

        We go in Monday for a checkup and possible second acupuncture treatment. We are even discussing doing Alpha Stem treatments (the use of a tens unit) to stimulate the muscles, he has had some loss of muscle mass, so we got to build that back up. He is beginning to like his Hydrotherapy, I think it takes a lot the pressure off his back.

        He has rolled over unto back on his own a couple times and he is getting the wag back in his tail and he has mastered doing the ‘boot scoot’ across the floor on his butt…lol!

        Hugs and prayers to you too 🙂


      2. Yay! I’m happy to hear he’s making so much progress! 🙂 I can imagine how great it must be to see him start getting his wag back. Thank you for sharing this wonderful news! Prayers for continued healing.

      3. Brandi says:

        Hi, I just wanted to give you an update on Prince’s progress.

        He is STANDING on his own for a couple minutes at time and we can see he is try make attempts to walk now. But he is still wobbly and the muscles are still weak in his back legs.

        We saw the vet Monday and she said he is doing AWESOME and on the road to recovery and really believes he will walk again soon.

        Thank you Amy and everyone else for your hugs and prayers. We’re still sending our hugs and prayers out to everyone else too.

  60. missdetails says:

    Thank you for writing this article. I can’t imagine what a terrible experience this was for both her and you and how helpless you must have felt. I just got a two week supply of Deramaxx from my vet to help with my greyhound leg and back stiffness to see if it helps. I have given my pup one pill and that is all she is going to get. I was wondering if you had found any natural or other treatment since you posted this instead of this horrible drug? Again, thank you for sharing.

    1. Brandi says:


      Look for a Holistic Veternarian in your area that does Acupuncture. I would not recommend giving anything even herbal/natural with out speaking with a vet first. Insist on at least X-rays to determine, possible hip dysplasia or disc problems in the back….a good vet can tell if there is a slipped disc or swelling in the spine, with out a costly MRI or CTscan.

      Also, DO NOT try picking up any pet showing signs of back problems if not needed….this could lead to even more severe injury….if there is disc issues like swelling picking up the wrong way could cause the disc to rupture, leading to paralysis.

      Use of a heating pad (on low and monitor) will help reduce inflammation and discomfort. But laying down and resting is the key. If small enough dog, sit in a warm tub with the dog between your legs as it fills up and just let them sit in the warm water for about 5 minutes, don’t let them or the water get cold though. Just like humans with joint and back problems, if you get cold you tense up and those joints will hurt more. I have even found out with my doxie, a small hand held messager on low helps soothe and relax the muscles, mine even has the infared heat setting and he really loves that.

      I had a doxie, Symba, die last Nov. 2012 after we were told (with out x-rays or blood work to confirm) he had Invertable Disc Disease and became paralyzed. We were sent home with a handful of drugs (including Deramaxx) and told to keep him confined and wait see what happens. Within less than a week we had to take him to the emergency vet clinic and have him put down, because his breathing became extremely shallow and his heart rate was dropping. He was dying.

      We didn’t know then what we know now.

      Now I have another doxie, Prince (Symba’s son) has disc issues in his back, he is not paralyzed, he still has feeling in his back legs, but not walking. We went to our regular vet who tried to do exactly what she did with Symba and we said NO WAY! NOT AGAIN! So we sought out a Holistic Vet in our area that does Acupunture. Prince is moving his tail and legs in moderation, but not standing or walking yet, but making improvements. It has been 13 days now since problems occured. Everything I mentioned above is what we been doing. We’ve been told it could take anywhere from 3-8 weeks before he will be walking again. Which will be worth the wait. Even if for some reason he ends up being that 20% that doesn’t walk again, but still has feeling in his legs and has to use wheelies, at least he is still alive.

      Hope your fur baby gets better, just be careful. From everything I have read and been told by our new vet, they can always risk re-injury or set backs even after getting better.


      1. missdetails says:

        Thank you Brandi for your post. I am going to try acupuncture and warmth and massage. I also heard that coconut oil is a great natural anti inflammatory so will be adding that to her diet as well. Good luck with your fur baby too.

    2. chet says:

      We were lucky to have our dog survive his Deramax ordeal after months of recovery and worry. Our dog, Buddy a 15 yo Golden mix, is now on Dosquain supplements and had also gone for a few accupuncture sessions to help with his joint stiffness and arthritis. We have seen wonderful results thus far. A natropathic/alternative vet should be able to work with you. Best of luck!

      1. Thank you Brandi and Chet for stepping in and offering MissDetails help. (And apologies for my tardiness!)

        MissDetails – I completely agree with what Brandi and Chet have said. There are alternatives available, and Deramaxx isn’t worth the risk (if you ask me). We give Hannah, our 9yo McNabb Dasuquin, and it helps her immensely with her hips and back. My vet recommended it as a supplement, and uses it on his dogs as well. If I were you, I would consider finding a vet who understands the risks associated with Deramaxx. That is a vet who has done research and isn’t years behind in reading up on drug info (like my previous vet was). Better safe than sorry. I’m going to look into using Evening Primrose Oil (as Kyle suggested above). And I hadn’t considered coconut oil for her, either! Great idea. I mean, we use it here as a family. Please let us know if it helps your greyhound. I hope she is doing better!

      2. D says:

        How did your dog survive? What treatments? We’re trying to save ours now.

  61. missdetails says:

    Great to hear that you are getting good results Chet, thanks for the suggestion.

  62. Thank you, everyone, for your comments, especially those of you who comment to help others who have posted here. This is a difficult thing to face and discuss and I have nothing but gratitude and admiration for you.

    I took a trip recently to a location that holds specific, precious memories of Holly. The tears and sadness came on so suddenly, they took my breath away. 😦 You think the pain is behind you, and then…wham.

    So I apologize for not responding promptly to the comments and questions posted here. Sometimes I just find it very difficult. Some days I’m just not very brave. My heart goes out to anyone who is going through having a pet sick or dying because of Deramaxx. 😦 And, again, I’m so grateful to those who have stepped in and answered questions.

  63. Tanya says:

    Dear Amy, My heart was filled with sadness reading your post. The loss of a pet is so awful. They are our babies. To know the loss was because of a drug, and not because of the natural order of things in life, is way worse. I am so sorry. My little Bella, (9 year old Bichon), has a torn ACL in her hind leg. She is scheduled for surgery next week. In the meantime, she was given Deramaxx. I have only given her 1/4 of the pill and only one time. The reason i have not given anymore is because she suddenly has MUCH blood in her urine. Something told me to stop the meds. This is why I came across your post. I wanted to see if the meds could have been the cause. (I don’t know if that could be the cause, since I only gave it one time???) I am thankful I read your post, because I considered giving it to her again. Only because Bella had at one time, developed stones in her bladder and I thought that was what was coming back. Now I’m not so sure.
    I thank you for your post and once again I am so sorry for your loss. Take care. Tanya P.S. I am so nervous for this surgery.

    1. Hi Tanya. Thank you for writing and for your kind comments. I’m so sorry Bella has to have surgery. I would be nervous, too! You’re so observant and attentive, to notice the possible drug reaction so quickly. Kudos for being proactive about researching Deramaxx. I wish I’d been as self-assured. Have you discussed other therapies or medications to help Bella post-surgery? I know others in the comments mentioned medications that helped with swelling. I hope and pray Bella’s surgery goes well and her recovery is a snap! If you do find a good alternative therapy for swelling or inflammation, please share it!

  64. Amelia says:

    Thank you so much for your post. I lost my Pug a few years ago to a similar drug, Rimadyl. Today my vet prescribed my Japanese Chin Deramaxx and I goggled for side effects and your post was the second one in the results. My heart sunk, but luckily I hadn’t given Moo Shu any of the drug yet and won’t be. I am so sorry that you had to go through this. I know how scary and awful it is to lose a pet to a drug. Thanks to your post you have probably saved many, many lives.

    1. Hi Amelia. Thank you for writing and for your kind words. I’m sorry you lost a dog to Rimadyl. 😦 While researching Deramaxx, I came across a lot of terrible stories about Rimadyl, too. My heart goes out to you. What a relief you didn’t give any Dermaxx to Moo Shu (GREAT name!). I’m wishing Moo Shu a quick and safe recovery!

  65. Julie says:

    My dog just had a seizure last night from this medication and became disorientated and partially blind. For anyone who reads this DO NOT let your animals take this medication … I just wish I would have read this before giving him the drugs. Thank you for all the information, and I’m sooo sorry for your lost, I honesty thought I was going to lose my best friend last night and im so glad he went back to normal in the morning.

  66. EVERYONE! Please remember that vets don’t make money if they don’t see the animal! The same is true for Mds.! USE YOUR COMMON SENSE THAT YOU WERE BORN WITH! i AM RETIRED AND i CAN SAY THESE THINGS ABOUT THE PROFESSION. You are in a money mill when you see a doctor of any kind. As we were told in school, “everything is going to die someday. Year one is anatomy and watching living animals (usually dogs) die while their body cavity is open so a student is desensitized to death while an animal is injected with a poison. Most get cold from this indoctrination but a very few don’t..

  67. Susan says:

    Wish I read these comments earlier. My beloved Porter died yesterday from complications caused by Deramaxx.

    1. I am so sorry, Susan. 😦 I know what you’re going through, and I’m sorry.

      Porter passed away on the anniversary of my Holly’s death, and from the same cause. 😦

      1. Susan says:

        So my vet today said he told me to stop using Deramaxx – a definite lie – he quickly got off the phone when I told him I have a recorded message from his office telling me Porter’s blood is fine and to continue using Deramaxx – he angered me in that I am already sad and to have him try to put the blame on me is pretty awful. So now I plan to contact the PA veterinary board and I am looking for suggestions on whatever else I can do so that my Porter’s death would not be go unnoticed.

  68. I received this comment via email and wanted to share it:

    “Thanks for this blog. know that some vets do read this. Going back into practice after 21 years in human cardiology I am very cautious about NSAIDS. As a horse vet I am a believer in HA and Adequan. Synvisc helped me personally with bad knees. 15 years of taking Viox then Celebrix I ended up with a high gastric ulcer, now with bilat knee replacements I am pain free. I have a number of dogs receiving Adequan including my 14yr old mutt Roxie. She also takes HA, glucosamine, MSM orally with a little tramadol when needed. Dasaquin is outrageously priced. It is complicated with Prednisilone for atopy 2x weekly in AM. Tramadol about 2x weekly.

    Dealing with infirmaties in our senior dogs and end of life issues is tough. Roxie is losing her hearing and has become more selective, her hips are terrible and some of worst I have seen… I may have to explore a GPS collar for evening walks. Weakness in her hind end is scary and my fear is she will go down in one of these cold 25 degree nights, on a jaunt and i wont be able to find her. That is a terrible death. Tough decisions ahead ones I have made many times over my years. She has already trained my new pup! Weighing the risk benefits of medications is a tough road, I have been exploring eastern medicine as well and it needs its place in vet medicine as an option and supplement.
    Keep this blog going. whether it is human or vet medicine you need an advocate and even more so with obamacare. Be informed. explain your concerns to your vet. Most will listen and do more research. If not get a second opinion. Consider a femoral head osteotomy as a salvage procedure, I have done many and have done them or had them done on several of my own dogs.

    Jeff Hall DVM
    Jeffrey Hall Associates LLC

    I got an error trying to post to your site so I couldn’t confirm receipt so I am sending this by email as well.

  69. First of all I would like to say that I’m sorry for anyone that has lost a pet due to deramaxx or any other reason. I know how truly devastating it is from losing my first dog. I am however a little torn on the dangers of Deramaxx. My first pug had severe arthritis. There were days that he couldn’t even get up and support his own weight. At the time my dog was 10 years old and this was around 2002. My vet put him on Deramaxx and within a few days he was like a new dog. I continued to give him Deramaxx for about two years and I never experienced any problems, that I know of anyway. My dog was 12 years when he passed. He started breathing real hard in the middle of the night, so I rushed him to the emergency clinic but he died in my arms right after I took him out of the car. That was one of the worse days of my life and I will never forget that helpless feeling that struck me as well as the sadness. I still get a sickening feeling when I think about that day. I don’t know for sure what the cause of death was. At that point it didn’t really matter but the vet did say that it was most likely heart failure. I’m not saying it couldn’t have been the Deramaxx but my dog was 12 years old and from my understanding the average life span of a pug is 12 years old. I now have another Pug that is now 9 years old. This past weekend he started favoring his right rear leg pretty bad and it was bothering him to lay down for very long. For around 6 months now I’ve had a feeling arthritis was setting in just from the way that he has slowed down but he never appeared to be in any kind of pain. This weekend it was obvious that he was in pain so I took him to my vet, which is a different vet than I had with my first pug. Anyway, my current vet who I like very much said that he thought that it had something to do with his back and sent me home with some pain killers and some prednisone. He said if he wasn’t better by Monday to bring him back. He was a little better but I could tell he was still in pain so I brought him back this morning. My vet took x-rays and could see that my dog has bad arthritis in his back. He subscribed Deramaxx. I just got it this morning and I haven’t given it to my dog yet and after reading a good portion of this blog I’m having second thoughts. With my first dog, I did try a few alternative drugs but I didn’t get anywhere near the results that I got from Deramaxx so you can see why I’m torn. One thing my vet did mention is that is was discovered several years after Deramaxx came out that the original recommended dose was too high. I’m only suppose to give my 24 lb. pug 1/2 of a 25mg. tablet daily. I gave my first pug a full 25 mg. tablet everyday as recommended at the time. I’m going to do some more research before I make up my mind as to if I want to use Deramaxx again but I want something that is going to have strong results like Deramaxx did with my first dog instead of something that just helps a little bit. Again, you can see why I’m torn.

    1. Hi Dave. Thanks for writing and for your kind words. I’m sorry you lost your first pug so suddenly. 😦 That must have been very difficult!

      Some have written here to tell how Deramaxx helped their dogs. I have no doubt it’s true. I’ve read other stories on the review sites and on the web how the drug helped dogs as well. I think it just depends on the dog, to be honest. Thank you for the dosage information you shared. I hadn’t hear that. I’m sure others will find it beneficial.

      Did your new vet recommend giving your dog Pepcid or another medication along with the Deramaxx to protect his stomach? You might want to ask him about it, as well as blood monitoring while he’s on Deramaxx to make sure his liver numbers stay normal. From what I understand, those are the two main issues to look for.

      I totally understand being torn. Believe me. I felt torn, even as I continued to give Holly the pills. 😦 Live and learn, I guess.

      If you decide to give your pug the Deramaxx, be sure to watch him closely. Two things to watch for are loss of appetite and lethargy.

      Wishing you and your pug good health!

    2. Susan says:

      Dave Lancaster I am writing to tell you that the Deramaxx website clearly states that Deramaxx should not be given with prednisone and I am hoping you are not still using the prednisone if you decide to use the Deramaxx – my vet prescribed prednisone on the very day I insisted on having my Porter’s blood tested for any effects from the Deramaxx – I trusted my vet and I regret that decision as Porter died less than a month later and the emergency clinic doctor said it was a result of his medication. The sad part is he would have done well without any medication but I was trying to simply make his life a little easier.

  70. Amy, no my vet didn’t mention anything about anykind of stomach medication but he did say to try to give him the Deramaxx on a full stomach and he wants me to get routine blood work. I will talk to him about some kind of stomach medication though. I’m on vacation this week so I’ll be able to keep a close eye on my dog if I do indeed decide to go with the Deramaxx. Thank you for your help and concern.

    1. Dave, it sounds like your vet is mindful of the possible complications. Here is a link to a site about dogs and NSAIDs, including links to the manufacturer info and precautions for Deramaxx.

  71. It is a tragedy that Amy’s dog was murdered by a Vet & the Drug Company. If that Vet has never seen a bad reaction it is due to denial. Doctors of both people and vets so fear the D.E.A. that they will poison both people and animals in order to keep what I call the DRUG NAZIS off their back! Watch any of the ads on TV for pain and you will see that they are usually Non Sterodial Anti-Inflammatory Drugs.. The warnings start with nausea and can end with death! There are plenty of Narcotic drugs that don’t tear up the organs and preform a lot better but they are not given.. I think doctors should begin to stand by their oath of FIRST, DO NO HARM. Instead they can give a poison pill that will help some but destroys the future of bot animal and human. Look up TYENOL if you want to see one of the primary killers in humans. It isn’t an N.S.A.I.D., but it is a leading killer of humans. Advil, which is a N.S.A.I.D.that is very destructive, and is over the counter. CELEBRIX kills but is highly prescribed as the doctor is never prosecuted for giving it. Yet MORPHINE is hardly ever prescribed, not because most people would take it properly, but because the D.E.A. will try to put them out of business. Doctors in nearly all practices have become cold to death with very few rare exceptions! I can’t encourage people enough to look up the drug the doctor gave them or their pet. 95% of the time they will see nausea and death as “side affects” Most Cancer patients die from the hellish treatment rather than the disease, but our Government allows them to put Cancer as the cause of death. When was the last time you saw treatrment was listed as Cause on any Death Certificate! Both we and our pets are victims of Nixon”s 1972 DRUG WAR with ourselves and loved ones being the targets because we don’t fight back, thus we are not a danger to the D.E.A. Please look up your drug the next time you or your pet are given prescriptions!
    You will be saving the life of a loved one, if you do When prescribed expensive poisons let the perscriber know he/she has chosen poison over compassion. Maybe the doctors will remember what they went to School for.and change this horrible rut they have fallen into. I refuse to take poison or give my 3 dogs poison.
    I pray you start to do this too. Life is too short to needlessly be poisoned by very expensive,, deadly drugs. The doctors know better and they should be held accountable for profiting from killing! I too, learned the hard way, losing 2 loved pets before I looked at the real cause of early needless death..Just ask yourself who knows how much pain you or your pet is in, you or the doctor. PAIN IS A POLITICAL FOOTBALL!

  72. Laurie Smith says:

    Thank you Amy for your article. You may have saved my dog’s life. Two months ago my dog Pepper (beautiful fawn retired greyhound) went to the vet for a teeth cleaning. The vet put her on Dermaxx to help the inflammation of her gums. Shortly after that she started limping. She and our other dog are athletes and run laps around our pool for fun. I took her back to our vet’s office where there are several veterinarians there, maybe 3-4. The male doc looked at her leg and after manipulating her back left ACL was almost convinced she had an ACL tear. He had to put her to sleep to manipulate it better and take x-rays. WE had to reschedule a few times due to bad weather and with the holidays that put us into another month. So he gave more Deramaxx and Tramadol to help her pain. Yesterday Pepper finally got back into the vets office just for x-rays, seeing a female doc, and I was devastated to say the least when their diagnosis was osteosarcoma, bone cancer. (we lost our other greyhound to this disease). Again more Dermaxx and Tramadol. I gave her one Deramaxx last night and decided (gut instinct or my angels guiding me) to look into this medication. I am grateful for your post here. We are going to heal our dog holistically. Using Essiac tea and other organic foods. I believe that we may have contributed to our dog’s cancer by giving her the Dermaxx to begin with because she was healthy and all this actually started with getting her teeth cleaned. I take my perfectly healthy dog to the vet to get her teeth cleaned and she ends up with cancer two months later after taking the Dermaxx for inflammation of her gums. The vet never ever one time said anything about side effects of this drug. Thank you for opening my eyes to drugs given by veterinarians. God bless your beautiful Holly. I have it on great authority that she is healthy and vibrant playing with all the other animals in God’s kingdom. Hugs.

    1. Laurie, thank you for writing and sharing your story. I am so sorry this happened to your dog (and you). Especially to go from teeth cleaning to cancer. 😦 I can’t imagine. I hope and pray the holistic approach helps Pepper. And thank you for your kind words about Holly. We miss her so much.

  73. Ann Davidsen says:

    Our wonderful 6 year old yellow lab, Ozzie, passed away after Christmas. He had been on Deramaxx for a few weeks to help reduce the limping he was experiencing from bilateral cruciate ligament ruptures in his back legs. We were planning for surgery in early 2014. The vet checked his blood work after one week on the medication and the results were good so we were instructed to continue it. After the second week he vomited once at night. Since we were unaware of the side affects of the medication, we didn’t even consider the med as the culprit. Other than the vomiting he appeared fatigued on Christmas but rallied when it came to a walk, eating and playing in the snow. A few days later, while being cared for by a friend while we were out of town, he refused to eat which was very unusual. She took him to our vet then on to an emergency care facility where it was determined that his blood level had dropped significantly. We arrived in time to give them permission to start an emergency blood transfusion. He was given numerous transfusions (9 bags) but without success. He had constant diarrhea, became weak and developed rapid breathing. When we were allowed to see him he was unable to pick up his head or stand but his sad eyes and a small tail wag told us that he knew we were there with him. It was so awful to see our young, happy and loving dog in that state. The specialists were unable to save him, quite certain that he died from a gastric ulcer and internal bleeding caused by the Deramaxx. Early autopsy results are also indicating this same cause. The emergency vet told us that he had seen 3 other dogs recently with severe side effects from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and that in his opinion these drugs should never be given for longer than a few days and only as a post-op drug, not a drug to be used for weeks or months.
    If I had originally read and been told of the possible severe or fatal side affects I would have thought twice about giving Deramaxx to Ozzie. Vets need to educate themselves and the pet owners about these harmful medications! They are prescribed too casually.
    I feel such intense sorrow and guilt as I replay this last week over and over, wishing I had read about the med warnings, wishing I had taken his vomiting more seriously, wishing I had paid more attention to his subtle symptoms (fatigue). We trust our vets to prescribe safe drugs and our pets trust us to feed them healthy food and medications. It is heart wrenching to know that we encouraged him to eat his (Deramaxx) medicine, not knowing it would kill them.

    1. Ann, Ozzie’s story reminds me so much of Holly’s. Same progression (thought our vet never did blood work). It hurts so much knowing their pain and suffering could have been prevented. That they’d still be here with us. I hear that in your comments, and I know how that feels — the guilt and regret. It’s awful and I’m sorry. We went through that (and still go through it, honestly). My heart goes out to you. I hate that this happened to you. I hope in time you can find peace and know that it’s not your fault. 😦

  74. Ann Davidsen says:

    Amy, in my need to share our tragic situation I overlooked thanking you for writing your story and keeping this forum “alive”. Your story, along with hundreds of others written on your site, has helped me realize that our dog Ozzie’s death from Deramaxx isn’t as rare as we were told it to be. In addition, there are probably hundreds if not thousands of more deaths each year from this medication that are never reported.

    Our grieving can only be reduced by knowing that something is being done to prevent this from happening to other dogs. Vets and pet owners need to be better informed that this drug can potentially cause death and should be prescribed only if absolutely necessary.

    Most of the owners in this forum have reported that their vet said Deramaxx was a “safe” drug and precautions were either not discussed or provided only in written form. Shouldn’t these potential side effects be fully discussed and emphasized by the Vet and owner before starting the medication?

    When a dog dies from Deramaxx does the Vet send the information to the FDA and the drug company? Our vet ordered an autopsy and is now in contact with both of these sources so that our dog’s death can be further understood. But do all Vets report and share this information? How closely are the FDA and drug company monitoring these deaths and using this information to make changes to prevent further tragedy?

    Thank you Amy for your story and this site- so that others can find some peace in knowing that they are not alone in their grieving, to alert other dog owners to the dangers of Deramaxx and other Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs and hopefully to inform the drug companies and our Vet’s of their responsibility to provide drugs that can be trusted to be safe and effective.

    If we had only seen your site before giving Deramaxx to our dog, we would have our dog with us now. Your information needs to reach owners before they give their pet that first pill. Please let us know if there is anything we can do as a group to make that happen.

    1. Ann, these deaths aren’t rare, but my guess is when they did the clinical studies of the drug, there was an acceptable percentage of dog deaths from the medication for it to be approved by the FDA. Keep in mind, though, that they also approved Vioxx.

      Yes, vets should discuss potential side effects with owners when drugs are prescribed. Unfortunately, in most cases, it’s up to the owner to ask the questions about risks and warning signs. Despite what the vet answers, I would say it’s a good idea to research as well. In Holly’s case, I expressed my concerns to the vet and he told me the drug was safe and he’d never had a problem with it. When I told him about the stories I’d read online, he very snidely commented, “And we know everything we read on the internet is true”. Shame on me for listening to him, trusting him, going along with what he said instead of trusting my gut. That’s something I’ll live with for the rest of my life. Long story short, OWNERS, DO YOUR HOMEWORK AND LISTEN TO YOUR GUT.

      As far as reporting deaths: in our case, our vet wouldn’t send info about Holly’s death to Novartis because he refused to believe Deramaxx is what killed her. Others who have posted here commented that their vets sent the information along. I don’t know what Novartis does with this information, though. And I don’t know the answer about how closely the FDA and drug companies work together. But again, the FDA approved Vioxx, and look where that led.

      I did contact a couple of news outlets regarding Holly and the stories posted here, but no one responded. 😦 Maybe it’s time to try again?

  75. John Agnelli says:

    My 3 yr 10 month old lab was poisoned by deramaxx cocktail –died in one week–form 105 pound muscular – greatest dog in the world–He was given the non-steroidal deramaxx and 3 days later given a steroid kendal ?? — The two drugs mixed and formed a acid and burnt out his intestines — I cry constantly from the thought–He was my best friend

    1. Laurie Smith says:

      So sorry John. He is in a good place now….I know this. Take care

    2. John, I am so sorry for your loss and your baby’s suffering. You DID NOT poison your dog…….you did what we all do… the people that have the years of education to guide us…we cannot all know everything, and have to put faith in some part of the process. When THEY FAIL US, know that you did the best, your baby knows how much your love was always there, and remember all the good memories….and that they are all waiting for us when it is our time to join them. I also want to thank everyone whose has contributed to this site. What an eye opener. I have used Deramaxx over the years and never knew. I am always the one to ask lots of questions and “bug” the doctors to get the best care for my “kids”…..and I have remembered every time I thought I should have known more than the doctors did, foreseen what might have happened, or second guessed the doctors…….If only I had done it better……and I cry every time. All of us educating others here and in person in the best we can do….and something we have to do! The terrible deaths we have all read about are probably only a very small portion of the problem, but these have not been without benefit if we save other dogs in the future.
      One question, if anyone can answer: Is it true that Deramaxx is the same as Vioxx (human NSAID) ??…and that the drug company just renamed it and decided to sell for canines?

    3. John, I am sorry. 😦 I know how you feel. And I’m so sorry. It shouldn’t have happened. It just shouldn’t be this way. Thank you for sharing your story here, for the sake of others whose dogs hopefully won’t suffer the same fate. Wishing you peace.

  76. john agnelli says:

    additionally I had tried on 6 occasions to give my dog the deramaxx but he refused to swallow — like he knew is was bad for him– I finally crushed it up in cheese and poisoned him

    1. Dave,
      I will state for the record that I do not like NSAIDs. Deramaxx is related to that family. I to, had a pug and they are smart little clowns. That makes things twice as bad when they get older and are in pain. I should also tell you that I went to Med. School but decided to change careers when President Richard Nixon signed the Drug Act in 1972. This law forever changed the way a doctor would be allowed to be compassionate toward patients in pain and allowed the Government to dictate how much of any pain killing drug with the possibility of addiction should receive. Since that terrible law has been in effect every doctor that had a D.E.A. number was second guessed on their prescribing of such drugs. Your vet is no different as, typical with all laws, the D.E.A. umbrella continues to expand. I strongly urge you to use your computer to look up NSAIDs and study their side effects. In doing this you will educate yourself as to why there are warnings that nearly always include the phrases- give with food to prevent gastric upsets, may damage other organs, or may result in death. If you watch the boob tube you will notice that every arthritis medicine that is advertised has a disclaimer in minute print that the product may result in death and you should not consume alcohollc beverages while taking the drug (NSAID) may cause liver and/or kidney damage. Sadly, NSAIDs are usually used by doctors because they are frowned upon by our Government. Please educate yourself as a favor to the ones you love, as the use of NSAIDS is being promoted by the Government more and more.
      Please be very careful when using any steroid with any dog. A shot followed by pills makes most dogs and humans seem like they are younger but a steroid should not be used on any dog or human for an extended period of time as it depresses the immune system allowing the patient to be prone to other bugs or even cancers. This does not apply to cats as it seems they can take pred. on an unlimited basis.

      My Pug lived for 14 years and toward the end he was given pred. several times without any mishaps, but we are talking about an old Pug that deserved as much comfort as possible. Sadly that day usually comes when a person must give up the selfishness he has for the final comfort of the dog, and that is one of the toughest calls an owner can make. One thing to remember, at least there is a choice when it comes to a loved animal verses a human. I find it so interesting that our Government condones NSAIDs yet puts doctors in jail for doing the right thing by prescribing the correct and far safer.

      I have had the pleasure of owning and training twelve other dogs since my great pug, An apricot full double curled tail named Colonel and every time I lose a dog it doesn’t get easier. I am presently looking at my loyal German Shepherd bitch who is going on age twelve, but I realize that she probably won’t see 20i5. She is having a lot of arthritic pain and, for her sake, soon I will probably have to let her go. What makes it so sad is that I know I could extend her life but our Government won’t let that happen. It is too obvious that our Government does not have our best interests in mind!

    2. Susan says:

      So sorry – I made my Porter pick it up after he would spit it out and he always obeyed me – this is all so very sad

    3. I think that’s the worst part of this: the guilt of having been the one who gave your best friend the poison that killed him (or in my case, her). I don’t know how long it takes to get over that, but I haven’t yet. I’m sorry, John.

  77. Susan says:

    I think we should find a way as a group to stop this and other drugs from killing our beloved pets. I am spending the necessary money to sue my vet in the hopes that it will save some other dogs. I am also filing a complaint with the state veterinary board and consumer agencies. With today’s technology and ways to reach many people lets please put something in motion.

    1. Susan,

      Please don’t blame yourself. From birth we are “trained” to believe that doctors are somehow superior to us and we should blindly take whatever advice they give as gospel. They are nothing more than humans, like yourself. They fear their livelihood far more than the future and comfort of your pet. Profit plays a major role in decisions. Have you ever ask your doctor for a prescription so you could by the drug cheaper elsewhere? Try this and it will open your eyes and I hope relieve your blame upon yourself for giving your companion Deramaxx. There is an incredible markup in this drug and it depends on the quantity the doctor buys. Laws were passed to prevent doctors who treat people from dispensing drugs in most states because of this. A few states have even banned the doctors from giving out free samples! Billions and billions of dollars are spent each year by the drug companies to advertise and lobby politicians to allow them to push their products. I would be interested to find out if it was the manufacturer of Deramaxx that preformed the trials and submitted their findings to the Government in order to get Deramaxx on the market. I would think it was the company that did the trials and the drug was heavily lobbied.

      We can’t begin to address the unsafe drugs that are sold by vets until we stop the Government from interfering with people doctors. You must realize that we are exposed to the same hazards as our pets. The Drug Enforcement Administration (D.E.A.) second guesses all doctors who prescribe what are called Class 1-5 drugs. This is crazy on its own that a bureaucrat knows more than the doctor. Deramaxx is a classic example that they don’t! Tyenol is reported responsible for roughly 55,000 deaths each year, and it is not in the N.S.A.I.D. family. Aspirin, Aleve, and nearly all Arthritis drugs ARE NSAIDs. Yet, with the exception of newly patented Arthritis drugs, they are sold over the counter. Please don’t make it a steady habit of taking NSAIDs over a long period of time or you probably will get irreversible liver or kidney damage. Also remember that we are talking about hundreds of health quirks from breed to breed in dogs. The collie family is filled with breeds that can have seizures from the wrong kind of heart worm medication which is nothing more than an insect poison. I really find it interesting to look up the medical definition of vaccine. The medical definition is “an experiment”. We need to stop our Government from telling doctors what they can give our companions and us, as they have proven they don’t know better. Until that day comes you must study each drug you take and allow your pet to get. The real truth is that your Government killed your dog. You were relying on bad information from what you thought was a trusted source. You are not to blame.

      1. Susan, I think you’re brave and am proud of you for taking action against your vet. We were so shellshocked about the whole situation, we decided at the time not to pursue action against ours. My husband’s thinking was that we’d go through a lot of heartache, and for what gain? It wouldn’t bring Holly back. I sometimes wonder if that was the wrong choice, and if we could have made a bigger impact. So I wrote this post instead. I am interested in getting our stories out for others to hear, though. When I’ve reached out to the media, I’ve been met with silence. I’ve wondered about getting a class action suit going, too, but honestly have been to afraid to try it. That feels like a really big giant to slay. If you (or anyone here) has other ideas, please share them.

        Darrell, that is some really interesting information (and I’ve heard that about Tylenol, too). It’s scary, some of the drugs we give and how we trust so freely. Our youngest dog just suffered an injury and needed a pain killer. I was SO scared to give it to him — and I really do trust my new vet. We’ve talked extensively about Deramaxx (which he won’t prescribe) and I asked him a ton of questions before giving my dog the pain killer. As soon as I could, I took him off of it. I’m so afraid to take chances any more.

      2. Dear Amy,

        I just want to thank you for trying to stop this medical abuse. We are in an era of Nixon’s “Drug War”. Any sensible person knows that you can not save someone from themselves. This War against drugs is not about saving people and pets, rather it is about giving high paying jobs to cronies. If there was any sincerely in this alleged war we should not be throwing a pot smoker in jail and letting a murderer, child molester, or rapist out to make room for that non violent offender. I am sure you have heard of Mandatory Minimum Sentences that are handed out to drug offenders. Sadly, what you and I are fighting is our Government.

        I too have lost my best animal companion to Deramaxx and maybe another companion to the same drug. I began to investigate just how to fight this family of drugs and found that the Government really doesn’t care. WE are fighting Politics and the vast majority of politicians really only care about themselves, not the people the are elected to represent. I know, I once was an elected official who thought that through speaking common sense, I could easily persuade other politicians to look out for the people and not themselves. I have to say I was very wrong. I had to realize that most people are so self centered that any threat to a law or a party platform could not be changed with common sense or simple facts if someone higher up could lose money from the change of a law or ordinance.

        Deramaxx is a classic example of this problem. N.S.A.I.D.s block the manufacture and uptake of pain chemicals manufactured by the body. This is why it works with most pain.Normally, the brain produces endogenous morphine in the pituitary and hypothalamus to combat pain. When the pain becomes too great it would seem reasonable to supplement more of the natural drug but this conflicts with our drug laws and reason goes out the window! Since the Government power grows and it makes so much money with the Drug War, it has forced the Drug Companies to steer toward drugs that fool the system instead of making new drugs that use the naturally produced brain chemicals to combat pain. As you mentioned, when a drug like Tylenol kills as many people as automobile accidents each year, it should be looked into. Again, I want to point out that Tylenol is not an N.S.A.I.D. but it is over used by many to try to quell pain. Sadly, the steady use and over use of Tylenol causes damage to the liver that can lead to failure! It is a “sneaky” killer because the early symptoms go unnoticed and many doctors recommend this drug because it doesn’t cause stomach upset like aspirin (known as the King of the N.S.A.I.D.s) can. People who don’t read up on their drugs assume it is safe, and without research they usually begin to take higher doses as their condition worsens. Let us get back to the problem of Deramaxx which is in the deadlier family of N.S.A.I.D.s which is condoned by the Government simply because there isn’t another family of artificial chemicals that will overcome pain and they have already cost millions of human deaths due to the restrictions placed on natural pain killers. Amy, please remember, the government and spineless, greedy doctors were the real killers. They convinced the public through a huge disinformation campaign that natural painkillers were addictive to everyone, thus they created a market for drugs like Deramaxx.

        Simply, our Country was not set up to be run by a Central Government. It was to be run by the individual States. This largess has made it all but impossible for people to get any federal agency to listen to obvious problems like Deramaxx poisonings as they interfere with a law that has been a virtual gold mine . People demanded relief from pain for themselves and those they love and really dangerous drugs are allowed to be dispensed. There is a lot of profit in Deramaxx and the D.E.A. has no enforcement power over the dispensing of Deramaxx. Sadly,the vet is left with little choice, but he/she is well informed. The only action that can be taken is a civil suit as the government considers an animal as property and the drug company will use very expensive lawyers to defend against the suit. That makes it nearly cost prohibitive to fight.

        Amy, you are doing the best thing that can be done. You are shining the light of day on a problem that far too many of us have experienced and maybe, through this forum the right person will come up with the best idea. Yes, Deramaxx will work, but at what cost? It seems that far too many people and animals die because of bad drugs. If they get enough complaints on a particular drug, they might just do something! I know that I am going to write another letter to my Congressman. Elections are less than a year away and the squeaky wheel always gets greased first. If a person writes a letter and gets a form letter reply, DON’T DONATE A PENNY TO THE CAMPAIGN, and send another letter telling why! You just never know but enough letters to many Representatives may strike a nerve in one of them.

  78. Susan says:

    I am so sorry this happened to Holly and your family. I hope you know you did nothing wrong. I worked at a vet hospital as a tech for 10yrs and had seen two cases of Deramaxx causing such side affects (both were in senior dogs). I have also seen flea medication given in the wrong doses causing liver and renal failure ending in fatality. Listening to your gut instinct is an important lesson to learn in life. However, when you are dealing with medication it is a gamble either way.
    My Mastiff is now 13yrs old (which I know is old especially for a Mastiff) and he is having problems with slip disk in his neck. There are moments he is in so much pain. I hate seeing him in pain and know I have to give him something. I talked to my vet (who I also trust with all of my heart and have known and worked with for over 10yrs) and she suggested Deramaxx. Of course my heart dropped. I remember talking with the owners who had lost their best friends to this medication when working at the vet hospital. My first thoughts were … no way. That’s when I started looking on line for other options and found this post.
    Unfortunately, all pain medicine has severe side affects. There is no medication that is safe to use. So I have been sifting through the better of the evils to make the love of my life more comfortable so that he can stay with me as long as this world will allow him to, without pain. My vet also suggested Methocarbamol, which also has grand side affects. I am opting to just give uncoated aspirin with pepsid (which ALSO has long term major side affects) for a bit to see if the pain goes away.
    If anyone has any experience with a case like this I would love to hear your suggestions.
    Amy, thank you so much for posting this story and sharing your heart ache with others to benefit. It reminded me to follow my gut and that the professionals, who really do mean well, sometimes forget that there are rare cases out there that could end in devastation.
    You have a huge heart and Holly was lucky to have you as her guardian and friend.

    1. Hi Susan. Thank you for writing and for your kind words. How is the aspirin working? Is it helping your Mastiff? Please let us know. I’m curious (and I’m sure others are as well) if this might be a good option for if/when our dogs need pain relief. Hobbes (our 2yo bordernese) just suffered a shoulder injury that required stitches, and we had him on Tramadol for a couple of days. I was so afraid to give him any kind of pain med! It made him really sleepy, so maybe not the best option for every day use. I did read (while researching the med) that humans often take it for back and neck injuries. I’m not sure if that is helpful or not. As soon as I could, I took Hobbes off of it. You probably know more about Tramadol, with your years of vet hospital experience. Regardless, I really hope your Mastiff is doing better. If you find out any more info on pain relief options, please let us know. Thank you!

      1. missdetails says:


        I posted a while ago and have been getting updates on people’s struggles ever since. I am so sad to hear how many pets and people have been affected by this drug. Since I posted last, I have gotten Emily (my 11.5 year old fawn Greyhound) some acupuncture and put her on Chinese herbal medicine and changed her diet. As far as the acupuncture it seemed to help a bit, I noticed a big difference in her after the second time and she still seems pretty bouncy since then which has been about 2 months. I added Body Sore which is an herbal pain reliever to her daily food and I think it really helps her. So if any of you are looking for a pain reliever I recommend you try this. I am not sure where to buy it because I get it from my Vet. The makers are Jing Tang. She is also on some other hers for her heart which the vet recommended both Chinese and naturopathic. Her doctor did say at some point we will have to add traditional medicine in, and I am terrified at this idea because all NSAIDS seem to have negative effects on some dogs and as we have seen by all of your experiences you just don’t know if your dog will be one of the lucky ones or not.
        Thank you to everyone for sharing their stories and their tips, and Amy thank you again for giving us all this resource of information.

      2. This is great information. Thank you so much for sharing. I’m so happy to hear Emily has benefited from the acupuncture and herbal meds! Hooray for good news! 🙂

      3. Susan says:

        Hi Amy- Nasir (my Mastiff) had had an episode of pain about two weeks prior to this last episode. The first one, he had jumped onto the couch and cried out in pain. That night he seemed in so much pain he couldn’t find anywhere to get comfortable. I had a bottle of tramadol (which is sort of like morphine and has a reputation of being relatively safe) that had been prescribed to him from a few years earlier when he had a blown cruciate. I felt so bad for him, I gave him a dose. I remembered that night why I still had a full bottle. Nasir had such a strange reaction to it. He became very anxious and uncomfortable, his limbs went cold and his pupils dilated (as if he was on a bad trip). The only thing that seemed to calm him down was massaging his back and neck. So that’s what I did all night. The next day he seemed much better and the following day completely fine. I had shrugged it off thinking maybe he pulled a muscle jumping on the couch.
        When it happened again, two weeks later (this past week), he was barking at the mailman with my other dogs and turned his head to look at me. He cried out in pain, like before and went immediately into the same symptoms. This time around I called his vet and made an appointment. She had suggested to give him tramadol for pain until his appointment. I told her he had a strange reaction to tramadol. That’s when she suggested Deramaxx and a muscle relaxant.
        I talked with her about aspirin (to help with inflammation) to accompany the muscle relaxant. His vet was not a fan of giving aspirin to dogs because of stomach ulceration. I expressed to her my concerns with Deramaxx and so she told me the dose to give him for his weight (for the Uncoated aspirin) but stressed that she felt that aspirin was more dangerous to give than deramaxx and that if I gave him aspirin, I would have to wait a 10 day washout before giving any stronger medication (if he ended up needing steroids).
        That day I gave Nasir a low dose of aspirin and methocarbamol (which I also gave a low dose of because of my own fears). Nasir was very much in pain that night as well and massaging him was the only thing that seemed to help.
        The next day Nasir was fine! Playing with his brothers and sisters as if nothing happened. So I stopped all medication.
        Today we went to see his vet. She ruled out bone cancer because the pain had stopped. She felt he may have slipped a disk in his neck or spine. He is an old guy (13yrs) and has a bum knee and heavy arthritis in his elbow. This episode of pain is likely to happen again if Nasir moves the wrong way. Therefore his vet said she felt the best medication to put him on during these episodes of pain is deramaxx (with pepsid) and a muscle relaxant. She, again, stressed her dislike for aspirin and has known cases that have ended in fatality because of it. She said in her career had never seen a bad reaction to any patient that she had prescribed deramaxx to and that her own dog (who is now 14yrs old) has been on a daily dose of deramaxx for four years for severe arthritis pain and has had no side affects.
        I am still not sure what I will do if (or when) Nasir has an episode again. I almost feel as though I’d rather use hot water bottles and massage and have him be in pain (as much as I hate to say it) for a couple of days instead of taking the risks to give him relief for the pain and in turn create an irreversible issue causing him even more pain and discomfort and possibly ending his life earlier than need be.
        If his condition worsens and the pain does not fade out in a couple days but continues on for weeks or months, than I feel it would be the only choice to take the risk of giving pain medication to help him to end his days in comfort and not extreme pain and maybe even lengthen his life and make him feel like a young dog again…even if for just a bit.
        As far as your pup, Hobbes, and everyone who is caring for a dog in their life, maybe it’s okay for them to feel a bit of pain when they have an injury. As horrible as that sounds, it is the bodies natural way of telling us to relax and stay still so we can heal. The reason we give pain medicine to our loved ones and ourselves is for comfort. But if the price of comfort for a couple of days or a week is a risk of losing our lives, it’s not really worth it.
        If your dog is in tremendous or long term pain, than yes, it is worth it to take the gamble and try and make him/her as comfortable as possible. It doesn’t seem to matter how much you educate yourself on medication, if your dog is the one who has a “rare” reaction to that drug there is no time to reverse the damage.
        This, of course, is just my opinion. I’m sure I do not sound like someone that has worked in the medical field for so many years but I have never been a fan of medication (I won’t even take aspirin when I have a headache). This is why I left the vet hospital and now work in behavior. The hospital I worked at had fourteen veterinarians and they all had very different opinions of which drugs they trusted or believed to be the best choice in whatever case. Experts are those who have knowledge and experience. The vet I take Nasir to is an expert in my eyes. I trust her with all my heart and I know she is intelligent, caring and 100% dedicated and involved with all of her patients. She would never prescribe anything she thought would hurt an animal. But my gut tells me not to give my best friend Deramaxx so I won’t unless I absolutely have to.
        I hope Hobbes is feeling better 🙂

      4. Thanks, Susan. It sounds like you’re making really good decisions for Nasir. Have you considered acupuncture? I’ve heard positive stories about using it in dogs.

        I agree with what you said about pain. That’s one of the reasons I took Hobbes off the Tramadol after a couple of days. He was bit by another dog and required stitches. I figured it was better to take him off the drug and see if he behaved like he was in pain (he didn’t), than continue the med with whatever risks it carried. Plus, it was making him really sleepy and kind of dopey. He’s fine now, thank you. Stitches to come out this week. I hope Nasir continues to do well, too. 🙂

      5. Susan says:

        Hi Amy-

        Nasir has been doing great. He is a bit achey when he first gets up from sleeping but is fine after moving around a bit. He is playing and is his happy self. I do massage his neck and back every morning and evening. If another episode occurs I am going to take him to get acupuncture. And If so, I will let you know how it goes. Thanks for responding and caring. You are helping many people not only to make better decisions but to also relieve some pain caused by the loss of their loved ones. If i hadn’t come to this site i may have taken the chance thinking i was being silly to think the worst. All of these stories of the families that have lost their dogs are heartbreaking and it was enough proof for me to go with other options. so again thank you and thanks for being so active on this site. I hope Hobbes is continuing a strong recovery.

  79. Hi Amy- I haven’t heard from you and am wondering if you are a still following the comments on your blog. I wrote last week about our 6 year old yellow lab, Ozzie, dying from a gastric hemorrhage after taking Deramaxx for a couple of weeks. We continue to be devastated by the loss of our wonderful companion. The grieving and anger over such a senseless death has been overwhelming. We contacted a Vet at Novartis and surprisingly learned that our Vets are not legally required to report adverse reactions or deaths to the FDA and the drug company, even though Novartis “strongly encourages” it. Therefore, as stated by the Vet at Novartis, they only receive “spontaneous reports” from Vets and pet owners regarding any issues with the drug. And, more alarming, Novartis does “internal trending” once a year, using that spontaneous data to determine the safety of the drug and whether changes need to be made. With such minimal and limited data we can now understand why nothing has been done to improve or eliminate this deadly drug. It appears that our Vets follow the protocol established by the drug company regarding dosage and use, as well as doing a blood test 1 week after it has been prescribed. This blood test obviously is not a good indicator of how well the dog is handling the drug, for our dog’s blood test at one week showed normal results and a week and a half later he died! When probed, the Novartis Vet was unable to tell us how many dogs have died from Deramaxx but indicated that their data shows that over the last 10 years the number of cases of GI Bleed is “1 case per 1 million tablets sold”. What does that mean? It is apparent from this blog and other tragic stories written by distraught owners since the 1990’s that the correct information is either not documented or used to make any changes, with more dogs dying everyday. Sites like this and a yahoo group that was established years ago have helped increase awareness but like in our case, the information was found too late. We need to find more ways to publicize the danger of this drug, reaching out to all Vets and dog owners. And most importantly, the FDA and drug company need to be held responsible and accountable to pet owners by establishing mandatory reporting and data collecting guidelines for Vets regarding the use and outcome of Deramaxx with the dogs in their care.
    It would be so sad if changes were not made and dogs continued to die. We, as a group, owe it to our dogs and to other pet owners to find a way to make a positive difference. It is the only way we will find closure.
    Amy, thank you again for keeping this blog open to let owners share their stories. As a writer, perhaps you have new ideas on how to further accomplish spreading the word. Your thoughts are appreciated and I look forward to hearing back from you.
    Thank you. Ann

    1. Sadly, it seems that our government looks the other way when it comes to rules. The F.D.A. allows the drug companies to run their own trials and submit such as reason for the distribution of a drug. Never mind the bias, the F.D.A. will approve a drug on the manufacturer’s own information. The drug industry in our country is years behind those in Europe. There are many drugs in Europe that have been on the market for years and are waiting in line for the U.S. to approve them.

      As for the Vet that claimed he had never heard of the fatal side effects of Deramaxx, I don’t believe he was truthful. It would mean he did not bother to read about the sometimes fatal side effects of Deramaxx! Maybe he thought he was dodging a legal bullet. In reality, he stepped in front of one. Please remember, it all comes down to the individual reading up on the drug before taking anything any doctor gives you or giving any drug to your companion. It is a sad state of affairs when people have to do such.

    2. Laura says:

      Hi Ann,

      I just wanted to reply to your comment. First off, I am so sorry about your beloved Ozzie. It’s been 2 years now since we lost our dear Allie because of Deramaxx. She was only on it TWO days! But, that was enough to cause ulcers in her intestines which lead to bleeding. She lost a lot of blood and then had a stroke and died. I wish I never gave her Deramaxx. I, too, had called Novartis and spoke to a vet there. I hope everyone here who has lost a pet due to that drug has filed a complaint with them. I hope it is one day taken off the market. Makes me sick hearing how more and more dogs are dying. They don’t deserve to die that way.

    3. Hi Ann. I apologize. A number of new comments came through while I was out of town last week, and with my kids starting up school again this week, it’s been difficult finding the time to sit respond promptly. I always try to give my full-attention and presence to those who comment on this post, because I know how painful it is to go through losing a pet to Deramaxx. Sometimes the comments become overwhelming and I get so sad I have to find my courage before I can respond. I hope you understand. As I type this, I’m sitting on my living room floor next to Hannah (Holly’s younger sister) and we’re inches from the spot where I last saw Holly that night she died. I’m trying to be brave and provide an outlet for others to share their stories and their grief. Some days it’s easier than others. But, yes, I am still monitoring comments and responding.

      Thank you for sharing the information you learned about Novartis and vets. To say it’s alarming is an understatement.

      I know there was a lawsuit against Pfizer a number of years ago, and as a result, the FDA required drug manufacturer’s (including Novartis) to include literature describing best practices for drugs like Deramaxx. However, I found out (after it was too late) that our vet was about ten years behind in his learning. So he thought Deramaxx was great. Probably still does. So, including literature didn’t make any difference because he never bothered to read it. He bought large quantities of the drug (he showed me) and rebottled portions for his patients. No literature provided to us, either. So there’s still a massive problem in getting the information out to the owners.

      There are some news articles out there about the dangers of Deramaxx but they’re a few years old now. Apparently there was a story run by the Washington Times in 2006 ( I just emailed the reporter, telling him about all the stories here, and asked if he has any advice on how to spread the word.

  80. Thank you Amy and others who have responded to my story about Ozzie, our wonderful yellow Lab. The support is truly appreciated. The grief and guilt I am experiencing is overwhelming. The days are filled with the emotional swings that come from wonderful memories of the joy Ozzie brought to our lives followed by awful thoughts of his death. I know from your stories that many of you have experienced the same feelings. Some comfort could be achieved if there was a way we could help prevent further deaths from Deramaxx.
    Amy, thank you for your ongoing assistance. Are you able to write an article on the dangers of this drug? You have the writing skills and now several years of information from your blog along with your personal research to put together a story that could make a difference to the unknowing Vet and pet owner. How can we reach the most people and affect the future use of Deramaxx?

    1. Hi Annie. I know how you feel and I’m sorry. 😦

      Thanks for your encouragement about writing an article. I’ve thought about it many times, but because we didn’t have an autopsy done, any conclusions I make in such an article would be based only on our experience and without documented proof. I know Deramaxx killed Holly, but I don’t have a vet who agrees with me or a report saying as much. If I had an article published, would that open me up (and the publication who runs the piece) for lawsuits? I don’t know. And not knowing has held me back. 😦

      1. Hi Amy- well, I am wondering if an article could be written that could focus on the question- “Are NSAID’s helping or hurting dogs?” (with a claim that you are not an expert in the area of veterinary medicine nor are you trying to prove whether the drugs are safe, but are raising the question based on personal accounts of tragedy documented by dog owners). The purpose of the article is to bring awareness to this question, pointing out that hundreds of grieving pet owners are asking about the safety of Deramaxx and Rimadyl. In the article you could make reference to your own story and to the responses in your blog, stating that pet owners are wanting further research and better data collection of the adverse side affects. The readers of your article will then know to question their Vet, learn about the side affects and make a decision about using the drug with their dog if it is prescribed.

    2. anniedavidsen,

      I want you and everyone to know that every vet, no matter how long he or she has practiced, is totally aware of the effects of this drug. I have talked to two vets from different schools and the effects of all drugs are drilled into them. The vet that claimed to be unknowing about the effects was flat lying or didn’t remember the pharmacology behind N.S.A.I.D.s! If the later was the case and the Deramaxx that was dispensed without the vet knowing the side effects lays a ground work for a suit due to malpractice. Please, don’t ever let any professional B.S. you with a story like “I never heard of that”, as the journals are full of such cases. Any vet that would make such a statement should be drummed out of the profession! You are paying a high price for their education wt the O.V. and the vet has to know how to read up on the drug and know all actions and interactions with that drug and other drugs the patient is taking. For the vet to do any less is unforgivable!

      One problem I would tell Amy about writing any publications on Deramaxx is not to use absolutes. If she stated that “in her opinion” things were a certain way, she would be avoiding a nearly certain lawsuit or a restraining order that the friendly people at Deramaxx would put on her.

      I think that the publishing of this blog on electronic books would suffice as she has quite a well documented group of fellow owners, including myself, who saw their best friend in pain and went to the only place that they thought they could get help, only to line the pockets of the vet and the drug company at the expense of the animal. What we should learn from these stories is that when it comes to someone we love, the first thing to do is educate ourselves as to the diagnosis, the drug, and the future of the loved one, be it a person or pet. Are we getting a drug for an animal that was hit by a car and broke his leg or are we try to make the backside of life more comfortable for a companion that is not going to get well or improve to a point that drugs will not be necessary?

      For what it is, Deramaxx is outrageously expensive. The literature tells you that it shouldn’t be given without blood tests. That information warns a person just how dangerous the drug can be. It is a gold mine for the vet as many appointments have to be made to keep an eye on the animal. Some breeds do much better than others in tolerating the effects of Deramaxx. In this blog you will find that some animals took the drug for an extremely long time without the side effects that many of us experienced, but I assure you that they are in the minority.

      In reality, it is our Government that aimed the chemical companies toward drugs like this. In reality our pets are unwilling victims of Nixon’s Drug War of 1972, The companies tried to make drugs that performed like the natural body chemicals that the brain makes yet kept them out of the clutches of the D.E.A. Deramaxx is a great example of what happens when you try to foo nature. We have one excellent option left, our ability to research all medical conditions and drugs on the Internet. The bottom line is we must educate ourselves and take time to read up on all drug we ingest and drugs prescribed to our pets. I only wish I had a computer when I lost two of my best friends to Deramexx. Never again will I not second guess my doctor who is only a human that makes his/hers living from seeing ailing patients. Remember, medicine is a science when the doctor gets it right but a practice when the doctor gets it wrong.

      1. Hi Darrell- I believe our main focus should be to increase the awareness of the side affects of Deramaxx. Through articles and the media, blogs like Amy’s, talking with our friends and our Vets…we can reach out to the public to pass the word. My fear is that another several years of blog entries on Amy’s site will appear, reporting more deaths and sorrow and nothing will have changed. The thought makes me cry.
        For the record, our Vet has been very responsive and caring. She has reportedly used Deramaxx effectively and has not had dogs on it that have died from it, though she will step up their communication with pet owners regarding precautions and warnings. And has temporarily stopped using the drug until she has further contact with Novartis about our dog’s case. I am living with regret and extreme guilt for not reading the precautions listed on the Vet’s office visit receipt and on the bottle. I assumed that our Vet had prescribed a safe drug and went home to give him his medicine as prescribed (“give once a day with food”). Our dog vomited once and looked a bit tired one morning a few days later but otherwise was eating, playing and walking like usual so I missed seeing the subtle symptoms until it was too late. It is something I will probably never get over. He was such a funny, happy, extremely intelligent dog that brought immense joy to our family. The bottom line…owners need to be aware that their dog could die from Deramaxx or Rimadyl and should only give it if absolutely necessary. Other non-drug treatment options should be explored and tried.
        The stories and messages on this blog need to get out to a larger reader group. But how?

  81. Susan says:

    Hi anniedavidsen
    Sorry to hear about your Ozzie – please keep all your records as it may one day be useful. I have been reading a lot about Deramaxx and I read the article in the Washington post dated 2006 and here we are 2014. My emergency vet knew all about this drug so I have difficulty in believing that any vet knows nothing about the seriousness of its side effects and I would almost guarantee that any vet that prescribes this drug has had a pet die from it and that they are also aware of that. My vet chose to lie to me and tell me he said to stop giving my dog Deramaxx however I have strong evidence to expose his lie and I will expose it. It sounds like your vet is trying to appease you to avoid any negative consequences as you may have a strong case against the drug. Perhaps you are in a position to do more but I know that is not an easy task to undertake. I was told that I am brave to take this further – I am not so brave. My husband rescued our dog many years ago and after my husband died my dog was here for me – nudging me and making me get up when I did not want to get up. I tell everyone he rescued me. ( by the way I am intentionally not mentioning my dog’s name). I owe it to him to do more. It is not simply enough to spread the word. When someone has to spend thousands of dollars for bad judgement I guarantee you they will think twice about going down that same path. I want them to start thinking twice – as it appears now the vets prescribing these drugs have lost nothing but gained a lot – that is incentive for them to continue on this path regardless of what they say to you and me.

    1. Kurt says:

      My 3 year old pit bull Isis tore her acl in her back leg this weekend, i took her to the vet yesterday and they prescribed her deramaxx. I have only given her two doses of this drug and i’m already scared. I really hope i haven’t already caused damage to my dogs stomach, she will not be taking any more of this no matter what, it will just have to heal on its own. To me the risk far outweigh the benefits, my dog means everything to me and i don’t know what i would do if she died. I’m sorry for everyone’s losses, losing a loving loyal dog is like losing a family member. Thanks for all the information and stories, you may have saved my dog Isis who is the most loving and loyal little 50 lbs pit in the world, i cannot put in words the love i have for this dog.

      1. Hi Kurt. I’m sorry Isis injured her ACL. Did your vet give you any advice when he or she prescribed the Deramaxx? I’m glad to hear the stories here may have helped her, and I hope she’s healing well and not in pain. I’m not all that familiar with acupuncture, but have heard success stories with it helping dog injuries. I wonder if it’s worth looking into for her ACL, if it doesn’t improve on its own. Just a thought. I know what you mean about not being able to put into words how much Isis means to you. That’s how I feel about my dogs, too. 🙂 Wishing Isis a speedy and full recovery.

    2. Annie, thank you for your encouragement. I’m going to look into publishing an article to try to get Holly’s story out to a larger audience. What you proposed is a good angle. I’m going to see what I can do. Maybe others here will too?

      Susan, you have a good point there about vets not having lost anything. I wish I’d had the presence of mind as you do after Holly died. I have thought of starting a class action case against Novartis. If you decide that’s the route you’re going to take, I hope you’ll let me (us) know. Well, regardless of how you proceed, I hope you’ll let us know. And tell us how we can be involved or help. I appreciate your courage and determination.

  82. carmela says:

    I am sorry for everyone’s losses. Our pets are family and my heart breaks reading so many sad stories. This is a devastating drug and its terrifying that nothing is done about it! Thank you to Amy and all of you for posting your story here. My 9 yr old Husky tore his ACL and will need surgery this Friday. However, the vet gave him deramaxx when we first brought him in for his limp, but she did inform me to come in for blood work in two weeks. I gave him about 8 doses in total until I read these articles and called the vet immediately to get blood work. Sure enough his liver count is high and unless it goes down we cannot put him through surgery. We have him on liver support supplements now and fortunately I do not see him acting any differently other than his limping but I would rather give him glucosomine and fish oil for now. I am worried that his numbers didn’t drop and then what? How long does this drug take to leave the system (I stopped it Jan 10th) ? Anyone know what other safer medication can be given especially after his surgery?

    1. Hi Carmela. Thank you for your kind words. I’m so sad to hear your Husky’s liver has been affected by the Deramaxx. 😦 I don’t know for sure how long it takes the drug to leave the system; but I did do a search and read it could be 48-72 hours depending on the dose.

      My friend’s dog make a full recovery from a back injury (dachshund back paralysis) with acupuncture. I searched to see if acupuncture can help with ACL problems and found this site:

      Since your Husky had adverse reaction to Deramaxx, I would avoid any other NSAIDs, but that’s just me. I would be too afraid. 😦 I hope and pray his liver numbers return to normal and his ACL heals completely!

      1. Carmela, I found this link, which might be helpful:

        I disagree with his assessment of NSAIDs and that adverse reactions are rare. But later in the article there is info about alternative therapies that you and others might find useful.

        I hope your dog’ sliver numbers are going back to normal!

      2. carmela says:

        Hi Amy,
        Thank you for sending these articles. I am considering acupuncture but definitely water therapy too. I found a great therapist near us. However, sad to report that his liver enzymes as of today are still not within normal range. Although they have gone down they were not down significantly where we could proceed with surgery. The surgeon was not comfortable and he does agree the deramaxx more than likely had something to do with these high enzymes. The good news is that they are definately coming down and all his other blood work was excellent. We have him on milk thistle and I am sure that has helped. I give him lots of good homemade healthy food along with his liver supplements, fish oil and glucosomine and of course lots of love 🙂 I am keeping him comfortable and off dangerous meds! I pray that his liver count goes back to normal. I am thankful that I found your forum because you probably saved my husky’s life. Btw his name is Juneau 🙂

        Juneau and I both thank you very very much !


      3. Another commenter here named Chet used milk thistle to help with her dog’s liver enzyme levels, and it worked, but it took a little while. It sounds like you have a good plan going forward, and I’m happy to hear your vet is now in agreement about the Deramaxx. I’ll be praying for Juneau, too! Let us know how it goes.

  83. FYI, I never heard back from the WaPo reporter. 😦

  84. Ann Davidsen says:

    Thank you Amy for your interest in publishing an article to increase awareness of the potential severe side affects and fatalities from Deramaxx. This is the 4th year of your blog and grieving pet owners are still crying out for help. Please keep us posted on your work and let us know if there is anything we can do to help you. Thank you for your wonderful support and desire to be the Voice of your Readers!

  85. Ron says:

    I can’t believe I’m reading all the issues with Deramaxx but not surprised as it destroyed the liver and killed our golden retriever as well. It should be pulled from the market!!

    1. I totally agree, Ron. And I’m sorry it happened to your dog, too. 😦

      They pulled Vioxx from the market after it killed people, but they won’t pull Deramaxx because it kills dogs.

  86. Laurie says:

    Amy, I am so sorry about your loss of Holly. I realize that it has been years, but I also know that the pain never goes away. We lost our first dog, named Holly, to very similar circumstances at the age of seven. However, the drug that we’re convinced killed her was Rimadyl. It was 15 years ago and it’s like it was yesterday. Any drug has side effects and we have to be confident enough to “go with our guts” when something doesn’t seem right. Do research, get second and third opinions. Find a new vet if yours won’t listen. At the end of the day, it’s the welfare of my animal and not my relationship with the vet that matters. Thank you for starting this conversation.

    1. Hi Laurie. You had a Holly, too! I’m sorry you lost her to Rimadyl. I’ve read about the similarities about the two medications, that they both have been unsafe for some dogs. I’m so sorry. My Holly was almost seven when she died. You’re right about the pain never going away. I was looking at some old videos from when my kids were younger, and there was Holly, and all that heartache came rushing back. 😦 Thank you for sharing your Holly’s story here and for your excellent advice. Hopefully it will help others trust their guts and find vets who are knowledgeable and who listen.

  87. Janel says:

    Thank you for sharing your story! The same think happen to my dog a few weeks ago and I am having a hard time accepting and believing that he is gone. I too thought it was my fault. Nothing made since my dog had the best health never had any problems of any kind. It hurts to know that he died in pain and unfortunately we woke up and he was gone too…. 😦

    1. Janel, I’m sorry this happened to your dog, too. 😦 My heart goes out to you. I (and others here) know the pain, anger and guilt too well. Thank you for adding your story so others can be warned of the danger of Deramaxx. Wish you peace.

  88. I contacted the lawyers responsible for getting Vioxx pulled from the market to see if they would consider a class action suit to do the same with Deramaxx. They are not interested at this time.

    1. Susan says:

      thank you for trying Amy – regarding the lawyers – I am not giving up and plan to look into a lot of things within the next few months

      1. Wishing you luck, Susan. I hope you’ll keep us posted.

  89. Tai says:

    Thank God I read this. And idiot hit my dog with his car and he had a limp in his front left paw. I took him to the vet who told me (after a very expensive x-rays) that the dog was okay but he had an inflammation so he prescribed Deramaxx. I’ve been administering this for the past 5 days and for some reason I just had that little itch to search in the internet about it. Right now I threw that in the trash and I hope my little Rocky doesn’t develope anything (the only thing wrong is that his limp is worse and it hasn’t improved at all)

    1. Hi Tai! It sounds like Rocky is a very lucky dog, not only that he survived getting hit by a car (!!!) but also that he has a caring and attentive owner like you. Kudos to you for researching the medication before giving him any more. There are dogs who have benefited from the drug, but others, as you’ve read here, who haven’t. Wishing Rocky quick and complete healing, and no side effects from the Deramaxx. Thank you for letting me know Holly’s and the other stories here helped you. 🙂

  90. tara says:

    I wish we would have seen this last week. Last Tuesday our three year old lab Luna went to her regular checkup and was put on derramaxx for her limp tail. By Thursday morning she was vomiting and not eating. We took her to the vet Friday and they asked to keep her over the weekend and flush her kidneys. They didn’t seem serious at all about it and said they never had issues with the drug. She died Saturday morning. Luna has had previous GI issues and bloody stools, so she went to the vet often and got put on meds. We now think she might have had colitis and therefore it deteriorated her kidneys. The drug must have put her over the edge. The vet was so ignorant in this aspect, how could you not think there was an underlying issue? Maybe if we knew and changed her diet things wouldn’t have happened this way. We learned a valuable lesson, we will research every drug our pets get put on and NEVER keep them overnight somewhere. Luna hated crated and would freak out in them, but we thought she would be too sick to care. When we saw her saturday morning some of her teeth were broken off and her mouth was bloody. We’re not sure if the vet told us the whole truth about the seizure or if she died overnight. There is nothing we can do about it now and we are slowly trying to move on. I just hope other people read this before putting their dogs on derramaxx.

    1. Tara, I’m so sorry. Luna’s story took my breath away. That really seems like negligence on the part of your vet, considering her medical history. 😦 Clearly he was ignorant of the possible side effects of the drug. Awful. And heartbreaking. I am so sorry.

      Thank you for speaking up here, so others can hopefully be warned off. You are in my thoughts and prayers (as are all who’ve posted here and are reading). 😦

  91. Kimbra Dolan says:

    Amy, I am so grateful for you putting together this post. My baby’s name is Sophie and she is recently turned 4 year old chocolate lab. I just want to say to everyone that I am so sorry for your loss. The thought of loosing my Poo (nickname) puts a lump in my throat and makes me sick to my stomach. We don’t have kids and she’s my world! I even started her a Facebook page with pictures and wrote a little book about her while she was recovering from surgery (My Chocolate Poo). Sophie’s issues started just about from the time we had her at 7 weeks old. Chronic diarrhea, pancreatitis, hip dysplasia, and last year she fractured both elbows and tore her shoulder tendon. We have taken her to several doctors for all her issues and she has been placed on so many different medications that our drug cabinet looks like a pharmacy. By the way, even though Poo would never grab something off the counter or floor we still keep ALL medication or dangerous items out of reach as if we had human children. Anyhow, I research the medication (as I do with all before giving it to her..been a medic for 20 years so if I am not familiar with something I look on and do an internet search because people do make mistake and doctors are people) the first pain medication I can recall her being placed on was Rimadyl. She was maybe 2 years old. She was doing this funky stretching, which is hard to describe but it looks like she is trying to stretch out her neck and back. They gave her the Rimadyl at the hospital and sent us home with a bottle. After reading several dogs have died I decided not to give her any more even though the ER vet said it was safe. She had one dose. I also noticed she was drooling, which told me her stomach was upset. Then last year she started limping on her front right leg. She was diagnosed hip dysplasia. We were referred to ortho who after a 5 minute exam said he wanted to do exploratory surgery on her hips and cut her bicep. When we said we weren’t ready for surgery … I really wanted to say he was an idiot for not doing a full ortho exam and no definitive diagnosis … he suggested we take her home, exercise her and we will know for certain where the issue is. Obviously we took her somewhere else. Had we listened to him she would be lame right now. Long story short…3 others said it was her hips and one gave us a script for 1 tab of Previcox 227mg for 50 – 100 pounds (Poo was around 86 pounds at the time) until gone (14 days). I was a little apprehensive but she was in such pain so we tried it for for several days but I discontinued it because the entire time she was anxious and panting heavy, which I chalked up to her being in pain because that would also cause her to be like this but I didn’t want to take any chances. She could barely walk at this point. We finally found a true orthopedic surgeon … Dr. Canapp …VOSM out of Annapolis, Maryland. He did a gate analysis, ultrasound, and more xrays … turned out she had fractured elbows .. she had surgery and no more limping … until this past month … a little over a year post surgery and only on rainy/snowy days … seems like its the same days my knees hurt me … we took her back to have more test and planning her next surgery. Her gate analysis reveled she is favoring her back right leg. He gave us previcox but he said to start her on pepcid before starting the previcox and give both at the same time only as needed. That’s when I realized she was on this before…lesser dosage this time (more appropriate to her weight) and nothing was ever said from the first doctor about giving her pepcid. I spoke with her Primary Care Physician who also suggested Deramaxx, which is how I ended up on your site. I’m still doing my research on it but I have to say that its looking like a no go. I would really like to find something safe to give her for her pain but there just isn’t a lot of choices out there. I understand everything has risks. Have you ever looked at the side affects on Tylenol or Asprin? I wonder how many people have died from side effects before now? I personally have seen people die in hospitals due to long term usage, over dosage, and flat out human error but with people there is some motivations for healthcare providers and pharmacies to be on their A game….LAWSUITS! I’m not saying its right or wrong because wanting to saving a life or helping someone get better should be motivation enough … unfortunately that’s just not the case…just saying … I also have to wonder several things…are the proper dosages being given? Most drugs are based on weight or average weight, which leads me to immunizations…I noticed that early on they were giving 3 pound dogs the same dosage as a 100 pound dog. That’s like giving a toddler the same dosage as a teenager or an adult. After Poo had her initial baby shots, I started having titers pulled and she has been good ever since. Not one shot except for her rabies because it is mandated by law and trust me…I tried to get around it because I get mine is every ten years…not three like she has to have. She also has a annual exam that includes blood work just as I get every year. Her chem panel looked horrible the first time I requested they draw it. She was probably a year old. I think some of it had to do with her shots and her dog food. My vet just started using Zoetis labs…you can find more info at and I’m pretty sure they list doctors on there who use them. They include a urinalysis also, which this was her first and it came back with white blood cell clots…following up on that. I home cook for her since every dog food that was being pushed on me was giving her the runs and her lousy lab work. Even milk doesn’t give her diarrhea, which she has it every night before bed. It took me a while to find a vet who would do what I asked…titers, blood work, etc…It’s not profitable for them this way…Also, sedating a dog for xrays…not necessary…they don’t put kids to sleep for them, they didn’t do it at VOSM, and every time you put them under its harmful to them …. especially if they are already sick. Awareness is important no matter what and again, my words for the pain of your love ones will never make things better and I wish I could bring them all back. I wonder how many stories have never been told. To Amy and everyone who has shared their stories here, I thank you. You may have saved my Poo’s life. And if anyone has found a good homeopathic pain remedy…please share…I’m still looking. God Bless and thank you for taking the time to read this…didn’t mean for it to be so long!

    1. Hi Kimbra. Thank you so much for your kind words and for sharing all this great info. Wow, your Sophie (Poo) has certainly had her share of struggles! You are an amazing companion for her, and the lengths you go to take care of her are a testimony of your love for her. Kudos to you for being so thorough and exhaustive in your search for answers and care options. I don’t know if you’ve read through all of the comments here, but some have mentioned their experiences with pain relief meds (including aspirin). I would definitely steer clear of Tylenol, personally. This site mentions homeopathic arnica for pain: Also I keep hearing success stories involving acupuncture for dogs. Have you searched for a homeopathic vet? My mother takes her cats to one, so I know they exist. Just some thoughts. It’s a relief to know she won’t be taking Deramaxx. You mentioned that stretching thing – Holly did that when she was on Deramaxx. I know exactly what you’re talking about. I really hope Sophie gets some relief soon and heals completely. She’s lucky to have such a great mom. Wishing you both health and happiness! If you find remedies that help, please share them, and let me know how Sophie is doing. Thanks!

    2. Keller says:

      Kimora, acupuncture did wonders for two years for my Rottweiler after she ruptured a disc in her back. After two years, it wasn’t helping anymore, so we started physical therapy. The vet there prescribed Deramaxx in spite of my gut feeling and protest that she should not be on any more meds – she was on quite a few already. 10 days, ten pills, dead dog. Some times I’m terribly sad and weepy. Other times, I’m so angry that I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I miss her so much.

      We gave our two other Rotties Metacam and they did well on it, with no noticeable side effects. When we get another Rottie, I plan to use alternative medicine, if appropriate, with the blessing of our fabulous vet.

  92. Kimbra Dolan says:

    Thanks Amy. I appreciate the kind words in return. I always worry that I’m not making the right decisions because I know I made some mistakes and unfortunately I didn’t realize it until after the fact.
    I have tried some of the suggestions on the site you gave me. Haven’t tried acupuncture. Not a whole lot of homeopathic vets in my area but I have a few medical friends with k9 kids who we bounce ideas off of and one keeps in touch with one a few hours from here. Arkansas is a little behind when it comes to vet care. We had to drive once a month to Maryland for 4 months when she fractured her elbows and then once a week to Dallas for physical therapy in between our Maryland trips. It was exhausting and hard on Sophie even though she slept most of the way. Were making plans for her next surgery … full hip replacement sometime this summer. The elbows was more emergent and the decision for surgery stressed me out so I want to make sure we’re more prepared for this one. I am thinking about plasma injections for her shoulder. I’ve been researching this and stem cell for some time now. I know several human doctors who also have old sports injuries from our younger years that swear by it. We were going to do the stem cell back when she had her elbows done but decided to wait until I could learn more about it. If anyone has thoughts on this please share!

  93. stephanie says:

    I was sick when I read your story. I am so sorry for your loss and the others for their loss due to Dermamax. My Mom called me today stating her dog kept running in and out and could not sit still after taking this medication. I Google the medication and got your post. I immediately told her not to give it to her again. Dermamax is similar to many of human non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If you remember, the first of the human drugs on the market had similar effects in humans. The FDA requires reporting by MDs or human healthcare workers any drug, device etc. problems. The following is from the FDA website:

    If the product is an animal drug but has not been reviewed under FDA’s approval process, it is an unapproved animal drug. Unapproved animal drugs may not meet FDA’s strict standards for safety and effectiveness. With no review by FDA, there is no way for pet owners and veterinarians to know if the supplement is safe or if the claims on the label are true.

    The company stating it is safe is misleading because the drug does not go through the rigorous safety standards required by the FDA. Basically, the company stating the drug is safe does not mean what it does for FDA approved drugs. For human patients, food consumption is recommended with the NSAIDs. There are a lot of side effects to this drug and not with only one organ system. I would be concerned that something has been added to the anti-inflammatory for increased potency causing the organ system failure and agitation. A child’s aspirin would be a better option perhaps.

    Again, I am so sorry for everyone’s losses. The company and the Center of Vet Medicine under FDA should be alerted about each death. Tracking the problems can help to remove the product from the market for our loved animals.

  94. John says:

    My personal experience with Deramaxx with my greyhound has actually been excellent. Also there are many glowing reviews on some of the online pharmacies as well as on Amazon. However any NSAID has potentially serious side effects as well as any prescription medication. Just listen to their tv ads and you could be scared to take anything at all. I have a friend that is convinced that Rimadyl killed her dog even though we never had a problem with it with all of our other dogs. I personally take Advil, ibuprofen, another NSAID for various joint problems and have done so for years with no issues but others have had issues. Again, renal problems, gastric bleeding, liver problems as well as other issues can occur. We all have to be monitored as well as our dogs when taking regular doses of anything, even some vitamin and mineral supplements.

    As I understand it Deramaxx is a canine version of Celebrex which millions of people take for joint and arthritic pain with great success. But I am certain that you will find many who cannot tolerate it. I know many of my friends take some kind of zinc supplements for colds, zinc gives me horrible abdominal pain. I think the lesson is not that Deramaxx is evil, it has certainly helped us and our little girl, but that with any medication given on a regular basis there must be monitoring and followup and discontinuance if adverse effects arise. Otherwise we would all just suffer and never take anything. Look at all the issues that have occurred because of those that refuse to have their children vaccinated, and many dog owners are advocating the same thing. I wouldn’t risk my health, I’ve had all my childhood vaccines and all my flu shots, or my children’s or my dog’s health in that way. Even though you will find examples of individuals who have had adverse effects from them but you have to look at the numbers and weigh the benefits.

    1. John, I think it’s great your dog has benefited from Deramaxx. I also think it’s great you’ve been able to avoid traumatic adverse reactions and effects from pharmaceuticals. However, I can’t help but feel your comment is a bit pollyanna in light of the heartache expressed here and in other forums online regarding this medication.

      Yes, we should be wary of medications. And yes, we should have had monitoring for our dogs while on Deramaxx. If you read Holly’s story, you’d see that MY VET DIDN’T OFFER MONITORING AND DISMISSED MY CONCERNS THAT MY DOG WAS POSSIBLY REACTING POORLY TO THIS MEDICATION. I, and many others here, will live with the guilt of having trusted our vets over our guts every day for the rest of our lives. You’ve been fortunate to have avoided this kind of tragedy, and for that you should thank God.

      You wrote: “Even though you will find examples of individuals who have had adverse effects from them but you have to look at the numbers and weigh the benefits.” John, WE ARE THE INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE HAD ADVERSE EFFECTS. The untimely suffering and, frankly, violent deaths of our dogs are those numbers you speak of.

      I’m glad your dog didn’t die from this medication. Mine did. It makes me sad that in your eyes, she’s just a number. Your dog could have been one of those numbers, too. You are lucky. In our case, there were zero benefits to taking Deramaxx. It was poisonous to Holly and she died a horrible death, bleeding out on our carpet. That is the truth of the matter.

      1. Chet says:

        Thank you, Amy. Your response was much kinder than mine would have been.

      2. John says:

        You had a tragic event and I’m so sorry for it. But I’ve not been insulated from such things myself. I just believe that there is nothing out there, medically speaking, that will be 100% safe for every individual. The risks for this medication as well others, as well as any medical intervention should be made known to anyone that they are prescribed for. It appears you weren’t properly informed or followed appropriately and in your place I would be extremely upset as well. I’ve recently had back surgery that did not go so well but I did know the possible outcomes and really had no other reasonable options. I’m certainly not happy about this but I’m also not telling others that they should never have this done or should never use this surgeon. He’s performed the same procedure many times with great success. That doesn’t lessen my discomfort though.

        If I came across as dismissive of your grief I apologize, that was certainly not my intent. I just wanted to state that this particular medication as well as others has helped many others. Again that does not lessen the pain you and the others here have gone through.

      3. Thank you, John.

        If you’ve read my comments to others here, I’ve only ever warned of the dangers of Deramaxx in my posts here, as those dangers were never expressed to me. I would rather others make informed decisions than blindly trust their vets, as I did, and end up with tragedy.

        I wish you good health in light of your back surgery.


      4. John says:

        Thank you and I really am sorry to have caused you any discomfort by my comments. I need to remember that written words can convey a very different meaning than spoken ones. And just so you know I fervently pray that I’ll go before my Greyhoud princess goes. That kind of grief rips a hole in your heart.

      5. I appreciate that, John. Thank you.

    2. tara says:

      My dog got sick on Thursday morning and died on Saturday morning, after taking 2 doses of deramaxx. So I’d have to disagree with you, this drug is EVIL.

    3. Susan says:

      John perhaps you should do more research regarding Deramaxx – it is a major problem and has been for many years. It is time to bring more attention to this drug that has killed so many of our devoted companions. Our dogs lives should be respected and honored.

  95. Dan Cleary says:

    I’m really glad I read this article. Consider yourself as having saved our dog’s life. Thank you for taking the time to share your painful story.

    1. Thank you, Dan. I can’t tell you what it means to hear that Holly’s story helped your dog and your family. I pray that whatever the circumstances are, your dog makes a full recovery. Take care.

  96. carolyn says:

    Thanks so much. I had these on hand, but now they are going straight in the trash. The vet had said aspirin could give him a tummy ache…..

    1. Hi Carolyn. I’m glad Holly’s story helped you. I just had a conversation with my vet the other day about dogs and aspirin. He said it can cause ulcers. 😦 I hope your dog heals quickly and safely!

  97. Karen K. says:

    Your story made me cry. My dog is limping is for 2 weeks now, vet said it’s arthritis. She’s still taking medications. Good thing it’s not Deramaxx, but I’m so worried… shows no improvement.

    1. Hi Karen. I’m sorry to hear your dog is having problems with arthritis. Have you looked into other possible therapies, like water therapy or acupuncture? Here are some links:

      I really hope you find a way to get her some relief. If you do decide to try Deramaxx or another medication, be sure your vet approves monitoring her blood work while she’s on it to make sure she isn’t having an adverse reaction. Some dogs respond well to it, so keep that in mind. Just watch her closely for any changes in behavior, mood, appetite, etc. Wishing you well!

  98. Karen K. says:

    Hi Amy, Thank you for sharing the links. I will ask my vet about these. Can’t afford to see her hurting.

    1. Wishing her good health!

      1. Dan,
        I just wanted to express my gratitude in your consoling Amy. As a person who has lost two and probably 3 dogs to this dirty NSAID, I truely believe that Amy has the spine (That most people lack), to start a blog on this drug. I am starting the same type of action against NSAIDs for humans. It was back in Tricky Dick’s reign that “The Drug Control Act of 1972 was passed. As of today, we have spent over a trillion dollars putting non violent people in prison for mandatory minimum sentences.

        As a medical person who suffered a spinal injury at age 12, I have been forced to take NSAIDs in lieu of narcotics which has cost me the loss of my teeth from projectile vomiting which ate up the enamel, exposing the soft dentin in my teeth. I am having to save up over sixty thousand dollars just to have to go thru the Hell of implants because the drug company won’t help financially.! I have studied and found that blind study after study proves that pain patients don’t abuse narcotics. Nixen just wanted to give some contributers a Government job. Now look at what a mess it has turned into!.

        I guess, what I am trying to say is it almost seems like our Government is trying to eliminate us like other animals by restricting naturally occurring chemicals from reliving pain. I warn you not to take any ANSAID for a long period of time. A small dose of Asprin is alright for heart patients, but that is the only exception. We must stop hurting people ,pets and those we love by legalizing drugs. The bottom line is that you can’t save people from themselves. It is as simple as that!.

  99. Gareth R. says:

    I recemtnly lost my best companion/friend Bear, last Friday, April 7, 2014. I feel strongly that it was Deramaxx that contributed to his unexpected death. He had been able to get 7 doses by my giving each one to him. It was by that 7th day he began to vomit. The panting and restlessness started. I was confused. Was it too warm in the apartment as we just got thru a cold, polar winter? All the vet said was that there could be stomach upset if not given with food. I was not instructed the importance of full meals with this medication. Bear was a free-feeding pug so he had access to graze his bowl throughout the day, holding out for the people food though. The vet receptionist, who checks you out with the bill and the meds, said it was ok to simply give peanut butter or treats since I did comment on how challenging it was to get Bear to eat a full meal.
    I will preface that Bear was a special pug who at 7 months old was diagnosed with a liver shunt. I had managed him all this time with L/D, metronidazole, and lactulose along with fresh apples, carrots, blueberries, and his weakness for anything baked like crispy french baguettes, home made oatmeal cookies (no raisins), and other sweet breads. I struggled with not indulging him in chicken, burgers, bacon, etc. since his diet was not to have animal protiens.
    With that said, Bear would have been 7 years old this June 2014. He was as healthy as could be when he was started on Deramaxx. I wasn’t educated about the adverse events, specifically that there was a potential for ulcers, erosions/lesions/perforations of the GI system, peritonitis. I believe if there was an honest discussion that these had any potential, I would probably not have given him any Deramaxx. After the 7th dose, the dog each day had signs but in between those signs, he had moments where he would eat only to throw up 6 hours later. I wasn’t sure if the panting was from him being in pain (I took him in because he had a split claw in his paw which “tore” from the paw; hence the Deramaxx was prescribed along with Tramadol and Clindamycin) in his paw. It never occured to me it would be from what was to be found on x-ray three days later, a huge distended stomach with some blockage occuring in the GI system.
    At an animal hosiptal, it was recommended he get emergency surgery ASAP due to the foreign mass that had formed in the GI. He made it through surgery but after an hour, he stopped breathing. The surgeon described his GI system a mess with peritonitis, inflammation in the intestines that was so bad and his stomach had a perforation. So his stomach and intestines were resected. Bear, who lived his whole life with a liver shunt, also had a very ill-looking liver.
    I am waiting for a full report from what was found in surgery to understand things more. But from everything that I have read on the Internet, most of the classic symptoms of Deramaxx’s adverse effects on GI system were present. The vets who had seen been aren’t convinced that Deramaxx was the cause of his death. I beg to differ. It may not be the sole cause, but I have no doubt it burnt that whole through his stomach and inflammed his intestines.
    I know Bear’s time was already limited with me and I was fortunate to have had him this long as his diagnosing vet told me he probably wouldn’t make it past a 1.5 years. I always thought Bear would end up saying goodbye due to the liver shunt eventually. But there was to be a different ending.

    Today is one week since he left.

    All I can say for those who are going to give Deramaxx to their pets, is to:
    1. Read the entire DERAMAXX product label and make an informed decision:

    Click to access ProductLabel.pdf

    2. Feed a FULL MEAL, whatever that would mean for you and your dog. A handful of treats or peanut butter is not enough. Notice that the product label says it can be given with or without food. This drug needs to be given on a full stomach one of which I recommend to be coated for protection.
    3. Ask your vet for a stomach coating preventative like Sucralfate or Pepcid, especially if your pet already has stomach sensitivite, for the entire duration of medication with Deramaxx.
    4. If you notice that your dog is not himself – even a hint – I would recommend stopping medication and consult the vet for a check-up.
    5. If you notice any of the adverse effects/events listed in the product label, stop medication and consult your vet for a check-up.
    6. I had Bear’s blood tested and nothing came up abnormal once the side effects came about. So the vet thought it was simply just an upset stomach and gave him a shot of Pepcid and an anti-nausea drug. I simply was just wasting time by this point.
    7. For peace of mind, there are very inexpensive, amazing in detail x-rays that your vet (if they have these capabilities on-site), that can help identify if there are any issues with the GI system. It was through persistence of a second opinion, that that vet did perform these xrays and discovered the distended stomach, gas entering the stomach, and that there was a huge unidentifiable blockage/mass.

    Less than 12 hours later, Bear had passed away. Unfortunately, in his last hours, I submitted him for surgery hoping that these things would have been able to be repaired and give him more life with us. I think and I hope, since he was a super smart pug, he anticipated the challenges of a resected GI system, he probably felt it was a good time to leave things well alone. He probably also wanted to spare me endure seeing him go through the effects of a liver shunt later on. Despite, the quick turn of events after administering Deramaxx (along with Tramadol and Clindamycin – so it could be a combination of all these given a different times), I just can’t help feeling that Deramaxx contributed to his exit.

    I wish I would have know about this page earlier Amy.

    I am sorry about your loss too.

    I hope I can make a difference in also bringing awareness to owners who are naively and uneducatedly giving Deramaxx to their pets. I know it has worked wonders in many pets. I am not about minimizing the potential for that. But, no one ever wants to talk about the adverse effects this drug could one day steal your most loved companion.

    RIP Bear, 2007-2014, the most pugalicious, the best pug in my whole world…I love you, my sweetness.

    1. Hi Gareth. I’m so sorry about Bear. 😦 He sounds like a real fighter, with all he’d been through, and you clearly loved him so much. Reading his story broke my heart. I wish he’d had a different outcome with the medication. Thank you for sharing his story, and for the invaluable advice you provided as well. I know that feels like a small thing in the face of what you’ve been through, but it does and will continue to help others. My heart goes out to you.

  100. Jayson says:

    this is such a sad story my dog takes Deramaxx so i should watch out right now!!!

    1. Hi Jayson. Some dogs do ok on it. Others don’t. Just watch your dog for signs of bad reaction (lack of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea). I’d also give your dog Pepcid or something similar to help protect his stomach. Always give the med with food. Best wishes!

  101. Dan Franklin says:

    Hi Amy. As many others have commented, I wish that I had seen your blog post before giving my dog Deramaxx. Three weeks ago, I took my dog Manny in to an emergency veterinary clinic with a limp. The vet’s diagnosis was a sprain, and he prescribed Deramaxx. Four days later, after just three recommended doses of Deramaxx, my sweet little friend and constant companion of ten years fell over and died right in front of me. It is one of the most heartbreaking experiences of my life.

    To make things worse, when I finally got the vet on the phone, he was remarkably rude and would not stop telling me how safe this drug is, which was really too much to take, considering that I had just watched it kill my little friend with my own two eyes. Manny should not have died–he was being treated for a simple sprain, after all.

    Another troubling aspect of this is that, although this drug clearly killed my dog, his death will not appear in any adverse reaction statistics. The vet that I used simply denies across the board that Deramaxx had anything to do with Manny’s death, despite the unlikelihood of any other cause of death. There is a troubling lack of reliable information out there, as concerns both drug reactions and veterinary competence. The numbers are wholly unreliable, in part because vets refuse to believe–or admit–that this drug is dangerous. Are they simply brainwashed, or are they being compensated by Novartis? The more I look into this, the more I am astonished and sickened by the corruption and lack of simple checks, balances, and accountability in the veterinary field.

    As you and your blog readers know, losing a pet leaves a big empty place in your heart and in your life. The fact that a vet had me essentially killing my beloved dog and best friend by forcing him to take these dangerous pills is something that I will likely never get over. My heart goes out to you and to everyone whose pet has been injured or killed unnecessarily by this drug.

    1. Dan, I’m so sorry this happened to Manny. And so suddenly, too. Like he didn’t even have a chance. 😦 So much of what you wrote here hit home. I (and many others here) have had the same thoughts and feelings. I hadn’t considered, though, that vets might be getting compensation for prescribing Deramaxx. I’m going to ask my vet about that (he doesn’t prescribe Deramaxx, so I think he’ll give me an honest answer). I’ll post in the comments the answer if/when I get it. In the meantime, I’m sorry. My heart breaks for you, knowing the pain and sadness you’re enduring. Thank you for sharing Manny’s story here. Hopefully other dogs will be saved because of your speaking up. Wishing you peace. 😦

      1. Dan Franklin says:

        Thank you, Amy. It means a lot. Take care.

      2. Blless Amy, for bringing attention to the poison that the Government is forcing Vets to to prescribe poisons like Deramaxx (a member of the family of N.A.S.A.I.D.s). I wish there was someone out there to bring attention to people just what these drugs like AlLEVE (an N.S.A.I.D.) for humans does to the body. It would quickly make it clear just what this family of poisons does to all mammals! As a newbe to computers, I am putting money aside to do just such a post, but I hope someone can do it before me and save a few more humans and animals. Please read up on N.S.A.I.D.s to understand their action and how harmful they are particularly when taken over a prolonged time as chronic pain sufferers often do The cure can be much worse than the ailment. This is due to the Drug Act of 1972, where President Nixon took prescribing power away from the doctors and put it under the control of the Bureaucrats.who don’t think, they just want power at any cost.WE are at a juncture in our history where we have to do our own research. Be thankful for the internet!.

        Have you ever watched or read an ad about an arthritis drug? Do you notice in the warnings that DEATH is one of the side effects? You can almost guarantee that the drug is in the N.S.A.I.D. family.

  102. Dan Franklin says:

    I think it has more to do with the conflict of interest concerning veterinarians and big drug companies. For instance, in Florida, where my Manny died, the VMA has what is called the “Industry Advisory Council,” whose members pay “dues” to the VMA to ” focus the industry’s available marketing resources, continuing education program support, and other administrative resources that can be used to assist the veterinary community in Florida.” One of the members of this council in Florida is Novartis, makers of Deramaxx. I’m not sure what goes on at these council meetings, but the upshot is that Novartis has direct access to and a good deal of influence over veterinarians. This would explain why vets–as many posting on this blog have pointed out–seem to have a blind spot when it comes to Deramaxx and other NSAIDs, insisting on putting forth any number of unlikely and far-fetched causes of death, rather than admitting the toxicity of this drug.

    One thing I would like to know is precisely how closely this drug resembles Vioxx. If Novartis is continuing to make money on a recalled human drug by allowing it to be presribed to animals–well, most of us would find that pretty despicable. If I had the billions that Novartis spends trying to convince everyone that the drug is safe to do objective research as to the danger Deramaxx poses to pets, I would. But I don’t, and I don’t need to do this, in any case–I saw what this drug does with my own two eyes. I’m convinced that my little pal was the victim of runaway incompetence, indifference, and greed. It’s a brutal world for the little things.

    1. Dan,

      Let us not forget why doctors are doctors and vets are vets, Its called money! I don’t know of a single doctor or vet that practices that doesn’t collect an unusually large fee for services. The test that are run usually carry profits in the hundreds of percent of profit! At one time doctors didn’t charge nearly as much because they did their work out of compassion. Now days companies like the one that makes Deramaxx has an insane markup in each pill and hires the best lawyers money can buy! Usually they also provide legal council to the doctor that pushes the product.

      In 1972 Nixon began taking the desire to be compassionate out of medicine with “The Drug Act of 1972”. It prevented the prescribing of many medications that were harmful unless abused. This brought in the lawyers which raised malpractice insurance and doctors began to get cold as compassion went out the door along with house calls. Medical Schools limited enrollment to ensure that there would not be an excess of doctors, thus decreasing competition. Now the same thing is true with Veterinary Schools. And now Obama has placed a crippling blow by taking over medicine, entirely. The whole affair has gotten totally out of control!! It is now up to the people to reverse this craziness, if it isn’t already too late.

    1. Thank you for linking back from your post, Dan. It is a powerful post and I hope those who read these comments will click over and read what happened to Manny.

      Wishing you peace and healing. I’m so sorry it happened to your sweet puppy.

      1. bob says:

        our vet just gave us a .25mg dosage of deramaxx and to give 1/2 pill a day. what dosage did they give you ?

      2. Hi Bob. I can’t remember now what Holly’s dosage was. I know the pills were almost the size of a quarter and we gave her half a pill a day. She weighed around 50 pounds. I hope that’s helpful. If you give your dog the medication, please be sure to give it with food, and ask your vet for a stomach coating medication as well. Watch your dog very closely for adverse reactions, too. Wishing you the best!

  103. Ann Davidsen says:

    Hi Dan and Amy,
    Dan, I read your article about Manny. Your sadness and anger are shared by all of us that have lost a dog to Deramaxx. It is heartbreaking. Since my post about Ozzie in January at least 6 other owners on Amy’s site have described their losses from Deramaxx. Everyday I cry, at times to the point of overwhelming grief, still in disbelief that we lost such a happy, vibrant, intelligent member of our family in such a senseless way. It has left me distraught and seeking inner peace.
    I want to thank Dan and Amy for their blog stories. Hopefully, the information will reach pet owners before their dogs may be adversely affected. Amy, you mentioned that you were considering publishing an article on this subject. Please keep us posted on it. Thank you for all you are doing to raise awareness of the potential dangers of Deramaxx and comforting pet owners that have lost their dogs to this drug.
    Ann Davidsen

  104. Dan Franklin says:

    I’m so sorry about your sweet Ozzie. What this drug has done to our dogs is heartbreaking. It is cruel and unjust. I would never have fathomed that something so cruel could happen, had I not seen it with my own two eyes. I think that the most effective and important thing we can do is what we have done–to document what his drug has done to our pets, so that these firsthand accounts become part of the public record and aren’t allowed to slip away into oblivion. Amy’s post is a blessing. If your experience was like mine, when you found her post it was one of the few places–maybe the only place–on the Internet where the discussion on this topic made any sense. Thank you so much, Amy.

    You are right–someone should write an in-depth, investigative piece about Deramaxx. There was some talk about the local news in Florida doing an on-camera interview with me about the dangers of Deramaxx and what happened to Manny, but by the time they got around to it, I was already back home in New York, so that was the end of that. (This happened while I was visiting family in Niceville, Florida.) In any event, there is a big story here, one that every dog owner should hear, one that needs to be told. Effecting any kind of real change would be a true David versus Goliath undertaking, however, as one would be challenging not only a powerful drug company with billions in assets, but also the entire structure of how veterinary medicine is practiced in America. I’m not optimistic about things changing any time soon. The best we can do for now is to try to warn others.

    Again, Ann, I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for your kind comments. Take care.

  105. I find all of this very frightening! Deramaxx is a brand name for Delacoxib. There are thousands of people taking Delacoxib under the brand name of Meloxicam! The possible side effects listed for the human are virtually the same as for dogs. All NSAIDS (non-steriodal anti-inflammatory medications) have virtually identical possible side effects, and bleeding ulcers is a big one.

    1. I don’t want to shock you but there are millions of people and animals that are suffering and dying because our Government forces us to take this family of drugs! This drug is in a family of drugs called N.S.A.I.D.s. I encourage you to look up the family of drugs (N.S.A.I.D.s) which I have written about in prior comments and try to understand why our Governments refuses to offer alternatives. If you suffer from chronic pain I can only guess that the Government wants you out of the picture as you are no longer productive. The drugs work at a slow, terrible cost Much of this is a direct result of The Drug Control Act of 1972, signed by then President Nixon. Please study and tell others to do the same as there is no other answer I can conclude.It is up to you to make up your own mind as to why this carnage is happening. You must educate yourself in this world. Authority is NOT looking out for your interest! It is totally up to you. WE should all be thankful for a lady like AMY and the world of knowledge at your fingertips with the Internet. Please use the Internet and act upon your conclusion, as it is only getting worse.

  106. Dan Franklin says:

    On April 22, Novartis announced that it is selling its “Animal Health” division to Eli Lilly for $5.4 billion. I sure hope these creeps turned a profit for their shareholders selling this poison. Outrageous.

  107. Rachael says:

    Sorry for all your losses, but glad I came across this. I found out today that my 1yr old boxer has bilateral elbow dysplasia and now requires meds for the rest of her life. I started her on 1 rx that’s a glucosamine chondroitin, the vet also recommended deramaxx but I opted not to get it today because of the cost. I was actually looking for a generic brand or something cheaper i could order from Canada when I came across your story. Definitely gonna be looking for a different med now, this is not something my 1yr old needs to go through. Thanks for sharing, you have all saved my dog’s life

    1. Hi Rachael. I’m sorry to hear your boxer is having elbow problems, and I’m glad you did research before giving her the deramaxx. Did your vet say anything about you opting not to give it to her? I’m not familiar with elbow dysplasia, but I’m wondering if alternative therapies can help. Maybe hydrotherapy and/or acupuncture? Again, I don’t know, but I would suggest seeking a second opinion. Wishing you and your dog good health!

  108. Ashley says:

    Thank you so much for sharing and getting Holly’s story out. God bless her soul. My grandmothers vet just prescribed her this and she hasn’t given it to him yet. We won’t be giving it to him because of this article. You most likely helped save his life. Thank you!

    1. Hi Ashley. Thank you for your kind comment. I’m glad you found the stories here useful. I wish your grandmother’s dog good health and a long life!

  109. Andrea Hinton says:

    I sorry to say that I found your site three days too late. My little long haired chihuahua Harlowe was prescribed Deramaxx on Monday, June 1, 2014. Prior to this date she was very health just a little unstable on the back legs due to a luxating patella. This was prescribed to help her deal with that in case there was any pain. She took three 1/2 doses on June 2nd, 3rd and 4th. By Wednesday, June 4th she could no longer walk, by Thursday, June 5th she was having seizures and losing control of her bladder and by Friday, June 6th her little body could not take any more. She passed away at around 10 AM. About 4 days after taking her first dose of Deramaxx. We are completely devastated and feel that this drug is probably 100% what took Harlowe from us. She had no real problems before we have her this medication. I hope all these stories can help other people save their dog before it’s too late! We miss our baby girl.

    1. Andrea, I am so sorry. And it happened so fast! Awful. I’m sorry your family is going through this. Thank you for sharing your story here. It won’t bring Harlowe back, but it might save another dog’s life. I hope you’ve discussed this with your vet so he/she understands the dangers now. 😦 wishing you and your family peace. I know it’s hard.

    2. Dan Franklin says:

      I’m so sorry about your sweet girl. It is just heartbreaking that this keeps happening, and it is unbelievable that veterinarians keep handing this stuff out as if it were harmless. I can honestly say that I hate this drug for what it has done to our innocent little friends. My heart goes out to you and your family.

      1. Totally agree, Dan. I feel the same way. 😦

  110. Dan Franklin says:

    I ran across this while doing a Google search relating to Deramaxx a while back. It’s ad copy from a Michigan veterinary clinic’s Facebook page:

    We are excited to partner with Novartis in their new promotion “30 dogs in 30 days”. Any owner with a dog who gets at least a 7 day prescription of Deramaxx can enter their win a Kindle contest. Entries must be submitted by 4-31-13. Any dog who starts Deramaxx for osteoarthritis and gets a 30 prescription gets a tennis ball with ball thrower and a rope frisbee, all free from Novartis. Contact us for more details!

    Why are Novartis and this clinic running a promotion for a medication? Either a dog needs a medication or he/she doesn’t; salesmanship should not enter into the equation. And given our personal experiences with Deramaxx, the notion that vets are actively encouraging people to ask for this drug by name is hard to take.

    I hate to keep making the same comparison, but what’s going on with Deramaxx really is a lot like what went on with Vioxx. Merck touted Vioxx as a miracle drug. Doctors, taken in by Merck’s propaganda, overprescribed it. As many as 22 million people were prescribed Vioxx during the five years it was on the market. It is estimated that between 88,000 and 129,000 people died due to adverse reactions related to Vioxx. That figure is staggering–129,000 is the population of the town where I grew up. In five years that many people died as a result of taking this drug. If something as unbelievable as that can happen in human medicine, it is not unreasonable to think that it can happen in veterinary medicine. And, as we know, it is happening.

    I don’t think we can rely on the veterinary establishment to solve the problem. As the above Facebook post proves, veterinarians are effectively Novartis sales reps–a large part of a veterinarian’s revenue comes from the sale of prescription drugs. It’s up to us to spread the word. Please, warn your friends of the dangers of Deramaxx, and like and share Amy’s post.

    I’m sorry about the long-winded post. It’s late, and I miss my dog, and I wish there were something we could do to keep this from continuing to happen.

    1. Ugh. This makes me sick. And angry. I appreciate you sharing this with us, Dan. Just goes to show what an uphill battle we have, and why it’s so difficult to get anyone to listen. They’ve all been bought.

      I do want to say: my vet won’t prescribe Deramaxx. I’ve asked him about it several times since taking my animals to his clinic. Perhaps one way to make a difference is to take our animals to vets who won’t prescribe it. Let our dollars do some of the talking. Get vocal about it that way.

  111. John says:

    You are correct in assuming this was Deramaxx. My dog was prescribed Deramaxx due to a pain in his tail. After three days he stopped eating and actually would not allow his mouth to be opened to take the medicine. After he did this twice I took it as a sign he did not want the medicine. And good thing I did. The vet did a PCV and discovered he had developed anemia. I had previously had a yearly exam with a complete blood work up four days before starting the Deramaxx so it was conclusive that the Deramaxx caused the anemia. One ultrasound later and there were the ulcers. We started Carafate to help the ulcers heal over and obviously discontinued the Deramaxx. Needless to say the tail pain never returned but it was months of retesting his PCV every seven to ten days until we were in the clear. Luckily he made it but the vet said they’ve “never heard of this happening before” and that Deramaxx was considered “one of the safer ones” available. And do you think the vet reported the side effect to anyone? Of course not. But the vet did make a ton of money of me considering I had to pay for approximately 16 weekly recheck exams and PCV tests everytime plus the cost of the Carafate. This stuff is bad news. And you’d be surprised how many times throughout the years after this happened that it was offered again and I was told “I’ve never had a dog have a bad reaction to Deramaxx” “It’s very safe”.

    1. Wow. That’s an incredible story, John. Your dog is very lucky. And smart to show you such resistance to taking the Deramaxx! But what a shock that your vet would stick with that same tired line (which my vet also used) about how safe the drug is and how he’s never had a bad reaction to it before. I told my former vet, Well now you have. I bet he still prescribes it, though. Really incredible that your dog recovered! Sounds like it must have been a difficult journey. I’m not familiar with Carafate. Thank you for sharing that info and your dog’s story here. I know it’s going to help others. Wish your dog continued health!

  112. Jerry Landry says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. A pet quickly becomes a family member that we love like our very own children.
    Our dog has had severe arthritis in her hips to the point where she couldn’t jump up onto anything whatsoever; we went to our vet and asked what we could do to alleviate her pain. Our vet prescribed Deramaxx 25mg. That was more than two years ago and she has never been healthier. Her quality of life has improved to the point where she can now jump up into our truck and up and down from our bed. She is 9 years old.
    We attribute her health to the Deramaxx every day.
    The medication is not poison.
    It may not be for all pets for all conditions; but in our experience with Deramaxx has been a good one (so far).

    Not that it matters, but your original post did not mention how old Holly was.

    We have had other dogs die horrible deaths due to cancer. We fostered dogs for over three years and saw some really bad cases.
    Could it be possible that Deramaxx was not the only cause? What did the autopsy determine?

    Please do not take my innate curiosity as uncaring or callousness.
    Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss and God Bless.

    1. Hi Jerry. I’m glad Deramaxx has helped your dog. It’s helped many dogs, I’m sure. Holly was a healthy 6 year old when she was prescribed Deramaxx. In two weeks she went from a vibrant and healthy dog to one who wouldn’t eat, couldn’t walk… A complete 180 from what she’d been. I took her to the vet because after a robust round of fetch, she was favoring her back right foot. She died of massive internal bleeding. It wasn’t cancer. It wasn’t old age. It was the medication that killed her. I did research and found many stories similar to Holly’s. That may be difficult to understand or accept given the good luck your dog has had with the medication, but in Holly’s case it really did act like a poison to her system. It ate a hole through her duodenum. Our vet didn’t follow the procedures recommended by the manufacturers (Pepcid and blood work). I bet he never even read the Novartis literature. If he had, would Holly have lived? Maybe. But he didn’t, and the medication killed her. I hope your dog continues to benefit from taking Deramaxx. Thanks for writing.

  113. robin stachnik says:

    It killed my baby too. It made him feel better at first and he still had 2-3 years left. There was no blood work done on him either. He threw up on the floor, panted, and died yesterday in the corner by my room. I am so sorry it killed your best friend too.

    1. Robin, I’m so sorry. I hate that it happened to your dog, too. 😦 Just awful. Thank you for sharing your story here, and warning others.

  114. B. Gray says:

    My Chocolate Lab girl, “HERSHEY” was prescribed 75 mg daily of Deramaxx over a year ago for pain in her back leg, after having had a tumor removed in her groin area. Six weeks prior to that she had mammary gland tumors removed. I only gave her half of the prescribed dosage, “as needed”, but didn’t receive any paper telling what the side effects could/would be, or letting me know that her blood work should be checked occasionally, and wasn’t told to give the meds with food! Just last week, I gave her the last half dose, but have been noticing lately that she doesn’t want to get up and tires easily, but still has a ravenous appetite. Just over the weekend we were outside working in the garden and I noticed that she suddenly fell over on her hip as though she had lost her balance. She is, as far as I can determine about 12. I rescued her from the local shelter almost 5 years ago and was told that she was probably 6 at that time, and had been used as a “puppy mill” mama. “HERSHEY” is the sweetest girl that anyone could ever have and will not leave my side. When taking her in for her annual visit for shots, etc., I spoke to the local vet about a cough that she has like she is gagging, and that at times her head would start bobbing up and down slightly, and I asked if Dogs get Parkinson’s and he said no, and he didn’t seem concerned, checked her heart and said it sounded okay. Now, I’m wondering if the Deramaxx has caused that cough, and head bobbing. Think I had better take her in to the Emergency Clinic and have some labs done on her. They are very thorough there, and that is where she had her surgeries.
    I will add, that just last week, I received from my local vets office a brochure sent by Deramaxx through the office which is valid for a rebate for up to $45.00, depending on how many pills you purchase. $15.00 for 30 tablets, $30.00 for 60, $45.00 for 90. On the bottom of the brochure are the cautions and side effects of the drug. That is just interesting!
    I am so sorry for all of the “sweet babies” that have succumbed due to the effects of this drug. I have lost 2 Black Labs due to Cancer, after them going through many months of treatments, and a Yellow Lab due to a twisted stomach that wasn’t detected, and know how devastated we are when our Best Friends are no longer with us. God Bless each and everyone of you.

    1. Hi B. Thanks for writing in and telling us about Hershey. Holly became very unsteady while on Deramaxx. At first she would list to the side when she walked, with her head kind of low. Then it got to the point her legs would go out from under her. She couldn’t stand on tile. It kills me thinking back to how her condition degraded on that evil drug. And that rebate you mentioned makes me angry. I hope the clinic can detect if Hershey is reacting poorly to Deramaxx and if so, can help treat her. My prayers go out to you both!

  115. Catherine says:

    You can add my dog Raven to your list. Here’s my story & feel free to use it.

    My dog, Raven, a black lab/rottie mix was given Deramaxx post-op for TPLO (cruciate ligament). She had a stainless steel “T” & adjustments to her bones to accommodate the “T” costing us just under $4,000. But Raven was my best friend & while we didn’t have pet insurance I just had to use my savings $$ as she was well worth it to me! Raven had never been sick; has had only one ear infection in her life. Five pills later–she’s dead! Autopsy performed and it was because the Deramaxx had perforated her duodenum causing the contents of her stomach/intestine to flow into her abdominal cavity and become infected. She was only 5 yrs. old. She was big (weighing in at 107 lbs), strong, healthy and vibrant dog.

    Surgery was late afternoon 4/3/09, home 4/4/09 & she already was “toe touching” & the vet ortho surgeon was very happy w/the way the surgery went. We were all encouraged she’d be 90-95% at least… By 4/8/09 she had vomited what I thought was supper but turned out to be her breakfast (no blood just food). At supper she had no interest in her food, but later ate. Later, she began to drool & shortly thereafter vomited again & stood there completely disoriented and incoherent as to what I was saying to her; she didn’t even seem to know me or where she was. Raven was very weak, shaking and trembling and just laid flat on the floor and did not want to move. Her thirst was so very excessive! Her breathing shallow and labored. I immediately called the vet who did the surgery (they’re open 24 hrs/365 days a yr.). I was told to hold the Deramaxx which she took once daily & withheld food/water. The next day, 4/9/09, the vet called to check on her. Raven had eaten chicken & rice and kept her other 2 meds down and that evening she did the same. I thought she was going to be fine. On 4/10/09 she refused her food but thirst was tremendous and while she wasn’t as bad as the night of 4/8/09 she was laying there sort of swaying/wobbly and breathing irregularly. She did not want to get up and just layed in her bed. She vomited again (all water) and I called the vet immediately to ask if we could bring her in. She could not stand and 3 of us had to use a blanket as a litter to get her to the car. We got to the vet hospital and they had to put her on a litter to get her into the building. She didn’t die on her own that day; but the vet told us that Deramaxx could have done this and the prognosis was not good. We had make a decision to have her euthanized. I can’t tell you what this has done to husband. Raven was our family member and was so strong, healthy, smart, loyal…the best friend anyone could have. To see her become so ill, so quickly that nothing could be done and then to have to make the decision to put her to sleep…I still can’t get past it. The vet reassured us that we made the right decision. Never was I cautioned/told about Deramaxx. Now that this has happened & I’ve Googled it…well check it out. Novartis makes it and there’s a lot of controversy and sneaking around by the company—it took Novartis 11 months to do what the FDA directed them to after the FDA became aware of the problems. Be cautious what is prescribed for your dog…research it first. Looks like many of the anti-inflammatory meds could be detrimental to our pets. These drugs have different effects on animals and it seems ONE OF THE MANY issues is whether the dog is a slow metabolizer vs. a fast metabolizer. The vet has done the autopsy/labs/tests & contacted Novartis (the drug manufacturer) & we await the outcome. I ask myself, why do they prescribe this med if they know how bad it can be? I tell myself that she probably would have healed just fine without the anti-inflammatory; maybe it would have taken longer, maybe I would’ve had to put on more ice/hot packs instead, but I still would have her with us; but I didn’t know. Ask your vet when such a controversial med is prescribed, “What if I don’t give it? Is it really necessary for healing?, etc.” For now we look at Raven’s ashes on the fireplace mantle and grieve…

    4/24/09 UPDATE – The autopsy confirmed the medication caused a perforation in her duodenum (where the stomach meets the lower intestine) causing gastrointestinal contents to leak into her abdominal cavity causing severe infection. I was told even had it been discovered it could not have been surgically repaired. It is confirmed now that the DERAMAXX KILLED MY DOG!

    1. Adrienne Goldberg says:

      My heart goes out to all of you who have lost your best friends! Believe me, I am passing all of this information on to my vet and the vets who have been seeing our border collie mix. I am emailing your stories to them and urging caution about what they are prescribing for our beloved babies!!! May your beloved Raven rest in Peace!!!



      1. Thank you for passing the information and stories here along to vets, Adrienne!

    2. Catherine, I’m sorry. Raven’s story sound so much like my Holly’s. All the same symptoms and reactions. 😦 My heart breaks reading her story. I wish it hadn’t happened to her. Or any of our dogs. Thank you for sharing what happened here, so others can hopefully be warned away from this medication. Thank you, also, for including the necropsy findings. That confirms what most of us here, sadly, know from experience. Some dogs just can’t tolerate this medication, and when vets don’t provide warnings or take the necessary precautions, dogs die. It’s so awful and unfair. And I’m sure it happens more than we know, or Novartis is willing to reveal. Your warning is spot on: research medications first, ask yourself if the med is really important. My heart goes out to you.

  116. Cynthia N says:

    WOW ! OMG My 5 1/2 year old Rotti was precribed DERMAXX recently… I am so so sorry for what everyone has gone through with their fur babies…..My vet said that it would help his limp and it comes from him going up and down the stairs and jumping on and off the bed.I just so happened to google this medicine to make sure if it was safe and found this site. I am forever greatful that I had the presence of mind to do so…My heart goes out to each and everyone of you and thank you so much for your stories..This site has actually saved my baby’s life. Literally…….I’m totally in shock if I had not checked I too would be telling my story.
    So what I gathered is that a holistic vet would be able to safely help him with this issue.
    I will be forever GREATFUL to Each of you……..
    R.I.P to all the furbabies….
    Cynthia N

    1. Cynthia, it’s comments like yours that give me hope! Thank you for writing and sharing what happened. I’m so glad Holly’s story and all of the others here helped you. Holly also was prescribed Deramaxx for a limp she got after playing fetch too hard. Looking back, I’m sure it wasn’t necessary and she would have healed just fine without the med. There were so many other things we could have done, but I just trusted my vet like a good patient. UGH. I have to live with that for the rest of my life. I’m so glad you had the presence of mind to research first! And I’m so glad your dog is safe as a result. Wishing him a full and speedy recovery!

      1. Cynthia N says:

        Hi Amy,Thank you so very much for your super fast response.I’m sorry that you had to lose your baby….And I will keep you updated on his condition. Holly has a great Mom and I know she’s proud that your helping us all.
        Take Care and thanks a MILLION.
        I can’t say it enough…
        Thank you for saving my Baby’s life…..

      2. Thank you, Cynthia! I really appreciate your kind words. Thanks for making me smile today. 🙂

      3. Cynthia N. says:

        Hi Amy,
        This is Cynthia N. I wrote you on July 12,2014.This is just a update, well now my baby is 9 years and 5 months old.I just wanted to say that my guy had blood work done on his last visit and his liver enzymes were 244 and she prescribed Dernamarin,he still has the bunny hop thing going on and again she tried to give me Deramaxx and I reminded her of the effects and that we would not be taking that route under no circumstances.The main thing is that no matter what the vets say DERAMAXX is never the answer. I’m happy that it has worked for some I just can’t take that chance.
        Please research people even 4 years later this is still being prescribed.
        Take care and God Bless

  117. michele says:

    I am so saddened to read about your loss of Holly 😥
    My Sassy is in pain right now and was prescribed Carprofen. I stopped giving it to her because it’s not helping her and reading up on it makes me scared. I’m calling the vet tomorrow and want a natural way or safer way to help her. I Work in the pharmaceutical industry.. so I’m not apposed to medication. I just have no idea how things are for dogs… That’s why I depend on my vet so much.Right now…. not impressed

    1. Hi Michele. Thanks for your comment and kind words. I’m sorry your dog is in pain. I wasn’t familiar with the name Carpofen, but looked it up and see it’s the generic form of Rimadyl–which is also an NSAID. After we lost Holly, and I was doing research, I saw a number of stories about dogs who had complications with Rimadyl. If it isn’t helping, I think you’re smart taking your dog off of it, especially if your vet didn’t also prescribe something to protect her stomach or isn’t keeping an eye on her liver and kidney function. I’m not opposed to medication either, but learned the hard way to do my homework before giving it. Is it possible to get a second opinion for Sassy, or try another therapy? If it’s arthritis, maybe hydrotherapy? I’m sorry I’m not more help, but I am glad you’re looking into your options. I hope your dog finds some relief! 😦

  118. kate says:

    Deramaxx is doggy crack! DO NOT LEAVE OUT!!! PUT IN SECURE CUPBOARD or metal container.
    Amy, sorry about your pup and thanks for making this blog. I only wish I had read it before 7/14/14.
    River is 11. She’s been healthy and energetic until Deramaxx. There was no warning on the label and she’s NEVER been a jump-up-on-counter or “don’t leave your plate on the coffee table or your food will be gone” kinda dog. I had parties all the time and she could care less about food – I even left defrosting meat on my counter. Why on earth would I suspect she’d want drugs??? Don’t you normally have to force it down their throats?
    She got attacked by a neighbor dog (who by the way is refusing to pay the $740 vet bills). River was a little stiff and got the bottle. On 7/16, I left for the night, she jumped up on the counter, somehow managed the child proof top off, and ate the entire bottle of pills…and some of the bottle itself. I didn’t know when it happened as I was out. The ER pumped her stomach, had her eat charcoal and take 2 anti-ulcer drugs. There was no throw up nor bleeding that I could tell. I brought her in 2 days later for subcutaneous fluids.
    She is not well and is a changed dog. Very lethargic. Her liver levels are very elevated and I don’t know what the long term affects will be.
    I wish someone had warned me that Deramaxx is like Turkish Delight for humans.

    1. Oh no!! How horrible! One of the things about Deramaxx is they make it very tasty, like a treat. Holly would gobble hers up, too. Please look into giving River milk thistle for her liver. Another commenter here (Chet) saved her dog’s life after Deramaxx with milk thistle. Read back through the comments to find the story. I am praying River makes it through this! Let me know, OK? Thanks for sharing what happened.

    2. kate says:

      With a tear I report that Deramaxx killed my best friend too. After a slow decline in health since she ingested the entire bottle of doggy I mean Deramaxx, I finally laid her to rest on Oct 5, 2014. Yes, I tried to get her to eat milk thistle but an overdose must shred the intestines beyond repair. It was 3 months of the following: 1. Less interest in food and severe weigh loss 2. Sleeping a lot 3. Drinking and urinating a lot 4. Complete blindness and 5. Finally not eating for 3 days and unable to keep water down for one day. My lesson that I hope you learn from this is:
      1. KEEP DERAMAXX (AND ALL DRUGS) FAR OUT OF REACH OF YOUR DOG (it is like catnip to a dog)
      2. GO TO A HOMEOPATHIC VET – there’s safe pain alternatives out there
      3. Don’t take your best friend for granted.

      1. I am so sorry, Kate. 😦 That is truly heartbreaking. My condolences. Thank you for sharing your cautionary tale here. A good, albeit sad, reminder.

  119. Lei says:

    This is an unbelievably heartbreaking story, because it didn’t have to happen. I am a Veterinary Nurse in Canada, and I work in an emergency and referral specialty centre. It is COMMON KNOWLEDGE in the veterinary community that NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Deramaxx and Metacam can cause kidney and liver damage, as well as gastric ulcers. That beig said, it is good drug to treat pain and inflammation, and most patients do excellent on it.

    However, because of the potential side effects, our prescription labels as well as our printed discharge instructions read: this is an NSAID, and can cause liver and kidney failure as well as ulcers. Discontinue use and call a Veterinarian immediately if your pet vomits, has diarrhea, or is lethargic. Must give with food. Do nt administer if your pet doesn’t eat.

    In 7 years, and over 40,000 patients that my hospital has seen, I have seen about 2 cases of stomach ulcers that perforated due to NSAIDs, and both were septic peritonitis, and both we were able to surgically repair (I don’t understand why the emergency vet you called said it couldn’t be repaired without even evaluating the dog). One of them cost $25,000 because te dog had to be treated for 3 weeks of intensive care (thank God the owner had pet insurance!) but they both made it through. In both cases, the drugs were given inappropriately (not given with food, or given despite the dog vomiting or having diarrhea).

    I am not suggesting that you gave your dog the meds inappropriately, but I am suggesting that your Veterinarian didn’t explain/was ignorant of the risks involved, and the signs to watch out for. You shouldnt be prescribing a drug if you don’t know the side effects.

    My other issue is that the emergency vet said there wasn’t much more they could do besides what your vet had done. If a patient is in pain, they have an ethical duty to treat that pain!!!!

    I am so sorry that this happened to you, and that this case was handled so inappropriately. You may be able to report this to your area’s Veterinary Medical Association, as it was extremely wrong of your Vet not to tell you to discontinue use, and do bloodwork much sooner.

    1. Lei, this is incredible and much appreciated information! Thank you so much for writing and sharing it. I’m floored by what you said about being able to fix the perforated ulcers. I also wasn’t aware of the veterinary medical association. I’m going to write to them. Thank you!

  120. To all of the good people tat have suffered,
    As I have stated earlier, I have lost 3 dogs to this member of the NSAID family. I have also had to suffer the loss of both parents from screw ups in the hospital. Do you see a common denominator in this? Each of us gave up control of a loved one to some one else that had, as the only ultimate love, MONEY! Here in may lay the real problem. We did not take the proper precautions that lived in everyone’s computer, that being answers. Some of us were too selfish to put our aged animal to sleep after it lost the control of its bowels, showed great pain when it tried to walk, or some other problem associated with aging. We just refused to let the poor animal rest in a painless peace. One of my dogs developed pancreatic cancer and, at best, had about 6 more months to live if my vet opened him up and cut most of the cancer out. When the vet brought up this crazy idea both my wife and I held him in our arms and demanded the vet put him down! We both cried at first but then we thought about the fact that he would never suffer again and as I buried him with his favorite toy and was lying on his bed we talked about the wonderful times he had with us.
    It is a terrible shame that if you are born you must die! our animals are very lucky because we can stop the suffering while we must die in agony due to the laws. We still have three dogs. sadly one is approaching that time and we will probably have to make a decision this winter. It certainly is nothing to look forward to but there is great solace in knowing we can do one of two things. We could get real selfish and try to get a few more months out of the dog if we act selfishly. Even though it is extremely painful we know that we will let go when the time is right and the suffering will not become so terrible for the wonderful animal. I beg all of you to give thought when your animal gives you sort of a far away look and yet is suffering to make the right decision. There are no miracle drugs and doctors are humans that will make mistakes. It all boils down that it is up to you in the end..

  121. Amy here. I received this comment via my website. It’s from a woman named Barbara who lost her dog, Maggie, to Deramaxx. Here is her detailed account:

    I’m so sorry to hear about your beloved furry sweetheart. We recently lost our best friend to Deramaxx – and I happened to come across your blog. I would like to somehow add “Maggie’s Story” to the list of dogs that had their days cut short by a horrible drug. I’m not sure how to go about doing that, but if you are able to assist, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

    Maggie’s Last Days

    Tuesday, July 8, 2014
    Maggie had a slight limp and we took her to the vet. She walked in – no limping, but we wanted to make sure everything was OK. The doctor wanted her to stay the night for an x-ray and diagnostic tests. She also recommended a teeth cleaning since she would be sedated. We kissed her and left her there.

    Wednesday, July 9, 2014
    The vet called and said she had hip dysplasia in both hips and spondylosis in her lower back. She also had osteoarthritis and some skin rash.
    All blood work, including liver and kidney functions, were noral.
    She prescribed Deramaxx ( ½ tab daily), Tramidol (daily for pain and prn after a few days) and Ketocanazole (200mg twice daily).
    My husband picked her up that afternoon and brought her home.
    We did not receive any drug literature or verbal information related to side effects, etc. on any of these drugs.
    We received literature on Canine Dentistry, Hip Dysplasia and Arthritis General Information.
    The other dogs were elated to see her and everyone ate together that evening.
    Vet services:
    Tramadol $14.60 (60 of them)
    Examination 48.00
    Hospital Care 0.00
    Anesthesia-Pre Sedation 15.00
    Anesthesia 77.70
    Waste Disposal 5.00
    Chem Panel/Major 75.00
    Radiograph: 3 views 153.00
    Ultrasonic Scale & Polish 51.50
    Deramaxx 75mx 68.80 (15 tabs scored/halved)
    Ketocanozole 200mg 217.90 (42 tabs)
    Vet bill: $726.50

    Thursday, July 10, 2014
    AM Breakfast – All prescribed meds were given with breakfast and she ate her food happily.
    PM Dinner – She did not want her food and ate a couple of small bites. We attributed it to the anesthesia that might have still been in her body.

    Friday, July 11, 2014
    Maggie was not interested in food. We thought that her teeth might be hurting her since she had just had her teeth cleaned. She was not interested in any food. We hoped she would be better in the morning and decided to buy her different food if she hadn’t started eating in the morning.

    Saturday, July 12, 2014
    Maggie did not eat breakfast, but was still drinking water, going for her daily walks and still peeing and having bowel movements.
    We went to purchase some canned food (K-Mart – 11:19am/Pedigree dog food 22oz @ $1.99)
    She was not interested in any of the hard food we provided her, so we gave her a plate of soft food. She ate most of the food, so we thought she was getting her appetite back.

    Sunday, July 13, 2014
    She was not interested in food again, but when we returned from church, we pulled out some leftover steak and she gobbled it up. We thought problem was solved. She did not eat her afternoon meal.

    Monday, July 14, 2014
    Maggie is still not eating. We went into town and purchased a different brand of soft food (Cost U Less-10:22am/Cesar Beef Multi Pk @ $10.99). Initially, she did not want to eat it, but we were able to sit with her and entice her to finally eat most of a small can.
    We also went to KFC and brought it home (KFC-10:58am – 8pcs @ 19.99), but she had no interest in eating any of the chicken.

    Tuesday, July 15, 2014
    She still was not eating regular meals with the dogs. Later in the afternoon, we tried the soft food, but she was not interested. We had some chicken in the refrigerator and played a “game” with all of the dogs, and she ate the chicken. Again, we thought she was being finicky.
    She is eating little bits of various foods that we put out, but I wanted to discontinue the meds because I thought she might be refusing food because we were forcing so many pills down her throat.

    Wednesday, July 16, 2014
    I can’t even remember anymore, but I know I was very worried.

    Thursday, July 17, 2014
    I took Maggie to school with me, and went through McDonald’s to get a Big Breakfast for her to see if she would eat it. No luck! She had no interest in any of it, so I called the vet, and immediately brought her in.
    They ran a CBC to check for red blood cells, white blood cells and platelet counts. Everything was within normal limits. The vet was sure that her decreased appetite was due to the Ketocanazole and told me to discontinue it for now. I told her that I had taken her off most of the medication on Tuesday because I was forcing pills down her throat at this point. She urged me to make sure Maggie was getting the Deramaxx. She also recommended that I try giving her some baby food. Before I picked up Maggie, I stopped to purchase baby food (Food Town-1:40pm/Gerber Turkey @ 1.49 and Gerber Nature Select @ 2.59).
    I picked her up that afternoon, and was given 2 more prescriptions (Metoclopramide 10mg 2x daily) and Famotidine (20mg 2x daily) that were supposed to help her with nausea and to assist with getting her appetite back.
    When she returned home, she did not want to eat the baby food, but I gave her the pills (including the Deramaxx). Later on, we played a “game” with some bread that we had (Pueblo-9:54am/French Bread @ $1.89), and she was excited to “catch” a few pieces and ate 4 small slices willingly.
    Vet services:
    Examination (recheck) $39.00
    CBC Hematology 45.00
    Medical Waste Disposal 5.00
    Famotidine 20mg 12.40 (20 tabs)
    Metoclopramide 10mg 13.60 (20 tabs)
    Vet bill: $115.00

    Friday, July 18, 2014
    She took the pills as prescribed, and still wasn’t eating, so I called the vet.

    Meanwhile, we went to the store to purchase items that we knew she liked and/or had read about that might seduce her into eating again (Plaza/9:54am-Combos Cheddar Cheese Pretzels @ 3.39, Kraft Marshmallows @ 2.19, Shurfresh Whipped Cream @ 3.49, Bacon Strips Beef & Bacon @ 3.39, Goya Pumpkin @ 1.79). When we returned home, we attempted to put a few of her favorites out, but Maggie did not want any of them.

    The vet called back later. She reviewed the recent test results, and recommended that we try the baby food again and thought we were trying too many different foods. Maggie rejected the baby food, but I wanted her to eat so badly, so I force fed her with a baby dropper to get part of a jar into her.
    I stayed up all night with her, making sure that she was hydrated, letting her out to go potty and just being with her.

    Saturday, July 19, 2014
    We called the vet again because Maggie was still not eating, but she was drinking water when we placed it in front of her. She had gone for a nice walk in the morning, had a regular bowel movement, but just was not eating. When the vet called back, she recommended that we give her some organic soup broth and suggested that we could give her some Pepto Bismol. She also wanted to make sure that Maggie was receiving some pain supplement and made sure we were giving her the Deramaxx, so I made sure she had another dose before we went to the store.

    So, we left the house to go to the store to buy more food for Maggie. (Plaza-11:03am/Uncle Ben’s Brown Rice @ 3.99, Earths Pride LS Chicken Broth @ 2.69, Good Cook Baster @ 1.89). We thought that Maggie might be bothered by the other dogs or was playing a game with us, so we put a full plate of food and water in the bedroom, left her by herself and ran into town to get some soup broth.
    When we returned, she had not touched the food.
    Late afternoon, Maggie stopped drinking water and refused medication and any food by dropper and seemed as if she was giving up. I stayed up all night with her, giving her water and baby food by a dropper, as I was able. She started vomiting later in the evening. During the evening, she attempted numerous times to urinate, but could not. She paced all night long, and couldn’t get comfortable. I debated if I should give her any medication, and gave her the Pepto Bismol.

    I decided to search the internet for help – and I was shocked. I came across all kinds of information regarding the negative effects of Deramaxx and its killing consequences. I was severely alarmed because everything that I read sounded like it was about Maggie.

    Sunday, July 20, 2014
    Early AM, I gave her another dose of the Metoclopramide and Famotidine, hoping that it would help her with the nausea, but she was not eating or drinking at this point. The night had been very long, and she was going downhill quickly. We called the vet in the morning and went in for an emergency visit that morning.
    We asked her if it could be the Deramaxx and she assured us that she had never had a dog with a reaction from this drug, and her two dogs were very successful on it.
    She did an abdominal x-ray and found a mass in the area of the spleen and stomach and recommended that we do exploratory surgery the following morning with a possible spleenectomy if the mass was removeable. We did not want her to spend her possible last night in a cage hooked up to IVs, so they hydrated her, gave her some pain med and we took her home with us for the evening.
    She drank water occasionally as we gave it to her, but that was it. She had 3 small bowel movements and urinated quite a bit during the night, so we were hopeful that things might turn around.

    Monday, July 21, 2014
    We took her to the vet at 9am, so she could be hooked up to an IV and receive much needed fluids.

    At 9:54am, we received a call from the vet staying that she had consulted with another vet regarding the X-ray and was sure that Maggie did not have a mass. When we were in yesterday, she asked whether or not Maggie could have swallowed something and suggested a barium swallow to see if there was anything. We were adamant that she had not swallowed anything. Our vet decided to do a barium swallow and discovered that there was something in her stomach that resembled dirt or sand and was of a clay-like matter. She also mentioned that there was a lot of it. We were baffled because Maggie is not a garbage dog, does not eat chew toys and does not eat “junk” from anywhere. We laughed it off and thought that she must be ingesting some sand when she was walking on the beach with us, but we were still perplexed as to the amount that we were told that was in her stomach. The vet also ran another blood test and it was normal (I can’t remember which test this was.) She recommended that Maggie spent the night hooked to an IV in an attempt to clear the stomach of whatever was in it. We agreed, went home happy that she didn’t need surgery at this point, and thought everything was great.

    At 12:09pm, we received another call from the vet. She had run another blood test and discovered that Maggie was in kidney failure. Whatever was in her stomach was toxic to her body and Maggie wasn’t able to fight it. She said she was baffled because the levels were normal two weeks ago, and today they were 10x the normal levels.
    Immediately, my husband and I went to the clinic to spend what time we had left with our girl. We knew the decision that we had to make because she was deteriorating so fast. We had promised Maggie that it was going to be PAIN FREE MONDAY and vowed that it would be over today. After spending a couple of hours with her, we kissed her and hugged her and laughed with her and cried with her and allowed her to go to heaven.

    Vet services:
    Total: $383.62 + $300 deposit made 7/20/14 = $683.62

    On our way home, we went to McDonald’s (Maggie’s favorite place) to purchase hamburgers for our other dogs and ice cream cones for ourselves. We wanted to celebrate her life.

    As I research the internet, I am baffled that there are so many cases just like ours. Maggie did not need to die today. I believe she was killed by a drug, Deramaxx, that should be given with great caution to any animal.

    1. miles says:

      I have to say. I can tell you love your animals but feeding them the trash that you are feeding them could be a huge cause in what was in your dog’s stomach! All the sugar and disgusting things you are putting in their system could potentially kill each one of them! I’m not saying that the deramaxx wasn’t the culprit in that case but for the love of God…quit feeding your animals all that crap!! It’s not even good for humans. To that I am very sorry you lost you pup. Stop all the junk if you want to keep the others. I am not trying to be mean in any way so please don’t take it that way.

      1. B Daniels says:

        I just read your post today, and am disheartened at your lack of apathy. The “trash” that you are referring to are things that were recommended to us by our vet, in order to try to seduce our girl into eating again. We feed our animals healthy pet food, but were desperate. If you read the post carefully, she DID NOT eat any of the “trash” that you are referring to. She wasn’t able to enjoy any future days, because she died.

  122. ptmom02 says:

    I just had to put my 12 year old Lab to sleep yesterday after 3 days on Rimadyl. To be fair, she was old and sick, most likely a tumor on her spleen and it may have been spreading. I took her in to the vet on Monday when they diagnosed her and she wasn’t feeling great then but the vet thought she would comfortably last at least awhile longer. He gave me the Rimadyl because I was worried about her pain. The next day she started vomiting, then she wouldn’t eat her favorite foods, then diarrhea. Yesterday I had to help her get up and it seemed like she could barely move her back legs but once I had her up she was able to move them. I chalked it up to stiffness. She was wobbly and almost fell down the stairs. I did think her illness seemed to be progressing very quickly in three short days but it never crossed my mind that it could be the drug. The final thing was I came to check on her and she had vomited and was laying in it, she didn’t even have the energy to move. I took her in and put her to sleep because I didn’t want her suffering. I didn’t look up the side effects of the drug until today and now it sure sounds like she had a very bad reaction to it. I’m trying to not be too hard on myself but it’s hard. When I took her in Monday I wasn’t sure that I would be bringing her home but I feel terrible that it could be my fault her last days were extra miserable. I’m guessing she should not have been put on this drug without doing bloodwork and that her condition led to her reaction to the Rimadyl. I’m not sure I will be using my vet again.

    1. Hi PTMom. Thank you for writing. I’m sorry you had to put your lab down. 😦 As I was reading her story, it brought to mind what our dog Hannah recently went through, with the sudden onset of vomiting and diarrhea. The specialist suspects she had a pancreatic tumor, as she also had erratic heart rhythms and multiple system failure. I only say that because of the similarities between their symptoms. The difficulty is that the symptoms your lab experienced are also side effects of Rimadyl. I’m sorry you don’t have definitive answers, and that you have that awful feeling of wondering if you did more harm than good in the situation. Lord knows I’ve dealt with that guilt with Holly. My heart goes out to you. I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your dog’s story here.

  123. KC says:

    Similar reactions are happening to our catahoula. He was prescribed dermamaxx for his arthritis and bone cancer. We wanted him to be comfortable until he passed. He is now having problems urinating and
    constipation. We were also told dermamaxx didn’t create these side effects by our veterinary! And then what do we find? Numerous horror stories on the internet.

    1. I’m sorry, KC. But I’m also glad you’ve found these stories. I would stop the Deramaxx and talk to your vet ASAP–or find one who will listen. Praying the med hasn’t caused too much damage, and wishing your dog comfort. 😦

  124. Michelle says:

    I can not even imagine the pain you went through losing your precious best friend. However I am so grateful that I’ve seen this article, I don’t want to know what would have happened if I hadn’t. My vet just diagnosed my 12 year old golden retriever with arthritis and prescribed daramax for pain. He’s only had 4 days on it and I have noticed an incredible difference in his movements and overall agility. I thankfully haven’t noticed any of the signs you or your commenters have mentioned, but that doesn’t mean I won’t. After reading this, I’m stopping his doses and will be calling my vet immediately in the morning. Though what you went through was horrific, I hope you and your family have peace knowing that you have potentially saved other dogs and families from going through the same tragedy you did. I can’t thank you enough for posting this for others to be educated about the fatal side effects of this drug. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    1. Hi Michelle. Thanks for your kind words. Some dogs do great on Deramaxx, and your dog might be one of them. If I were you, I would ask your vet to include blood monitoring to check your dog’s liver numbers while he’s on the drug, and also ask for a Pepcid-type med to coat his stomach. You might also consider milk thistle to help protect his liver, too. If he’s responding well and is being monitored, it might be a good fit. I think the danger is when you’re not aware of the side effects and there is no monitoring going on, or a vet who won’t listen to your concerns. I hope that helps, and I wish your dog comfort and health!

  125. When I originally left a comment I appear to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on each time a comment is
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    1. I’m not sure why you receive four emails. I checked my admin tools and dashboard and don’t see a way to make someone unfollow or take away notifications. It is probably something you’ll have to do from your end. Sorry about that!

  126. Hello Amy & Every other poor pet owner here,

    Heartbreaking testimonials here. I’m very sorry for all these poor animals who were ‘killed’ or who suffered from these drugs given in good faith.Hind sight is 20/20.

    Thank you for having this post up here Amy. You will help a lot of people. Do you have it on FaceBook too?

    Prime examples of my own beliefs “Do not trust other people with things of great personal value ” . ie. Your own life. The life of your pets or children. Everyone needs to become an ‘expert’ researcher themselves. Don’t just blindly trust ‘experts’. Use your own brain, research & analytical thinking to help you decide how to care for yourselves or animals.

    I was lucky as a teenager to have some much older wiser friends who did not have much trust in typical medical procedures & treatments. They urged me not to have a prescribed surgery in hospital, but I had it anyway, as I believed in doctors at that point. After the (later I found out, absolutely unnecessary) surgery, I developed an infection in the surgical incision site, which first manifested as pain and massive swelling in my lymph nodes near the site and then intense pain & fever throughout my body. As I had already been in the hospital 2 weeks, & sick of being derobed & probed & gawked at by groups of medical students, I didn’t tell anyone about this swelling which started the day before discharge from the hospital. I could barely walk from the hospital & had to be supported.

    When I was taken to emergency, the same night of my hospital discharge, I was prescribed further drugs to treat this infection & pain, & was referred back to the surgeon. By the time I received an appointment with this very busy (& therefore very rich) surgeon, I was better, the infected wound was smaller. But the surgeon advised me that to heal this wound, he would now need me to come back into hospital, and have a second (unnecessary & potentially dangerous) surgery under General Anaesthesia, so he could cut out a piece of skin from my thigh, and then graft it onto my spine over the wound. As my older & wiser friends who had originally advised me not to have the first surgery, also then advised me not to go back to him or the hospital, I now had the courage, (as a very young person from a family who traditionally always respected and believed whatever anyone in the medical community said) to ask him “What will happen if I don’t have the surgery?”

    The surgeon was obviously not used to this kind of questioning of his medical ‘expertise’ & immediately became defensive, hostile & superior & barked back at me,
    ” You would have to keep it scrupulously clean!!!!!, with the risk of it not healing!!!”.
    That was a good enough answer to me to NOT go back to have pieces of skin cut off my thigh, with permanent scarring on my leg, (in Australia, where we wear shorts or short skirts & bathing suits a lot of the time) & stuck again onto my spine, in hospital where I could then receive ANOTHER infection from being opened up again in one of the dirtiest places full of diseases and infections there is; -A HOSPITAL!!.

    When I was only 17, I also wanted to ‘look perfect’, & was worried about hair on my arms.(which later I realised was completely normal) My doctor sent me to an Endocrinology specialist. He did a couple of tests, which all came back ‘normal’, but said “Well we can try this medication anyway, and see if it can help”. & proceeded to prescribe either Dexamethasone or Betamethasone for me. I read the leaflet of about 50 different side effects out loud to my boyfriend at the time, laughing at them, as I thought it was ‘funny’. (at that age, when you think nothing can happen to you) Especially as the tablets were so incredibly tiny, & I only had to take one a day.

    I had to see the specialist every few months, & paid for those expensive visits & the drugs.

    I probably was on that medication for about 2 or 3 YEARS!.

    The hair on my arms remained the same, (which when I look at it as an adult, is a completely normal amount) I did not notice any side effects at that time, but who knows what it did to my endocrine glands, system or body in the long term.

    This specialist knew I had completely normal blood tests, yet prescribed a drug which can have dangerous side effects. He had me coming to him & paying him for years for absolutely nothing.(All you have to do is show up, pay them a fee & sit there, & they can take you on a long & expensive & potentially dangerous ride. If you go to them, they know you are EXPECTING something. So no matter how kind or moral or well meaning they are, many of them will then GIVE you something, so you will continue to think, that they KNOW how to ‘fix’ things.)

    The surgeon prescribed 2 TOTALLY UNNECESSARY surgeries in hospital under General Anaesthesia, which always has risks. One being DEATH, no matter how small the risk. I was much worse off following his advice.

    Since then I quickly developed a healthy scepticism of medical ‘experts’, treatments, UNNECESSARY SURGERIES, (paying off doctors university loans, paying off their newest ‘latest’ equipment & making doctors rich) DRUGS (continuing to support the Godlike position that big PHARMA has attained) & treatments.

    I have studied holistic health, preventative medicine, & natural diets & therapies ever since. Because of all my accumulated knowledge I have not had absolute trust in most medical or veterinarian professionals.

    I usually allow my body or my animals to heal as naturally as possible on their own, with careful detailed monitoring & notes, research, with time, with natural healing or therapies, diets & supplements.

    I believe in medical or veterinarian ‘consultations’, some tests & getting a ‘diagnosis’, if I feel something is out of my realm of understanding or ability to manage or assist the body to heal itself. Getting an ‘experts’ “diagnosis’ & hearing what they have to say may be helpful, maybe not. But it doesn’t mean I have to follow their advice or proposed ‘PLAN’ .Many times surgeries are given which are unnecessary or can bring further harm. The same with many procedures and drugs.

    There are BILLIONS of stories of humans or animals who have been harmed or who died, after or while having medical or veterinarian ‘intervention’, treatment, drugs, surgeries or procedures.

    I don’t believe in medications for most average typical things. The bodies own natural ability to heal, if it has been properly cared for with a very healthy natural diet, sleep, lots of exercise, fresh air & care is amazing.

    Of course I believe in Emergency Departments for emergencies/critical care. They are excellent, if there are no mistakes made. And some genetically afflicted people seem to benefit from specific drugs. Drugs have a place for some ailments.

    Rimadil was banned for use in humans MANY YEARS AGO, due to the dangerous effects. Yet then it was reintroduced for veterinary use, and is perfectly ‘fine’ to give this to our beloved animals! NOT!

    The FDA has released information concerning non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pets — including Metacam, Deramaxx, Previcox and Rimadyl — that shows they have been connected to 22,000 cases of illness in dogs, almost 3,000 of which were fatal (2006)

    If you give your body or your animal a very healthy lifestyle and invest in your own research, & provide a super healthy natural lean mainly raw diet and lots of exercise (not leaping in the air or braking quickly for dogs) you can avoid many diseases or ailments which otherwise are usually unavoidable.(diabetes, obesity, heart problems, arthritis, dental disease, skin allergies, ‘ear infections’ are many times due to allergies etc ) & won’t need to visit medical/vet professionals. Make sure you read up carefully on vaccinations, over vaccinations, & be prepared to research & study so thoroughly that you won’t have to blindly believe ‘experts’ who don’t have an emotional investment in you or your beloved innocent pets.

    Great information & testimonials in this post. Thank you Amy et all.

    1. Hi Bili. Thank you so much for writing and sharing your experience and wisdom. I really appreciate your kind words and your taking the time to share this information with the many people reading this thread. 🙂

  127. Elizabeth says:

    Wow! I’m so sorry to hear that this happened to so many doggies! As a new puppy owner, I will take the advise to heart to never give this drug to my Aussie! Just for all of you that still have pets, next time you experience a minor injury or notice that they are in pain and might need an anti-inflammatory, I suggest “Olive Leaf Extract”. It’s amazing stuff. I discovered it when I fell down 5 steps and landed on my tailbone. It worked so well and fast that I did research on it and was very impressed with the studies that have been done on it. It’s anti-cancerous, anti-parasitic. anti-viral, etc. It’s just amazing stuff and apparently safe for doggies too! Here is a link:

  128. Sherry Bereziak says:

    my Baby Maggie has been on duramaxx for 3 years now due to a knee injury…in the last 3 years I have spent thousands of dollars on URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS…x-rays, uoltrasounds..etc…after her last lab test (3 days ago for $130 I decided to take her off of duramaxx and spend $30 on a pre and pro biotic my mother told me to get…she used to work in the vet lab in bacteriology…when my vet called today to give me the results of her $130 test he told me NOTHING.other then the antibiotic that I had been buying for 3 years was causing the urninary tract infection…yep thousands of dollars later…I am just going to listen to my mom from now on…if any of you need any info contact me and I will ask my MOM And it will be FREE!!!

  129. Roger says:

    Amy, I am so sorry for the loss of your pup. Thank you for the info. We were just debating whether or not to keep our Jesse on Deramaxx. She has a severe limp as well, which is probably age related. Fortunately, our vet administers regular blood tests (she also has Cushings Disease). Still, she’s been on the Deramaxx for some months and it doesn’t seem to be helping. That being said, I’m going to stop giving it to her. She doesn’t need any further problems at her age (12). Thank you and God Bless.

    1. Hi Roger. Thank you for your kindness. It makes me happy to know you found this post helpful. I’m sorry Jesse has a limp and that Deramaxx didn’t help. I’m glad to hear it didn’t cause any problems either. Wishing her good health and many more happy years. God bless.

  130. Michelle says:

    Hi Amy. I posted a comment a while back saying that I had just recently put my golden retriever on Deramaxx when I saw your post. I also said I would be taking him off it until I speak to my vet. Well I wanted to give you an update. I feel absolutely awful for everything who has had tragic results from this drug, but I have also heard of some truly wonderful results from it. After speaking to my vet I decided to put my Stitch back on Deramaxx. However I have cut his dose down. He takes 50mg every other day. For now it seems to be working, but in the future it may need to be increased. I asked my vet about taking Pepcid over the counter and he said that was absolutely fine. I always give the Deramaxx after he eats and if he shows signs of acid reflux (from the acids in the drug) I give him the Pepcid. He has only needed it once so far. We will also be doing blood tests every six months. I feel so thankful to you for this post because I never would have known how dangerous this drug could be if I hadn’t read it. After reading this, I know what to look for and if it happens I will be stopping the Deramaxx immediately and taking Stitch into the vet. For now the drug has done wonders for him! He is acting so much younger and running around. We did have one setback though. My 1 and a half year old dachshund mix got onto the kitchen table and decided he was having some joint pain as well. He ate all of it. 700mg to be exact. It was an absolutely awful night. We did call the on-call vet and he instructed lots of water to try to flush it out. By the time we found that he had eaten the bottle it was too late to make him throw it up. He instructed us to bring him in immediately if he starts vomiting or having diarrhea or bloody stools. He thankfully did not have any! I stayed up all night watching him. He was extremely doped up and just slept and slept and slept. He has recovered so incredibly well. I suppose because of his age he was able to bounce back so fast.

  131. Miriam Soler says:

    I’m crying reading this, but I appreciate so much having reading your loss, vet gave me this drug because my princess a black Great Dane, broke her nail, I always research before giving meds, also with my human babies and I find this, needless to say I throw out the medicine immediately, maybe you lost your baby, but you are helping others not to lose theirs, thank you so much about that and MUCH LOVE to you and yours.
    Thank you bunches.

  132. Maryellen says:

    I wish I saw this article sooner,my English mastiff Abbey Rose was prescribed dermaxx for arthritis in her hind legs. The vet assured me it was the best for her to ease her pain. Well,this past Wednesday night Abbey started to vomit,at first I didn’t think to much of it maybe she ate something that upset her stomache. The vomiting and loss bowels continued through the night. I called her vet first thing in the morning,he was to busy to see her,I’m positive he knew what was happening. I rushed Abbey to the animal hospital where the vet there told me it was the reaction to dermaxx. I brought Abbey home stayed up all night feeding her ice chips just to keep her hydrated,by morning I knew she still wasn’t right called her vet and again he wouldn’t see her. Back to the hospital we went,bloodwork X-rays and ultra sounds. While doing the ultra sound the vet came to me immediately,Abbey hadn’t been in the room more than 2 minutes,I knew something was wrong. The image showed Abbey had a large mass(yes the vet confirmed this was due to the dermaxx) internal bleeding,kidney failure and liver damage. There was nothing to be done to save her,this drug wrecked havoc on my baby. The only thing I could do was put her out of her misery,I couldn’t let her suffer a minute longer. Had I known the side effects of this drug had my vet made me aware I would have never given it to her. This drug should be off the market! I live with the guilt of what I did to her,I was suppose to protect her and keep her safe and I failed. I know longer have my beloved fur baby,and I will do what I can to tell everyone do not use this drug. No one should have to go through the horror of this.

    1. Hi Maryellen. I apologize for not responding to your post sooner. Abbey’s story is so similar to Holly’s. To be honest, it broke my heart reading it, and brought back all the pain and guilt. I couldn’t get myself to respond. I’m sorry. For not responding sooner, and for your loss. I’ve been there. Many of us have — too many. The fact your vet wouldn’t see her is unconscionable. Abbey’s passing is recent enough, I would encourage you to send documentation to Novartis. You may have to go through he emergency vet to do this. And it might not do any good, but maybe it’s worth a try. It’s a terrible, helpless feeling going through this. And such a needless loss. A little information from our vets, a word of caution or a note on what side effects to look for, and so many of us wouldn’t be in this awful situation. I’m so very sorry this happened to Abbey and to you. My heart goes out to you.

  133. WantSomeBacon??!! says:

    I just got my best friend back from spay surgery. Both the decision to have her altered and the wait while she was in surgery were incredibly stressful. I imagine all the more so for Belle. The vet prescribed deramaxx as an anti-inflammatory. I gave her just one pill the first night she came home. The rest are in the trash. Something told me to do a search online about what the possible side effects might be. After reading the Wiki page, I found this site. I’m so incredibly grateful you have shared your experiences so that others might be spared the same pain, fear, guilt, and anger of your loss. I cannot believe that medical doctors have been so brainwashed by pharmaceutical companies and their bastions of education that they continue to prescribe such deadly drugs. Belle is recovering from her operation (which I will never choose to subject a dog of mine to again).
    For anyone interested in well researched mainstream veterinary advice for dog owners I highly recommend Ted Kerasote’s book Pukka’s Promise. Sometimes wisdom comes with costs that are difficult to bear. Better late than never. Thank you all so much for sharing your stories so that others might be saved.

    1. I offer a suggestion for those who have a new puppy that is a bitch. Please let her go through her first period before spaying! I have done it both ways and after seeing how mature a bitch will act after experiencing puberty is shocking when compared with a bitch that is spayed simply for convenience. This also applies to dogs. If you “jump the gun” on a male dog you will have a puppy for life. Please wait at least 9 months or more on a dog to let him mature. Animals live in the NOW. Any discomfort is usually a result of a bad neuter or spay without a laser. It is well worth the extra cost, if there is one, to have the vet use a laser. You get faster healing, far less pain, thus the need for pain medication, not to mention a happier dog.
      try to stay away from Duramaxx (an N.S.A.I.D.) and Ketamine, a cheap hallucinogenic put down drug used as an anesthesia, as collies and other breeds are showing a very negative reaction to both drugs.
      This has been my experience with multiple dogs. One Border Collie was not the same for over three months after being put under using Ketamine. I can only guess that he was really awake during the removal of his testicles and surgery on his prostate. I can’t begin to even think of the pain and the Hell of being tied down on his back, held by a loop run from each leg to the side of the table. I have known of several people who were not completely knocked out during surgery. Each described it as a living Hell, and each swore they would rather die than go through any procedure with the chance of the same thing happening again.

      It is a little off the subject but please look at the date on the food you buy. I have seen many of the high priced foods that were out of date. Everyone has to be responsible for the drugs and foods that are going into your Best Friend as no one else is.

  134. Jabee says:

    My 9 month old german shepard, Thor ( 84.2 lbs.) was neutered yesterday and they gave me deramaxx 75 mg. ( 4 pills) I gave him one this a.m. but I am calling vet now. This has me scared, I don’t want to lose my big white dog!

    1. Hi Jabee. Wow, Thor is a huge dog! Appropriately named, too. I hope the info you read here is helpful, and while it can be scary, it’s best to be informed, you know? While all medications have risks, you might ask your vet for a different medication. My vet (the one I switched to after Holly died) also lost a dog to Deramaxx and no longer prescribes it. When we got our youngest dog, Hamish, neutered, he prescribed Tramadol for pain. It isn’t an NSAID, though, so there isn’t the anti-inflammatory benefit. Still, Hamish recovered well. I wish the same for Thor, and I hope your vet listens to your concerns. Thanks for writing!

  135. Andrea Balestrieri says:

    Pray for Daisy. She had a hard fall off the bed and was limping and crying. The vet prescribed Deramaxx 12 mg split in half (6 mg.) 1 once a day. She got 1 dose and was so loopy the next day we cut it down to a quarter (3 mg.) and gave her the second dose. She is a 2 year old, 13 lb. poodle. We never gave her a 3rd dose because she was still looking so overmedicated. She couldn’t walk, eat, and was incontinent. She just slept and was not moving. She is normally VERY crazy and peppy. I did research and found this site. We immediately took her to the emergency vet last night and he laughed at my internet research UNTIL he got her liver results. The liver came back high and she had a fever. Her fever went down some at 4 am (they still have her) and we are awaiting another blood test. She will be getting Pepcid soon (never had bloody stool or vomiting) and is on an antibiotic. I hope we caught it quickly enough!

    1. I’ll be praying! Please let me know how she does. I’m so glad you got her help when you did. The vet will laugh at this suggestion but another owner in the comments here gave her dog milk thistle to help him recover from Deramaxx poisoning. Search this thread for “milk thistle” to read about it. Here’s a link to WebMD, as well:—-fact-fad. Really hoping Daisy pulls through. Please let me know what happens. Sending you hugs.

    2. Just is going to pay for the vets giving your dog a possibly fatal dose of Deramaxx? It is widely known that many breeds don’t do well, including yours, on this poison N.S.A.I.D.. I have lost several dogs to it back when the studies had not come out. Please don’t think that the vet was doing you any favors as many lawsuits have sprouted. I would ask the vet to eat whatever bill you were handed as he knows better and is probably feigning
      ignorance about the drug which seems to be the defense of the day. Ask him how many canines he has killed with this drug. Ask if he knows how many breeds and sizes of canines he has given Deramaxx to. Your vet is well aware of the breeds to watch and his responsibility to get a base blood sample to compare future samples to. Remember, he has done you no favors and take his liver test and compare it to future blood samples. The liver is one organ capable of healing itself if the damage is not too severe.
      I believe in vitamins and it would be wise to give your best friend the proper vitamins in a proper dosage to detoxify its liver. I give my canines vitamins just as I take them too. Just don’t overdose the amount as that can be just as toxic as any drug. I wish you the best and please stay on top of the liver test results as that is extremely important in the complete recovery of your canine. Tell others of your experience as the vets won’t stop selling this high profit drug without public pressure. I will be praying that you friend makes a total recovery.

  136. Andrea Balestrieri says:

    She is doing better! Not out of the woods yet and not eating (except a tiny bite of turkey sausage this morning), but her temp is down, her liver and white blood cell tests came back better yesterday and she got out of her bed once today to bark at something that was outside with her partner in crime Ruby! She is on her second round of antibiotic and Pepcid AC. Her incontinence is getting better too. She squatted this morning to pee which she wasn’t doing. Before, she would just stand and the pee came out. I am so hopeful and thank you so much for this blog!!!!!!
    I know this will not bring back your dear, sweet Holly. I know you feel guilt. We pay people who go to school for years to help us. We are not experts. Life is not perfect either. Holly remembers you as the one who loved her ALL THE TIME. She had trust in you as you did the vet and drug company. As I type this I watch Daisy in her bed and I cry, just as I cried when I read this blog. Please know how many you have helped STOP using this drug much sooner than they would have otherwise. Like me. Thank you and bless you. ❤

    1. Thank you for the update, and for all of your kind words. You made me cry! I’m so relieved to hear your girl is making progress. I know how scary and precarious the situation is, but I have to say, it sounds promising. Praying she continues to get better. Keep me posted, please. And thank you so much for including her story here! Hugs.

  137. Teresa says:

    Li lost my German Shepherd (cara) in 2006 ) do to this drug deramaxx. I took a perfectly healthy dog in for routine check up . She had a little weight problem, no big deal. I told the vet she is 10 an getting up a little slower,no big deal. The vet went on to talk about arthritis an age that I should try this deramaxx. I trusted the vet, after 1 pill my dog became sick vomiting, larthargic, . I called took her into vet. They took a blood sample , said the enzymes were up just a little,nothing to worry about ,but discontinue the deramaxx. 2 days later I took her for 2nd opinion, from a previous vet. He said there was no hope the liver was to far gone. Best thing was to put her down. My husband an I cried, she was our baby. It about killed both of us ,our hearts were broken. We didnot expect this from a dog that was in perfect health,just a routine check up,now she’s gone. An I have this on my concensus that I took part by giving her the medication in good faith. What I learned later was the vet is suppose to do a blood test before giving this deramaxx,to see is your dog is compatible with drug. My vet never did a test, she gave me a sample bottle , an sent me home with instructions. No body gets punished the supplier is still selling, vets are still prescribing. It’s all wrong, this needs to stop! I now take my dogs to a all natural vet for everything I can . Do not use this drug, do your research on all drugs!

    1. Teresa,
      I am truly sorry that your vet apparently killed your dog. If what you say is correct, and I am sure it is, you have a case against him for negligence. Deramaxx is a high profit item for Vets. The drug carries a high profit as do the initial and follow up blood tests. Part of the Vet bill you pay is for malpractice insurance, and it sounds like it is time for you to collect. Sadly, a dog is nothing but a item that you own so you won’t get much there. With a trial by jury you should expect a sum for the mental anguish and the torture that you have had to endure just so the Vet could make money. For the life of me, I don’t understand what other medical reason the Vet would have for prescribing Deramaxx on a routine exam! This drug is known for its terrible side effects. The only solution for everyone who goes to any kind of doctor would be to do the research online both before and after seeing the doctor. Let’s face it, the day is here where no one can have total trust in any doctor. If you choose to sue, you should find a lawyer that will take your case on a contingency. It simply means that lawyer thinks he can win your case or he won’t get paid. At the very least, you need to send a complaint to the Vet Board in your State.

  138. miles says:

    I am so very sorry for your loss. I too cried when I read your story. I was about to start my 9 year old pit/boxer mix on this stuff because he has hip dysplasia and arthritis throughout his legs. He has been hit by a car, broken his front leg, his front foot, as well as several different kinds of pulls, twists, and tears. I got this stuff from my mother who had her dog on it (didn’t do anything for her pup) to try and alleviate some of his discomfort. I have given him a couple of tablets, but am very glad I found your website. I will definitely not be giving him any more tabs at all. I want him around for as long as absolute possible as he his my best friend and companion. I am going to try and find some other options so I can try and help him. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I know it was very hard to do. Especially living it again and again with comments from people like me. I truly wish you had more time with your babies! Thank you again!

    1. Jason says:

      I also have a boxer, I gave her three doses of this med, 12.5mg before I found these articles. Just curious to how your situation turned out.

  139. Karen eastes says:

    I need to believe Duramax killed my dog just died February 4, 2015 right after starting the Duramax prior to that she had not been sick at all and then just all of a sudden died that has to be what killed her I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure this out now I truly believe it was the Duramax

  140. Angela Espinoza says:

    This is such a sad story. I just stumbled across it. Thank you for sharing your story.

  141. Tammy burrows says:

    Tuesday we took our dog to the vet sore left paw, he was favouring, they gave us deramaxx, Ranger took it Tuesday Wednesday he woke up, his left eye was rolling back, sunk in, we called the vets rushed him back in, they did blood work said continue with deramaxx, we came home did what the vet said, today we now have rushed our furry baby to the u of g in Ont Canada, he no longer can walk. We are waiting to hear back now from his tests.

    1. Janet Lovett says:

      Tammy I will keep Ranger in my thoughts and prayers. I hope he makes a full recovery.

      1. Tammy, I’m so sorry! Praying here, too. Please let us know what happens. 😦

  142. An ending like this is always sad. I would caution everyone reading this to NEVER ignore your gut when dealing with a pet that is ill (or yourself or your child, etc…) Vets and Doctors are human and fallible. They don’t know everything. Deramaxx is a COX-2 inhibitor. COX-1 enzymes support kidney and GI immune function while COX-2 enzymes were thought to control immune response such as inflammation and swelling. However, it appears that now new evidence has shown that the COX-2 enzymes may also contribute to supporting the fighting of infection in the Kidneys and GI tract. Deramaxx is a COX-2 inhibitor only while many other NSAID’s inhibit both. Your vet was actually trying to reduce the chances of your pet having problems by prescribing this drug. HOWEVER, your vet should have listened to your concerns and they should have also taken special note that your dog was a BORDER COLLIE mix. Collies other herding breeds are commonly affected with the MDR1 mutant gene which causes several different medications that are fine for other breeds to be deadly to them. The identified medication list includes antidepressants, antibiotics, cardiac drugs, immunosuppressants, opioids, and miscellaneous pharmaceuticals (these would include some OTC herbal remedies as well). Everyone should research the breed (or in a mix, breeds) of animal they have. Many people today frown on those that buy “purebred” dogs, but a mixed breed is in danger of inheriting the genetic issues of EVERY breed it is made up of. Please do your research. Please notify your vet of any concerns that come from that research. Please research the FOOD you feed your animals and look at analysis sites that not only review foods, but track companies for quality control. If your vet doesn’t listen to you…find another one. The Deramaxx was for a physical injury. That limp was NOT going to kill your dog. If you think a drug is adversely affecting your animal and removing the drug is not going to cause life threatening consequences…. DO IT! I don’t care what your vet says. The worst that could happen is they don’t get better off the drug and the limp comes back (which it sounds like it never left). Lastly, while I am NO fan of big pharma, the letter from the drug company does not say the drug is “safe” in the way you imply they state it. They state dangers of giving higher doses longer than 7 days. They also state that dogs who may have sensitivity should be given a full blood workup prior to being given the drug. They additionally state that animals who are on it long term should be regularly tested and that any animal exhibiting the symptoms you described should be IMMEDIATELY taken off of it and given veterinary attention. Please know that I am writing this as a pet owner whose vet just prescribed this medication to my dog yesterday. I found your article researching this drug before she has any even though her breeder asked me what the vet prescribed and said the she has had that medication prescribed in the past to her dogs with no ill effects. I question almost everything my vet does (I’m not sure he likes me very much and I’m certain some of the techs don’t), but they are MY responsibility ultimately. Even though I plan to use the Deramaxx for my girl, I am glad that I read this because it will make me hyper-vigilant to any changes over the next week.

    1. Linda Vienneau says:

      Please be careful. I was going to go ahead with the Deramax. My Jesse had just one. People on here have seen adverse reactions after just one. So glad I discontinued.

      Linda 🐴


  143. Maddie says:

    Hello, I need anyone’s help on this drug. We have a 14 year old male aussie who is suffering from arthritis in his rear hip legs…..his gait is wobbly and he does not have the strength in his rear legs to pull himself up when he slips…..we know that he is a senior dog, so we have been extra vigilant with him and help him gently when he slips or needs assistance……our vet for the last year has been trying to get us to put him on non steroid medication to help reduce the pain and inflammation but we have said no as in 2013 we lost his litter mate to canine vestibular disease and the vet we were seeing at that time did nothing and we had to rush her to another vet clinic who was willing to take her and care for her, not only was she was dealing with the long term effects of canine vestibular syndrome, we found out via the new vet that the other vet missed a severely abscessed tooth and cracked tooth and she was suffering from a gallbladder infection plus she had arthritis…..the new vet had to do emergency dental surgery on her which she pulled through and then she started her on a regimen of tramadol, and gabapentin for the pain. In the end, she stopped eating and she was so doped up, and we tried to soothe her pain with just petting her and giving her all of our love, she whimpered. It got too a point where she could not go outside to do her business without us helping her….in the end, we had to put an end to her suffering and had to make the hardest decision of our lives and that was to put her down. I filed a complaint with our local governing body that oversees the practices of vets in our area for the first vet and lost the first level and then I appealed the decision and lost that one too, but I did for my little baby.

    Now I fear we are the same boat with her brother, and right now we have him on CT Joint Support which he seems to be tolerating well…..he has slipped a few times and has been licking his rear legs and I know from all of the reading that I have done, this is their way of dealing with pain. We see our vet today and I am scared of putting him on this drug as it in the same family as Rimadyl which is very hard on a dog’s liver.

    We know he is in pain but after all the research I have done on this drug, Dermaxx, there are so many serious side effects, that I do not know if I am willing to take our beloved pet down that road…..
    Our vet like so many others I have read in the other blogs on this site, has assured us this drug is safe and well tolerated by dogs that she has treated.
    I know this is a last minute request…..but if anyone has any other suggestions that we go to our vet with, please let us know……the thought of losing her brother to a drug in the name of helping him does not make me feel comfortable…..I would much rather keep him on the CT Joint Support and increase the dosage if we can…..has anyone ever tried this CT Support or is there anything out there similar to this that we can use… gut is telling me not to put him on this drug or any drug…..Maddie

    1. Hi Maddie. Thanks for writing. I’m so sorry your Aussie is going through this. And I’m very sorry about the struggle and loss of his litter mate.

      There is a test that can be done to see if your dog has the genetic marker for not being able to metabolize the Deramaxx. I wasn’t aware of this until it was too late. I don’t know what it involves, though, but other border collie owners I know talk about the test like it’s not a big deal and easy to do. (Wish I’d known that sooner. 😦 ) Anyway, I would ask about that or look into it. (I’ll search for it too after I post this.) Your current vet might be dismissive of this option, so you might need to seek a second opinion.

      Have you considered alternative therapies such as hydrotherapy or acupuncture? My friend’s dachshund injured its back and was paralyzed and acupuncture got him walking again. She was near a vet school that offered the treatment as part of its program.

      Earlier in the comments here there is an herbal remedy for pain. I researched it and found sources saying it’s helpful. I can’t remember the name of it right now but I’ll find it in a moment.

      The other thing you can do is try the Deramaxx but use all precautions. Use a stomach coating medication along with it, and monitor his blood counts while he’s on the med, and also watch him like a hawk.

    2. CM LAFEMINA says:

      I don’t know how far gone your dog’s situation is but we’ve had tremendous results with a supplement called dasaquain. My dog is a 15.5 yo golden mix. We almost lost him a couple of years ago to Deramax. I’m sorry for your situAtion. I know it’s not easy. Best –

      Sent from my iPhone CML


      1. Dasaquin! Yes, completely forgot. We used this with Hannah with great results. I also recommend it.

      2. Maddie says:

        Hi Amy, I will ask the vet about Dasaquin….never heard of this but hopefully the vet has…..will keep you all posted…….thank you all…..

  144. OK, Maddie. I found the herbal info, but I’m still looking up the genetic test info.

    For pain relief some herbal remedies that were mentioned by previous owners in the comments above include:
    • Body Sore:
    •Olive leaf extract:

    I also found this link in the earlier comments:

    There’s one genetic test called MDR1 (Multiple Drug Resistance):

    But it seems like there was another genetic test specific to herding breeds. I’m going to keep looking, but maybe (hopefully) these links can help in the meantime.

    Mostly I suggest you get a second opinion if your gut is telling you your vet isn’t listening to your concerns or is not understanding your dog. You might also consult a holistic vet as well to get another perspective on treatment options.

  145. Back again with more info.

    I don’t know that MDR1 will show if your dog won’t metabolize Deramaxx, but I think it’s worth looking into. Here is a link that explains how Deramaxx works (or doesn’t work) which might help your vet understand which testing to do:

    i also found this link which talks about the MDR1 test and Aussies:, but again, it doesn’t mention cox-1 or cox-2 expression, which is what how Deramaxx works.

    One more link about the MDR1 test:

    I’ll keep poking around for info about testing specifically for a reaction to NSAIDs and if I find anything I’ll post it here.

    Really hoping this info is helpful, Maddie, and that your Aussie gets some relief!

    1. Maddie says:

      Hi Amy, thank you for quick reply…..Our vet has spoke to us about acupuncture but where we live there is only qualified person that does this with animals. Our main goal is to keep him comfortable but with grace and dignity and to me it like when a doctor puts a person on medication to treat an illness, there are always side effects that you have watch but you with animals, they can not speak and when something goes wrong as was the case with our other family member, they quickly go down hill and time is of the essence. I have checked out websites about this drug and have carefully read the serious side effects of this drug and my gut is telling no there has to be something out there that does come with so many serious side effects. His litter mate was my baby and I am still grieving over her loss and we both talked about and we agreed we would put him through the same pain and suffering that she went through near the end. I am so glad I found your blog….these dogs are our family members…..and we would do anything for them…..but I am not just comfortable with taking a chance with him getting seriously ill because of this drug….It is going to be a difficult conversation to have with my vet but he is our dog and we know every day we have now is a blessing. I will talk to our vet about other natural options or just see if we can keep him on the CT Support….he severe arthritis and we know his muscle mass is less because of his age, so we massage the area, we put heat on the area…..we do as much as we can……I will keep checking your responses….His appetite is good and he drinks water and we keep his weight down. Like some of your readers say, you have to go with your gut instinct. Anything help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Maddie.

      1. As I was reading your response, Maddie, I kept thinking, “Trust your gut.” Then you said it yourself at the end there. Definitely listen to that feeling. I wish I had.

  146. mapearce1019 says:

    I’m not sure my Scottie is out of the woods, yet, but if he survives, you saved him.
    Thank you so much for sharing you experience with Deramaxx and the wicked, greedy doctors that prescribe it.

    1. I hope and pray he makes it! And I’m so sorry you’re going through this. There’s a lot of good information in the comments here and some success stories of dogs healed, so be sure to read through, even though there are a lot. Thank you for writing, smokiepogue. Please update if you can.

      1. mapearce1019 says:

        Just back from the vet- optical nerve damage, but so other damage.
        He was part of a study to see if Deramaxx could stop TCC. We have since found there are less damaging NSAIDS on the market that will halt TCC without killing the dog.
        Obviously, he’s no longer part of the study.

      2. Wow. This is the first I’ve heard of it damaging the optic nerve. Usually it’s the digestive and/or urinary track track that are affected. I’m really sorry your dog reacted badly. I am really glad he’s still alive, though! Wishing him a full recovery!

  147. Dawn says:

    I first read your blog last Monday night, May 11th the day after Mother’s Day. I brought my 11 y.o flat coat retriever mix into the vet because she had some bleeding from her mouth. We found out she had a small benign tumor in the roof of her mouth adjacent to her front teeth. The vet said it was no big deal and pretty common. Well wealso had him take x-rays of her hip and knee because she was limping more lately. She already had arthritis and was taking Previcox. We didn’t give it to her daily, just every couple of days normally. The vet prescribed 100mg of Deramaxx and said she had severe arthritis in her hip now. They gave her one there at the office and then a bottle of Deramaxx and we were suppose to give it to her daily for 14 days. I looked the medication up online that evening and found your blog. It scared my husband and me however we thought, well, it’s a low risk and she is limping a lot more so we decided to give it to her and just look for signs. What a huge mistake that was for Bella and for us!!! By Wednesday, three days later she was bumping into things and had lost her vision. We brought her into the vet ER and they were useless as they told us she had injured her eye somehow in the house by bumping into something and we should put a cone on her. We did not do that and of course asked about the Deramaxx. The vet said to my husband,” now why would Deramaxx cause her to go blind?” …What a jerk!!!! We will never go back there again!!! The next morning we brought her to our family vet and he sent her directly to an opthamologist. I questioned our vet before we left about the Deramaxx and he told me I shouldn’t pay attention to things I read on the internet and to read the data sheet that comes with the medication…Another Jerk…I spoke in a very calm and questioning manner out of concern for my dog. He never provided us with a list of possible side effects and didn’t really seem to know them himself. I did not appreciate his answer at all and will not be returning to him now after all of these years. At the same time we were leaving his office Bella had to urinate and I noticed it looked abnormal. I called him out to look and he tested it (the vet) and she had blood in her urine. He said to call him or come back after the opthamologist appointment. The opthamoloist was very kind and caring. He told us Bella was blind due to uveitis, which is inflammation and there was bleeding in the eyes. The cause he could not give me. I asked about Deramaxx and he was kind and said it would be extremely rare, that most likely she has an underlying undiagnosed disorder and that he recommended a veterinary specialist that helped him with his dog. He called the specialist and we went over right away. The specialist was really very wonderful. He too was skeptical that is was the Deramaxx but did say that there have been reported cases of idiosyncratic responses from some dogs with any NSAID. He ran a battery of tests and performed ultrasounds. He gave us an antibiotic for possible tick borne disease, as we were going to have to wait for those results to come back, and prednisone to take twice daily. We had to wait three days and we waited 5 to take the prednisone because we were worried it would cause more bleeding due to the fact that non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs and steroidal drugs taken together can definitely cause more bleeding. We had an appointment to come back the following Thursday. Well, we didn’t make it to Thursday. Long story short, we stayed with Bella 24/7. I took off work that Friday, we stayed home with her all weekend, and my husband took off Monday. Bella had several seizures and at first she recouped from them but then she had two on Monday night and then one on Tuesday morning. I could no longer walk her. I had already bought her a back end lifter as she was weak and had the arthritis and it was difficult for her to walk since she went blind. Now it appeared she had a stroke. Her left side was very weak and she could Barely pick up her left front leg and paw and her left hind leg scissored to the right side of her body. I laid there with her crying and called my husband home from work to help me get her in the car. We brought her back to the specialists and they put her on IV’s. Her blood pressure was very high. They monitored her overnight and the following day we made the decision to have her put to sleep as she was not responding to the medications that they gave her for blood pressure and seizures. They said that they really don’t know what happened. They could not find a cause. They were really wonderful and I will bring my other dog to them as they were very king and compassionate and were open to my thoughts and concerns of the Deramaxx. This was a horrific experience and I am so sorry that she had to go like this. I will NEVER give Deramaxx to another one of my dogs again. I do realize it helps a lot of dogs but when you are the 1% they report that have side effects it’s torture.

    I did more research online to find side effects because a lot of people on this chain had reported more GI issues that I had read. I did find the side effects that Bella demonstrated: The

    Neurological: Lethargy, weakness, seizure, ataxia, tremor, nystagmus, mydriasis

    Sensory: Vestibular signs, glazed eyes, uveitis

    Behavioral: Aggression, apprehension

    Urinary: Hematuria, azotemia, polydipsia, polyuria, low specific gravity, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infection, renal failure

    Cardiovascular: Bradycardia,

    Respiratory: Tachypnea, coughing

    Hematologial: Anemia, thrombocytopenia, abnormal bleeding

    Dermatological/Immunological: Fever, edema, facial/muzzle edema, pruritis, urticaris, moist dermatitis, erythema, dermal ulceration/necrosis.

    Thank you again Amy for writing this Blog. It has helped me try to work through this and understand what was going on with Bella. This is the first pet I have had to put down and she has been in my life for 11 years and I am just devastated! I only wish I would have listened to you and the other people on this blog instead of my vet. Bella may still be with us.

    Dawn Rudolph

    1. Dawn, I am so sorry. I hate that this happened to Bella! I hate that medication. 😦 Her symptoms sound a lot like my Holly’s, though Holly didn’t suffer the seizures. And your vet experience is just like ours was, and like many others here. They don’t listen. My vet said the same thing. I can still see the smug look on his face. “Well, we can’t believe everything we read on the internet, now can we?” I can’t believe your vet didn’t even provide you the literature that comes with the medication. That’s exactly what the Novartis lawsuit said vets are supposed to provide with the medication. That’s their solution to this problem. It makes me so angry!!!! And I hate that this happened to you and you’re going through this now. Thank you for sharing Bella’s story here. It does help. I hope you’ll also report the situation to Novartis (though you’ll likely face backlash). I hate this, and I’m so sorry. 😦

      1. mapearce1019 says:

        High blood sugar, too, is a cocequence of Deramaxx. Note that humans with high blood sugar can have eye problems as a result; they can go blind from it. There are lavish conventions for vets put on by these drug companies, and of course, Deramaxx is right front and center.

        Click on Deramaxx on that chart. 30 cases of blindness in 2006 alone, and that’s only what was reported, and as many of us have experienced, Deravetts will do anything to pass the blame away from their precious drug- they often won’t report.

        We left the vet’s office with the vet sitting there, banging her fists on her knees, chanting, “there are no know cases of blindness due to Deramaxx.” As if trying to brainwash herself..

        I’ve had to reconcile myself to my Scottie’s blindness, and the part I played in his losing his sight. The vet said it was “no big deal”, also.
        It’s like these kickback drug vets have no heart for animals. If her eyes were in the palm of my hand, I think she’d change her tune about how big a deal blindness is.

      2. Chet says:

        Perhaps it’s time to threaten with law suits. Maybe vets will think twice before prescribing.

      3. I was thinking that too.

      4. Dawn says:

        Thank you for the link to reported side effects. I called today and reported the adverse reactions and The vet that takes the information asked if she could get all of the records for Bella from the various places we took her trying to find out what was wrong with her. I provided her with all of the information. Of course she asked if there was an autopsy. I really wish we could have done one just to help prove that it was the Deramaxx. After spending over $2500.00 we just couldn’t spend anymore. My vet is still in denial that it was the Deramaxx but I think he just doesn’t want me to blame him. We have been going to him for 11 years now, but after this situation I just can’t go back. We will be looking for a new Vet for our 11 y.o. lab. Thank you for all of the information and stories everyone has shared. It has really helped in the healing process and I’m glad I know now what this medication can do. I will never use it again!!!

      5. Hi Dawn. It figures they’d want an autopsy report. Makes me so angry. I think you’re definitely making the right decision finding a new vet. We had to do the same thing. Not only couldn’t we trust our previous vet’s judgment anymore, we didn’t want the pain of going back in there and reliving the awful memories again and again. Our new vet is not only incredibly compassionate, he doesn’t prescribe Deramaxx. So they do exist. I hope you find a good one in your area. Thank you for sharing Bella’s story here. Her story will help save other dogs and families suffering the same fate. Wishing you peace.

      6. mapearce1019 says:

        I’m sorry that nothing could be done. The Purdue researcher was in denial, but my vet was not. The push of this product, with the company not telling vets of ALL of the many side effects, perhaps blurred his vision of the truth.

  148. Here is an article from 2003 explaining the science behind the adverse reaction some dogs have to Deramaxx: If you’re having doubts about giving your dog this med, I suggest printing this out and taking it to your vet.

    1. Dawn says:

      I just read this article. It is good. I think I am going to print it and mail it to my old vet! actually, I should give it to all four and now five that I have talked to in the last month. None of them really seem to be aware of the very harmful affects. They all have said they have never experienced the problem we had with Bella. It’s crazy though, because all of these stories and articles describ EXACTLY what happen to our BELLA! Thanks for the article…

  149. I recently found a series of articles examining the “uncomfortable” relationship between veterinarians and drug companies. It pretty much confirms the appalling conflict of interest involved with vets acting simultaneously as medical advisors and drug salesmen. It also points out why vets get away with it–a pet’s legal status as “property” severely limits a vet’s potential cash liability should he or she make a mistake. So whereas a medical doctor’s financial responsibility for a human’s death occurring due to that doctor’s negligence and/or incompetence can result in a multimillion dollar wrongful death suit–which presumably would weed out many bad doctors–a vet’s financial responsibility is limited to, at most, the cash value of the pet and reimbursement of any medical bills incurred. At the same time, vets have the full support of the drug companies, and they are making a good percentage of their revenue from selling high-priced drugs. Further, it’s obviously much easier for vets to give a pet owner the brush off than it would be for a medical doctor to explain away a blunder in human medical care. Vets can prescribe effectively the same kinds of dangerous, high-priced NSAID drugs that have been found to be dangerous–and even deadly–in humans and be held to a very limited standard of responsibility should a pet get sick or die. Increased profits, perquisites from the drug companies, and virtually non-existent liablility for incompetence and substandard care have made today’s veterinary industry astonishingly open to corruption and purely material motivations. All of this is obviously at odds with what any kind of healthcare should be–a thoughtful, idealistic pursuit. In any case, I can’t let go of the fact that my little pal died as a result of manifest greed and wilful incompetence.

    Here’s a link to the series of articles:

    Take care, everybody.

    1. Susan says:

      I was willing to spent thousands to sue my veterinarian and my lawyer told me that dogs are considered property and, as a result the veterinarian will not lose financially or otherwise. He said the veterinarian’s insurance company will pay out very little and as a result his insurance premiums will also not be increased. I spoke to several lawyers all with the same result. I was so frustrated I did not even write to the veterinarian Board. My Porter died 18 months ago and I have done nothing to avenge his wrongful death. Please let’s do something as a group to try and get rid of this drug. This site is good because it has saved many of our beloved pets, but I wish we could somehow do more. I am not going to let this go.

      1. Cynthia Ortiz says:

        Please file a complaint with the manufacturer. I am in the process of doing so..

  150. Mandy says:

    Hello! I just want to share that my Fluffy (Japanese Spitz) was confined yesterday because she doesn’t want to eat, drink and she can’t move. I was worried so I rushed her in the clinic. She was given a Vit B Complex, Amino Acid and pain reliever via IV route. The vet said she has an arthritis and told that Fluffy has to take Glucosamine. Since Fluffy doesn’t want to drink any kinds of medicine orally, I searched a flavored pill for arthritis. I’m from Philippines and my sister is in the USA now for vacation. I told her to buy Deramaxx for Fluffy so that she can be well, but after reading this, I feel so lucky because I am now aware of what possible can happen. I’m so sad to all the victims of this medicine. Thank you for posting this information. Rest in Peace, Holly. 😦

  151. CJ Burk says:

    I so appreciate this article and all the comments I have read. I have a 15 year old black Lab named Mason that is on Deramaxx and has been for 2 years. Prior to being on it his movement had become so painful some days it was all he could do to go out for potty trips. When my doctor prescribed it it was like a miracle, after maybe a week he hopping and playing with our beagle again and eager to get outside. However I was not aware of all the risked with this drug and am soooo glad I found your blog because my 7yr old beagle recently suffered a sprain and was prescribed this drug and because of the outcome with Mason I was not reluctant to give it to him. He has had no reaction thus far but I will discontinue giving it to him and here is why. My thoughts are this….my husband has arthritis, it runs in his family and it’s the severe kind. He has already at 57 had a knee and hip replacement so I have a little insight to just how awful the pain is. During watching TV one evening with my husband a commercial for cylabrex came on you know the one with 5 minutes of disclaimers of side effects. I made the statement that no matter what I would NEVER take that drug. His response was ‘yes you would’ if you hurt bad enough you will take whatever helps. Here is how your blog has changed my thinking….where Mason is concerned I think it is the kinder thing to do to keep him on it. His quality of life has increased 10 fold. Starting today though I will make sure it is only given with his food in crushed form and followed with milk to help protect his intestines. I may try cutting back to every other day as well. All of his blood work in regular visits have been normal. But when it comes to my younger dogs like my beagle I will not give this drug for simple injuries that will heal with time. I don’t think this is a go to drug for what ever hurts. I think it should only be prescribed for extreme cases such as Masons. I didn’t read the papers given with the prescription so I don’t know if I was warned of the side effects. I do know that with each refill I get the long paper work telling about the drug so I’m going to guess all the side effects are listed. I haven’t in the past bothered to read those but certainly will in the future. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss and the loss of so many others on here and out there, senseless deaths are so hard to except. This is in no way taking up for or encouraging people to use this drug, I am only saying it has a place. I can tell you my beagle had his last dose last night and I can already feel myself watching him like a hawk for any sign of disaster. Thank you so much for sharing your story and pain with the rest of us so that we may learn from each other. Our dogs are our family/kids and to lose one in such a terrible way, well there’s just no words. Thank you again for sharing.
    CJ Burk
    Buford, Georgia

    1. Janet says:

      CJ I understand your thoughts on Deramax. I can’t say that I will never give another dog Deramax but I will search out an alternative first. Watch your dog closely and if you see anything out of the ordinary please get him check ASAP. Follow your gut instinct. It is great that your Vet is doing bloodwork, many do not. I wish Mason many more comfortable days.

  152. Cynthia Ortiz says:

    I just put my beloved pet to sleep, his name was Jeffrey. He tore his ACL and was prescribed Deracoxib trade name Deramaxx. Within three days he began to vomit and showed signs of renal failure. I immediately took him to my vet who immediately sent him to the ER. I will cut to the chase. He developed an ulcer which ruptured in his duodenum. He became septic and needed immediate surgery. While he survived the surgery and subsequent pneumonia he developed clots, stroked and was eventually put to sleep. My dog was perfectly healthy until he took this medication. I am in the process of filing a complaint with the manufacturer my vet is assisting with the process. I encourage everyone to file a complaint. If I don’t his death will be reported as a stroke but nobody will ever know he only had one because he had this ruptured ulcer which landed him in the hospital. I feel strongly that no other pet owner should go through this. Spread the word: my condolences to all.

  153. Larry D says:

    I came across this article just recently. And, while it has been some time since these events I’m sure you still think about Holly almost every day. We have a 6 year old Bordernese. I also have a lovely wife and two wonderful boys (11 and 13) and, while I would never “choose” one family member over another, I would still say that our Bordernese is the sweetest creature I’ve every met. All dogs are special, and the collie mixes are in a special class of their own. You clearly loved Holly very deeply and I’m sure Holly is waiting for you in dog heaven.

    1. Thank you, Larry. I appreciate your kind words. We have a Bordernese, too!

  154. fur says:

    I’m kind of breaking the mold here but I just wanted to share my experience with Deramaxx so far…..I have a 14 year old female Lab/Dalmation mix, and we’ve been through thick and thin together, she is my “baby girl”, she means the world to me. She has liver disease (diagnosed at 8 years with routine bloodwork before a dental cleaning), chronic pancreatitis and possibly Cushings syndrome (lab tests were inconclusive and it was recommended to have another low dose dexamethasone test done). She had been relatively active until 11years (she was obsessed with her frisbee, I mean obsessed to the point of even taking it to bed with her, playing in the house while we watched tv,etc,etc!!) when a knee injury then slowed her down, I believe it was a partial tear of the ligament but I declined surgery because of her age and liver function…..older dogs generally don’t handle anesthesia well because they don’t metablolize the drugs properly.
    So, she has just generally had a nice, relaxing retirement, as I say! We even had to hide her frisbees at times because she just didn’t know when she had had enough….she would become lame if she played too much. Within the last six months, her elbow joints became inflammed and swollen and at times quite painful for her to move around. I had asked my vet about NSAIDS to help with her pain. She was nervous to put her on anything because of her liver function. It has improved dramatically with the introduction of a liver supplement called Therabites. It contains milk thistle and B vitamains and has made the world of difference for her liver (This prescribed by my awesome vet!). So, instead we tried Tramadol, but it made her drowsy and I was worried about her falling down stairs and hurting herself futher.
    So in September, I asked my vet again about NSAIDS for pain management. We discussed at length the risks and benefits, signs and symptoms of reaction, and just about everything else. We want her to have a good quality of life in her senior years. She prescribed Deramaxx 50mg daily as needed and with every dose of Deramaxx, give Omeprazole 20mg with it, to prevent stomach and duodenal ulceration………..We have been doing that and monitoring her closely and there has been a huge improvement in her pain…..I can’t say I see any side effects/symptoms….I was genarally giving them 3-4 per week……so I’m hopeful that things will continue as they are…..I just picked up refills of both today with an appointment booked within the next month for follow-up bloodwork. I have to say that I absolutely LOVE my Vet. She is cautious when she needs to be, and provides me answers to all my questions. She is so accomadating to me and my pet, I even get to draw the bloodwork myself and bring it to them for processing.
    After reading about all of these bad experiences and tramatic events, I was saddened, but I hope that pet owners will be proactive and question what their vet prescribes. You can take the time to research things, ask other pet owners about their experiences. You don’t need to be pushed into something that you’re not sure about. Take your time and make informed decisions Ask for blood tests, ask about risks/benefits. And if you’re not happy with the answers or the support from your vet, find a new one. I did. And it’s the best choice I could have made. I want the best for my girl for how ever long she has left with me. It’s your pet’s health and wellbeing that matters, and when they’re happy, you’re happy. I realize that it’s a fine line with my dog’s health and I will continue to be cautious with this drug, but at least I can say I made an informed decision. And I’m ok with that.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Fur. I appreciate you writing in and sharing your experience, especially mentioning the Therabites. That sounds like a great product. One of the commenters here who almost lost her dog to Deramaxx used milk thistle to help restore his liver function. Your comment helps prove that’s a good route to take when dealing with liver damage due to meds. It sounds like you have a very knowledgeable and med-savvy vet. That is great! She followed the prescribed protocol for administering NSAIDs. Unfortunately, those of us who lost dogs to Deramaxx followed the advice of vets who weren’t informed or chose not to follow protocol. And that’s part of the reason why our dogs died. Deramaxx definitely helps some dogs, but to some it is poison. Some of us just found that out too late and paid the consequence. Thanks again for writing. I wish you the best and your dog continued health.

    2. Michelle says:

      Hi fur! I’m so glad you posted this. It goes to show that there are vets out there that are knowledgable about this drug! My 13 year old golden has been on 50mg (sometimes 75mg if weather is bad) a day for over a year now. He gets routine blood tests and I am VERY cautious about giving the medication with food and an acid reducing med. I’m also constantly on the look out for blood in urine or stool and other such symptoms of poisoning from deramaxx. I feel so deeply for those that have absolutely horrifying experiences with this medication and feel a very strong sense of anger towards those vets who ignored protocol and concerns from pet parents. I do believe something should be done about this. It is a disgrace that so many animals have died from this drug mainly because vets did not warn pet parents of the risks and side effects. Your advice is great. Ask questions ALWAYS.

  155. Keller says:

    This afternoon, I posted a reply about my dog’s death from Deramaxx but it isn’t on this site. Do you monitor the comments for appropriateness? Mine was very appropriate.

    1. Hi Keller. I do monitor comments, and approved yours just a little while ago and posted a reply. You posted your comment in reply to Amanda’s story above.

      1. Sharon says:

        Hello. I am very concerned about giving my dog this drug. I have 9 yr old american bull dog/lab mix named Pebbles and she has hip displasia. She has been only on it for 3 days. She seems a whole lot better. She was limping and was very stiffed. My vet said she would have a blood test in 2 wks to make sure she is OK
        Please let me know if i you have any information for me.

      2. Hi Sharon. The fact your vet is doing blood work to monitor her while on the drug is a good sign. If I were you I would discuss my concerns with your vet, maybe even showing her the stories here, and see what she says. It sounds, though, like your dog is in good care. Some dogs do well on Deramaxx and benefit from it. Hopefully that is the case with Pebbles. Wishing you and your dog the best!

      3. Michelle says:

        Hi Sharon! I remember I found these stories a year and a half ago when my vet put my then 12 year old golden retriever on deramax for arthritis. Well I just took him to the vet this past Saturday for his 6 month blood work check up and his blood work was basically perfect. Nothing wrong at all! Stitch gets 50 milligrams once a day but can take up to 75 on a bad day. (Like when the weather is bad) I ALWAYS give it 3o minutes after he has eaten and taken a Pepcid ac. Someone else here mentioned she does that as well but with omnaprazole. My vet did a baseline blood work before giving it to him and then again two weeks later to make sure nothing had changed. After that is was every 6 months. My golden is now 13 and has been on deramax for a little over a year and a half and has done wonderfully. Now don’t get me wrong, it is a medication you need to be very cautious with. My vet told me the side effects and told me to stop giving it at any hint of those side effects immediately, however if it works for your fur baby it is worth it because it gives them such a new lease on life. In those first two weeks just be very cautious and on the lookout for the various side effects. (Blood in stool, urine, lethargy, vomitting and so on) Good luck!

      4. It’s encouraging to hear stories like this. I wish our vet had been as informed and not so arrogant. Most of all I wish I’d listened to my gut. 😦

  156. Jason says:

    Oh my gosh, this is all so heartwrenching. I took my 12 year old boxer into, as many say, my trusted vet on Monday (today is thursday) to have a gun looked at. I brought up about how she’s been groaning when laying and getting up, and wondered about arthritis, we started her on Deramaxx. I hate medicines for myself, I wish I had researched this before giving it to her. She had a 12.5mg dose Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I won’t be giving her anymore. So far she has shown no signs of a reaction, as a matter of a fact, I was bragging today about how she’s been running and jumping like she’s 2 years old again. She weighs 53 pounds and it looks like the 12.5mg was on the low-end of the dosage scale. I just hope and pray that all stays well with my baby girl. Does anyone have any tips to try and offset these dosages?

    1. Hi Jason. Some dogs do well on Deramaxx, and your dog might be one of them, which would be great. There are some, though, who don’t metabolize the medicine correctly and it causes severe damage to their systems, as was the case with Holly and many of the other dogs you can read about in the comments here. Is your vet doing anything to monitor your boxer while she’s on the Deramaxx? The drug literature says dogs should have baseline blood work done before giving the drug and then every so many weeks while taking it. You should also look for signs of adverse reaction (lethargy, lack of appetite, depression, lack of coordination, excess thirst, vomiting, etc.). Thankfully your dog didn’t show those signs. Holly didn’t either at first. It was after a week or so for her. I’m not sure about dosages, but someone else may chime in with information. If I were you, I would take the information you’ve found here and your concerns to your vet and see what he or she says. If your vet blows you off, I would suggest seeking another opinion. Unfortunately, some vets aren’t aware of the adverse effects of NSAIDs. If your vet is receptive, ask for monitoring to make sure she doesn’t suffer any internal damage from the med. The drug literature also suggests giving the dog pepcid to protect the stomach lining and that the drug always be given with food. As far as dosages go, I’m no expert by any means. Holly weighed about 50 pounds and was on 25mg. I wouldn’t use that as a guideline, though, given how her story ended. Again, I would ask your vet. Most of all, I would trust your gut.

      Does anyone else out there have any advice to offer?

      Wishing you and your boxer the best, Jason. Thanks for writing.

      1. Jason says:

        I love your passion and attention to the blog. Unfortunately he did not talk about any follow up bloodwork, we did initial and everything was fine, though it sounds like it was that way for others as well. My gut says I’ll be leaving her off of it, and watching for any of those odd symptoms. I just wonder if it would be too late to give a pepcid as her last dose was of the deramaxx was over 24 hours ago?

      2. It wouldn’t hurt to give her the Pepcid. I probably would just to be safe. If it’s not a situation where she *needs* the Deramaxx, I wouldn’t give it to her. Have you considered other options, like glucosamine supplements? I know there are a lot of comments on this post, but a couple of them have some good info on alternative treatments for arthritis and joints. I’ll see if I can find them and post them again. 🙂

      3. Hi again. I went back through the comments and found some options you might want to consider.

        I can recommend Dasuquin as a supplement for joints. One of my dogs did very well on it.

        Also, a friend of mine had a dog paralyzed from a back injury recover function after going through acupuncture. I would definitely look into it for your boxer’s hips.

        A vet commented on this post with recommendations of Adequan, syncvisc, and hyaluronic acid.

        Another commenter recommended evening primrose oil as an anti inflammatory.

        Another suggested carafate to coat the stomach lining when taking meds like Deramaxx.

        Also milk thistle helps protect the liver.

        I hope this is helpful! I definitely think it’s a wise choice to try non-NSAIDs treatments as much as possible.

        Others who frequent this thread may have more suggestions as well. 🙂

      4. Linda says:

        Wasn’t there a suggestion of Gabapentin as well?

      5. Keller says:

        My Rottie girl was on gabapentin and a host of other meds when she was put on Deramaxx and died 10 days later. An excellent website to check medication interactions is and I would suggest that anyone who has a new med prescribed for a dog (or cat) check this site for potential serious interactions. If I had known about this site when Deramaxx was prescribed for my precious girl, I would have refused to give her ANY NSAID. I dearly wish that I could turn back time and had stuck to my gut instinct to not give her Deramaxx. My husband and I are still traumatized and devastated by her needless death. Words cannot describe the extent and intensity of our frustration and pain.

        I, myself, am on gabapentin and it has changed my life for the better. That doesn’t mean that is a game changer for a dog. My girl had so many issues from her previous wretched life of serious abuse and neglect that we needed behavioral meds to enable her to benefit from the wonderful home that we gave her.

      6. Thank you, Linda and Keller, for sharing your info and experiences! ❤

      7. Jason says:

        So I called the vet this morning and asked about the pepcid and they said it would be a good idea….thanks for telling me on Monday….

        My pet sitter recommended chondritin or pet thrive, have you heard of either of those?

      8. Keller says:

        Pepcid, good. 10 minutes before a meal. Our boy with chronic kidney failure takes sucralfate (Rx from Walmart) and has done so for many, many years with no problems. Both protect the stomach. He is also on Tramadol and Metacam, an NSAID, all prescribed by our vet, who will never prescribe Deramaxx after adverse events occurred in three of her patients. Her magic number is 3. Any med that harms three animals is put on her do-not-prescribe list. She also uses alternative meds, like milk thistle, slippery elm bark for kidney failure dogs, and other such things. She also takes input from the animal owners about what they want to try. Maybe you could talk with your vet for such things.

      9. More good info! Thank you, Keller.

        Jason, I’m glad your vet is hearing your concerns. That’s a good sign.

    2. Sharon says:

      I had to take my doggy off deramaxx after a little over a week because the vet said deramaxx gave her stomach ulcers. She is doing a little better now but now she needs
      surgery for a tear in her acl

      1. Sharon, I’m sorry to hear your dog needs ACL surgery, but it’s good to hear your vet is so knowledgeable about Deramaxx. I know there are a lot of comments on this post, but if you look through them, there is a lot of good information about other ways to help your dog without Deramaxx. The one I would recommend is acupuncture. It cured my dog’s dachshund that was paralyzed by a back injury.

  157. Julia gorden says:

    Report on Cash, Great Dane. I took him off Duramaxx and he has now been on Prevacox for two months. Just had bld wrk done and all is good. He also gets Tramadol. AM feeding he gets pepcid 30 min before food and the Prevacox with his food. PM feeding – pepcid – then food-then Tramadol. My vet is all for bld tests. She likes her clients to be proactive and research and discuss treatments etc. I like her attitude because she listens and explains things well. Gabapentin also sounds good, as does Adaquan. I know that Adaquan works well with the horses and there is a canine dosage.

  158. PAMELA MARCUS says:

    I don’t even know where to begin, as I cry threw my tears, I know I have to write this.
    Mine and my sweet Ella’s nightmare began on January 13th 2016. I went to bed on Tuesday night January 12th with no worries or thoughts anything was wrong.
    On Wednesday morning, everything went wrong.
    Let me start by telling you Ella’s background. She is one of my rescue’s. She is a lab mix. I adopted her around the age of three. When I got her, she was already hit by a car and shot three times. So when I rescued her she was already on Rimadyl 75mg twice a day plus Cosequin. A few years later she had TPLO surgery on her other back leg that was not hit by the car.
    Ella had one of the sweetest, soft, easy going personalities of any dog that I know, everyone loved her. I could take her any where and she would just want to sit in the middle of the action and just get loved on.
    Within the five years that I was lucky enough to have her we tried Tramadol,Gabapentin, and Adequan at different times. Nothing really helped that much. She limped along and never complained, but it hurt me to see her that way. We always went back to Rimadyl.
    In December we went to the vet and he suggested trying Deramaxx, another NSAID that he said was safe and affective.
    Ella was on it for 10 days with no signs that I could tell or symptoms. When I woke up and looked in her eyes I knew something was wrong. I took her to my vet who gave her fluids, then sent me to a specialist, where they called me to take her to Georgia Veterinarian Specialists. We arrived there at 6:00pm at night and Ella had to have emergency abdomen surgery because she had a ulcer that burst and her stomach was septic. I can not even begin to tell you how shocked I was and how scared. The surgeon told me she had a 50/50 chance and it was probably due to the Deramaxx. Ella made it through the surgery, but had a very hard recovery. A tremendous amount of fluid kept building in her stomach. She came home for three days with a drain, but was not improving. I brought her back to GVS, and after another ultra sound they found that her Spleen was partly black because it was not getting enough blood. So my dear Ella had to have another surgery to remove her spleen. For days I was going back and forth from the hospital to visit her, spend time with her, love her and try to get her to eat. She was on many liquid antibiotics, fluids to help. She was not improving. A few days later when I thought I might be bringing her home to recuperate, the critical care vet, called me in the morning to say that she had fluid around her heart and they had to remove it. I rushed to see her before the procedure, not knowing at the time it was going to be the last time I saw her alive and gave her my last kiss and hug.
    She died while they were trying to remove fluid from her abdomen. They believe she had a clot and it went to her brain and it was immediate death. I was at the office and rushed in while they were trying CPR.
    I will never forget.
    The guilt that I feel over giving my Ella the medication is unbearable. If only I didn’t switch her medication she would still be alive. I know it was DERAMAXX that did this. If only, I tried water therapy, acupuncture, stayed on something else, I don’t know. I love her so much and what happened should have never happened. I thought I was helping her, not killing her. I have so much pain and guilt.
    After reading the stories about other people’s pets I felt I had to write this.
    I am so sorry for everyone, my heart is broken.
    I will fill out the FDA form and tell everyone I know not to use Deramaxx.
    I truly hope there is A DOG HEAVEN, all of our beloved fur babies belong there.

    1. Pamela, this is a long overdue reply to tell you how sorry I am you and your family lost Ella to this horrible drug. The symptoms you describe of her abdomen filling with fluid sound exactly like what happened to Holly. It’s horrific. I’m sorry. I wish they’d take this poison off the market. My heart hurts for you. 😦 Thank you for sharing her story here. Even though it feels like a very small thing it does help others. Hugs.

  159. Amy I believe you just saved my border collie mix, Roxy. I was just about to order Deramaxx for her arthritic hind legs. Also, the person who posted that it only took 2 doses to kill her fur baby.

    Roxy and I thank you so sincerely.

    1. Hi Monica. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this. There are other options out there when it comes to arthritis, which I hope you’ll look into (including information in the comments on this post). Wishing you and Roxy good health.

  160. Stephanie says:

    Hi Amy, and all those have dealt with the terrible effects of Deramaxx on their pets. My 7 year old golden doodle, Cooper, is currently fight for his life in the animal hospital as a result of the terrible medication. He developed sepsis after the duodenum connecting his stomach to small intestine was burned through by Deramaxx. Emergency surgery was performed and the two organs were re-connected but he is still very, very sick. He is receiving antibiotics and his stomach is being flushed in the attempt to remove the bacteria in his bloodstream. My family and I are praying that he recovers, and are truly in shock at the amount of pet owners that have experienced the same thing. I still can’t believe our trusted vet prescribed Deramaxx without alluding to these awful side effects. I’m so sorry for your loss, and I thank you for sharing your story. It helps my family and I know that we are not alone.

    1. PAMELA MARCUS says:

      I feel for you and hope everything turns out well for Cooper. That is exactly what happened to my Ella just a few weeks ago, unfortunately she did not make it. I will keep you and Cooper in my thoughts.

      1. Keller says:

        Stephanie and Pamela,

        I’m so sorry that you are going through all this. I know firsthand hat It’s heartbreaking and so unnecessary. The prescribing vet was supposed to go over everything about Deramaxx, including all the potential side effects, as well as numerous other things, before giving you the Deramaxx for your precious dog. The prescribing vet didn’t do this for me, either. It wasn’t my own vet, as she wouldn’t have prescribed Deramaxx for my beautiful girl.

        IT IS VITALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU AND EVERY OTHER PERSON WHO HAS GONE THROUGH THIS REPORT YOUR EXPERIENCE TO THE COMPANY (ELANCO) AND TO THE FDA. It is the only way that something can be done before other dogs go through the same thing.

      2. Seconding what Keller said. Thanks, Keller.

    2. Keller says:

      I’m so sorry that you are going through all this. It’s heartbreaking and so unnecessary. The prescribing vet was supposed to go over everything about Deramaxx, including all the potential side effects, as well as numerous other things, before giving you the Deramaxx for your precious dog.

      IT IS VITALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU AND EVERY OTHER PERSON WHO HAS GONE THROUGH THIS REPORT YOUR EXPERIENCE TO THE COMPANY (ELANCO) AND TO THE FDA. It is the only way that something can be done before other dogs go through the same thing.

    3. Hi Stephanie. I’m so sorry Cooper is going through this. You are definitely not alone. Praying for his recovery. 😦

    4. Dear Stephanie,

      I have lost more than one dog to that N.S.A.I.D. from Hell. I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. Anger has begun to replace my sorrow at reading one death after another from a drug that should be explained, if not pulled entirely from the market! I consider most dogs as better characters than most people, at cold vets and doctors who consider us as income. You may wish to consult a professional group to see if a lawsuit exists here. Enough is enough! How many deaths will it take for people to wake up to this carnage

      As I watched smiling people in commercials who are taking drugs that the tiny disclaimer states ” may cause strokes or death” I begin to wonder just what kind of society we are becoming and just how far will a drug company go to make a profit along with some doctors who have sold compassion for 50 pieces of silver? It seems to be nothing more than a money machine to some doctors, and they need to be shut down and more people need to know it.

      In fairness, there are many doctors out there who still care and will disclose any side effects that come with the breed and age of certain dog. They just don’t wear a ribbon or let you know which doctor or vet it is, and they seem to be in the minority, and shrinking more each day. The drug is expensive, usually needs follow up blood tests and has helped many animals and people reduce pain. The problem is that it is age and breed sensitive!

      Take care and help prevent someone else from having to go through this needless heart break. Stay strong and my prayers are with you.

      1. Keller says:

        Age and breed sensitive… My girl was 9, considered a senior citizen, as she was a Rottie.

        There was a class action suit that was settled by the drug company agreeing to add stricter wording concerning precautions and warnings, and stating that these be given to the pet owners when dispensing the med. There were other parts to this, as well. It didn’t result in the demise of Deramaxx, however. It’s a big money maker for the company and vets, so it continues to be a big seller. And it truly does help a lot of dogs. The percentage of helps vs. kills is heavily on the helps side. If everyone whose pet experiences has adverse effects were to report this to the company and the FDA, maybe there would be an impact that could possibly change things. Maybe…

        The consumers need to make their experiences known to their vets, the company and the FDA or nothing will change. Change starts with the squeakiest wheel…

      2. At one point I contacted the lawyers who handled the class action Vioxx case (Vioxx is the NSAID that killed numerous humans) to see if they’d take on Detamaxx but they said they weren’t interested in pursuing it.

      3. Keller says:

        I read about that somewhere, but I can’t get my hands on it right now. I’m making dinner, but I’ll check tonight and let you know. It wasn’t regarded as a real class action suit, if I recall, but it did force Novartis (now ELANCO) to put the precautions and warnings to the level of being mandatory, which too many vets ignore. I will say that my vet gives information sheets with each Rx that is new and even if it is a refill, and she is very careful to discuss the meds with us, giving us the option to use them or not. She really cares about us and our dogs.

  161. Brenda Smiser, a person who lost a dog to Deramaxx, shared her own story here and benefited from the support of those who participate in the ongoing discussion in the comments of this post recently, sent me the following:

    “Amy. Your comments about Deramax killings dogs has gone back at least to my dog’s death 18 months ago. I was devastated but have moved on and so should you. If you think this drug is so bad stop blogging about it and do something about it! For the love of God move the hell on or tell others how to. I am now working to promote dogie adoption and am getting new pooch tomorrow . Get off the horse and move on jeez your life can’t be all about Deramax if so file suit and move forward.”

    She posted this comment on an unrelated post on my blog. Here is the link:

    I found Brenda’s comment incredibly hurtful. Here is what I wrote to her in response (also at the link above):

    “What an amazingly ignorant thing to say. I leave the Deramaxx post up and respond to comments there to help others. That’s the work I’m doing as a result of Holly’s death. It isn’t about me, it’s about the people who’ve just lost their dogs to Deramaxx. Perhaps you should try having a little compassion for them, especially since you’re familiar with the pain. I respond when people write to me. And people continue to write to me about this issue. If you don’t like reading about it, don’t read about it. But hey, I’m so glad the Deramaxx post helped you. You’re welcome. I guess everyone else can just go to hell, huh? Mostly, though, I’d like to point out that you commented on a completely different post on my blog, and if you took a moment to actually look around, you’d see that I’m a published author. That’s also the work I do. I have no idea why you chose to leave a comment on this post that has nothing at all to do with Deramaxx. Maybe you’re afraid to post it over on the Deramaxx thread where that community of readers will see your ugly remarks? Interesting. Perhaps in the future you should just keep them to yourself or, you know, post on them on the right thread.”

    As you can tell I was pretty angry. I still am. Since Brenda’s comment, a couple more owners who lost dogs to Deramaxx have written in and shared their stories. Every time that happens my heart breaks again for Holly and all of the dogs who died violent and unnecessary deaths due to this drug. What Brenda doesn’t realize is the more people who share their stories here, the more people who offer support and advice, the higher the post gets rated in Google. Seems like a trivial thing, until it’s 2am and your dog is bleeding out on the floor and you think it might be the Deramaxx killing her and you Google “Deramaxx” and the link to Holly’s story is right there near the top of the results. That matters. That makes a difference. This post gets hundreds of hits every day from people searching for info on Deramaxx. So, Brenda, I’m not going to “move the hell on or tell others how to” because there are still people right in the middle of it. And I’m going to be there for them, meeting them where they are. Peace.

    1. PAMELA MARCUS says:

      Amy: When I found your blog I was shocked that this is has been going on. Your post made me feel like I am not alone, and I thought this whole nightmare was my fault. YOU HELPED ME SO MUCH, I am still very much grieving and will never forget Ella, but I now know I DIDN”T DO ANYTHING WRONG. Please ignore her awful, stupid, unfeeling comments. You are helping owners who have had such a loss and warning others.
      THANK YOU!!

      1. Thank you, Pamela. I really appreciate that. My heart goes out to you and everyone who’s gone through this nightmare.

    2. Julia gorden says:

      Amy, keep on posting. If I hadn’t read your post I would have kept Cash on Deramaxx for a longer period and who knows what could have happened. Because I saw your post, I took him off it immediately. My vet agreed that since I’d had good results with Prevacox that we should use it. Better to be safe than sorry. You are doing a great service. Thank you; you possibly saved Cash. Julia Gorden

    3. Michelle says:

      Wow, what a rude comment! I understand people having a right to their own opinions and the right to express said opinions, but I don’t understand someone being so blatantly rude. When her dog unfortunately passed away, she was glad for this thread. Now that SHE is over the death of her dog, she thinks everyone else should move on as well? You can not put a timeline on moving on from the death of a loved one. Whether they are human or a fur baby!!! 8 years later I still miss my black lab that died of old age. 2 years later I still miss my beagle that died of old age. 5 months later I still miss my pit bull that died of cancer. I will never forget these wonderful parts of my family. I find it rude and offensive that she would tell you and others to “move the hell on”. I feel no one has any right to tell another person to move on from their grief. I personally have not lost a dog from deramax. In fact my 13 year old golden retriever has been on it for almost 2 years and he will be on it until the day he dies. However that is not to say that I don’t feel deeply for the people and animals that have been affected by this medication. I have experienced losing a dog without warning though and it’s devastating. It is one thing to have an opinion that differs from someone, but to share it in such a rude, offensive, and aggressive way is a completely different thing. It makes me wonder: Is she really over the death of her dog? I think not. If she was, I don’t feel like she would bother with your blog, let alone to comment to tell you to move the hell on. I feel for her, in all honesty. To make that kind of comment, there has to be something in her life that she is unhappy about. Keep on keeping on, Amy. I don’t feel that deramaxx should be taken off the shelves like several of your readers have expressed they want, but I do wish it would be better regulated and vets would be more responsible and trustworthy when it comes to this medication! I know that it has hurt so many families and dogs, but I also know it has given just as many families and dogs a new lease on life. If I didn’t have deramaxx in my life, the love of my life (my golden) would not be alive today.

      1. Hi Michelle. Thank you. I agree that her comment was likely an extension of her own continued grief and anger. It just sucks she felt the need to take it out on me. I appreciate your kind words toward those who have lost a dog to Deramaxx, and want to say I’m glad to hear your dog does so well on and benefits from it. I wish him continued health and a good long life!

    4. Junk says:

      Amy- I have been following this thread for YEARS and get an email notification with every posting. When I first discovered you and wrote to you I believed my dog was one of the lucky ones, I caught it early, I discontinued use immediately, I went to the emergency vet, I gave the sucralfate to heal the ulcerations, you name it I did it.All i did was buy time/ put a bandage on. I strongly believe that once the damage from this drug has begun it can not be reversed. You are able to treat symptoms of what it has done but you are not able to cure them from the destruction. I have reported it to MANY vets, specialists, etc NONE of them filed a report. The fact that someone is able to google this drug and hear our stories and see the similarities in every case is a true life saver. For someone to suggest you are stuck in the past or need to move on as if this were your imagination is completely disgusting. You save lives everyday. We all do it together by being linked to this blog. And for any doubters lets me say this- undeniably- the amount of email notifications from new people posting to this thread has tripled in recent time. This tells me that more and more are being prescribed this drug and more and more people are discovering what we have known yet still these companies are marketing this drug as being safe and these vets are denying responsibility. If WE do not take a stand together, then tell me who will?


      1. Keller says:

        I agree completely with your comments, Junk. Your handle reminds me of the cutest little dog that my daughter and I met last summer in AZ. His name was Dumpster, because he was found in a dumpster, along with his littermates. They turned what was sad into something very cute.

        Amy, you are the the epitome of compassion and a beacon that lights up the darkest days of so many people’s lives. I desperately wanted to know what had happened to my very healthy dog and then I found you and this site. You helped to buoy me up when I felt that I was truly lost and was terribly confused about how such a dreadful thing could have happened to my beautiful girl – okay one minute and dying the next. I think what happened is that Deramaxx was absolutely contraindicated, given the drugs that she was already on. She had numerous symptoms listed as possible side effects of Deramaxx, including tachycardia (over 200 beats per minute), and that alone could have caused her to have a blood clot (stroke) that went to her brain stem and killed her. It was absolutely horrible to watch her die, to visually see the energy leave her body after she died. I had never experienced such a thing, in spite of holding many, many dogs as they were euthanized. I kick myself for not realizing that I should have requested a necropsy, as that could have enlightened me on what caused her death. On top of everything else, she had collapsed in the parking lot as we got ready to take her inside the vet clinic. A man helped my husband pick her up and she was unable to think at that point so acted on instinct when his lifting her caused her pain and she subsequently bit him right through four fingers of his hand. Because she bit him (totally not her fault, as the vet assured me), she had to have her head cut off and sent to our state lab to check for rabies. It was, of course, negative for rabies, and best of all, the man she bit healed well with no lingering effects, I was told. The whole thing was so, so traumatic.

        Amy, this forum saved me from losing my mind after all that happened, so I want you to know that you are an absolute refuge for people like me and you helped me understand that it was not my fault and enabled me to start to heal.

        I thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping this forum going year after year.

  162. Janet says:

    I want to thank you for your post. I will be reading all the links closely, but obviously not all meds are the same for all dogs. At this point, I was about ready to call Deramaxx a “miracle drug”, but I now see that I need to withhold that for some time. We have an 11 1/2 year old boxer who has declined greatly over the past few months… lost weight, won’t hardly eat, lays around a lot, struggles to get up on the bed where she loves to lay or go up a short flight of stairs, and doesn’t expend the energy to even bark. We were so worried that we took her to the vet about a month ago and they did a whole battery of tests and told us that she showed no signs of kidney disease, no infection or anything amiss and that her blood panel was great. She is just getting OLD and has arthritis. So we took her home, have added a daily vitamin, changed her food to senior food with some canned food stirred in and trying to cope with the fact that she probably is living her last days. Then last week she had a seizure which is tough to watch. We called the vet back and he prescribed a week’s worth of Deramaxx and told us to try it and see if it gave her any relief and to let him know. That was Friday. Saturday morning we gave her the first dose and had to leave on errands for a while. We came home at about 3:00 p.m. and she barked when we came in (hmmmm), and when we took her out to potty she RAN back to the door! She was like a puppy again and alert and ate better that day than she has in months. We thought it was a fluke, but yesterday and again today it is the same. She is so much better! I’m really hoping this drug makes her final days more comfortable, but obviously, we need to watch her carefully for side effect symptoms and stop the drug immediately if things change. Thanks for your informative post. The vet really didn’t give us much info with the drug, but so far, Quila is tolerating it well.

    1. I’m happy to hear it’s helping Quila feel better. I hope it continues to be beneficial. Thanks for writing and sharing your story.

    2. Keller says:

      It certainly helps some dogs, but if a dog has an adverse reaction from it, it is usually lethal. I lost my precious dog, but after crying and tearing up for so long, I’m trying now to think of only positive memories that we shared. It’s the only way I can get back on track with my life.

  163. Bev Snyder says:

    Amy- First, I am sorry for your loss. I have been through the painful experience of losing 2 Basset Hounds and each of us deal with loss in many different ways. These dogs depend on us …we are their pack leaders..they need us to help them… to save them….and then we don’t know what to do, so we turn to “experts” which can make the situation worse. Their death brought me an enormous amount of guilt. Thank you for the blog and your continued updates and effort to keep readers updated on this drug. My third Basset Riley who is 10 years old has been in pain for 2 weeks. For a 10 year old, he is active. Riley goes to the dog park in the evening, doggie day care during the day and camp on Saturday night. He is spoiled and I love him. Bassets are prone to hip dysplasa and certain painful conditions due to their long, big bodies on their short legs. He started limping and he started to take a few extra minutes to rise to his feet and he panicked whenever I was out of his sight. He started pacing and howling and peeing on the floor whenever I left him home alone. I went to the vet. They did blood work. All blood work is perfect except a Hypothyroid condition. The blood work listed the hypothyroid at 0.6 which is really out of range. They prescribed Deramaxx 25 mg 2x daily with food on Friday afternoon. Today is Sunday and I have stopped the Deramaxx. I have sat with him for 2 nights in a row and listened to him cry in pain, I’ve listened to his accelerated, labored breathing. Needless to say, his condition after 48 hours worsened and then I found your blog and I stopped the medication. I am not sure how to handle tonight and tomorrow or how to provide him comfort, but it will not involve Deramaxx. It’s just a gut feeling that I couldnt ignore that prompted me to research this drug. Thank you again for starting this blog and continuing to update it. Many people would have stopped updating long ago. In my opinion, by continuing, it shows your passion and dedication.

    1. Michelle says:

      Bev- I am in pain for you right now. I know exactly how you are feeling at this moment. Not because of Deramaxx, but just that feeling of being unable to help your fur baby and wondering if you could have prevented it. Please do not beat yourself up. Just from this comment I can tell how much you love your dogs and how much you give to them. I truly hope your story ends on a happy note, but whatever happens, it is clear you have only ever tried to do what’s best for your babies. Unfortunately some dogs react very well to Deramaxx and some react badly. I hope your vet was able to reverse the effects of the medication. Does s/he know what function the medicine has caused to fail? Please let us know.

  164. Jamie says:

    I got up last night around 12:30 am and stumbled into the kitchen to get my sick son a glass of water and an advil for a high fever. I inadvertently left the medicine box on the counter! I woke up and found that my 4 year old 100 lb lab Daisy had pulled the box off the counter and the only thing she got into was an old bottle of Deramaxx, prescribed for joint pain stemming from Lyme’s Disease. This drug was prescribed to her 2 years ago and if I remember correctly I only gave her 2 doses because I read up on it and decided to discontinue as the risk was to high and her symptoms had subsided with antibiotic therapy. Although, I kept the bottle in case she had a flair up. The original quantity in the bottle was 7. I believe she ate 4-6, 75 mg liver flavored tablets some time between 12:30 and 5:30am. She is at the vet now they induced vomiting and gave charcoal although likely too late as the Deramaxx was probably already metabolizing by the time I got her to the Vet. Daisy is being administered IV therapy and given GI meds to help coat her GI system and hopefully prevent ulcers. I pick her up tonight but won’t know if there is liver or kidney damage for about 3 days. I am sick to death from my carelessness, this horrible error could be the death of my sweet loving dog. I have decided to expose my carelessness and document this in case some one else experiences a pet with an overdose on Deramaxx. I will post follow ups on her behavior over the next 3 days and how the blood work comes back. I am optimistic and hoping for full recovery.

    1. Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear this, Jamie! Hopefully the meds coating her system will help protect her stomach and duodenum. One commenter here gave her dog milk thistle (available at health food stores) and successfully brought down his liver numbers. He recovered. I would suggest you get some and give it to Daisy when she gets home. Here’s a link on dosage: While she’s not a vet, my naturopath swears by milk thistle. Your vet may think you’re kooky for giving it to your dog, though, just FYI. I, too, am optimistic Daisy will recover! Please write again with an update. Hugs and prayers for you both.

  165. Jamie says:

    Thank you Amy, my Vet is Indian so I think culturally speaking he is more open to holistic therapy. I will read up on milk thistle, at this stage I don’t want to do anything that would interfere with coating and protecting her GI tract. This is just all so bad.

    1. Totally understandable! I would definitely ask your vet about it, then. And the link I posted has a lot of good info. Hang in there, and let me know how she does, please.

  166. Linda says:

    Milk thistle is not kooky. It is prescribed by vets under a different name, which I forget.

  167. Jamie says:

    So far so so good! No, black stools, no vomiting, eating and drinking like normal. Not lethargic. Going in this afternoon for a blood drawl.

    1. Wonderful news!! Thank you for letting me know. I hope she only continues to improve. Hugs!

  168. Julie Zitek says:

    Amy, Thank you for sharing your story. I came upon it when I was researching Deramaxx after it was prescribed to my parent’s dog post surgery. I’ve become more vigilant about what is given to our dogs after my own dog had an adverse reaction to Bravecto. I wanted to share my story here to help other people even though it isn’t the same drug. Last May I gave all four of my dogs Bravecto. At the time it was a relatively new, 3 month, oral flea and tick preventative. Three of my dogs vomited after taking the pesticide. My oldest dog became lethargic, nauseated, and eventually suffered from liver and kidney failure. One month after her first and only dose, we had to euthanize her to end her suffering. I posted about this experience on Now there is a Facebook page called Does Bravecto Kill Dogs. People from around the world have posted stories of adverse reactions, some resulting in death, on this page. Please, please read about this drug/pesticide before giving it to your beloved dog. Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Julie. Thank you so much for writing and sharing your story. I’ve never heard of Bravecto. How scary! I’m so sorry this happened to you. Thank you for your work in spreading this info!

  169. Kelayna Schissler says:

    My dog also had a severe adverse reaction to Deramaxx. This was about 5 years ago. We thought he had somehow injured his back when he jumped off the vet table at one of his regular check-ups. He was an otherwise healthy, spunky dog with no medical problems, then all the sudden, he couldn’t hold his head up right and wasn’t playing like he normally does. We eventually took him in to get looked at and the vet prescribed Deramaxx. I gave him his first dosage in the car ride home. That evening, he wasn’t acting right at all. He was stumbling all over the house as if he was drunk. He’s rear legs eventually became lame and he collapsed outside, so I had to bring him in. I put him in his crate and decided to call the vet the next morning since all the vet clinics were closed for the night. The next morning, I’m on the phone and look over in his crate and he’s foaming at the mouth and seizing! I drop the phone, pick him up, and run over to my neighbors house. We lived overseas at the time, so I had no idea where the closest vet office was located. I knew he would not survive the 30 minute drive to our normal vet clinic. She took me to one down the road. I tried frantically to give him CPR in the car, but it just wasn’t working. By the time we got to the vet clinic, his tongue and mouth were blue from the lack of oxygen. They quickly started working on him and gave him a blood transfusion. This was a Japanese vet, so the language barrier was a problem, but long story short, they were able to save his life. I know it was all caused by the Deramaxx. He was a vibrant, healthy dog other than his new back injury, so I know he had a bad reaction to the drug since the unusual symptoms appeared right after his first dosage. Fast forward 5 years later, and I’m happy to report that he’s doing just fine. He’s a senior dog now, and still has to deal with his old back injury, but we’ve had him on low dose prednisone for the past couple years, and he’s been doing fine with that. All drugs come with risks, and although this drug probably has helped many dogs, it nearly killed mine. I would caution a/one before giving this drug (or any drug) for that matter to read up on the list of side effects and if something doesn’t seem right, take your pet to the vet right away.

  170. Cheri says:

    I had to take my senior Husky, Lacey, to the after hours vet yesterday because she was suddenly unable to get up and was drooling heavily. Not sure what was going on, we quickly took her to the vet. Of course by the time we got there, she was fine and the vet, whom I’d never seen before (there are 4-5 at this practice) checked her over by hand, took her temperature and prescribed Deramaxx for her. He told me to give her one when we got home. No mention of any side effects or anything.

    When we got home, because I didn’t have a chance to Google the side effects, I chose not to give Lacey the meds, because a few years ago, I’d taken in my perfectly healthy dog, Sadie, to my then vet after a particularly bad day of not being able to get up. She was prescribed the NSAID ‘Previcox’ and I was told to give her an antacid with it because it could cause “Tummy Troubles”. Having no reason to not believe she knew what she was doing and talking about, I followed her instructions. After about 3 doses, spread out over the course of a week, on her “bad” days, Sadie stopped eating, which was something she never did, and she had the tarry diarrhea and other symptoms that come with the side effects of the drug. When I would call my vet’s office, she was always out already for the day or whatever, but the assistant kept telling me to just keep an eye on her. Finally, I insisted I bring Sadie in. By then, she was too far gone and passed away at the vet. When the vet called me, she had the audacity to say “Well, Sadie WAS 13 1/2 years old”. She said she had patients that had done really well on Previcox when I told her about the side effects. I haven’t been back since.

    Needless to say, I will carry the guilt around for the rest of my life for killing the sweetest dog I’ve ever owned and didn’t deserve to die such a slow and painful death. It was a very hard lesson learned about not blindly trusting vets who are pill pushers just like people vets and are uneducated on side effects and frankly, don’t even seem to care as they will ultimately make good money from you if your pet does have a bad reaction to the vet because then they can run tests, prescribe more things, etc., etc. And if you call the manufacturer to report the death, you get some uncaring person on the other end of the phone that takes down all the information and couldn’t care less that you are going through hell because of their drug. In Previcox’s case, the human version, Vioxx, was pulled off the market because it was killing people. Apparently, it’s ok to kill dogs though.

    Like Amy, when I finally got worried and googled the side effects of ‘Previcox’ I was HORRIFIED at the thousands of stories out there. So many young and healthy dogs that were prescribed this drug were killed and there is no recourse you can take with anyone, including your vet.

    I’ve since been to about 4 other vets, including this one yesterday, for just regular visits and an emergency visit for one of my cats a few months ago and here is my takeaway. Do anything and everything to keep your pets away from vets. Do your research. Pets don’t need yearly vaccinations or the all the pills and preventatives the vets push on us. We are poisoning our pets and killing them. Cats and dogs shouldn’t get cancer. Our vets love it though when they do, because then look at all the money they make. They don’t make money from healthy pets. Read the ingredients on the pet foods. Some of the worst offenders are sold at the vet’s office. Check out for ratings based on ingredients. And finally, look at homeopathic remedies to things. My lab developed a limp after a hard play session in our pond and I was able to cure it with supplements that didn’t kill her. I have all my seniors on ‘Missing Link’ and they are all doing wonderful. is a great resource for treating all kinds of things for both people and pets.

    We have to stop this insanity of blindly following vets. Gone are the days when greed or incompetence weren’t part of their routine. These dangerous drugs are prescribed like treats to trusting pet owners who are only trying to do what is best for our beloved family member and we (and our pets) are paying the consequences from the nasty side effects that nobody bothers to mention. We now have the internet to research alternative treatments and products and I always do that first, unless like Lacey’s case yesterday, it’s an emergency, but I certainly will still research the side effects of any drugs any vet prescribes before giving them to any of my pets. Going to the vet is never my go-to plan with anything any more. Stories like this one prove my point. RIP Holly.

    1. Keller says:

      My comment should have been by Keller, not Jude.

  171. Jude says:

    I totally agree with you, Cheri. I lost our girl nearly a year ago when a vet overseeing her physical rehab, who didn’t know her history or the medsshe was on, prescribed Deramaxx for her, insisting that she needed it, and my healthy girl died, was not euthanized, but died. To this day, anything that reminds me of her makes me tear up and then I feel anger mixed with fear of using any meds with any more dogs.

    My vet won’t prescribe Deramaxx, but when I asked her what she felt had happened to my dog, saying that the info cautions against using Deramaxx with senior dogs or with dogs who are on other specific meds, she said that manufacturers always say that! I’m a senior citizen and those same precautions are relevant for me, so why not for a senior dog?

    She did say that my girl died a terrible, terrible death and that it was very traumatic and horrible for us. I would certainly agree with that! I told her that I wanted to try homeopathic care for our new girl, and she was very comfortable with that.

    I bought Bravecto soft chews for protection against ticks for my new girl, but I haven’t given it to her as I’m afraid that it might kill her. Once burned…

    I agree with everything you said, including the cost of meds like Deramaxx, which is over $3 a day. That’s a big markup that gives many vets (not my vet) incentive to prescribe it.

  172. Cheri says:

    In my rambling about vets and their pill pushing, I forgot to mention that this most recent vet, that saw Lacey on Saturday, prescribed her Deramaxx, which is how I found this site. After killing my beloved Sadie, I vowed never to give another one of my animals any medication without first doing a google search. Thankfully, this site popped right up on the first page when I googled “Deramaxx”side effects”. It’s like reading stories about Previcox all over again and my heart breaks for each and every person. Not sure if there is for Deramaxx, but there is a FB page “Previcox killed my dog” or something similar that everyone needs to join so more than just this one site pops up when people google the side effects. They should be overwhelmed with the stories of suffering and loss instead of all the five star reviews and sales pitches.

    The kicker to this most recent story involving my experience with Deramaxx is that when I called the vet yesterday (Monday) the first day they were back in the office after our Saturday after-hours visit, I explained that my dog had been prescribed Deramaxx and after coming home and googling the side effects, which included death, and because I’ve already killed one dog that way, I am not interested in giving this to my dog and asked if I could return them for a refund. I was told she would have to check with the Dr.(s) and call me back. Today, Tuesday, late afternoon, no call back, so I called them and spoke to a different lady. I explained who I was and that the medication had bad side effects that I didn’t know about until I came home and checked online and I was not going to risk giving it to my dog. She knew who I was and said the vets said since the pills had left the building, they could not give me a refund. So I said “I guess I’m stuck with them.” No apology, nothing. Apparently, they hoped by not calling me back as they’d said they would, I’d just go away?? Lesson learned. Make the bleeping vets stand there and wait while I google the side effects of whatever it is they are wanting to prescribe since they obviously won’t tell me and won’t refund me if I check the side effects and choose not to give it to my pet. This vet just made $14 off me and I’m now stuck with meds that I wouldn’t give my dog if you paid me. That may not seem like much, but when you have 11 cats and dogs that you’ve taken in that need homes when they are unceremoniously dumped out in the country, what are you to do? This vet knew that too, but apparently doesn’t care since he already got his money; $85 for the inconclusive after-hours visit plus $14 for a few poison pills. This is just how every vet I’ve been to around here is. It’s sad. Again, why I said in my previous post, I do everything in my power to avoid taking my animals to the vet and instead, look for home remedies, which are really quite easy to find with google searches or even searching Amazon, which is how I found “Missing Link” that I give to all three of my seniors in powder form on their food and I don’t have to do trickery or whatever to get them to take it. They all actually like it and it makes them all move so much better. I can’t recommend it highly enough and this is coming from someone who has used about every joint and arthritic supplement on the market for my senior dogs over the years trying to find what works the best. When my lab had her limp, I believe I used Glycoflex 3 to get her back up and running. All dogs are different and respond differently, but I’m willing to try 10 things that are safe that don’t work than 1 that might and may also kill them.

    1. Keller says:

      My heart breaks for every single one of you who have been devastated by Deramaxx or any other drug that killed or harmed your pet. You were wise to toss your $14 Rx and seek an alternative means to ease your Lacey’s pain. Thank you for the info on “Missing Link” and I will check that out for our very sweet new Rottie we adopted who has hip and elbow arthritis.

  173. Debbie says:

    My Maddi died from this terrible drug on Sept 3. She was a sheltie. She pretty much died the same way your pup did. Except my Maddi died at 2:45 am in my husbands arms on the way to the emergency vet. It was horrible. She was to good of a dog to have died the way she did. Heartbroken in ATL

    1. Keller says:

      Debbie, my heart breaks for you for having to go through this tragedy. It’s likely that you may have a long journey before your heart heals enough for your pain to become more bearable. She and all the other dogs who were prescribed this awful med didn’t deserve to die this way.

      We lost our beloved Penny last November after taking 10 pills of Deramaxx. She, too, died a horrible death. The whole past year has been difficult for me, as she was my heart dog, the one who made my heart sing, and I loved her so totally and completely. As the anniversary of her death approaches, I am once again reliving the trauma of how she died, and revisiting this site is helping to restore my inner balance.

      Please know that you have many friends on this site, and may knowing that you are not alone help ease your grief. Try very hard not to blame yourself for this tragedy because it wasn’t your fault. Take time to grieve and be especially kind to yourself and seek comfort in any way you can. Writing on this site is one way of helping you to express your sorrow and even your anger. Good luck.

  174. Therese R. says:

    Hi, Amy – Am so glad you wrote this article and shared your experience with us. Holly was a beautiful girl, and I was heartbroken as I read about the way she suffered and the devastation her horrible death caused your family. I have a Border Collie of my own – his name is Eddy. He is 5 and a half years old. He is my heart and my life. As I read your story, my dog was curled up on the couch next to me. I could not imagine having to see him, or any animal suffer the agony your Holly did. I also have a 5 year old, 18-pound Norfolk Terrier mix named Bentley. I call him by many nicknames – my Little Red Dog, my sour Haribo Gold Bear, my sweet Monsieur Donkey. Today, Bentley had a dental cleaning and a ripped dew claw repaired (he tore it to the quick while at the dog park yesterday – ouch!). When I went to pick up Bentley this afternoon, my veterinarian gave me a prescription for Bentley for Deramaxx — 12 mg once a day for one week for pain. All I can say is I am so glad I decided to google “Deramaxx side effects” before I gave Bentley the pills! Thanks so much for sharing your experience with Duramaxx with us all. You have saved a life tonight. Those pills are in the garbage. Bless your Holly girl, along with you and your family, both furry and human. If my Bentley has pain in the morning, I will take him back to the vet and ask for another kind of pain relief.

  175. good explanation..
    quality help thanks for sharing

  176. Ed Selby says:

    My 8 year old GSD is on Deramaxx right now for Lumbosacral Stenosis. He has been on it for a week, but in the last few days he went from playful to lethargic – from he’ll eat anything to he doesn’t even want a piece of steak.

    Fortunately, our vet finds this change in behavior very alarming, and wants to see him in the office today.

    The links no longer work – the site is dead

    1. Jude Gagner says:

      Where did you find the link? Was it with your prescription? Does the info come from the FDA or Elanco or Novartis? Please respond and maybe I can help you.

  177. Keller says:

    Ed, where did you find the link? FDA, Novartis, Elanco? Was it in the literature that was included with your prescription? Maybe I can help you. It seems that your description is consistent with Deramaxx.

    My neighbor’s dog just bled out and died and I will ask her what med the dog was on. She was only 4 y.o. and her symptom are the same as what you are describing.

  178. Christiane says:

    Hi Amy,

    I empathize with your situation and am glad you posted this. My dog was put on Deramaxx about a week ago, after she was hit by a car. I will be taking her off this medicine immediately, thanks to your post.

    That said, Amy, I think you need to take a step back and really think about the scientific AND statistical evidence of your claim here. Several dogs (and humans) respond negatively to NSAID’s, for many reasons (with most related to the side affects, yes). BUT this is why it is so important for us to practice diligent attentiveness to our dogs whole health, in a holistic perspective, rather than reacting to their symptoms. I myself have been guilty of this. My questions for you:

    Do you have any reason to believe that your dog would have been better off on another non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as Previcox or Rimadyl?
    It is possible (and probably likely) that your dog had some pre-existing condition (given the reason for your vet visit in the first place) and that the Deramaxx made her weaker. But in that case, did your dog die from the Deramaxx, or the condition?

    Is it more logical to blame your dog’s tragic death on Deramaxx, or on your vet for prescribing this medication? Sounds like your vet didn’t do a very thorough evaluation on Holly’s internal health.

    In my experience, it has been easier to cope with my grief by placing blame on some external thing, rather than coming to terms with whatever else may be going on; for example, proper diet and supplements, regular walks, indoor and outdoor environment, behavioral training, where the dog came from (rescued at an older age, breeder puppy, predisposition for specific illnesses, a lapse in judgement on our own behalf, etc).

    1. CM LAFEMINA says:

      In response to Christiane of 11/28/16, you obviously did not take the time to read all of the comments and Amy’s responses. If you did, you would see that Amy not only was an excellent caregiver to her dog but a source of strength and support to hundreds of others ( dogs and humans) in the same predicament. I think it is wrong for you to make assumptions. Additionally, Amy posted an article which explains the drug and how it works and why so many dogs aren’t compatible with it. I’m sure your comments were well intentioned but they certainly did not come off that way. I for one know Amy was there for me during some of my darkest days and I’m grateful for it. Chet

      Sent from my iPhone CML

      1. Christiane says:

        Thanks for your comment. To clarify, I DID take the time to read the entire story and 95% of the comments below it. I also did my own research on the drug. THAT said, I can see that my comments came off as accusatory or negative – that was not my intention. I am still learning about these drugs. I recently rescued a 9 year old dog who had spend over a year in two shelters and had been transferred to WA from TX. She’s been through A LOT, but I believe that her quality of life has continued to improve since we rescued her. I know that I am also an excellent caregiver and in my defense, I felt defensive toward Amy’s story because my dog was at the time taking Deramaxx. I took Amy’s story to heart and even further, I visited my vet after reading her story to address my concerns about Deramaxx. I also want to point out that I did not make any assumptions or accusations; I was merely presenting my opinion from my own experience at the time. After all, if we refuse to hear or accept other people’s opinions (we don’t always have to agree) then how do we learn?

      2. Christiane says:

        I would also like to point out that none of my questions were answered. Those questions were not meant to be demeaning but were solely for the purpose of bettering my understanding of Deramaxx. Please take a moment to read your comment over. Does it make assumptions on my behalf?

    2. Keller says:

      Christiane, I would like to make another comment on your post. You said, “Several dogs (and humans) respond negatively to NSAIDs..” I have to disagree very strongly to this statement. An IMMEASURABLE number of dogs and humans respond negatively to NSAIDs. Deramaxx is a different breed of cat than many other NSAIDs and is in the same family as Vioxx that was given to humans many years ago, one of which was me. I was on the strongest dose of Vioxx allowed until so many people died from it that it was taken off the market. Unfortunately, it was the one drug that really helped to manage my pain. Fortunately, I didn’t die from it.

      If every single incidence of a dog that died previously and in the future from adverse effects following the ingestion of Deramaxx were to be reported to the manufacturer and the FDA and the public, you can believe that the public would be up in arms and demanding that this lucrative drug (for the manufacturer and the prescribing vets) would be taken off the market, along with numerous other NSAIDs.

      After my beloved dog died after taking Deramaxx, I quit taking any NSAIDs. I will never use them again and will never give them to any of my dogs. In my opinion, the risks outweigh the benefits.

    3. Andrea Balestrieri says:

      Christiane, All due respect here, but you have not read this entire blog. I have. My story is posted and if I remember correctly, my dog is one of maybe three that lived through this to tell about it. Look it up. She is fine now except that she has an occasional need for some Prevacid because of her stomach from the Deramaxx. It is NO DOUBT the Deramaxx. My dog was dying at 2 years old. Two tiny doses. She spent the weekend in the ER.

      1. Christiane says:

        Hi Andrea,
        I did read the entire blog. My dog was on Deramaxx after being hit by a car. She seemed to respond fine to it and our vet (who we trust) didn’t seem to know of any concerns regarding Deramaxx. That said, it seems like there’s a lot of evidence out there that this drug has more negative side-affects than it does positive and in the end, I took the advice from the blog post and stopped giving my dog Deramaxx. She seems fine now. I do have a question for you (and others who have responded). How is Deramaxx different from say, Previcox? Or is it? I ask because I agree that being aware of these issues is important and I support building community awareness as you have done. I’m glad to know that your dog survived.

  179. Keller says:

    Christiane, my knee-jerk reaction was to tell you to SHUT UP! But, of course, I am too sophisticated and polite to say that to anyone. You are correct that many variables may come together to create the perfect storm and we blame Deramaxx for the damage done to our dogs or the death of our dogs. All NSAIDs can contribute directly or indirectly to the death of our dogs.

    My dog was on other meds that ought not to have been combined with an NSAID of any ilk. Yet the vet in charge of my dog’s rehab insisted that she be put on Deramaxx, in spite of my not wanting to add any more meds to the mix. The only change to her regimen was the Deramaxx. Ten days, ten pills and she had a stroke and died. My otherwise healthy dog DIED. Too much info was provided that advied that she should not be put on ANY NSAID in combination with the named drugs she was already on to make her death simply coincidental.

    It’s been a year since she died and my heart is still hurting for the needless loss of my beautiful, healthy, enthusiastic girl, my heart dog.

    1. Thank you, Keller and Chet, for defending me and Holly.

      Christiane, my dog was young, active and in great health. She took Deramaxx and it killed her. End of story.

      1. Christiane says:

        Amy, I don’t feel there was any need for you to be defended – I was not attacking you. I was simply stating my opinion and asking you for more information so that I could make a well-rounded, educated decision about taking my dog off Deramaxx. I’m terribly sorry about what happened to your dog. I know from experience the gut-wrenching pain that comes from losing a beloved best friend.
        That all said, I am a bit taken aback from your response and the responses preceding it. I didn’t realize this story was a one-sided thing that wasn’t open to interpretation and more importantly, unwilling to educate others who were concerned for their dogs.

      2. Christiane, I was offended by your comments, but approved them anyway. If you’ve read through the other comments, you’ll see it’s not the first time someone has accused me of not doing my due diligence or somehow not doing my best for Holly. Imagine how you’d feel at your words to me being spoken to you. Would they hurt? Would you feel attacked? Be honest. I can’t change what happened to her, nor can I change how others respond to her story. I maintain my position that Deramaxx is a dangerous drug that puts dogs at an unnecessary risk, that vets are ill-informed on the dangers of this drug, and that the FDA is more interested in making money than ensuring the safety of popular medications. (If you need further proof, please read my recent post on Levaquin.) I wish you and all those who comment here nothing but the best and for good health and long lives for their pets. By sharing Holly’s story I hope to be helpful in both respects.

      3. Christiane says:

        Amy, please go back and read my responses to others who responded to me. I’ve tried to explain myself and more importantly am still seeking a better understanding.
        To answer your question honestly, I would be sensitive to my words had they been written to me by another person, BUT I would also address the other persons understanding/misunderstanding, concerns and questions and do my best to create a productive conversation from it. I won’t lie and tell you that I’ve never victimized myself or been overly defensive toward someone who didn’t agree with what I had to say. But I’ve never had a positive outcome from reacting that way. I apologize for any of the content I wrote that offended you – that was never my intention. The only thing I hoped to gain was a more thorough understanding of the affects of Deramaxx as opposed to other meds (spec. Previcox). You still haven’t addressed those, nor anything else I have said. You have only responded to the portions of my response that offended you, which I have tried to clarify several times (in hopes of helping you understand that I was not attacking you).

      4. I don’t know anything about Previcox. I have no experience with Previcox. Deramaxx, however, are a hole through my dogma duodenum and caused her to bleed out on my floor. That is my experience with Deramaxx, and that experience has been echoed in the experiences of others here. My vet gave me no warning when he prescribed Deramaxx, and he dismissed my concerns when I expressed them to him. It was only after Holly was gone that I discovered there are dogs who cannot metabolize Deramaxx and it destroys their organs. Had my vet read the package insert (which I also did not receive and most do not receive) he would know that you’re supposed to monitor liver enzyme levels when administering Deramaxx and that you can also prescribe Pepcid to protect the stomach lining, something that may have saved Holly. As for Previcox, it is an NSAID, so my guess is, like all NSAIDs, it carries the same risks. You’ll have to do your own research, though, and make your own decisions.

    2. Christiane says:

      Keller, to be clear, you did tell me to “SHUT UP!” Otherwise you wouldn’t have written and posted your first sentence. That’s okay. Moving forward, I appreciate your informative response and willingness to take my comments into consideration. In retrospect, I realize that the second paragraph of my initial comment was unnecessary and uncalled for. I apologize, Amy, for questioning your judgements and your ability to care for your dog. Clearly, you (Amy) would not have written this story if you didn’t love and care for your dog and hadn’t done everything in your power to keep her healthy.
      My concerns were solely focused on understanding how (chemically and structurally) Deramaxx is different from other NSAID’S, such as Previcox. Those concerns were overlooked due to my defensiveness and guilt for having put my dog on Deramaxx. I hope that clarifies things a bit.

  180. Hi Amy- A few years ago I found your site after our dog Ozzie died and shared our story with you on your blog. Oh how I wish that I had read your story and the forum before giving Deramaxx to our young yellow lab. He was a vibrant, happy, energetic 5 year old dog! I still picture his last 24 hours in the emergency room. It was horrific. I’ll never get over the helplessness I felt and the guilt of giving him that drug. He trusted me to care for him and I failed to do so. He was my constant companion (and had just completed his Therapy Dog Certification. I think of the joy he would have brought to so many children and adults at the hospital). The tears are rushing down my face as I write this note.
    What is hard to believe is that I wrote to you over 3 years ago! I have stayed with your forum, receiving emails (sometimes monthly, other times weekly!) from your site. I read each story and weep. When will it stop?
    After our dog died we spoke with the Vet at Novartis (the company that owned the drug at that time) and learned that (1) the FDA does not mandate that deaths from deramaxx be reported by Vets or by anyone and (2) The number of dogs that die is unknown to the FDA and the Drug Company, so that (3) the drug company is able to report (and advertise in their marketing to Vets) that a fatality from deramaxx is a RARE occurrence. Sadly, as consumers and as trusting pet owners we are guided by our Vets who in turn follow guidelines by the drug company. And without stricter and enforced protocols from the FDA a change to this inadequate system of care will never be achieved.
    I personally tell friends and strangers that have pets about this drug that kills and hope that by sharing this information it may keep at least one dog from dying. THANK YOU AMY for keeping this forum “alive”. It’s nice to know that some owners have prevented their dogs from succumbing to a cruel death just by reading your story before starting their pet on Deramaxx.
    Ann Davidsen, Chicago area

  181. Cheri says:

    Amy, I just want to touch base back with you again after reading a couple of posts from people who seem to relish hopping on your blog and saying things like “Well, I gave my dog Deramaxx and he/she did/is doing great on it”, as if because their dog didn’t die, it must have been you or your vet care that caused the death of Holly. To those people, I say this….. Until you have fed the pills to your beloved, trusting, faithful companion, who loves you unconditionally, only to watch them suffer horribly and then die from those pills, you cannot begin to understand the guilt and sadness and regret that comes with the experience. As painful as it was for her, Amy has done an invaluable service to many people, many of whom probably don’t even take the time to comment. After the vet prescribed one of my dogs Deramaxx, the first thing I did was come home and google the side effects. I found this blog and upon further research, discovered how truly dangerous any NSAID is for dogs. If you were lucky enough not to kill your pet, congratulations, but please don’t rub it in the faces of those of us who did and are sharing our stories to help prevent a similar fate from happening to another family. HOWEVER, if having stumbled across this blog because you want to be informed of a drug BEFORE risking your dogs life or health, know that NSAIDS are a big gamble with dogs and after killing my sweet Sadie with Previcox, after only a few sporadic doses, and then finding Deramaxx and many others are in the same category with the same side effects, I’ll never give another one of my dogs an NSAID ever again. In both cases, neither vet warned me or provided me any paperwork of any side effects that may come with the use of the drug. With the Previcox, having trusted my vet in the past for her seemingly knowledgeable care, I didn’t even question it’s safety. Since Sadie’s death, I’ve purchased and researched books and other avenues of treatment in my pets and there ARE safer alternatives out there, you just have to do some homework and not take the easy and dangerous (vet prescription) route. Amy, thank you again for your blog and for always taking the high road when those looking to blame you, brag on their good fortune of not killing their dog, or defend such dangerous drugs and the cover up or sheer ignorance of them and their deadly side effects by both knowledgeable and unknowledgeable vets and owners alike. I have no doubt that Holly’s death and your story has saved many lives, possibly including my own dogs’ life who did just fine without a single dose of Deramaxx, thanks to your experience and warning.

    1. Thank you, Cheri. I truly appreciate your support and kind words. You know I wish neither of us had to go through this. Thank you for sharing your story here and helping others. I really do believe it’s making a difference.

  182. Daisy Lee says:

    This is to Holly and her mom. Always, always trust your gut! Holly was YOUR friend, not the vet’s. Never trust ANY vet 100%. Ever. Only one vet graduates at the top of their class! Take what they say with a grain of salt – then Google the hell out of the med or surgery or treatment. Talk to the manufacturer of the medication(s). Trust me, they will be more than happy to explain things to you. YOU know Holly much better than any vet ever will. If you learn something and the vet doesn’t want to bother with it, FIND ANOTHER VET. NOW. The US is neck deep in vets and ankle deep in GOOD, HONEST vets. They’re in the business to make MONEY. They will all say “We’re sorry….” when, in fact, most of them aren’t. Most vets do not continue their education once licensed as a vet. They are soon far behind the GOOD vets – yet they all charge the same fees!
    If I had listened to a couple “vets” and not done my homework, Daisy, my best friend and companion, would have died in 2010 at age 9. Then on 25 June 2016, Daisy turned 17. I adopted her when she as 1 1/2. We’re still doing fine – and Daisy is on her 5th “vet.” Don’t trust anyone. Do your homework, ask questions, get answers that you can understand. Then tell the vet what YOU want done. OK?

    “Oh, what would Heaven be, without my little dogs, waiting for me?”

    1. Cheri says:

      Hey Daisy Lee, you are right about listening to your gut and questioning everything a vet says/prescribes, but I don’t think you have to be so harsh to Amy. Having lost a pet to Previcox, I can tell you that I’d be a little upset to have someone confront me/preach to me in such a way after the tragic loss of my dog.

      I can only speak for myself, but after the vet killed my dog, my trust in vets was greatly reduced. Hindsight, as they say, is 20/20 and I’ll bet you’ll find very few people who have lost a pet or had a close call with losing one due to vet treatment that are so trusting of vets after their experience.

      I’m on my 7th vet, and every single one of them only looks at doing things conventionally with pharmaceuticals, with no interest in other, safer ways, so I have to fight them at every turn to use my own methods for their treatment, when they do occasionally need it. Luckily, because I have proof that their drugs are dangerous, from my own experience, I don’t catch too much grief, but I’ve yet to talk to a vet that has said they will research the dangers or anything other than tell me how they have patients that have done wonderfully or that they believe are still alive because of those drugs. Whether from ignorance or greed or both, pets are paying a high price every day from what the new normal is in vet care and treatment and owner trust, sadly.

  183. Greg says:

    Sometimes information comes too late. Sometimes around the end of March 2017, my five year old Aussie mix Luc ate a peach pit he found somewhere. No clue where he found it. It blocked his small intestine, and so we had to have it surgically removed. That was a week ago Sunday. He survived the surgery just fine. He was a good, strong, healthy guy. Vet put him on antibiotics and — Deramaxx. 37.5 mg per day tablet form. Came home from the hospital Tuesday, just a bit more than a week ago. By Sunday, just one week post op, he was having trouble urinating, he was uncomfortable, and just about quit eating. Monday morning he went out to take care of himself, laid down in the yard, and could not get up.

    He was rushed to the vet, who scheduled follow up surgery for 4:00 pm that afternoon, but on observation once at the vet, it was decided he needed emergency attention. He was re-opened and they took a sample of abdominal fluid. He had peritonitis and a perforated stomach from ulcers. The surgical site on the intestine was nearly healed, and was Not Leaking. But his stomach was. This ulceration occurred in only ONE WEEK on Deramaxx.

    Bottom line was this, the perforation and leakage caused by Deramaxx had challenged his kidneys, which were shutting down. His heart stopped on the operating table but he was revived. At that moment, we didn’t know his exact condition. But the infection from leakage was pervasive, his organs were failing or had failed, and his chance to survive was gone. In one week.

    We simply did not know Deramaxx could do these things. My oldest Aussie has been on Deramaxx for two years without issues, but the combination of post op for intestinal blockage and Deramaxx is different from its use in an otherwise healthy gut. In one week, a strong, healthy Aussie is dead. Vet said maybe she should have prescribed Famotadine to counter the tendency for aggressive stomach acid under these circumstances. I have a bottle of Famotadine sitting right next to the Deramaxx bottle, so it was right here on hand, but WE DIDNT KNOW.

    Now Luc is dead. It’s too late for him, but maybe not too late for others. I don’t believe our vet was deliberately negligent in prescribing this drug, but I guarantee Novartis has all this information and knows to a certainty that there is a defined risk in using Deramaxx post op for gut obstruction. When the vet told me what they had found and thatbit was likely ulcers from Deramaxx, I immediately gave her three options off the top of my head on how to mitigate or avoid such an issue with stomach acid response post on to Deramaxx, and I am not a vet. She says she will not be using it anymore for this situation, which is a good idea, but still, TOO LATE for poor Luc.

    He was the sweetest little boy I have known in 50+ years with dogs. He would allow a toddler to grab fur, pull herself upright, and then walk the toddler around the house using the dog as a crutch. He was friendly to everyone, always. I don’t know right now what I can do, because I can’t fix this, and can’t bring him back

    I wish we had known about the risk up front. It would have been so simple to deal with. He simply did not need an NSAID to survive this, there are so many options for controlling inflammation that we did not need to use Deramaxx.

    You can’t tell me that Novartis doesn’t know about this. Why they did not confide in my vet before this, I don’t know. The vet is in communication with a tissue test lab, and the drug company, but i doubt anything will come of it, and no matter what the company does or does not do, it will not help Luc. I feel like his death is on me for being stupid, but we simply did not know. We were not even advised of a potential risk of this sort, because vets generally have not been advised of such by the manufacturer. They find out one dog at a time, just as we have done. I have lost a lot of dogs over the years, and it hurts every time, but this was unnecessary. I can’t believe that a simple pill can ulcerated a stomach in only seven days, and that no one wants to notify vets of the risk. This is the definition of criminal negligence on the part of Novartis.

    I said goodbye to Luc yesterday morning. Please don’t anyone let this happen again.

    1. Janet says:

      Greg I’m sorry to hear about your Luc. As for your vet she should have known that death is a possible side effect for this drug. It is in all the literature that comes with this drug. Blood work should have been done and something should have been given to protect your babies stomach. Novartis knows and doesn’t care because they are making money. After losing my Lucy I have talk to several vets and some still prescribe Deramax and see nothing wrong with it. I know some dogs do benefit from NSAIDS but the death of 1 dog is too many. I now research any drug that my dogs are given and watch them closely for any side effects. I no long use the same vet and I’m not as trusting as I once was. Lucy has been gone 5 years now and it upsets me greatly to know that dogs are still dying needlessly. 😦

      1. Keller says:

        Every time I get an email from “Amy Writes,” my stomach instantly clenches and I flash back to the night that my Penny started acting weird, followed by her excruciating death the following day, and my heart breaks all over again.

        Greg, you’re not alone, and Janet is right – your vet should have known what Deramaxx can do. Nothing was done correctly when Penny was given this drug and there was no “I’m sorry” or any further acknowledgement to us after she died that day after taking her 10th pill. It was a horror story and is always just below the surface of my consciousness, waiting for the least reminder to leap out and take me back to that day. That vet failed my dog and caused me to be afraid to give any drugs to any of my other dogs.

        Very unfortunately, ALL NSAIDs can kill both animals and people, as well. It’s a possible side effect of the family of these drugs, these beasts that prey on any lack of knowledge or lapse in judgment. The beasts kill our innocence and trust as surely as they do our dogs and break our hearts, as well.

        Novartis no longer owns Deramaxx. I can’t recall which company bought it.

        Don’t blame yourself for losing Luc. You trusted your vet, just as we all did before we lost our beloved dogs. It wasn’t our fault, but we still blame ourselves for not knowing that a pill could kill. Remember your Luc with love for the time you had with him and know that he loved you, too.

  184. Greg says:

    Janet and Keller,

    Thank for your kind words and thoughts. I told Luc when we rescued him that he would always have a home with us, and so he will. He was a blessing, as they all are, each in their way. Somewhere out there a puppy has been born, with a new life but with a very old, loving soul. May we meet again.

    1. Keller says:

      Greg, I totally believe that. When our first Rottie died, our fourth Rottie was born, but we didn’t know it for six years, when we rescued that fourth from an owner who wanted to have him put to sleep because he was tired of him. It’s happened with other dogs, as well. I think somehow they know how to find their way back home. When I used to do Rottie rescue and was unable to make a match, I would pray for help in making a match, by either finding a dog for a grieving owner or a home for a needy dog, and my prayers always seemed to be answered. Coincidence? Maybe… I truly believe in the Rainbow Bridge.

      1. Greg says:

        There are only so many angels. Mark Twain said that ” heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.” So dogs are borrowed from heaven, out here to help us find our way. No one would waste such a soul. If we don’t find our Luc in the years that remain, still someone else will, and be as blessed as we have been. Luc never once complained about anything. He loved working with cattle, and he loved his pack. He tolerated pestering by our younger girl Sara who would sit and chew on his ears and collar by the hour. Luc would just sit still and allow it.

        Why would any deity create such a patient soul and allow it only five years of life? He wouldn’t. So I will watch for Luc and all the other wonderful dogs we have had, and they will watch out for us. Are they waiting for us? Don’t know but if not, God has missed a trick. But maybe they aren’t waiting at the bridge so they can accompany us; maybe they are waiting so we can accompany them, and guide us over the bridge. Either way, I will know them all, and they will know us.

    2. pam marcus says:

      I found this site a year and half ago when my baby girl Ella died after 10 days of being on Deramaxx. The guilt I carry everyday is still with me. I cringe everytime I see and read another heart breaking letter None of us know each other , but I feel a kinship to you all for going through the same pain. Please know all of our hearts go out to each family member and angle baby that has passed. I only hope soon the medication is off the market. I reported it, so I hope everyone does and we can work together.

      1. Keller says:

        I reported it when Novartis still owned it and I encourage every new person on here to report your experiences to the FDA.

        Thank you, Greg, for providing the new info.

  185. Greg says:


    Deramaxx is now owned by Elanco according to the label and data sheet on the bottle. Reads: Product of Switzerland Manufactured for Elanco US Inc., Greenfield, IN 46140. Bears FDA approval, and NADA#141-203.

    Luc would not want us to suffer on his account. I am trying, Luc.

  186. Greg says:

    Had a lengthy discussion today with one of the vets involved with Luc, regarding Deramaxx and its continued use in my 13 1/2 year old Aussie, Jack. He has been on Deramaxx, low dose, for two years without issue. Considering our recent experience with this drug, I questioned its continued use with Jack even though he, so far, shown no adverse signs. I suggested that perhaps we could substitute cannabidiol, as it appears to be possibly fungible with most NSAIDs, and has none of the side effects of NSAIDs. Unfortunately it isn’t legal to distribute in my state, at least not at this time. I intend to withdraw Deramaxx from Jack. I just don’t like playing with time bombs. So we are searching for a substitute that is not a Cox II inhibitor. Possibly a new product called Galliprant, which is not a Cox inhibitor at all, and as such does not address or suppress cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox 2). Still studying the possibilities.

    The good news, I suppose, is that the vet clinic is revisiting its use of Deramaxx post-operatively, and possibly may not prescribe it at all due to risks. If someone else’s pup is saved as a result of Luc’s fate, he will perhaps not have died in vain. Let that be his legacy and his gift.

  187. savingcatsdogs says:

    Hi Amy, Sorry for contacting you here, but I couldn’t find your contact information and I’m getting ready to write a post on my blog about how Previcox killed my dog and how vet after vet have continued to try to prescribe Deramaxx for other dogs I have, with no mention (or even apparent concern) of possible side effects. I was wondering if you would mind if I linked your blog in my post, so my readers don’t just take my (one person’s) word for how dangerous all NSAIDS can be?

    1. That would be fine. Thanks for asking.

  188. Jennifer says:

    Our yellow lab, Wally, passed away March 2008 after being on Deramaxx for 6 months. I had the vet’s do an autopsy and they discovered a hole as big as an adult’s thumb in his stomach. His stomach contents had been spewing toxins into his body cavity. Deramaxx causes ulcerations which leads to a very painful death.

    1. Reading your story about your lab Wally brought back a new wave of grief. That is exactly how our yellow lab, Ozzie died several years ago (he was only 5 years old). We, too, had an autopsy that revealed the same diagnosis. The suffering that Ozzie went through was unbearable. It is inexcusable for the drug company and the FDA to ignore these findings and allow the drug to be continued to be prescribed. I continue to tell as many people as I can about the dangers of using Deramaxx with their pet. I am so sorry for your loss.

  189. Barb Balchus says:

    I had my Husky on Deramaxx for a week, she did appear to be walking better. Then I saw her spit up water after drinking, but she drinks too fast sometimes, so that wasn’t too much of a red flag for me. And she was never a good eater, so that didn’t tell me anything. But I had a gut feeling I needed to get her off the Deramaxx. Someone suggested to me CBD Oil, which is sold in healthfood stores. So far it seems like it might be doing her some good, she has a hard time getting up but once she does she seems fine, weak in the hind end but can still pull me around the yard when she sees a squirrel. We’re trying laser treatment and hoping that the vet can do acupuncture at some point, not now because she gets very testy even with the laser. Praying that I can keep her on the CBD oil and the laser treatment for the remainder of her life, which will never be long enough no matter how old she gets. Thank you to everyone that took the time to post their horrible stories, you helped me realize I wasn’t wrong in deciding to take her off the Deramaxx.

    1. Hi Barb. I’m glad your husky is responding well to alternative treatments. You may want to talk to your vet about giving her something to protect and heal her stomach, like Pepcid, after the deramaxx. It can be very corrosive. Some here have used milk thistle with good results to help with healing the liver after deramaxx, too. I really hope she continues to do well. Hugs.

    2. Keller says:

      Wise woman! One of my females did so well with the laser treatments that I tried it for my other female but it was ineffective. So then I tried acupuncture and it made an immediate difference with her issues from her ruptured disc. She stayed with that for a year or so and then we tried to strengthen her rear muscles. She was put on Deramaxx and died a horrible, frightening death after taking 10 pills. Thank God that you listened to your gut feeling.

  190. Abigail Aldred says:

    I know I’m a little late but thought I might as well add my story to the mix. I had the sweetest, and most extremely healthy golden retriever yellow lab mix who had never even visited the vet until he came home from playing outside with a foxtail (weed) embedded in his leg although, we didn’t know at the time. By the time we figured out, it was a small blister sort off wound. It was on the inside of his hind leg. We decided that our sweet, happy, little baby should get a minor surgery to remove the embedded foxtail. After the surgery, we were also given this POISONOUS drug and told that it would relieve pain for our pup. He has never taken medications so we assumed it would be hard to give to him. We had to hide them in his food because he absolutely hated them. After only 3 days from surgery, he was even worse. He vommited 12 times that morning. He couldn’t eat anything and was extremely lethargic. He, like your sweet holly, was wobbly, bloated, and unable to get comfortable. We took him to the ER and they did some blood work. We were expecting something minor (after all, he was previously extremely healthy and active) but when the results came back, we were told it was very serious. They concluded he either had kidney failure or Addison’s disease. If it was kidney failure, he only had hours. We spent that night as a family in the ER praying and loving on our sweet boy. They began pumping liters of fluid through him at a time in order to clear his system, which proved unhelpful. We lost my sweet boy the next morning.

    How is this legal?! Reading all of these stories has had me bawling for the last hour. This is aweful. So many caring pet owners like myself, who only want to help their beloved companions have blindly helped the idiot veterinarians and drug makers kill the very being they are fighting to save. absolutely horrible. It breaks my heart and a day doesn’t go by that I don’t think of my beloved baby and imagine how I could have better helped him and saved his life.

    1. Jude Gagner says:

      I am so, so sorry for your loss of your beloved baby. It’s a horribly traumatic experience to go through and live with. All on this site have been there and empathize with you.

      We’ve adopted many adult dogs and been there for them until the end of their lives, whether from disease or old age and its degenerative effects have made it necessary to help them pass away. But never, never before or since have we had a dog die on its own, and watching that was so horribly traumatic. It took me a long, long time before I could speak my girl’s name without choking up, over a year. It’s been nearly two years ago now and I still tear up because I miss her so.

      Please give yourselves time to fully grieve for your baby that you loved so deeply. And know that what happened wasn’t fair to you or your baby, and it wasn’t your fault, ABSOLUTELY NOT YOUR FAULT.

      This drug helps many dogs, but it kills way too many dogs, and the FDA knows it and the manufacturers know it. Please report it to the company and also the FDA. Every time it’s reported is one more strike against this wretched drug and one step closer to having it banned from being made and promoted.

  191. Abigail Aldred says:

    I definitely will report it to both. Thank you for this post, although these are hard stories for everyone to tell, I do believe that uniting us will only help us fight for our cause; I mean before reading this, I had no clue my my pup wasn’t alone, I had no idea how common these types of deaths were. Now that we have heard eachothers stories, maybe we can take action and stop this drug from taking the lives of other innocent creatures. Thank you.

    1. Jude Gagner says:

      Abigale, thank you for being willing to follow through with reporting your experience.

      Losing a healthy dog because of a few pills is very traumatic, and I believe that the way I lost my precious girl was so traumatic that it changed my brain. My doctor said that I had abnormal prolonged grieving, but I just ignored her, as I was a professional social services worker and highly educated and knowledgeable about all the various mental, emotional and physical disorders. It’s not easy to get over such trauma and there is no time limit to grieving. It wasn’t that I was crying all the time, it just left me quite stunned for a long time.

      As an aside, there have been sporadic rumors (?) about Bravecto killing dogs, and they were discounted/discredited. However, I’ve read in the past week or so that Bravecto has been killing a lot of dogs and the FDA is looking into it. I’ve used it with my new rescue (with us more than a year already), but each time I have given it to her, I’ve prayed to God that it wouldn’t kill her. Her last dose will take her through this year’s tick season and I’ll figure out something to do differently next year.

      May you find solace in knowing that we’ve all been through these really shocked and rough times. It will get better as time helps to heal your heart ❤️.

      1. Abigail Aldred says:

        Thank you so much Jude, I definitely agree. It takes quite awhile for time to wear down the pain. This happened in January 2017 and I find myself thinking about my sweet boy daily. It was really very nice to receive all of this support and comfort through this post. I’m very sorry for your loss as well.

  192. Holly bergman says:

    My Dotson has ivdd 3 disks involved they prescribed the derma max which I have not given to her yet supposed to give it to her once a day for just three days but after reading your article how long was your pup on dermamax. Do you think 3 days is ok. Know I’m scared to give it to her. I’m so sorry for your loss it’s really just not fair at all prayers

    1. Holly, I would ask the vet if there are any alternative therapies available. If you decide to try the Deramaxx, tell you vet you also want Pepcid or a similar product to protect your dog’s stomach and intestines while on it, as well as liver enzyme monitoring. Those two things are recommended in the drug’s literature/warnings, which is available online and your vet should also have a copy. If he doesn’t believe you, tell him to read it for himself. My dog was on Deramaxx for a couple of weeks, but there are stories here of dogs reacting to only a couple of pills. As an aside, my friend’s dachshund was paralyzed from disc problems and was completely cured with acupuncture. I don’t know where you live, but she took her dog to the vet school at UCLA where they offered that treatment. Her only other option was surgery, which she was able to avoid. Something to consider. Wishing you and your dog good health!

  193. sue p says:

    Oh my, I am so brokenhearted for you, am crying for you, and all who have suffered such a great loss. I am so very, very sorry. You are so brave, and wonderful to be willing to take your immense heartache to help others. You have helped me to make a decision that I have been struggling with regarding Duramaxx, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for again being willing to share your grief to help so many. You and all who have shared your stories are such selfless individuals. May God Bless you, and ease your pain. – Sue

  194. Great blog thanks for sharing

  195. upsetter says:

    I think the recent passing of my lab may have been caused by deramaxx. I wish I had researched the drug further before administering to him.

    1. Keller says:

      Don’t blame yourself. We’ve all walked in your shoes. I think you should tell your vet your thoughts on this, and please report it to the FDA and the company.

  196. Daisy says:

    Why do pet owners INSTINCTIVELY BELIEVE WHAT A VET SAYS? Who do pet owners TRUST VETS who really don’t care about your pet? The vet’s priority is his BOTTOM LINE and little else. RESEARCH EVERYTHING THE VET SAYS OR DOESN’T SAY, EVERY MED THE VET PRESCRIBED OR DOESN’T PRESCRIBE. Lately, RESEARCH THE FACILITY WHERE HE GOT HIS EDUCATION AND WHERE HE DID HIS RESIDENCY. Sub-par schools, easy residencies create SUB-PAR VETS. Stay away from “farmer” vets who train to treat pets and FARM ANIMALS. Meaning his education for large animals takes away from his education for PETS. City vets are NOT “farmer” vets. Their education is for PETS only!
    Probably. Holly’s vet ALREADY KNEW about that medication. If he DIDN’T – WHY NOT? They “play dumb” then say “I’ll look into it.” Holly’s vet WAS AT FAULT if not just for NOT UNDERSTAND THAT MEDICATION AND PRESCRIBING IT WITHOUT ANY KNOWLEDGE ABOUT IT. Sue him…! At least the lawsuit will be public and let THAT inform other pet owners.
    Way too many American pet owners will always say, “I wish I researched _______ before my dog died.”
    These pet owners caused their pets to die because even the OWNER didn’t understand what was happening. “I didn’t see the stop sign” won’t get you out of a ticket! The sign was there – it was YOUR responsibility to know it was there! Most Female Americans should NOT have pets today. Female pet owners TRUST EVERYBODY WITHOUT QUESTION – ALL THE TIME. And Holly gets the wrong medication.
    Today’s vets are not like vets used to be. This country isn’t like it used to be, either. Wake up!

    Gary & Daisy (19 yrs old and still healthy)

    1. Keller says:

      I feel that it’s most unhelpful to blame owners for their dogs’ demise from a medication. It’s most likely a very hard lessson to learn when this happens, so they’ll know better to be skeptical another time. Please don’t add to their misery of losing their dogs.

      It reminds me of being exposed to a new word that one has never been exposed to and therefore not knowing what it means. I’m very educated and well-read, but if I’ve never come across a word before, I shouldn’t be blamed for not knowing what it means. I’ll look it up and learn its meaning, but prior to that, no one should feel indignant towards me for not knowing the word. It’s like blaming people for giving a medication to their dogs recommended by their trusted vets. I’m disappointed that you wrote and submitted your post that adds more harm to those who are already suffering from the loss of their dogs.

      1. G L says:

        You are missing the whole point. Americans today are thin skinned and most do not want to accept any responsibility for anything. Not all, but most. Then when something bad happens it’s always THEIR fault. Maybe. Maybe it was due to the 2nd class school you vet attended, or the easy place your vet did his residency.

        “Good schools cost lots of money.” I wonder why? The person who graduates 1st in his medical class is called a VET. The person who graduates at the bottom of his medical class is called a VET. Their position in their class can be learned. It’s not private information. Just because he has a Certificate from one of the best schools hanging on his wall doesn’t tell you where he graduated. An employer can find that about you and you can find that about your vet.

        No, it’s not just the OWNER’s fault, but a combination of an owner not being very careful (or too trusting) and vets who know most owners won’t research a treatment or a medicine and won’t usually challenge them. I’m talking about TODAY’S owners and TODAY’S vets in TODAY’S USA. Today we tend to “let the other person take care of it” or in this case, “Let the vet take care of it. I trust him” – with your pet who loves the hell out of you and trusts you implicitly and knows that everything you will do for them will be the right thing for them.” They look in YOUR eyes and could care less about the vet. YOU are their entire world. Do your best to help them.

        We all know the score before we get in the game. They won’t be with us long.

        The average cost to keep a dog well averages $1000 per year. Illness or injuries/surgery? Double that amount.

        If your doctor told you that you had CANCER, what would you do? Believe him and that’s that? Or start to research that cancer, ask tons of questions of tons of people, friends & professionals, and contact manufacturers of cancer meds that you might be prescribed? Why should your little buddy be any different? Your pet may be the only true friend you will have.

        CBC test results, urinalysis test results, poop tests? How many owners have researched each and every part of those tests? Most owners today don’t ask the vet for copies of their pet’s test results. Most owners today when traveling with their furry buddies don’t have their latest test results with them. Most owners don’t even know their OWN blood type today, especially those who ride motorcycles.

        We used to have quality dog foods. Now it’s “some foods are good”, most are not. The LIST OF INGREDIENTS is a good place to start – then look up each ingredient. How many owners have researched their pet’s food companies? Go into a pet store today and there must be dozens of different brands of canned dog foods. Pretty labels, nice sounding names, easy prices. But all your dog sees is the FOOD.

        Ever since the “no kill” emerged, new vets have come out of the woodwork with “degrees” from places I never heard of until now. Low quality vets hire low quality staff. Go to a good clinic run by a good vet and his staff can actually chew gum and walk at the same time!

        Mistakes can and do happen. Just a part of life. Some of our little guys don’t make it thru a simple anesthesia. Don’t know why. Sometimes doctors make a mistake and the patient dies. It’s not those doctors or those vets that we worry about. It’s the rest of ’em. Good vets go by the rule, “Treat the dog not the numbers” and “We try not to harm them.”

        I hurt for every pet that has died in my life. My wingless angel, Daisy, will be 19 in a couple weeks (based on the $$ average above, it’s $19,000 so far) AND I WOULD DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN! Adopted her in Vegas (vets there tend to be excellent) when she was 1 1/2. Long time ago; seems like yesterday. Loves the car, loves baths, loves to swim, loves snow, loves the desert, loves big cities, loves to be on a farm. Daisy truly loves life.

        And Daisy is dying. Partly my fault? Yup. Partly the faults of the horrible vets we’ve faced here, hell, yes! Lived in Studio City for a while. Vets there were terrific. I still did the research, just not to check on them. When these vets (clinic has 7 vets, 4 of whom will be there) learned that we would be moving to northern Wisconsin, they were horrified! “Be very careful with the vets in that state. They’re no good. They will try to take advantage of you. They will lie. Be very careful back there.” I thought, how bad could they be? Worse than I could ever have imagined! Even though Daisy is on her 8th vet since 2010, it’s Daisy who has suffered at their hands and is dying because of it all. Dying from old age is one thing, from bad vets is another. I’m going to be hard on myself for the rest of the time I’m above ground. “I’m sorry, Daisy.” Never let your little buddies see you cry.

        Think of me and Daisy as you wish. I don’t care. I didn’t hit the keyboard to make friends, to be nice and to shower those who have lost their best friends with love and comfort. They get that at home and from their friends and families. But people out there MUST understand that this country, and everything in it, is changing into something WORSE than most of us could have imagined. DON’T TRUST ANYONE IN THIS COUNTRY TODAY and that includes doctors and vets. Didn’t use to be that way.

        I will never know how someone else feels at a loss this special in their lives. I know how it felt with dogs when I was a kid and I know how it feels with Daisy today. When people say, “I know how it feels” or “I can imagine how you fee” tell them to go to Hell! Then just walk away – before you hit them! I’ll deal with Daisy the best I can and try to get along after she says “Good bye.” Like everyone else does when that time comes for them.

        Thank you, Gary & Daisy


    2. I delete most hurtful, ignorant comments, but I approved Daisy’s as an example of the kind of ugly, mean-spirited and know-it-all people out there who take pleasure in others’ pain.

      1. Keller says:

        I know of only a couple of raging know-it-alls who would write things like that. One physically and emotionally hurt one of my very submissive dogs quite a few years ago badly enough that she bore those emotional scars for the rest of her life, and that woman was no longer welcome in my life. Life itself is tough enough without having people who have so much inner angry spewing their venom at others, who are doing the best they can. ☹️ Your including the post, along with your explanation, is a good way of teaching others not to let those people poison their lives. 😊

    3. (FTR, I just deleted another comment that said those of us who lost our dogs are idiots and at fault. No, you’re a heartless troll. Buh-bye.)

  197. Lynn Dryzmala says:

    Thanks so much for having all these posts. I’m not sure if this is the site my husband ended up reading, but our vet just recently wanted us to give him Deramaxx for a torn ACL and since he’s 13 he did’t want to do surgery. We’ve had him since he was just a new puppy and we’re feeling his pain although he’d never made a sound, just limps every where. Can’t get up stairs get into the car. It just breaks my heart. My husband in his gut said we’re not giving this to him so we’ve not done so as of yet. He’s a very active fun loving 3/4 golden retriever and 1/4 yellow lab and has been the light of our lives for all those 13 years. We’re just not wanting to see him suffer in pain anymore. Just watching him try to walk around the house is hurtful. The brace we bought for his torn ACL isn’t working so we’re basically just trying to make him comfortable. I’m sad reading all these stories and hope that one day the drug manufacturers will realize their product needs more research before letting it out on the market.

    1. Susan says:

      Hi Lynn, I’m sorry to hear your boy blew out his ACL. My pup Johnny blew his out four years ago. I had to save up for the surgery (which he ended up getting and is doing great). It took me a year to save up the money needed so while I was doing so my vet told me about s3 granules. I also gave him fish oil. I put Johnny on these with easy walks everyday and some muscle building exercises (like small circles, slowly walking up the art museum steps (like Rocky;) we live in Philly) and walking through water in the water fountains and beach. John did great with this to the point where I didn’t think I needed the surgery but got it anyway. If he had bad days I would give him rimadyl (at least with this medication the side effects are reversible). This is the s3 granules he took…
      Maybe ask your vet about them? Good luck with your pup❤️

    2. Keller says:

      There are other medications that can be used. I’d avoid any NSAIDs, however.

  198. Laura says:

    Thank you ever so much for your efforts – they might have just saved another life. My partner and I are caring for a stray Aussie who found us a few days ago – dehydrated, starving, and has obviously been out on his own for a while. I took him to a vet yesterday for a thorough check up, and was given a clean bill of health except for a fractured tooth, for which we were given Deramaxx for pain because the oral surgery should wait a week when he’s fully hydrated.

    Both of us had an internal alarm go off about this medication, so I’ve been researching it before giving it to him. The vet provided no information except to be sure it’s taken with food, and no suggestion of monitoring anything – despite the breed, and dehydration (which I assume could increase risk of kidney damage). I’m furious. We recently lost our beautiful great shepherd to cancer, and feel like we’ve just dodged a bullet with this sweet, healthy aussie.

    I’m going back to this veterinary hospital with much information in hand and demands for an explanation re why he would prescribe Deramaxx without providing any information about potential side effects, symptoms to watch for, and so forth. Utterly irresponsible and dangerous vet practice. Hopefully they’ll be more responsible in the future.

    I’m deeply grateful to you and all others who have shared the potential dangers of Deramaxx. My deepest sympathy to all of you who have lost your loved ones, and hope that it helps in some small measure to know how much you’re helping others. We’ll find a safer alternative for this pup’s tooth discomfort until it can be safely removed.

    And in kind, for anyone wanting an effective natural anti-inflammatory, our great shepherd responded really well to golden paste, as did this stray who was stiff and limping at first (organic turmeric, coconut oil, pepper to help absorption – simple to make, recipe’s on internet, approved by holistic vets and very good for humans, too!). Thanks again.

    1. scherryvalentine says:

      My Labrador failed on every NSAID on the market. He has horrible arthritis, torn acl, and now cancer. He was very comfortable on adequan injections and Gabepentin for several months until cancer. Now he takes Gabepentin, Adequan, and Buprenorphine for pain. His doc just called in an Rx for Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen to replace the Buprenorphine. There are other options to control pain. They push that shit (NSAIDS) usually cause they themselves bought boat loads of it and need to unload it on us. Also look at canine rehabilitator’s blog for tons of great info on getting those soft tissues back in good working order without surgery. She’s big on pain management first though. She hates NSAIDS too. Her name is Deborah. She’s awesome and she can do phone consults.

    2. Charles says:

      How did that work out for you going back to the Vet, for me they said no refunds for meds. I still have all 30 pills, they told me nothing about the side effects hell the word side effects is not suitable they told me nothing about flipping the coin whether your dog lives or dies after taking this drug./

      1. Laura says:

        The vet who prescribed this was very inexperienced. I spoke to the vet who owns the clinic. She apologized for the lack of information given to me and said she spoke to the young vet, but stands by the use of the medication, and would prescribe something to protect the pup’s GI tract…. No refund but only $45 for 7 pills. I let it go. Going to another clinic now…..

      2. Charles says:

        Yeah same here, no refund. But when the dust settles in a week, I will be taking this website and tagging that clinic and vet in my public posting. They should do the refund and they should of told me the risk before I purchased it. If I save one person’s dog it was worth the $155 loss for me.

      3. Keller says:

        I never heard from the vet who prescribed Deramaxx for my dog. She was having hydrotherapy, which I paid for in a block of visits. I was told that the payment for the remainder of the visits would be refunded, but that never happened. To this day, I still hold much resentment for the fact that he pushed the pills for my girl and when she traumatically died after taking 10 pills, he never even contacted me. I try not to think of what happened and how much I lost when my girl died, because it’s so upsetting. Live and learn, huh?

      4. Charles says:

        I’m sorry, I did talk to my vet again and I was brushed off we have so many dogs on that, save a long story I shut the gate on every excuse she came up with. The one that the door hit her in the nose was it is the same drug that was taken off the market for humans because it was doing the same thing killing them. ALl they did was rename it and rebranded it for animals. I hear they are putting it back on the market it for humans just renaming it. The best thing anyone can do before you take a drug or for your pet is to google these words blank killed my dog or blank killed my cat or blank killed my ????- it will bring it up.

  199. Charles says:

    Thank God, I researched this drug and found this website, thank you so much for the info and everyone that posted in it. I took my Bear to a surgeon vet she prescribed this drug it cost me $155 I researched it today and found this page went and took his first pill out of his food bowl. I emailed the vet told them I was not giving the pill for I found this website and gave them the link, I needed something different, this specialist emailed me back and said to go to my local vet for help. I am going to mail the drug back to her office which is two hours away and hope they refund my money.

    1. Keller says:

      I suspect that they have a policy whereby they will not take back pills and refund the money, as they cannot legally give those pills out to someone else. You might as well let it go, as so many of us have had to. Sorry.

  200. Cathy says:

    I am so sorry to hear about all the deaths that have happened after taking deramaxx.
    My almost 18 yr old shih Tzu was given a trial bottle of it a couple months ago.after he was attacked by a yard cat. I had given him predisone for several days before going to the vet.
    She said he had to be off the predisone for 4 days before taking the deramaxx. Well he seemed better so I never gave it to him.
    Well 5 months I am up at 4am with him crying in pain.. He has done it a coupe nights here or there at night time only. But tonight was much worse. Last week he fell down the steps after I carried him up..went to get his sister who also needs to be.carried up the steps..and before I could get back to him. His brother must have moved around enough to push him down the steps. He seemed ok. But walked stiffer. So gave him a couple days of predisone again to help..after he came off of them. All seemed ok..but now after being off them a.week or more? The last couple of night he has been whining and can’t get comfortable. But tonight was worse. He normally would whine a minute or two. Then go to sleep. Tonight he whinned much longer , even barking loudly. So I am up trying to figured what to do. Grabbed the bottle of deramaxx and googled again to make sure how long to be off predisone before giving the deramaxx.
    And found this articlie.
    So.I am not going to give it to him now..I.will go back on tramadol and predisone.
    Thank you for posting this. You may have saved his life being he is up in age.
    The bottle was only for 7 days. But from what I read it could have killed him..
    I am so sorry to read about all the precious babies that have died because of this drug.
    And thank you again for posting your story.

    1. Keller says:

      I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. The single most important thing to do when taking any NSAID (people and animals) is to take it with food and also famotidine, which protects the stomach. Famotidine (generic name) needs to be given 10 minutes or more before eating.

      When I gave my dog Deramaxx, I wasn’t informed and when Penny spit her 10th pill out, I picked it up off the floor and out it back into her mouth. I’ll always wonder if she would have lived if I hadn’t made her take that last pill. 😢

    2. Cathy, I’m glad you found my blog. Thank you for your kind words. You might want to look into giving your dog turmeric as an anti-inflammatory. I’ve been giving it to my dog who tore his ACL. I did a lot of reading about its effects before giving it to him, and found studies that show it’s as effective as NSAIDs. It’s been working well for my dog. Here’s the recipe I use:

  201. Katie says:

    Hi Amy

    I want to thank you so much for your story! It made me feel incredibly sad for you! I started giving my dog Deramaxx and her stomach seemed upset, not wanting to eat. I gave her 4 pills over 6 days . I figured the side effects would take awhile to happen and I would just give her them short term. Then I read your story. I stopped giving the pills 4 days ago I have given her a lot of bone broth and will start her on aloe Vera juice tomorrow. She is eating but sometimes doesn’t seem to want to eat. You may have saved my dog’s life! I hope that is some consolation for you.
    I don’t trust the pharmaceutical companies in the least. My horrible life long fistulizing Crohn’s disease was healed by the specific carbohydrate diet 18 years ago. Food alone, and now there is no sign of the disease. I got sicker and sicker on the drugs and had numerous surgeries. You have to do your own research as we have all found out. Food, herbs, essential oils etc. heal and don’t have all the side effects. I am giving my dog cbd oil (for 5 days now) for her arthritis and will see how that works. I may try Boswellia too, as it is supposed to work well for arthritis.
    Thanks again for sharing your story. I want to cry every time I think of it. I can’t even read the other stories on your site. I can’t bear it. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that Jesus will restore the earth someday. No more pain or death. I believe we will be reunited with our precious pets. I am so sorry for your loss!

    1. Katie, thank you for your kind words. I hope your dog doesn’t have any adverse reactions to the deramaxx. You should give her Pepcid (not sure of the dosing) to protect her stomach. And milk thistle can help support her liver as she detoxes the drug. Prayers for her quick healing!

  202. debbie.Zilaro says:

    My beloved 9 year old black lab/shepherd mix Devon was taken out by Deramaxx on Monday December 3rd. Back in August 2018 he started limping on his front right paw. Then it changed to his rear paw. Than he just was in pain all over and could barely move without wincing in pain. He has been on Dasuquin advanced since he was a pup due to an injury to his hip so this was something different going on. My husband took him to our vet of 26 years and he proscribed Deramaxx 75 milligrams daily. The vet said in moving all his joints it did not seem to be joint discomfort and the Daramaxx should help. It did help and he was doing good but around 3 weeks prior he stopped eating his 2 cups of dry food we would give him in the morning but was eating the evening wet food in the afternoon so we thought it was just him being picky. That went on for 3 weeks. On Monday 11/26/18 he started vomiting and did so every day that week. Not much but enough to think he had a puppy flu or something. Well, That Friday night we had to coax him into eating. That was the last meal he ate. we tried giving him his favorites like cheese to no avail. By that time the vet was closed. He was only drinking water and soon after he would drink he would vomit it back up. We brought him to the Vet that Monday 12/3/18 thinking the worst case scenario would be to have to leave him over night for observation. Upon taking x-rays there was a very large mass on his liver and his eyes were jaundice and he was doubt full that he would make a recovery. My husband and I did not want to see him suffer more as he was deteriorating in the vets office rapidly. He had lost 10 pounds in 2 days. The vet offered to have us have an ultrasound done on his spleen but did not feel optimistic because of the mass on the liver. We opted per the advise of our vet to put him to sleep. We were in so much shock and horror as that was the only option we really had that when the vet asked if we wanted to stay with him as he passed, we did not. We left. That night in our time of mourning we realized that the last people our baby saw before he went into eternal rest was the vet and his assistant . It came to sudden. 1 minute he was his waggy waggy tail and happy go lucky and then gone just like that. All the symptoms boil down to the Daramaxx. My baby kitty that was his best friend is devastated. He keeps looking for his best friend..Sad

    1. I’m so sorry, Debbie. Devon’s story reminds me so much of Holly’s and my heart breaks for you. I know words are little comfort, but please know that by sharing your story here, you’re helping others avoid this tragedy. I’m just so sorry it has struck your family. My heart and prayers are with you.

  203. Christine Gavlick says:

    OMG. I’m so heartbroken for all of the people and pets on this blog. My 15 1/2 year old pit bull needs something for his hips and I’m SO GLAD I DIDN’T give him anything but Glucosamine/Chondroitin. My heart breaks for all of those precious dogs that suffered after being prescribed Deramaxx by someone their owners THOUGHT they could trust. I was a pharmacy technician in a hospital years ago. I, myself, REFUSE TO TAKE ANYTHING UNLESS IT’S ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY-NOR WILL I GIVE MEDS TO MY DOGS. During my time at the hospital, in the early 1990s, we had a plethora of drug company reps coming in and out , wining and dining us, paying for staff to go on trips, etc, in order to get us to push their products. We sat through seminars and listened to them ramble on about the “benefits” of their drugs (most of them anti-depressants), but, they readily admitted THEY DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IF THE DRUGS WERE TRULY SAFE OR NOT! I have had terrible migraines since age 19. I went to a doctor in Northern VA and asked him to refill my Butalbital with APAP. I take when i really NEED to work. (This one does work for me and it’s ABSOLUTE NECESSITY). The doctor tried REALLY HARD to not refill my pain meds and tried like HELL to get me on antidepressants. I told him I refuse to take antidepressants and wasn’T depressed, I only had headaches. This jerk handed me a paper WITH 23 DIFFERENT ANTI-DEPRESSANT NAMES ON IT, along with three handfuls of samples. He circled about ten of the names and told me “Take this one, but, if it doesn’t work for you, try this one, or this one , or this one, but, remember, you can’t take this one with that one, etc> I stood up and told him right to his face ‘I’M NOT TAKING ANY OF THIS CRAP! I DON’T HAVE A CHEMICAL IMBALANCE IN MY BRAIN, I HAVE A GD HEADACHE,SO, EITHER REFILL MY RX OR I’LL FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO FILL IT!! I walked out and never went back to him. Same thing with my dog. I got her at 5 months old and she had demodectic mange. The vet had given her one dose of Promeris (when I came to pick her up for adoption where they were keeping her) and I noticed how lethargic and sick she was afterward so I went online to find homeopathic remedies for demodectic mange. I simply changed her diet (COOKED HOME MADE FOOD OF COOKED CHICKEN , VEGGIES AND APPLES) and she was COMPLETELY CURED IN FOUR WEEKS! When I took her back for her last puppy vaccines, the vet said “OH, I see you gave her the Promeris treatments at home”. I said “NO, I didn’t. I didn’t like the way they made her feel so I found a homeopathic diet that worked”. BOY, SHE WAS PISSED at me because I SAVED my money AND found a home made cure THAT WORKED WITHOUT MAKING HER SICK! People, believe me, both humans AND our beloved pets are nothing but CASH COWS for unscrupulous drug companies and the “doctors/vets” ,who get PAID AND TREATED TO LAVISH VACATIONS, TO PUSH THEIR DEADLY PRODUCTS! Please, do your own research and use homeopathic remedies whenever you can. You may just save your own life or your pet’s.

    1. I hear you, Christine, and totally agree. There may be situations where a medication is necessary, but there are so many alternatives available that work and don’t add further injury to the body.

      We have given turmeric to our dog for his ACL year and it worked really well for pain and inflammation. Not sure if you’ve considered that for your dog’s hips. Here’s the recipe I used:

  204. Hillary says:

    Hi Amy. I’m very sorry to hear about your sweet Holly. My dog, Dino, a 70-lb Bullmastiff/American Bulldog-mix has been on .50-.75 mgs of Deramaxx, once a day, for a little over a year, for arthritis in his hips. I know the side effects can cause organ damage, and it is recommended that blood levels be checked every 6 months. Deramaxx is supposed to be a “lesser evil” option, compared to Steroids, and our long-time vet recommended it, so I was using it. But Dino became very sick recently, and I almost lost him. It was touch-and-go for almost 2 weeks, and he is finally making what appears to be, a full recovery. But all 4 of my dogs had actually gotten sick with diarrehea and lethargy recently, so assuming it was some type of canine virus they passed to each other. However, Dino, like I said, almost died. His bloodwork showed anemia, a mass on one kidney, as well as his pancreas. He was given a fluid injection, a steroid injection and an antibiotic injection, and we were sent home with a plethora of meds. He was taken off Dermaxx once given the steroid injection, and I waited 9 days (steroid injection will stay in the system for 5-7 days) and just put him back on it 2 or 3 days ago. But I’m questioning that decision, after further researching side effects as I just don’t know if it’s actually helping him anymore. So I’m exploring other options. I can across your story on the CannaPet website, which is how I was linked to this blog page. But none of the links to the other dogs’ stories, listed in your blog post are valid (they all go to the same Advertising site), so was hoping you could shed some light on that. Thanks

    1. Hi Hillary. I’m glad you didn’t lose Dino. Thank you for letting me know about the links. I will look into that. If it were me, I’d look into other options, such as acupuncture, and supplements like magnesium, boron and turmeric. CBD oil, too!

  205. Hillary says:

    Hi Amy. I ordered the Canna-Pet for Dino this morning, and hoping it works. I have 4 dogs here, 2 seniors and 1 is a foster. Dino and my little guy are 15, Venus — a previous bait dog, afraid of her own shadow — is almost 10 and has separation anxiety, so going to try the CP with her too, and maybe even my foster, Misty (age 7) who was also abused and isn’t great around other dogs. Yes, I have my hands full 😉 But they’re all worth it. I’ll post again once I start using the Canna-Pet. Take care and a very Happy New Year with good health and happiness to you and yours, and everyone here!

    1. You do have your hands full! I hope the Canna-Pet works. Happy New Year to you as well!

  206. Susie says:

    Hi Amy, thank you very much for posting this, and am deeply sorry for the loss of your beloved Holly.. We have a very elderly goat being prescribed deramaxx, and are now going to be extremely careful about how much we give her. There aren’t any other pain killers for goats that the vet will prescribe and bute is also known for harming the digestive system/creating ulcers in horses. Am using MSM as well to help with arthritic pain, and plan on only giving deramaxx rarely on very bad pain days, while supplementing with B12 , probiotics etc to help with digestion. If anyone knows of a safer goat pain killer, please could you let me know?
    have learned over the years to always research any medicine given to humans or animals for yourself.( Thats what got me to this site). We lost a healthy malamute ( Thunder) to cancer soon after his first ever rabies vaccine, always thought the timing was suspicious but did not put two and two together until talking to a sled dog runner who explained that malamutes, huskies and wolf dogs react badly to rabies vaccine quite often, and that she did not ever vaccinate hers. Also found out that in cats, vets often give the rabies shot in the leg now, because cancer can “rarely” show up at the site of the shot, and it is easier to treat and /or amputate a leg if needed.
    Thank you again for posting this information, and thank you to all others who posted their stories as well. I am so sorry for all your losses.

  207. Stephanie Lyttle says:

    I am so so sorry for your loss of your beautiful fur baby. Thank you for sharing to help others x

    1. Thank you, Stephanie.

  208. D says:

    I wish I had seen this sooner. My dog had a limp and was given deramaax as a precautionary measure for inflammation. That’s the worst part- that I thought I was helping in case he was in early stages of arthritis.

    We discontinued use after vomiting and lethargy. Took him to ER and they said he had fluid and air in abdomen (shown on ultra sound and xrays). They recommended surgery to look for a tear in his stomach to stitch it up but since his vitals are good we decided to hold off and get another ultrasound to see if more air/liquid getting through or if the tear is relating on his own. He also had pancreatitis which is likely secondary to it all. His current treatment is antibiotics and meds to strengthen his stomach lining to help the tear repair itself.

    Is there anything I can share with the er vets that would help? What kind of steroids did your dogs go on that seemed to have helped?

    We’re any of your dogs operated on to stitch up a tear?

    Thank you for this thread.

    1. D, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Holly was too far gone for surgery. 😦 It sounds promising that the vet thinks the tear can heal on its own. It might be helpful to explain to the vet that Deramaxx is the same thing as Vioxx, the drug they made for humans back in the early 2000s but discontinue when people started dying: When Chet’s dog reacted to Deramaxx, she gave him milk thistle. Milk thistle can be very effective for protecting and supporting liver function and is safe for dogs. ( You might also ask your vet about giving your dog Pepcid or another antacid to help protect his stomach lining. When it comes to steroids, I only give my dogs turmeric now. The recipe I use is at the bottom of this page: Your vet might think you’re crazy for suggesting a spice, but there’s a lot of info on that site explaining how well it works. I’m not sure what else to suggest, but I’m hoping others will comment as well. Regardless, I am praying for you and your dog!

      1. D says:

        Thank you for replying and keeping this blog alive after all these years. I’m sorry for your loss but am grateful there was this blog to consult. I have also shared with many people the takeaway to always do your own research.

        The doctors strongly recommended the surgery and I wouldn’t say they were optimistic about it repairing itself but they said it was possible and that it/they were likely small tears so we did take a bit of a risk by monitoring his vitals/sugar and behaviour. Today our vet says she thinks we may have made the right decision though he’s not out of the woods yet. This doesn’t mean holding off is the best decision for all just the calculated risk we took based on the information we had. The docs did tell us that in surgeries they’ve found the deramaax stuck to the stomach lining. I would imagine in those cases, vitals, liquid and air would be worse and holding off probably would not be an option. Hopefully for us, next ultrasound shows less liquid/air. Definitely not an easy decision to make. We’ve also opened a case/report with the pharma company.

        It may be helpful to share that measuring the sugar is apparently the most indicative of trouble. That’s what we learned from the Er so make sure if you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, ask the doctors to check for it!

        Thank you again, Amy for keeping this blog active and taking the time to reply.

  209. Catherine Layne says:

    I am so sorry for your loss and wish we would’ve read this earlier. Our silver lab only had 2 doses!!!! We thought it was causing constipation so we stopped giving it to him and within 3 days, he was septic and in so much pain. He couldn’t move, walk, or lift his head and we had to put him down. I hope the doctors will start to understand what they are giving out to dogs and taking away family members that are truly irreplaceable.

    1. I’m so sorry, Catherine! I hate that this is till happening to others. Thank you for sharing your story here. Hopefully it will help serve as a warning to dog owners.

  210. Silvia says:

    Hi I Am not sure if you still read these .but came across your post after I started searching the effects of this nasty medication .my dog had pyometra a bad infection the doctor did emergency spayed and was prescribed doxidyl like deramaxx. She was so lethargic thinking it was the surgery making her like that . I gave my dog this poison for 2 days by day 3 she threw up a lot of blood and her fecal matter was black . I immediately took her to the emergency vet another 1000 bucks just to save her . The doctor told me to completely stop the medication gave her famotidine and carfate to coat her stomach . Her blood work showed anemia also . She was loosing a lot of blood from the ulceration in her stomach . It was horrific seeing your dog throw up all of that blood . She’s been home for couple of days now she started eating again and her fecal matter looks normal . This medication almost killed my dog !!! Not the pyometra but the medication . Dog owners and lovers please be aware of your dogs reaction to the medication and analyzed how they act . If you see something weird please just stop and look for another alternative .

    1. Hi Silvia. I do still read every comment that comes through. It makes me sad and angry this happened to your dog, too. And yes, it’s the most awful, horrific and traumatic thing to watch your dog vomit blood. 😦 I’m so glad you were able to save your dog, though! That is wonderful news! I pray she continues to get better. Thank you for sharing her story and the names of the medications the vet gave her to help her stomach. Hopefully others will read your comment and learn how to help and protect their dogs as a result. Another thing that might help support her liver and kidneys is milk thistle. Check the dosage for her weight. Wishing you both good health!

    2. D says:

      So awful this keeps happening. Please make sure to have your vet report it to the company. In the early stages I contacted Elanco here in Canada out of desperation that they may know of the best way to treat/reverse the drug effect… they covered the diagnostics for my dog because it helps with their research.. of course not the overnight care, IV and drugs to get him better and we had to sign a document essentially saying we wouldn’t sue. It seems we wouldn’t have grounds to sue the company but perhaps the vet for not explaining possible side effects/risks beforehand. The important part though is to have your vet submit an incident report. In Canada, health Canada makes it mandatory for every drug company to have someone responsible to assess such cases. I’m glad your doggo is on the mend and hope the road to recovery continues well.

      1. Silvia says:

        Thanks for your kind words . Let keep this thread alive .

      2. Silvia says:

        Hi thanks for your reply . I was trying to figure out who makes doxidyl which is the same ingredient as Deramaxx . Everything is so hidden unable to find much information on the maker . I was able to find a company named it shows Ceva but gosh It feels like these guys hide or are in hiding . I have not done that part and talk to the vet who prescribed it . I’ll make sure to give him a call today .

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